Tim Fasano Captures Rock Clacking Sounds?

"Rock clacking" have been reported by Bigfoot witnesses for hundreds of years. In this video, did Florida skunk ape hunter Tim Fasano actually record a rock clacking event, or is he just hearing things? Turn up your volume and listen:


  1. Whoops, sorry Tim that was just me.

  2. "Tim Fasano captures..."


    Tim Fatsando finds anything by definition

  3. Good morning you lazy bitches have a good day people remember to arm yourself while driving another driver has been killed by an armed road rage driver by the way go fuck yourselves no one will do it for you

  4. How do you find rocks in the everglades swamp?

    1. Why does TF remind me of Fred Flintstone?

    2. Um, more Barney Rubble to me.

    3. Damn, that Pebbles was hot. Grown-up Pebbles, you freaks.

  5. You can put on a Indiana jones hat but that doesn't mean you hear bigfeets.

    1. Here we are Chris; here's one dogman story that might interest you as a religious man...

      "Perhaps the most famous Cynocephalus is Christianity's Saint Christopher, who was described in several texts as having the body of a man but the head of a dog. Not only that, but originally the future saint was said to have been a wild and fierce warrior who was captured in battle in Cyrenaica. Not only was this creature a very large man with a dog's head, but came from a warrior tribe of dog-headed men who looked similar to him. According to Christian mythology he eventually met Jesus Christ and learned the error of his former ways. He repented and became baptized and eventually received sainthood and the gift of a human appearance. Multiple historical images show Saint Christopher as having the head of a dog."


    2. That's "bigfeet" crankshaft

    3. Joe I remember the nuns at my school telling us that legend. Wow. I haven't thought about that in 20 something years. Thanks for the memories.

    4. Alwayz go with me AK 47 w/scope be a good huntin rifle – for critters, U be right follow up shots required – 30 round mag w/154SP rounds will take care of it no problem. Looks like bigfoot travels in groups so da one U are shootin @ be aware there beez others about. Been a few cases it these parts of hunters finding this out the hard way. So if U goes out for da big guy U might want to take a few buds with and do like we did in the army and set up a fireteam to cover the guy that is shootin. If U do go, check with the locals some will talk about these type of critters, U be able to narrow down your area to cover. Happy huntin : )

  6. Slow again around here eh?

    Ok... What shall we talk about today?

    What does everyone think of reports of dogmen? Are these merely large bipedal wolves? Are they skinwalkers or are skin walkers completely different entities?

    Did anyone hear of the David Paulides story; another rare case in which a little girl was found. Here, the search party came across the little girl from a far and noticed her being in the company of something 'big and black'. On approaching closer and calling out to the little girl, whatever was with her, jumped into the near by river and swam away with considerable ease very quickly and went out of site. When the search party eventually came up to the little girl (exceptionally relieved as you may imagine), the girl appeared extremely confused and this persisted for sometime until she explained some time later that she was looked after by "the big wolf"... And that "the big wolf cuddled her and kept her warm at night"... And... "Fed her berries with his hands and ate her hat off her head"?? Very bizarre story and one that personally sends chills down my spine.

    There are some reports of forestry officers informing family members without going into too much detail, that there is a particular way of behaving when in some of the national forests... There are never any reasons for this, merely that it is sound advice to follow?

    "My Brother has worked for the US Geo. Survey for twenty-one years. I was engaged to a Park Ranger who worked at Yosemite for eighteen years and I want to tell you that there is a lot of truth in this book (Missing 411). Both my brother and my fiancée made me promise to behave a certain way while in these areas and both were extreamly serious about it. I’m convinced they both knew something more than they would say out loud. I believe that there is a big cover-up and has been for years. Even the older people that worked for these two would become abruptly quiet and leave. Odd reaction concistently? agencies got the strangest looks on their faces when this subject was broached, became deadly quiet and excused thrmselves."


    1. Joe you got smoked by sykes and do not understand how dna works.

      You just pull random theories out of your ass with nothing to back them up.

    2. No monkeys... Just relic populations of humans.

      Pow!! Sorry... Take it up with Sykes cry babies!!

      Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    3. Joe is in complete denial folks. And let's face it, when you go on record making as colossal an ass of yourself as Joe did, you probably would too.

      Pow! Fuck you! I'm starting to wonder if you're seriously ill!

