$10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty: I Tuned Into The Today Show This Morning And Now My Mind Is Blown

How in the world they managed to keep it a secret from us for so long, we'll never know. Dean Cain was on the Today show this morning and we saw flashes of our favorite Bigfooters on national television for the first time. Check out the clip from this morning and see if you recognize anybody:


  1. Nobody will win the 10 mill.

    1. A Bigfoot body has always been worth that anyway.

      Peace Rush!

    2. Bigfoot body = Priceless I do believe, unfortunately, that in reality, we would need two bodies for comparison.

    3. Oh of course! A 'hairy deformed tramp' is what they'd cry!

      Peace Rush.

    4. Lol, peace to you as well. Expect an email later.

    5. Justin will shoot anything on two or four feet,this is just getting dangerous

    6. How is Smeja a bigfooter?

      He's a hunter who claims to have shot some bigfoot creatures.

      Has he since become a bigfooter?

    7. I think I have better odds with the lottery numbers this week.

    8. But it says in the video the competition is some hunters some bigfooters so just could be in the hunter category clap trap

    9. They only offer 10 million because there is no way to prove something that doesn't exist.

      Ro Sahebi is a terrorist. Michael Merchant, a loon. Justin Smeja...a psychopath. What do you suppose is the real reason these people are going to be on a ridiculous TV show like this? With the former SUPERMAN actor?

      For God's sake people, pull your heads out. This is just pathetic.

    10. It's just interesting they're on tv I hope no one here believes they'll catch a Bigfoot

    11. Of course these guys will have the same problems that the Finding BF guys have.

      Footers + Camera Crew = No BF.

      Good to see so many familiar faces, although I'd hoped Merchant had got lost in the woods...

      Yep Claptrap. Justin is a big time footer now. Although his snoring almost spoiled Bart's Sierra FLIR footage.


  2. Replies
    1. Two Words...

      Lame ******* Yawn!!!

    2. What about Nature Journal??

    3. What about Journal Nature? They have some agreement with Ketchum and Sykes:


    4. 12:06 skeptard who formally worshipped the Journal Nature.

      Is now dissembling opinion in light of new Nature article showing commonalities with Sykes and Ketchum.

      "Archaic population."

    5. Joe, could you please explain in your own words ( i.e. no cutting and pasting) why exactly you think the Nature article somehow supports Zana as a Bigfoot?

    6. Zana was described by an entire village where she lived for years as a Bigfoot. Her proportions have physical evidence in the watered down proportions of Kwit's skull. In sequencing the DNA that yielded modern human results for both subjects, Sykes suggested an alternative theory for those proportions; that a relic population of modern humans migrated out of Africa tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of years ago. This lead skeptics to attack that notion claiming that archaic humans was nonsese... But then Nature Journal came out with the same claim to a relic population of humans that the scientific world is starting to investigate.

      There is not a tribe in North America that's doesn't claim this creature is a human. They have language, bury their dead (culture) and have at times been referred to as cannibals.

      The comments, quotes and segments I paste are direct sources 'from the horses mouth'.

      I have always maintained this creature is a wild type of human... Always. This is why I am celebrating these results, whilst you must acknowledge that in light of the entire skeptic community claiming the series would kill the Bigfoot world, it didn't do that and in fact only perpetuated the image of lies and closure desperation the skeptical world does so well with regards to this subject... And Sykes' study is still in full swing with results in peer review. He is still associating with Bigfooters and still looking for samples.

    7. Joe, you still haven't demonstrated how the Nature article provided evidence of relict hominids surviving to modern times. Much less that Zana was one or that Bigfoot is one.

      Please demonstrate what was asked of you.

    8. Because I never stated that the Journal provided evidence of Bigfoot, I said it backed up the archaic human theory that people were claiming was BS and merely serving his earlier theories... I suggest you try a little harder at reading the chain of sources I presented you before making accusations that I am avoiding questions... I couldn't have been more clear, and not for the first time.

      And you wanna complain why I copy and paste???

      You have an account of a Bigfoot a 150 years ago that can be backed up with physical evidence that also has a direct blood line living today. You have archeological & anthropological studies documenting giant bones from the same time as Zana lived. This continues right up until you have another Bigfoot documented in film footage 46 years ago... That is backed up further with the development of an entire research field that has prints, language and more footage. If a Bigfoot was to be proven to have lived 150 years ago, before popular culture, then that is significant for all the chain of events afterwards.

