Crazy Ghost Apparition Photographed In NJ Cemetary

This is probably the clearest ghost photograph we've seen in a long time. Is this a real ghost? A statue? Or some other anomaly? Whatever it is, it's creepy! Paranormal investigator Mark Johnson claims the photograph was taken in a cemetery. He writes:

"This photo was taken by a friend's son last month in a cemetery in Wantage, NJ. This is without a doubt one of the most impressive apparition photos that I've ever seen in my career. No description is necessary."

"All I can say is that my friend sent me this photo along with several others, some of which have some unusual anomalies and mists. But this is the only photo taken that shows an apparition. It was taken with a cell phone camera. The picture I posted I put into Photoshop to boost the resolution, but that is all I have done to it."


  1. Replies
    1. Sketches and Stories of the Lake Erie Islands
      by Theresa Thorndale, Sandusky (1898)

      Some of the settlers and their descendents may have seen clearly, but the representatives of the Smithsonian and other sanctioned institutions, in spite of good intentions, lacked the kind of thoroughness in their analyses that included a broadened field of vision. We have felt heartily from the beginning of this research that the Smithsonian is the recipient of mandates put into place well over 100 years ago. It is virtually exempt from NAGPRA (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act), for the reason (say they) of there being too much data to finish analyzing to prepare for repatriation.

      Concealing evidence that conflicts with accepted theory is common scientific skullduggery. For years the Smithsonian Institution has been accused of hiding in storage vaults things it doesn't like. In 1968 two Neanderthal-like skulls with low foreheads and large brows were found in Minnesota. As for dating, University of Minnesota scientists said they were reluctant to destroy any of the material, although carbon-14 testing only requires the burning of one gram of bone. They were sent to the Smithsonian. Later Dr. Lawrence Angel, curator of physical anthropology at the institution, said he had no record of the skulls there, although he was sure they were not lost. We have a right to wonder whether some professional scientists mightn't find a really early date for the bones distressing.

    2. Anon 9;51 aged 13 and a half,
      For what it's worth Joe i like your posts and i've learnt an awful lot from them xx

    3. Hey Joe you basket case- get a load of Puddles the Clown. A 7ft tall modern human with an amazing voice.

      Schooled you again bottom feeder!

    4. Eva, you're a good friend. Don't worry about this little slime... They get bored and go away in the end. Hope your Sunday is going good.


    5. My favourite wrestler used to be Andre The Giant too... Doesn't really school anything except your obvious lack of acknowledgement of 7 foot upwards accounts.

      Also... The fact that there are people with gigantism, merely lends credence to the possibility of hairy versions hiding in your back yard.

      Who's schooled?

    6. PJ, were you schooled via "short bus" as a child? If so, that explains a lot about your version of "Schooling"

    7. I still smell the smoldering ashes of the gnarly burns layed upon PJ recently.

      Quick, act like it never happened!


    8. My favorite wrestler was Andre the Giant too. He is the closest thing that any of us will ever see to a real live Sasquatch, in a blue speedo, anyway.

    9. The Princess Bride was a great movie.

    10. Has anybody tried applying a tourniquet to Joe's butt cheeks?

      Every post from the 19th century is a desperate cry for help. Poor, dim lad.

    11. LOLOLOL butt cheeck tourniquet!!!!

      Don't cut off the circulation completely or they will turn black and fall off!!!

    12. Joe is English. Worse. British. Worse. Welsh.

      His country has never moved out of the 19th century.

    13. Bigfoot site please!!!! This ghost shit is stupid!!!!!!

  2. Let me help you with that! FIRST!!

  3. Replies
    1. I will not be nice to people like yourself who are lying and deceiving who they are to score points on a bigfoot blog. I am not sorry about that and will not be nice about it.

    2. Eva, I'll be nice. Even to Joe. :)

    3. Would you like to read this? xx

  4. Ghoulies & Bigfeet all on the same site.

    A tards wet dream!!


    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Faking this stuff is so easy to do now, this would take about 10 minutes on Photoshop.

    3. That doesn't mean it's not real.

    4. But it decreases the probability by like 100,000%.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I want ketchum to sit on my face

  7. Looks like a screenshot from a game. Or a painting or something. Nothing posted on this site is ever what it's advertised.