    4. Dr Sykes... Again, just for you to enjoy;

      "Maybe she isn't an African of recent origin at all but one from a migration out of Africa, maybe many tens of thousands of years ago, and that she comes from a relic population taking refuge in the Caucases mountains"

      ... Who's in denial?

      "Boo-hoo, boo-hoo"... Pathetic! Take it up with Sykes cry baby.

      "Sykes is coming, VROOOOM VROOOOOM!"

      Who made an arss of themselves? Ha ha ha ha!!!

    5. Hello Joe,have you seen an episode of paranormal witness called the cabin about a werewolf,really spooky xx

    6. Still see ol' PJ can't science.

      Hell of a liar though.

      Go back to Wikipedia, POS.

    7. No, but I will seek it out at the first opportunity! Would that be on YouTube??


    8. All i can find Joe on youtube is this short clip xx

  7. Every single scientist in the world needs to drop whatever they are doing and concentrate their effort to proving bigfoots existence. It is their duty as scientists. Failure to do so is an insult to the field of science.

    Looking for a cure for cancer? Forget it. Researching renewable energy sources? Forget it.

    They need to drop it and focus solely on bigfoot.

    It is there duty to do so. If a couple of people say they saw a bigfoot then this should be reason alone for a scientist to drop everything and look at the phenomenon.

    When this happens I, DWA will include the scientists responsible for proving the existence of bigfoot in my memoirs entitled "You're welcome mankind"

    1. I've written a paper in which I outline how we are to go about the complete de-forestation and levelling of the continent. 50-60 generations tops. I will find that ape who stuck his dirty finger up my pristine taterhole if it's the last thing I do.

    2. I'm sorry, if you were the real DWA you would be much more irritating and make much less sense.

    3. Of course, the only reason Anon 4:44:00 wants to find him is to ask him for a second date.

  8. I have not read the Missing 411 books, but I may have heard of that story, if not one quite similar. Took place in the Manistee National Forest of Michigan in the late 1800's. A lumberjack who use to take his daughter (wife deceased) to work with him. She would ride logs down the hill, etc. When man got back to top of hill his daughter was gone. He looked and could not find her. A pair of hunter happened by and they helped search. Search went on for a couple of days, and she was eventually found not far away. She said she was protected by and kept warm during the night by the wolf man. The dogman stories have popped out of this forest for many decades. I think some are confused with being a bigfoot maybe due to the early french settlers and tales of the loop garou. However other have seen it close and though physical build are that of a bigfoot, the face is much closer to a dog or wolf with ears up straight, a muzzle and canine type teeth. It too does not seem to attack people. Strange indeed.


    1. Oh great post Chuck!

      I'm fascinated by this to be honest... What ya think of this;

      "Most people have heard of werewolves, but few know of the ancient race of dog-headed men, better known as the Cynocephali. A Cynocephalus was essentially a man with the head of a dog. They could understand language but had no ability to speak. Though they are sometimes depicted in artwork as being civilized, they were by all reports savage beasts who lived to hunt and to kill. While this may sound like just another mythical creature, there are very good reasons to believe that the Cynocephali may have actually existed. Above all of them, these dog-headed men were described in reports by famous explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Marco Polo!

      "They speak no language, but bark like dogs, and in this manner make themselves understood by each other. Their teeth are larger than those of dogs, their nails like those of these animals, but longer and rounder. They inhabit the mountains as far as the river Indus. Their complexion is swarthy. They are extremely just, like the rest of the Indians with whom they associate. They understand the Indian language but are unable to converse, only barking or making signs with their hands and fingers by way of reply... They live on raw meat. They number about 120,000.

      "The Cynocephali living on the mountains do not practice any trade but live by hunting. When they have killed an animal they roast it in the sun. They also rear numbers of sheep, goats, and asses, drinking the milk of the sheep and whey made from it. They eat the fruit of the Siptakhora, whence amber is procured, since it is sweet. They also dry it and keep it in baskets, as the Greeks keep their dried grapes. They make rafts which they load with this fruit together with well-cleaned purple flowers and 260 talents of amber, with the same quantity of the purple dye, and thousand additional talents of amber, which they send annually to the king of India. "They exchange the rest for bread, flour, and cotton stuffs with the Indians, from whom they also buy swords for hunting wild beasts, bows, and arrows, being very skillful in drawing the bow and hurling the spear. They cannot be defeated in war, since they inhabit lofty and inaccessible mountains. Every five years the king sends them a present of 300,000 bows, as many spears, 120,000 shields, and 50,000 swords.