      Clear enough for you?

    9. Hey Joe, let's get back on subject. this 10 million should be easy right since all they need is DNA, and visual proof, well you can provide that right? Keep dodging it. I will keep asking.
      Just go get your 10 mil Joe...easy right? Or should I answer right now for you.....YOU HAVE NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING.

      King of Reality

    10. Watch that and eat shit you silly boy...


      ... Now run along you laughably dim person you. You bore me something awful and people think you a complete arss calling yourself that all the time, especially with the quality of comment you post.

      King Dip Shit.

    11. Joe since you have collected a lot of information about bigfoot and know the Zana story better than most I have a serious question concerning her sexual interaction with human males. Please speculate on her reaction if one of the men tried to slip it in the back door. I'm guessing that would be like wanting to commit suicide. Please weigh in.

    12. Oh poor Joe. Getting angry. Did someone finally call your bluff. Any intelligent human being wouldn't sit there and let 10 mil get passed up, so go ahead Mr. Potty Mouth, go get it. According to you, it should be easy and has without a doubt already been proven. So go get it Joey. Show us all we are all completely wrong. Go get your 10 million little scared child. You can't can you? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You have been so smoked! I love it!
      The reason you say "dim" and "bore" is for the plain and simple fact you have nothing to counter with. You have been defeated by many a troll, skeptic, and fellow footer on this blog. You aren't even on life support anymore, in fact if anything, you are posting from the after life because you are 6 feet under with your arguments. Now hurry with a YouTube link or a copy and paste job that makes you look even more like an imbecile.


      King of Reality

    13. Joe, the Nature article says nothing about relict hominids living today.

    14. The reports are that Zana would get drunk and happily initiate things. You are forgetting she is human, regardless of her appearance. Also, you cannot vouch for the desperation in some cut off villagers a 150 years ago in the remote parts of Russia.

      The Nat Geo's version of events is just a 'version'. Last resorts require extreme measures, and it is tragic people would focus on lies and attempts at guilt as opposed to countering with honest information.

      Nothing slimier, nothing I detest more.

    15. 'including an as-yet-unknown human ancestor'

      I can quite understand why the scofftics are so pumped up just now.

      The world they thought they knew and understood is changing on an almost daily basis.

      Sykes theories and the ancient genomes referred to in the nature article in no way 'prove' bigfoot or anything close.


      IF there was an surviving population of archaic hominids then these is the kind of revelations that could make this possible.

      Just wonder what tomorrow will bring...


    16. Don...

      The journal says 'archaic human'.

      Klown... Oh dear...

      What is in your comment to actually bother me with? You are stupid, you are not even arguing any of my points, you are just acting like a silly little child... You are embarrassing yourself and you need to just re-assess your priorities. There is nothing that you say, ever has been, or ever will that can challenge even the most basic of subject matters here and in fact... The only thing you are really concerned with is attention. It takes a particular type of person to require attention anonymously, expecially after calling himself a 'King'.

      Tragic... And trust me, I don't have to write down the laughter that's at your expense. You wouldn't be so preoccupied with me if I hadn't rubbed your face in the shit as many times as I have. Your actions speak truer than anything I can write about you.

      ; )

    17. And you know what MMG? There are enough intelligent people around here that SHOULD be taking notice to such news but aren't because they are way too far down the road of denial to express it.

      Tragic... Cue the Klown with more names and child's play; what a beautie. I wonder if he get's much attention at home?

    18. Did Joe just call someone else an attention whore? Fucking pot calling the kettle black! Lol

    19. Oh... And I've got something very nice installed for you all tomorrow.

      Goodnight all!

    20. Looks like PJ has been sipping back on Grandpa's old cough medicine again.

    21. Joe you don't have any valid points to argue. That's the point. A heavy dose of reality if you will. Now back on subject. Go get your 10 mil little one, because you have undeniable proof. Once you do that I will accept what you have as proof. Kind of like the whole monkey suit thing, right? 10 mil Joe, up for the taking. Go get it.



    22. I'll bite. PJ, do you even know what the term archaic human refers to when dealing in theories of primate evolution? The way you keep talking, it seems you don't, which is why you keep being ridiculed. So I'll play nice and take you back to class for a while. Note I'm posting from an iPhone so I may abbreviate or cut a few typing corners.