    1. you'll get nothing and like it.

    2. Wow , never been owned like that before. You should pat yourself on the back!

  8. Breaking News!!! an undisovered repile has been discovered in NJ. they are calling it a turdle.

  9. Ponies are pretty. Sharon, call me.

    1. Just buy one of her angry-glaring-eyes mugs and contribute to the glorious cause of making cash off of subjects you feign to dismiss. You can catch her at one of the Randi Jayrefing Big Prayer Meetings.

    2. Maybe if you footers got some pretty women instead of bull dykes you'd get more followers.

    3. Sure this cannot be correct?

      Isn't it just footers that make millions of dollars from BS?

      Bigfoot is bulls*it? No Sharon hypocrisy is bulls*it.


    4. You don't need to be a footer to exploit the group of money.

      Case in point - Michael Merchant, Shawn Evidence, and Ro Sahebi. It can't be pointed to that as of late Ro has been more align with footers but that doesn't mean he's not exploiting it for all it's worth. All the interviews, documentary, clips, podcasts, guest spots of History channel, etc.

    5. Hey wait who got guest spots and on what show

    6. Ro was on one of the last History Channel bigfoot shows, I think it was the Definitive Guide one. That and he's now appearing with Smeja on the Spike TV show.

    7. Meldrum whores himself out like a $2 stripper.

    8. Oh a guest spot singular ok let's see what happens with spike tv shall we hey what is your view points on time Dan linear or cyclical

    9. If guys are making $$$ from the networks then it's fine by me.

      Not sure who is making big bucks out of bigfoot though?

      I'm not sure guys like Ro and Shawn will be able to retire anytime soon.


    10. Patterson made 200 K after shooting PGF that was just in the first year.

  10. I got redirected here from another site. Where's those hot chicks pointing their tongues at each other?

    1. You don't get that here. There is only one thing you can have here and plenty of it. But in order to stay you have to like it. Any guesses?

    2. Yes Harry, do you know the answer?


    4. You get nothing and like it do I have to pay twice the rent if the ghost is living in my room baaaa

    5. Have it hide in the closet when the land lord comes by for the check and you'll be fine. Make it do dishes and laundry while you are at work. The one in the picture has cleavage so its a girl and can probably cook some good food as well.

    6. Yes the kc chiefs suck was that just a statement or a lure to something

      Damn right ass gas or food no ghosts ride for free MEH

    7. I'm from Chicago and have no interest in the chiefs


    9. DAGO ,, AQUI ,, pacifico S

    10. So all the inane bullshit and that's what stops the conversation

    11. SORRY H,B ,, IMkinda fucked up right now ,,watching the chiefs&chargers... I think im commenting on the wrong blog bigfoot ballyhoo ,,, B, D.

    12. SORRY !! carry on !! BIG DORIS !

    13. No by all means carry on you are welcome here

    14. Boy was I wrong comments have to wait for approval my shit would never fly over there that's why Shawn has a great gig over here thank you Shawn for giving me a soap box to spout my inane oratory

  11. More like photoshop slight of hand with photography. This is a phony manipulated picture.
    Nice try though.

  12. Bigfoot: A Brief Summary

    Joe is a fuck and gets smoked daily

    Sharon is a fine piece of skepticism

    Bill Munns is a fraud

    Mulder is off his medication

    Roger was a conman

    BobG is a liar

    The suit is in Al's private office.

    1. Skeptical Footers: A Brief Summary

      PGF footage still keeps us awake at night

      Everyone who claims to see a BF is a liar or insane

      Ray Wallace is responsible for ALL BF prints

      Munns analysis is frightening so we must attack him at every opportunity.

      Kitekaze found the suit. He did not make this up because he was getting hammered on BFF

      Ponder why Sharon has not responded to the 4589 emails I've sent her

      Develop an unhealthy obsession with a Welshman who has opposing views

      Tell footers they get smoked/pwned on daily basis. It may be a tragic waste of time/bandwidth but it eases the pain right?

      Invoke MOD STATEMENTS from Big Ginger on the BFF

      And If all else fails.... post photos of your testicles



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