      "They do not live in houses, but in caves. They set out for the chase with bows and spears, and as they are very swift of foot, they pursue and soon overtake their quarry. The women have a bath once a month, the men do not have a bath at all, but only wash their hands. They anoint themselves three times a month with oil made from milk and wipe themselves with skins. The clothes of men and women alike are not skins with the hair on, but skins tanned and very fine. The richest wear linen clothes, but they are few in number. They have no beds, but sleep on leaves or grass. He who possesses the greatest number of sheep is considered the richest, and so in regard to their other possessions. All, both men and women, have tails above their hips, like dogs, but longer and more hairy.

      "They are just, and live longer than any other men, 170, sometimes 200 years."

      The dog-headed men were a fierce warrior tribe, but they also traded with the few humans they trusted. They were reported to live primarily in India and Northern Africa, but were seen in many places in between.

      The dog-headed men were a fierce warrior tribe, but they also traded with the few humans they trusted. They were reported to live primarily in India and Northern Africa, but were seen in many places in between.

      The dog-headed men were a fierce warrior tribe, but they also traded with the few humans they trusted. They were reported to live primarily in India and Northern Africa, but were seen in many places in between.


    2. "There are several stories in particular that frame the majority of Irish folklore regarding werewolves. In Northern Ireland it is said that there were tribes of wolf-men living in the wild that ancient Kings would call on to aid them in battle. Other tales claim that creatures, half wolf, half man, wander the forests, sometimes preying on cattle and sheep, other times protecting the people. And an even older myth tells the tale of three werewolf women yearly emerging from a cave to slaughter sheep during a Harvest Feast, and who were finally lured with music and massacred.

      The most well known legend of werewolves in Ireland, however, was recorded by Giraldus Cambrensis, also known as Gerald of Wales, a clergyman and royal clerk to the British King in the 1100s, assigned the task of observing and recording political and socio-economical events. In his work exploring Ireland, Topographia Hibernica, he depicts the Irish as being savage and primitive with repugnant orthodox piety. He does, however, do us one justice: he records a tale of two werewolves of Ossory, which a priest had personally encountered, and Giraldus was requested to give counsel.

      As a side note, the wolf was the totem of Ossory, and for good reason. It is said that long ago, Ossorians had the power to change into a werewolf at will. Once changed, the werewolf’s human body would remain lifeless at home until the wolf could return to it and thus resume his human form. It is also said that if you were to harm the wolf form, corresponding wounds would be found on the human form; thus you could always tell if a man was indeed a werewolf.

      Yet, interestingly enough, Giraldus’ record was not of this Ossarian legend, but of another: a curse had been lain on a family to which they, although Christians, were condemned to wander as savage wolves for seven years. In his record, a werewolf was pleading with a traveling priest to come and perform the rite of viaticum on his dying wife, who was also in wolf form. The priest concedes and goes on to tell his experience to the local bishops who call Giraldus for counsel. Giraldus is unable to make the appointment but sends a letter instead. Eventually, the werewolf tale reaches even the Pope, who gives his seal on the account.

      There is also an intriguing Irish folklore that Natalis, a monk living in the early 5th century, cursed a prominent family for unknown reasons. The curse? Each member of the family was doomed to become a wolf for seven years.

      As far as my research can tell, there is a fascinating correlation between these two historical references to werewolves that has yet to be investigated. Is Giraldus’ account of the Ossarian werewolf couple somehow related to the original curse imprecated by Natalis, nearly 600 years earlier?"

    3. Chuck

      You are aware that the Michigan dogman video was hoaxed

    4. If that's the one that's done in a 70's style, then nearly everyone knows that. A clever piece of film that was. Michigan has a long history of dogman sightings & legends, hence the reason behind putting that hoax together.


    5. Joe, would you please just cut and paste the entire Wikipedia and get it over with?

    6. Most people in Michigan have never even heard of the dogman.

    7. I live in Michigan. The Dogman began as a radio show hoax. It isn't real people! Scott Carpenter, do you hear me? THERE IS NO DOGMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Eva, How do I join the Bracknell Taterhole Habituation Site? BRAT-HA

  10. This Joe guy is pathetic, he should do he's family a favour and kill himself... Shame.

  11. Looking forward to some good images from Fasano


  12. Sykes found that zana was 100% modern human. SOMEHOW unbelievably he makes the leap from this to zana is a patty like ape woman. INCREDIBLE.