      Modern humans/Homo Sapien (of which the subspecies homo sapien sapien is the only extant species of the homo genus) evolved from archaic humans (Heidelbergensis, Rhodesiensis, Neandertalensis, etc) to which are theorized to have evolved from Homo Erectus.

      Homo Sapien Sapien is thought to have an admixture of DNA contributions from Eastern Europe Neandertal and Denisovan people (these two species are also alleged to have interbred) in alignment with Homo Sapien genetics (regardless of subspecies disputes).

      It isn't a new theory that there was more than 2 contributors to our DNA, it's been speculated for over a decade. All this Nature publication does is give affirmation to those speculations of a third DNA contribution by another species of the genus Homo.

      Could be as simple as a known hominid that we haven't fully sequenced yet or did sequence in a degraded manner. There is also the possibility of a local people we haven't categorized yet like the recent discovery of Denisovan and Red Deer Cave People.

      This article in no way aligns with your belief that Zana (100% homo sapien sapien) was a bigfoot, nor does it have anything to do with Sykes 'alternate theory' because that would still entail a different genetic result, nor does it address in the slightest fashion the lunacy of your figbeets delusions.

      You can't have it both ways, either bigfoot is a 100% homo sapien sapien like you claim which means the vast majority of your claims and stories are certainly false and certifiably crazy or you stop pushing a journal article which has nothing to do with Sykes, Zana, Khwit, bigfoot, Sasquatch, etc.

      Either choice you make, you've got your celebrations ass backward.

      Now, PJ, keep your thinking cap on and keep your tinfoil hat off.

    23. Good to see you have cleaned up your act DC.

      You can still belittle to your hearts content without using all that nasty cussing.


    24. I'm a pleasant and dare I say funny individual when PJ isn't spreading around his filth and lies as fact and truth. That's what irritates me. Shoddy and unthoughtful theories, lack of verifiable evidence while making extraordinary claims, smug sense of knowing, etc.

      Common sense and Occam's Razor will get you further than unfounded claims and exaggerations.

    25. Well said DC. Fat chance in hell PJ will understand it or admit that he doesn't even understand the Nature article he keeps ridiculously waiving in everyone's face.

    26. "Could be as simple as a known hominid that we haven't fully sequenced yet or did sequence in a degraded manner. There is also the possibility of a local people we haven't categorized yet like the recent discovery of Denisovan and Red Deer Cave People."

      Oh dear Crampz... And you wonder why I have to copy and paste all the time? You really crease me up...

      "Most surprisingly, Reich said, the genomes indicate that Denisovans interbred with yet another extinct population of archaic humans that lived in Asia more than 30,000 years ago — one that is neither human nor Neanderthal. The meeting was abuzz with conjecture about the identity of this unknown population of humans. “We don’t have the faintest idea,” says Chris Stringer, a paleoanthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London, who was not involved in the work. He speculates that the population could be related to Homo heidelbergensis, a species that left Africa around half a million years ago and later gave rise to Neanderthals in Europe. “Perhaps it lived on in Asia as well,” says Stringer."

      That is pretty conclusive as far as stating this is not a known hominid. If you had taken time to read my posts and understand my train of thought... You would have saved yourself some time old boy. You Crampz, claimed that archaic humans were not a possibility, yet you now claim that the notions are 'nothing new'? That is so big a backtracking of epic proportions, as it is to ignore the main point I have focused upon... That Sykes suggested such a thing after looking at the proportions of Kwit's skull. Furthermore... You claimed that the migration out of Africa was impossible with that gene pool... To which Nature Journal jumped all over that claim.

      It leaves me room to fall back on to my main ace card which has always been the physical proportions of Kwit's skull off the back of Zana being described to the 'T' as a Bigfoot. With 'modern human' being sequenced, and with Sykes offering an explanation for the morphological differences to which he suggests is indeed possible in light of more progressive understanding of this type of human. Isolation in small pockets would have caused this type of human to have remained separate enough from us, yet have the same fundemental gene pool because the species left Africa around half a million years ago.

