Watch: Bigfoot Files: Yeti DNA Episode 1 [Sykes]

Here it is ladies and gentlemen: Bigfoot Files: Yeti DNA episode 1 starring Dr. Bryan Sykes

UK Channel 4 Documentary: Geneticist Bryan Sykes and Mark Evans examine the legend of Bigfoot.


  1. Replies
    1. first to respond to first


    2. show is a thousand times better then finding bf

    3. I'm sick of all these bears! It's like a freakin' country bear jambaroo around here!

    4. Delivering a huge creature currently 'unknown to science' is pretty awesome.

      Footers are delighted with these findings whilst doubts set in among the 'troll/critical thinking' crowd.

      Thank you Dr. What else do you have for us?


    5. Typical footer thinking this makes the magic ape a possibility^

    6. By referring to BF as a 'Magic Ape' it is very clear that you have to use weak attempts to mock and belittle the subject to gain any foothold here.

      You are alas just exposing your lack of confidence in discussing the subject in a rational manner.


    7. MMG stands for magical magic gorilla

    8. nope! mr,mega,genitalia,,,, NOW RUN ALONG AND TELL DANNY,,,since he NEEDS TOO know,

    9. Need to know?

      Really? Lol!


  2. No yeti, Bear. I would not trust that guy. Probably one of the guys who came across the Yalu river.

  3. It is the nature of people to do some very extreme things when they are seeking closure to something that threatens their way of looking at the world. There is no better example of this than in the past 24 hours.

    The logic that one would use in requiring closure for reasons of fear & hate;

    *a region as big as the Himlayas, that has yielded a new species of bear, would contradictingly be no way be big enough to have any other undiscovered species residing within.

    *that two samples should be enough to conclude in all confidence that there is no such thing as a giant hominid that people have reported for thousands of years.

    *that two samples of undiscovered bear should now render clear full frontal eye witness accounts, much of which are mutiple person as mere misidentification... Even accounts from the most experienced of hunters and out doorsman.

    *that two bear DNA results should now condemn the unknown hominid DNA that has been sequenced before it.

    *that the same person that was condemned as a quack, should now prematurely be celebrated prior to any real knowledge of the long term results of his research by skeptics who would have flocked to condemn him in droves if he would have submitted evidence for Yeti, and laughably, still may should he produce Bigfoot evidence.

    *that people should suggest that people have clung to a misinterpretation of Sykes' agenda, off the back of suggesting that there is no such things as Bigfoot in any of Sykes' work after one airing of a documentary series.

    Could it be that we end up with merely another controversial conclusion that rendered 'Bigfoot The Definitive Guide' exactly that to the enthusiast camp. Here; we had a situation where we had a programme that was quite obviously pro Bigfoot, even down with the theory that Bigfoot was a type of human, that suggested however that there were no Bigfoot in Florida, suggesting they are in fact escaped chimps? Now as much as this programme is celebrated, that conclusion leaves many in the enthusiast camp scratching their heads at those findings, and though not all agree with them, are willing to swallow it and move on in the understanding that because the field knows so little, that not all can agree on everything.

    Could we have a situation where Sykes' camp suggest that there are no Yeti in the Himalayas, but then find two samples of hominid DNA in the States? It would have the same effect on the crypto field, because we all believe Yeti are in the Himalayas, in the same respect that we all know that Skunk Ape in Florida are not escaped chimps?

    Anyway... Long story short... Don't pipe up and Sykes is only as good as his samples.

    You were very welcome.

    1. They've followed the skepfoolish schedule as predicted so far. They are embracing Sykes for the time being because a rare bear is acceptable to sceptards. Should Sykes find any hominid, the sceptards will be like snakes eating their own tails; they'll be racing from Accept to Reject like mad monkeys in a mad monkey mental hospital.

    2. Excuses excuses Joe. You have nothing but a new species of bear. For months you have been saying Sykes is coming, he has come with a bear. There is no way that this giant super human that is years ahead of us to beat our technology is out there. I'm sorry Joe but for fantasies have been crushed

    3. ^ well actually no.

      some skeptics on jref are not "embracing" Sykes results

      you are a very strange butthurt footer

    4. Let's be careful not to set ourselves up before knowing the extent of the long term study. By the time of the book's release Sykes' complete work will be peer reviewed... With the 'two samples' and all. I would suggest that the people who would like to pipe up prematurely be a little cautious with that in mind.

      You can suggest that what I stated came back to get me... Hilariously you are doing the exact same in the face of there being some major discovery being declared?