    1. Joe that is making the leap. Not sykes of course.

    2. She was African. Racist British scum!

    3. Yes 5:56, your tiny walnut sized brain is very very sore.

      Zana looked like a 6.5 to 7 foot tall ape woman, yes she damned well did.

      She had a divergent big toe baby yes she damned well did per Meldrum.

      She was covered in reddish hair, all over her poor huge body.

      She lived in the freezing Caucuses unlike only every other black group known in the damned world.

      Yeah sure 5:56, 100% modern human.

      Go cool off in the JREF showers and get back to us when your brain increases in capacity.

    4. Clearly it is a possibility. All these people claiming 100%....well SHIT...I mean fucking shit...How fucking hard is that to see???????

      Sykes says: ...100 percent african....

      Then Sykes says: ...well could still be some other migration.

      Logical conclusion: Saying 100% african does not mean what we think it does. 100% means a lot because there is a fuzzy cut off point between 100% human and anything less than that.

      Joe keep up the good work.

  13. Joe fitz I was just checking out this Rick dyer guy about killing a bigfoot and I don't belive it but one comment he made a couple times is it being a monster and really stressing that and he's absolutely right!!!!!!!! These things should never been called Bigfoot they should have the name monster cause they will rip any human to little bits of nothing they are unlike anything anyone's seen before even the size and strength that's why I kept telling u we needed to be 700 to 800 yards away to shoot one were going to have to talk off this sight in the future but not now what your thoughts on Rick dyers story????? Canadian guy??

    1. Hey TTL!!

      My thoughts of Dyer are like most in that it is beyond certainty that he is hoaxing. This is a guy that got caught hoaxing only a few years ago... And embarrassingly for the field; he's managed to collect a little following who pay him every month, I'm led to believe.

      Buddy... When you are ready to talk off this blog just say the word and I'll make efforts to get in touch with you. There is loads to discuss.


    2. Also joe fitz people say they look human and maybee in the face but more like the human from hell I just can't belive how so many people are talking about these creatures like there going to shake hands with one if they see one witch isn't going to happen the way there going about it anyways!! Also I'm still going to set up a camera for u and I actually thinking of putting a live goat tied up as bait I don't think they could resists it along with some other animals but that's the way it will go regardless pending on the time I'll just keep rebating it ! It be interesting and I also have some other ideas to pull them in will talk in the future though! Any thoughts joe fitz ?? Canadian guy!! Sorry about the rambling and spelling but who cares though lol

    3. Don't you ever worry about that bro.

      Thank you so much and it sounds fascinating... What you are reporting appears to be the 'red-eyed' type which many report as terrifying. There are two videos on YouTube of Mike Wooley; in which he was chased off a deer stand by two Bigfoot that had 'the craziest eyes he'd ever seen'... His reasons for not shooting them were that they were too human, and he was even able to give a rough age estimation of one of them; being of early twenties! Now this has made me think so much, in that they must have such human resemblances for him to be able to make a claim like that.

      Personally... I think you should go down the habituation route or at least start leaving food out for them.

      Peace bro.

    4. Hey Canadian guy, no offense buddy, but I have to inform you, you are wrong, very wrong!. i speak from real experience having done many, many trips in the deep wilderness. They are very docile, and will not harm you. Where's any documented evidence that humans have been killed? When they see humans they either run away, or, if large pine trees are nearby, run up them.
      I've seen very little written about, Big foots living most of their time in trees.
      Of course, if cornered, they might attack, just like any animal would, but, they are not wild animals at all. Trust me on this.
      I haven't commented hear in a long time, as they're to many Trolls, immature trolls, not like a true mature Skeptic.
      i am currently writing a book on me and my team's experience over these past 10 years.
      Of course, Trolls will comment about me negatively, that's to be expected here. But screw them.

      John w. Jones spoke

    5. Joe it's Canadian guy I was really thinking of going that route of feeding them and doing habituation deal but I've now looked at all these people doing it and got nothing to show for except a experience that at best could be nothing these monsters hunt the same way we do and that's stalking there pray I'm not about to spend 10 years of my life with a flute and I'm not making fun of the habituation flute players but I'm a hunter and always will be this monster or bf is a animal and I'm going to be that guy that everyone looks bad at but I'm taking taking the shot from as far away as possible and than I'm going to watch what happens for about 30 seconds and than leave and come back with enough man power so I'm not in danger these things are to fast and smart for me to go hook it up to my quad and spend half the day getting it out of the bush and the funniest part of this would be " remember that guy from this site that doesn't have email or nothing he got the bf"" lol and his grammar was shit!! Talk ya later Canadian guy! What u think joe?