      Your main problem, is that you think you cannot have modern morphological differences in the same species, yet you know nothing of this archaic population, none of us do. You expect different genetic results for morphological differences when there is a suggestion that it could indeed be the case from the best genticist in the world. You also claim that if Bigfoot is modern human, that all my theories are nonsense, yet you forget, laughably, that modern humans would indeed have language, bury their dead (culture) have highly evasive, socially structured and equally as highly bonded groups... And is exactly what I have been saying all along.

      A set from your pleading for me to stop referencing Nature... I am going I because it supports the my theory that there was an archaic human population. A study that has much to unfold and one that if anything promotes the idea that relic humans were at least apparent 150 years... With the chain of events leading up to present say; that is significant.

    27. Here is new evidence that native Americans are in fact descended from Eurasions (the Caucases are in Eurasia) of a migration route out of Europe, not East Asia as once thought;

      The Daily Mail -

      "Previously, researchers had thought that people came from Europe into East Asia, and then entered Siberia from the south.
      The latest results suggest the Siberian inhabitants may have come from the West and that there were multiple waves of migrations in Asia around this time.
      The research could also help explain some mysteries surrounding Native American origins.
      For example, some early American skeletons - such as the 9,000-year-old Kennewick Man from - have physical features that, some believe, are typically European.

      The latest research paints a picture of Eurasia 24,000 years ago which is quite different from the present-day context.
      The genome of the young boy indicates that prehistoric populations related to modern western Eurasians occupied a wider geographical range into northeast Eurasia than they do today.
      Scientsts believe most Native Americans are descended from a small group of migrants that crossed a 'land bridge' between Asia and America during the ice ages 15,000 years ago.
      These migrants, known as the 'First Americans', populated most of North and South America.
      The latest results suggest the Siberian inhabitants may have come from the West and that there were multiple waves of migrations in Asia around this time."

      Dr Bryan Sykes' thought provoking alternative notion (Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project and active member of Bigfootology) -

      "Maybe she isn't an African of recent origin at all but one from a migration out of Africa, maybe many tens of thousands of years ago, and that she comes from a relic population taking refuge in the Caucases mountains"

      I'll leave the link I am suggesting to you...

    28. Oh and Don...

      You have become a cheerleader at best.


    29. Spot-on Joe. Why do DC and others get so negatively excited about this? No one knows fuck all at the moment.The only thing that is known is a fucking shed-load of evidence of extant archaic humans. I have a feeling Dr. Sykes knows this, and will continue to work in this field. Tim, U.K.

  3. We here takes AKs to goez huntin for them thar critters and others like bigfoot and mega hogs takes lots of ammo and mags : )

    1. I see England, I see France, I see Joe's underpants!!!!! I'm a gonna' hunt squatch with my new 45.90 sharps, 490 gr. bullet.That should do the job........

  4. I see Michael, I see Ro, I see Justin, I see...

    1. ...I see Streufert naked in bed with Rictor! Just kidding. He likes Bart waaay too much.

    2. I seen the lead Guitarist for "Lamb of God"..hmm..nice beard.

  5. Not to be mean, but Justin Smeja looks absolutely insane in that pic.

    I hope they find Bigfoot--I hate those wooly bastards.

    1. Yeah,he does look nuts,him and ro are looking homeless,Merchant should take them into his fallout shelter

    2. Smeja looks like a feral human. Get the net or well have another naked rock throwing attack in the woods soon.

    3. Smeja is played by Larry the Cable Guy.

      He's now Larry the Bigfoot Guy.


    4. Sorry Justin but you are looking more like Alan from The Hangover movies every day!

      Don't shoot me!


    5. Big insult to Alan. How damn DARE you!

  6. I should give up honest work and go fishing,I mean bigfooting,by the lake,I'll lure him in by fishing.

    1. I'm in man we can take donations and make it a nonprofit organization which means we spend it all leaving no profit

    2. That's funny man it had to be him following us around for two weeks after we were talking smack about him fuckin over stupid people

    3. Nonprofit Harry,way to go and sweet taxe writeoffs

    4. Jeez Harry,remember how they cried about us wanting to punch Rick in the mouth

    5. I preferred hanging the guy myself....


    6. That's what I was talkin about dude followed us for two weeks cryin remember it hurt his feelings so much
      Like the great joe rogan said all we would say to another dude "go get a jock strap I'm all out of support" lol

    7. Hey Harry, didn't you go on an expedition down in Florida during the whole skunk ape bullshit? Care to elaborate on that? Did you feel like your were spinning your wheels or did you actually think there was something to it? Just curious.