    5. If Sykes had Yeti DNA would that not take priority over a bear. Would that not have been released straight away??? Just saying

    6. Where have I suggested he has Yeti DNA?


    7. I'm not sure where anyone has suggested he has Yeti DNA. Secondly, a major scientific discovery cannot be presented to the world in a Channel 4 documentary... It has to be put to the proper peer reviewing and such. Now I'm not making claims, just that it has been made public that "For the most part the samples he has tracked down for analysis have turned out to be known species such as humans, bears or apes; however two samples taken towards the end of his quest will change our understanding of human history." Now that could be a human gene line from Asia to the Americans, it could be Bigfoot DNA, but that has to go through peer review before that is made public as opposed to being out in another documentary.


    8. Sykes is saving the best for last! If the new bear was his best news that episode would have been last. Keep us watching, don't give it all to us at the start!

    9. copied and paste.

      Joe is awesome !. He is the 4 in my 20 < B-)-'

  4. From what i read so far, he is not saying "I was looking for a hominid and found a bear"..He is saying the "yeti phenomena is due to a recent ancestor of the polar and brown bear"..I'll watch to see if this is true..Thanks Shawn....Anyway, its not really a bad thing for cryptozoology and he will probably speak favorably of it in his book...As far as any scientist coming out in favor of searching the Himalayas for a large primate after this...Forget it.

    1. Sykes has publicly stated on the BBC that his main objective was and still is; to find other species' of human on this planet. For Sykes to still have that stance and still be associating with Bigfooters, doesn't mean that the long term results of his study are already certain... It merely means that we have to wait a little longer... Because in the eyes of some, Sykes' agenda has not been fulfilled yet.


    2. Yes, wait. Always wait. A little longer. Wait. The Great and Powerful Dr Sykes will let you know when you can handle his world changing information. Until then, wait like a good pet. Science.

    3. As long as the truth embargo still stands we're waiting...

  5. This isn't all. The Great and Powerful Dr Sykes has more revelations for you peons. I know what they are and they will literally change the way the entire world thinks about everything. You can't handle all the information at once though, dummies. That's not the way SCIENCE works. We who are in the know will let bits and pieces trickle out through a slow series of documentaries, press conferences, peer reviewed papers, books because WE KNOW WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU and dummies can't process information the way MENTAL GIANTS like Dr Sykes can. I tell you what, it's great to know stuff that you riff-raff know-nothings don't know though. It's this wonderful warm feeling like eating a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie right from the oven. Except better. You wouldn't understand. Science.

    1. ^I'm glad you've finally accepted the way things are...

    2. ^^You are so right. Can I send you money?

  6. is it only me hat has seen the film of sykes 25years ago or so stating he was hunting bigfoot,and would find it, like ome rbid hillbilly.

    the guy has a doctorate and now has some respect within the bbc,not with me,ive a masters in social work ad am a normal IQ

    whatever this guy came out with I would trust.he has an agenda,obvioulsy he knows not to come out and say he is hunting for BF anymorebut that was what he was looking for me. name in lights and all that

    seriously,10ft 800pd apepeople ambling about the worlds mountains without a shred of evidence.

    is this site for real. sykes must be on here permantley t feed his obsession.the guy is a nut who tumbled into credibility somehow

    1. should read. WOULDNT TRUST

    2. Harry have you bumped into any copulating polar/brown bears recently?

      A bucket of ice cold water separates them pretty quick...


    3. Can't say that I have but I did try to kick my lazy electrical partner into a pond with gators

    4. You have no masters, and no normal IQ.
      You can´t even use punktuation and spell like a monkey.

    5. All in days work Harry!


    6. Yes yes it is if we were hourly I couldn't care less but it's piece work and this fukers costing me money now

    7. well, well, well, H,B, the piece working sparky, fuker,,duh

  7. I keep my hydro in a jar with Mike B.

  8. I hope you boys find your bugfart!

  9. In the eyes of skeptics; two Asian bear DNA results are good enough to condemn the American Bigfoot, where as the same quantity of unknown hominid DNA in support of the creature have not been good enough to the same people.

    Could the recent efforts by the skeptical community to question Sykes' bear results be an attempt at discrediting him and his findings down the line? Surely they wouldn't be seen to backtrack then??


    1. What no judge, no jury?
      So when is the execution?
      Bugfart is people you know.

  10. i can live that if yeti and bigfoot are really yogi and booboo.

  11. The caption reads the color was more dark brown. I want to meet these women the old guy has been taterholing.

  12. Better than finding bigfoot show but still crap

  13. Who is MMG and why does he put it at the end of every post? Is everone here supposed to know him/her?

    1. He's thoughtful, insightful and offers hope that ultimately the truth will be discovered.

    2. Please email me when Sykes is ready give us more than bear as yeti.

    3. And he doesn't put himself on a pedestal like Joe

  14. And he doesn't put himself on a pedestal like Joe

  15. The announcer keeps mixing bigfoot and yeti-annoying since the excursion is only directed at the Yeti.


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