    6. Hey John!!

      How are you buddy?! Expect a long email tonight; got loads to talk to you about and especially your new book!! Also... I would love all the news from your latest venture, so speak to you later. Much respect John!


      If that is your objective then I can't question that because that is the same as some big name researchers and it is the view of many that a body would be the only thing to seel it. I hope you understand that I am of the complete opposite of that sentiment, but trust that you understand that we all are different in our persuit for the truth. One thing I would say, is contact John W Jones if you want because he has some fascinating insight and experience into this stuff and has been doing it a long time. You sound like a very experienced hunter yourself.

      Peace all!

    7. John W. Jones hasn't commented since last week. I guess time is relative. JJ, do you have any photos from your latest expedition?

    8. 10 years. You must have a lot of evidence. Are you going to put the evidence in the book so you can charge people to look at it and scratch their heads and say I aint seeing what he is seeing, and then throw the book next to the Dyer membership gold card.

    9. John w joes it s Canadian guy if u have put in the time u said i agree with u 100% that if u walk up on one or they smell u they will tuck tail and run but I never said they live in trees or anything about trees? I agree there is nothing about them killing people but I think there has been many people killed from these creatures over the years that have been in the wrong place at the wrong time just like a grizzly bear attacking someone and killing them! To me they are monsters even from just the way they stalk and kill animals just like us humans! John have u guys ever tried to shoot one of these animals?? To me I belive if u shoot one and the others are around and see what happens they will take off and run away like any other animal but there is always that chance that will not happen and they could go after the shooter who will not stand a chance given he is in the wrong spot even just due to there speed alone! I can't agree with u more about them taking off in a everyday buy chance incounter but back them in a corner and everything is going to change and I now u never going to back them in a corner I'm just saying putting real hurt on one and everything is going to change! Have u thought about harvesting one yet? Share your thoughts on this if u want ? And ripp me apart if u want I now a great deal about them in my area and feel free to shoot me down don't hold back I'm not part of any bf group anywhere and this is the first place I've ever said anything. Have a good day John hope u do well with your research !

    10. U needs a AK 47 w/scope be a good huntin rifle – for critters, U be right follow up shots required – 30 round mag w/154SP rounds will take care of it no problem. Looks like bigfoot travels in groups so da one U are shootin @ be aware there beez others about. Been a few cases it these parts of hunters finding this out the hard way. So if U goes out for da big guy U might want to take a few buds with and do like we did in the army and set up a fireteam to cover the guy that is shootin. If U do go, check with the locals some will talk about these type of critters, U be able to narrow down your area to cover. Happy huntin : )

    11. First for Anon 8:10: My book will be about me and my team's adventures we had while looking for the hairy giants. We will show photos of the type of mountain terrain we operate in, how hard it is to get into, how dangerous and steep some of the elevation we go up in riding horses etc. We will explain the equipment we use, and a lot of info on our "Search" methods" (Type of blinds we use,, info on how effective our fishing lines work to keep track of their movements etc).
      I will show the tracks we find, show the broken branches7 feet high and going for hundreds of yards like a Mac truck came through etc.
      you read about each team members encounters/sighting and sounds heard etc.
      Of course there will be picture of all of us. (We're not fake, we're people, unlike what some of the comments say)!
      And of course you'll see some pretty good Blobsquatch picture (Contrary to popular belief, these "Hairy Giants" don't stand still for picturs very well". I wish, I really wish, we good add in the sound recordings we have. Maybe I will do that in an Audio book But I really love to show our videos, but can't do it in a book. I may set up a Website to, and there we good put all of our videos up for showing.
      I've read almost every book relating to Big foots. Nowhere have I found a book that really goes in depth (wit a lot of detail) about hunting/search methods. I intend to do just that. It will be very easy (but a lot of work) to put together a highly informative and exciting book. I'm working eery day on it now.
      I cannot finish the book, until I "Take a Skeptic with me" that trip will be done in May. Hopefully we will have some really good encounters/sightings with him (a very experienced hunting guide from Maine, that thinks like many do: "They don't exist, It's all bullshit")! I am very confindent,that we will totally change his outlook on this. That chapter has yet to be written, of course. I should finish that by June/July or so. The book should be finished by August September. My publisher want it finished before October 2014.
      For the Canadian guy; One of my team members is a Native American Mohawk, and my brother in law. They and I do not condone shooting/killing them for the sake of proving they are real. We will not do that! On our 'Trips" we bring no weapons at all!

