Cliff Barackman's Return to Boggy Creek Field Guide

Last night's episode was another epic. The show visits one of the scariest places on earth -- Boggy Creek! Finding Bigfoot's Clilff Barackman has posted a field guide on his blog, explaining the cultural phenomenon around the Fouke Monster. Barackman writes:

My journey to Fouke, AR started back in the mid-1970′s when I first saw The Legend of Boggy Creek, and the expedition was a dream come true. While the movie depicted events that occurred in a very short time span, it is clear that bigfoots had been around long before that, and still live there. On top of it all, the community has embraced the creatures that put them on the map by integrating the Fouke Monster into their local culture. I strongly recommend a visit to Fouke, and when you go by the Monster Mart, tell them Cliff from Finding Bigfoot sent you!

Read Cliff's Arkansas field notes here:


  1. Replies
    1. Every things righteous H.B. hope all is well, mang..

    2. Best advice I was ever given
      Live everyday like it's your last
      Love like it's your first
      And work like you don't need the money
      Till recent I never understood or could do the last part once I did it all got just a little better

  2. I'm going to start a taterhole habituation site for Hot babes in southern Washinington state. It will be called SOWATATERHOLEHA. I guess a really ambitious person Could start a nation wide data base of Hot babe taterhole encounters. Kind of like a BFRO of Taterholes. Hell lets let in everybody and anybody. Only requirement is a taterhole and a heartbeat.{and the heartbeat is optional}.

    1. I will comment on your blog but the heart beat needs to be unoptional

    2. You should invite Eva R and H from the UK. Not only are their taterholes in impeccable condition, I understand they make noise like a slide whistle as one engages one's self.

    3. ^^^Sounds sphincterific!

  3. Cliff and his puppets. Matt and his stupid doll. My God. I need to vent. Where's Joe?

    1. HA, HA, I cant,I just cant,, TOO EASY, ^

    2. I'm trying- but it's just kind of laying there, all pink and shrivelled.

    3. Oh it's one of those days
      Testosterone replacement therapy makes you grow man titties

    4. Have you ever been locked in a tractor shed with M K Davis, Harry?

    5. That's creepy I'm from Chicago we don't usually take offers to hang out alone in sheds with dudes

    6. Well, on the south side of Chicago, just about anything goes. I would never step foot there. One time I got lost and ended up there, and I was hoping and praying that my car wouldn't break down (and that was during the day).

  4. Pretty weenie, Cliff. Pretty weenie.

    1. Can you believe people let him teach their children?

      Your tax dollars at work.

    2. Cliff Barackman's weenie is not pretty.

  5. Epic isn't the word I would use to describe a show called finding Bigfoot that found nothing.

  6. I think we all realized the finding Bigfoot team is really just a bunch of feckin bums....

  7. They're laughing all the way to the bank. You go to work, and they go out in the woods and make squatch calls. And probably make more $$ than you doing it.

    I think I'll quit my office job and put Bigfoot Researcher on my 2014 tax paperwork where it says to write in your occupation.

    1. All you need is a thermal camera, a website, and a friend to play bigfoot.

      You can find a lot of jackasses who will fall for anything. How do you think I do it?

      -T. Standing

    2. Yes, but what about the Muppet fur Todd, tell us about the muppet fur. How do you get your hands on such a guarded commodity?

    3. Pfft. Muppet fur? You have to ask? Child's play.

  8. (clive squashy)

    ...You mean to tell me I could walk into the Monster Mart, & tell them Cliff from Finding Bigfoot sent me and I'd get some extra special deals ?

    Wow. Maybe I haven't been wasting time here !


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