    8. Yes I did. Well let's see without stepping on Stacey jr. I didn't stay over night so I can't elaborate on whether his evidence was real or not that he caught but the dude who got the original footage and his son seemed genuine they actually pulled their truck over because the crowd and used an iPhone to capture it but the state park isn't incredibly massive but there is freshwater the fact that no one caught additional evidence goes one of three ways for me either the subject is incredibly brilliant and avoids detection or it's a released pet and has been caught and removed or it was a dude dressed up seeing as the video is the usual blurry as shit there's nothing you can determine from that but I did spend a whole day there and was wandering the woods with my wife after going on the wrong trail and the park butts up against people's houses there were ass loads of people that weekend for a blues fest the place was swamped and only one video of a boar came out I really don't think there was anything to it I think it was just a misidentification but the guy and his son seemed sincere seeing as I had someone trained in behavior observation with me they weren't lying just mistaken but I did have a chance to meet the investigators and met a cool friend Stevie strings which off subject is a great dude and friend all around I myself though can't say thermal is irrefutable proof so I am just unable to say there is a creature there and I really can't see it being undetected that weekend so I my gut is telling me misidentified something so there you go sorry such a long story

  7. According to rumors floating around, we already know who won. Of course the person claiming this is Rick Dyer, so who knows- although I have a feeling that is correct.

    1. ^puts name tags on his turds

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Glad to see something besides The Fortean Slip

  9. Two words:

    Michael fucking merchant

    1. Well I guess that answers why Shawn hasn't been pushin mikes shit on us he had a bigger surprise

    2. I think it has to do with the fact that he hates him now.

    3. Hey, why is that? He just dissapeared

    4. Two words...zen bigfoot,or Led Zeppafoot

    5. Who need's MM when you can hang out in the Sierra's with Bart, Justin, Derek and Wally?

      Shawn won't miss Merchant at all....


    6. Make sure to wear bright orange and stay in the open,I think Ro is gonna catch some buckshot hanging with Justin

    7. "There is in fact a tribe in the PNW (I forget the name) that used to swap babies with the Bigfoot tribes and then swap back at the ages of eight years old."

      PJ, please provide sources for your above claim and limit your posts to 17,5000 words or less.



    8. The source I reference is from a researcher of the name of Freeman Young.


      Learn something 'management'... Or maybe 'manage' your prorities a little better and do something else with your time.


    9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Just more CLOWNS looking for Big foot! Wasn't the FINDING BIGFOOT Team enough?

    1. Oh damn the anonymous douchbag don't like the show !!! Who cares what you think !

  11. Mike Merchent, that's a face I haven't seen in a while. What's that dude been up to other than this show?

    1. Nothin obviously or we would've been shown more of his making my wife film me doin shit videos

    2. Harry you had me on the floor. So true!

    3. No they are not married. I think she is an illegal alien from Venezuela or something. Merchant met her there when he did his first bomb of a TV show. I think she was his hotel maid.

    4. Lol rictor I couldn't help it I laughed writing it

  12. You have to be on the show to get the bounty?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


    I've spent every waking hour in the woods trying to get the bounty for NOTHING! GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

  13. Is he trying to be a redneck cartoon character?

  14. I have a dead bigfoot. Hit it this morning with a logging truck. It's about 9'6" and 800 pounds, stinks, ugly son of a bitch.

    I'll take 40 million for the whole body.

  15. quick question ..does anyone here have a job?

  16. Phonies, that all crawled out of the ground, after the first $$ fake show (Finding Bigfoot) came on the air. Who heard of Any of these jerks before that ? Everyone on the show..is there for two reasons... $$ and attention. That bearded transvestite Stacy Brown is now charging $$ to go on camping trips (like his hero Moneymaker) for those dumb enough to pay for "classes" out where they shot the fake therm footage. What a joke. The other creep, that came on the Youtube scene (Merchant) sports a mohawk camoed look, for the phony show. What a joke you All are, and this proves it ...Beyond any doubt. Am I jealous ? Nope, been on TV years before you creeps came on the scene, and hated it..because it's Phony.. like you all

    1. Hear that rictor ? Stacy is gay also (no surprise). you two weiner gobblers getting partnered up ?


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