      I know when I return to this site, the REPLYS will be all negative, Of course.
      John your full of shit, John your sick! John your delusional etc. Words mean shit to me1 Tour shooting blanks. I feel sorry for you (not really)!
      The book is goingg to be written, I've accepted an advance payment. I already know I will make a lot of money off this. All the proceeds go to my Native American tribal members, and they need this money bad.

      John W. Jones Spoke

      P.S. Trolls, I will be asking Joe F. to work with me on this. He is one of the most intelligent men, I've had the pleasure to correspond with!

    12. How do people get pictures of running athletes or moving cars, running lions,ect and the pictures seem of a good quality.Just saying.

    13. Point well taken, but. . it depends on how stationary your camera is. Most of the moving pictures you mentioned may of been or probably been anticipated, so the cameraman was ready. In the woods as you are walking, the grounds are un-even, and if you don't watch your step, you can easily get injured. at the same, your trying to be ready for something to happen, your looking constantly thru the view finder, than after many hours of nothing, you put your guard down just for a second, then all of a sudden an 'animal" explodes out of the trees or bushes etc. your startled, than finally bring your camera up, and all you get is a shaky video or picture. It's very hard to do sometimes.
      I'm not saying all our picture/videos are 'Blobsquathes' a lot are clear, but again, the image is far away, and when shown, some people (no most people) will say; 'It's a guy in a gorilla suit'. That's why I am so inpressed with P/G film they took. It's clear but shaky, that I can understand, it's a great video, still disputed after 50 years!
      In my book, i will devote a whole chapter on camera use, show comparison photos of a still cameraman vs. a shaky cameraman at the same subject, so the readers can understand what exactly goes on in an exciting wilderness setting.
      Too much writing to fully explain here, but I'm glad you brought this up, and i thank for it.
      More in time.

      John w. Jones Spoke

    14. John!!! It would be my total and complete honour and I am totally at your disposal!!!

      Thank you John.

    15. Amazing, amazing, amazing posts John!!

      Also... Have a look on the latest blog page if you have two minutes buddy; there are two video links to supposed Bigfoot that I would love your opinion on.

      Much respect John!!

    16. One other point for Anon 2:35; When you finally see one whether it is fairly close, or far away, you can easily freeze up (Like Buck fever) and can't react fast enough.
      We usually wait in blinds at "Terrain Funnel' locations, for 8-10 hours a day. we have the video camera tightly mounted on a tri-pod, waiting for one to come by. It's the smell (sometimes we fall asleep, waiting) that alerts you first, then you get up very slowly, start shaking and try your best to locate them in the view finder, this loses you many seconds, and the 'Hairy Giant" that was 100 yards away, when you first see him, is now 300 yards away. It's been very, very difficult to get a good clear picture at 50 yards. if you, i, anybody did, you might be the center of intention (the Media etc) But. . .Within minutes, your great picture will be called a FAKE, a HOAX, and of course a MAN IN A MONKEY SUIT!
      Damn if you do, Damn if you don't.
      It's hard and very frustrating.

      John W. Jones Speaks to much!

    17. Thanx , I just don't know cameras and wonder often why so many blurry photos when you see such awesome action shots in magazines.

  14. Person 1: 100% modern human dna
    Person 2: 100% modern human dna
    Person 3: 100% modern human dna
    Person 4: 100% modern human dna
    Zana: 100% modern human dna

    From that somehow joe gets that zana is an 8 foot coned headed, compliant gaited, heavy brow ridged, night visioned, infra sound producing magic ape woman. INCREDIBLE.

    1. Sykes' alternative theory, not mine... Not no one else's... But Sykes of the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project;

      "Maybe she isn't an African of recent origin at all but one from a migration out of Africa, maybe many tens of thousands of years ago, and that she comes from a relic population taking refuge in the Caucases mountains"

      Sorry to ruin your day... Send an email to Sykes.

    2. Yes that's perfectly plausible but what you are not grasping is that zana is STILL 100% modern human. He is not saying she is a bigfoot or lends any sort of credence to the possibility of a bigfoot ya jackass.

    3. Zana was captured in the present day country of Abkhazia, on the eastern shore of the Black Sea along the Caucasus Mountain range. Zana was described her as having dark, greyish-black skin, bare on the face, but elsewhere she was covered in reddish-black hair. The hair on her head was a bit darker and formed a thick, tousled mane that hung down her back. Her face had a sloping forehead, prominent brows and cheekbones and massive jaws . Her nose was broad and flat, her eyes were reddish and she had large, strong white teeth. Her body was robust and muscular with well-developed breasts. She was tremendously strong, and also swift, able to even outrun a horse. Although she walked and ran upright on two legs, her arms were proportionately long and her toes could be widely splayed, especially the big toes which she could move separately. She would climb trees to get fruit and nuts and could crack walnuts in her bare hands. Her appetite was tremendous, and she would eat any food the villagers offered her. She would pull down an entire wild grapevine from the tree to feast on the grapes. At, first Zana was fierce and belligerent and was kept in shackles and chains. Food was thrown to her from a distance. After a while she became calmer when approached, and then she was moved to an enclosure with a wattled fence, on one side of which was a building with an awning. Zana dug a shallow hole underneath the awning, where she slept. Her favored position for sleep and rest was to crouch on her knees and elbows with her hands clasped behind her head.

    4. Zana seemed to accept her life among the villagers. She showed an interest in taking part in human activities and Edgi taught her to grind flour from grain, to fetch firewood and water and carry sacks of flour to and from the water-powered mill in the village. (Zana could easily pick up a full sack of flour with one hand.)She would even pull Genaba's boots off at night. Zana preferred her own natural coat of hair to manmade clothing. Although given dresses to wear, they would soon become torn from her vigorous activities. Later on she would tolerate the wearing of a loincloth. Zana had a favorite activity; rapping stones together and splitting them. Zana preferred the colder weather and seemed to tolerate the winter chill with no discomfort. On warm summer days she enjoyed cooling off in the ponds with the domestic buffalo. Zana would swim in the Molkva river all year round, even in winter and in the raging spring floods. She spent most of her time outdoors but occasionally visited houses when invited indoors.

    5. Ok... Let's look at it this way then. Even if Zana wasn't a Bigfoot, and the descriptions of her are racism... And it is merely a complete coincidence that her son has morphological differences consistent with her own descriptions (sigh)... In Sykes' eyes there is still a possibility of relic hominids living on the planet as late on as 100 years ago with direct blood lines still living today... WHICH, have archeological and anthropological documented studies from the same time to back it up. That in itself is still extremely significant and he must have something other than that programme's evidence to make that claim.

      "I'm a chronic denialist... Welcome to Jackass!"

    6. Anthropologist M.A.Kolodieva compared the skull of Khwit with the male skulls from Abkhazia in the collection of the Moscow State University Institue of Anthropology and found that Khwit's skull was significantly different.

      She writes - The tkhina skull exhibits an origianl combination of modern and ancient features. The facial section of the skull is significantly larger in comparison with the mean Abkhaz type. Tll the measurements and indices of the superciliary cranial contour are greater ont only than those of the mean Akkhaz series, but also than those of maximum size of some fossil skulls studied. The Tkhina skull approaches closest the Neolithic Vovnigi II skull of the fossil series.

    7. On her part, anthropologist M>M> Gerasimova came to the following conclusions.

      The skull discloses a great deal of peculiarity, a certain disharmony disequilibrium in it features, very large dimensions of the facial skeleton, increased development of the contour of the skull, specificity of the non-metric features (the two foramina mentale in the lower jaw, the intrusive bones in the sagittal suture and the Inca bone). The skull merits further extended study.

      Apparently the further study is what Sykes is now doing. It seems to me he is a bit confused, understandably so, and throwing out some theories. Hopefully further study may lead him somewhere.

      I remember reading about Zana several years ago and was astonished, although the authors did state this was the only eyewitness found, although the article was researched by zoologist Prof Alexander Mashtovtsev in the early 60's. Too bad no pictures taken. However the descriptions given are a pretty good indicate that this female abnauayu as they called them fit the NA Sasquatch to a tee.


    8. Yes 5:56, your tiny walnut sized brain is very very sore.

      Zana looked like a 6.5 to 7 foot tall ape woman, yes she damned well did.

      She had a divergent big toe baby yes she damned well did per Meldrum.

      She was covered in reddish hair, all over her poor huge body.

      She lived in the freezing Caucuses unlike only every other black group known in the damned world.

      Yeah sure 5:56, 100% modern human.

      Go cool off in the JREF showers and get back to us when your brain increases in capacity.

  15. Also joe fitz! Canadian guy I'm going to see if I can find a camera that u would be able to access a live feed and watch when u want only problem is we're I'm located for the camera to get a signal unless it's sat camera I'm not Shure don't now enough about them but something I'll talk to u about in the spring ! Ttl

    1. TTL, you are a star sir!!

      Be mindful before you go out spending money on cameras that they are very elusive to such technology... I am so very happy that you are willing to do that for me, but at the same time I don't want you spending money on taking one heck of a chance that hasn't pulled off for so many others.

      Much respect.

  16. Hey joe the cameras got to work for me to in the future just for different hunts so don't worry and just money we spend it and waste it every day! Lol I have had some great memories with friends from over the pond years ago and life is to short I just think it be a cool thing to do and I think if people in this bf community would have helped one another years ago they probably have something buy now ! It's to bad people can't put aside there differences and work together! Look at this Sykes study what if he discovered bf everyone be singing a different tune instead everyone's just lashing out its pretty sad, the guy just tried to shine some light on the subject. And help if he could! Ttl Canada guy

  17. Dogmen are probably demons, along with mothman. Trying to get people interested in something other than God.

    1. ^^ That's actually an interesting idea.

    2. Dogmen are just another form of Nephilim. The fallen Angels were screwing around with all the DNA. Why, because they were pissed because God told them that they (Lucifer and others) would have to serve you and I,mankind.

      All of the mythical creatures you see were Neph.
      When a Neph dies, now it's a Demon!
      Some believe that the Dogmen were not only responcible for the warewolf legend, but also possibly the Vampire myth. These things are some nasty SOB and first cousins to the neph Giants and 50/50 on Bigfoot. It still may be that Bigfoot is just the cursed decendent of Cain and not a Neph. It depends on some other accusations about what realloy happened in the Garden??
      Ancient Giant Monkey --- not so much!

      Majic monkey, well actually , kinda, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

  18. (clive squashy)

    Maybe the clacking sounds were just rocks in his head.

  19. 1 minute and 30 seconds that I will never get back! Another giant waste of time, courtesy of Tim Fasano, movie star and yellow cab driver extraordinaire. At least he has shaved within the last week.

  20. probably the rocks rolling around in T-FATS head

  21. That rock clanging he heard was my balls!

  22. Nice to see that Tim Fatsano and Shawn Evidence's partnership is still going strong. Shawn promotes the guy he used to clown on all the time, Tim Fatsano, and in return, Fatsano gives Shawn some of his utube hit money. Plus Shawn is so desperate for bigfoot news and website traffic that he decided one of the biggest hoaxers out there next to rick dyer, Tim Fatsano, should be front and center. Then throw in Fish Eyed Phil Poling and his MK Davis ripoffs, "parabreakdown, etc", and you officially have the biggest clown show on the net. Everyone tip your hats to one of the chief people who help to make the topic of bigfoot into a comedy session. Hats off to you Shawn Evidence. Or his other name, an asian desperate to make a buck

    1. But how would "Trolandia "work if it was otherwise?

  23. For Anon 8:10 I will be showing to the best of my ability, what evidence we have collected in over 10 years of expeditions. The question is what constitutes evidence. Stories of me and my team members encounter/sightings? Tracks? Broken branches 7-8 feet up going hundreds of yards through very thick pines, like a Mac truck. Is that evidence? If not, then tell me what could of made that 20-30 miles in virgin mountains wilderness, with humans or machines around for miles, What animal could do that. Certainly not a Bear.
    Of course, If I had excellent evidence, provable evidence, I wouldn't need to write a book, I would be famous and richer than I already are!
    My book will cover many things, but it will up to the reader to decide if what I'm writing is Plausible and what i am writing helps other Big foot researchers in their quest.
    What I ready need to do is produce a DVD, where I can show "My Videos" and My "Recorded sounds" etc. But even I would need an investor to do that. Maybe that will be next.

    John W. Jones Been Speaking to much tonight
    For you "Trolls" more of my BS (according to you guys( will be coming. I think Joe's writing is rubbing off on me, God help us!.

    1. This sounds like Matt Moneymaker talking. Either that or this guy watches "Finding Bigfoot" reruns 24/7.

    2. Well, well, well. Matt Moneymaker has been posting on the internet as John W. Jones all this time. Note the overuse of the words "I" and "My". He had all of his minions sign contracts that gave all of their evidence to him. So now he labeling that confiscated evidence as "My Evidence". No lack of ego there.


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