U.K. Gets First Dibs On Dr. Bryan Sykes Yeti DNA Revelation (Update: Airs Oct. 20)

We're not sure if the time has already passed in the U.K., but if it hasn't, there's a programming in the schedule titled, "Bigfoot Files". It's a 60 min. long show about Bigfoot and it's probably enough to whet your appetite for what's to come from Dr. Bryan Sykes who's been researching Bigfoot/Yeti DNA. His paper is expected to be released anytime now. Here's a the detail from from the program that's airing at 8PM U.K. Time:

[Update] It's now 9 P.M. in the U.K.

[Update #2] The program airs Oct. 20th


  1. Replies
    1. Sykes has now strapped on the iron dildo of truth and is ready for action. Skeptics are going through cognitive dissonance and are now putting on their tin foil hats and attending an emergency meeting at the Church of Skeptard.

    2. This is the BUCKLE UP of all BUCKLE UP's...!!!


    3. ..lol...sounds painful...I hope that is a metaphor....

    4. The Golden Vibrating Butt Plug of Skepticism is going to be working over time in the next month. The Jrefers are going to need a lot of batteries.

    5. MMG is right. As Derek Zoolander said. I'm pretty sure there's more to life than being really really good looking. I'm going to preorder "The Yeti Enigma " now and find out what that is.

    6. The yeti enema?Don't order it

    7. Probably the only revelation Sykes has had was that there's a buttload of footer's out there he can easily disassociate from their disposable income.

    8. Lol NH!

      So Sykes is just another Rick Dyer huh?

      The 'grandfather of DNA' reduced to scamming a few bucks from BF tees and mugs?

      Really? Sounds kinds dumb right?


    9. http://www.bigfootbuzz.net/dr-bryan-sykes-will-announce-dna-evidence-during-bigfoot-documentary/

      This is old news.

      Just seems odd, doing an end run around the journals to shower the masses with whatever.

    10. Where'd everybody go?

      To look at news that's 5 months old?


  2. Sykes will fail. Mulder will self-immolate.

    Game, set, gasoline, match !!

    1. Sykes finds a new species or subspecies of small Himalayan monkey at BEST.

      No 9ft 800lb primate.

    2. Daniel. The book is called "The Yeti Enigma". Not a free Arctic Monkeys concert. You are smarter than this. Better to claim he found old relict DNA of a Himalaywh primate long extinct than to argue that now.

    3. Would you like Skeptic Mike to come out of retirement and help you. ?

    4. Enigma - noun - A person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand. Synonyms: Problem, paradox, mystery, puzzling, conundrum, quandary, riddle.

      So we have a book basically entitled "The Yeti Problem" by a geneticist.

      Problem being superstition, misidentification, culture preservation hoaxes, tourism, and potential small unknown subspecies monkeys.

      No 9ft 800lb Abominable Snowman.

    5. Daniel. It was a mystery. But we can pre order one together. We can read it in my day blind. Have a beer. And feed a Bigfoot. Would you like that?

    6. Traveling north of the Mason Dixon in a week for a while.

    7. Dammit rumfer.That makes me laugh every time.lol

    8. Danny Boy there is evidently nothing but a troll if he really doesn't think these beings exist, then his time here is truly wasted. He smells of what he is.

  3. There's channel 4 on demand. Not sure if you can get it outside the UK. Maybe a TOR browser could get you round this.

    1. Tor browser? Lol do you even Internet?

      A basic vpn or proxy will do fine

  4. i just done a search of my tv listings for this month and cant see this show anywhere, never mind Channel 4 on the 20th??? :-(

  5. There are going to be three programmes altogether. Not sure if they will run three weeks in a row. The first is obviously focusing on the Yeti, but there are two more episodes after this...two for BIGFOOT???? :)

    1. Jacki you have some nerve showing your face round here.

      Now GTFO.


    2. Keep your hair on Mark (thats if you have any). What are you king of the blogs? Or king of the bogs? HAHA

    3. I used to argue like crazy with MMG over on BFF over the Dyer story. I ended up on Team Tracker and then resigned from TT. Thats why MMG doesnt like me in case you are wondering :)

    4. JLB. I don't know you. My name is Mike.

    5. Jacki you and your team did BF so much damage. Not to mention scam some poor folks out of a lot of cash.

      I despise hoaxers. I have no time for folks that support hoaxers.


    6. did you pony up the $30 for ketchums paper MMG?

    7. ..JLB is the most credible former team tracker member in the bigfoot community today....

    8. MMG my man. I have no idea who you're up against. Just commenting on Sykes. I know what I've heard from the folks helping me. That Is all I know. Hope all is well. M

    9. MMG I have never hoaxed anyone about anything ever. I hardly ever lie in my life. Just because I firmly believed that Rick Dyer shot a bigfoot doesnt mean that I am a dishonest person. I resigned from TT for a number of reasons and one being the money scamming which is not why I got involved in the story in the first place. I am interested in someone proving the existence of Bigfoot, I am NOT interested in making money. Now: STFU

    10. Well. I feel like I came out of fraternity party just in time for the fight st the kegger. Sorry I interrupted. Have a nice fight. M

    11. Jacki it seems Dyer taught you well. I didn't say you were interested in making money. I said you were a very willing part of a 'team' that wrecked havoc upon the bigfoot community.

      Team Tracker were a cancer and you were a willing active part of that.

      You were warned time and time again but you refused to listen and embraced the darkside fully.

      To suddenly pop up a few months later and think no one would mind is VERY naive indeed.

      Sleep with dogs you awake with fleas.


    12. Jackie,how's Cathiee?And did you ever apologize to Skyla?If not,GTFO,BITCH.

      But on the other hand,if you did those things,GTFO anyhow!!!

    13. No worries Mike.

      Hope is all good my friend.


    14. Couldn't of said it better MMG!

    15. JLB. You aren't a wrestling commentator for Vince McMahon are you. Used to wrestle as "Bradshaw"?

    16. Don't have to look. I can smell your rotting snatch from across the pond.
      It's called douche. Look it up.

    17. hehe...this is comedy gold...

      ..Iam still here!

    18. Yes it is.Just like old times Jackie.;-)

    19. Ah I do miss winding all you guys up and getting routinely sacrificed. Makes my day ;)

    20. Wow,you're sadly gullible,just send me your money,at least I'll drink it

    21. Attention seeking much JLB? This isn't the BFF. Dyer employees are hated by bleevers and trolls equally. Things could get pretty rough.

    22. Iam not an attention seeker, Iam actually a very shy person. Rough rough? What you gonna do? Make me cry?


      Jacki has just hired the Acolyte Protection Agency. Troll at your own risk.

  6. they need to air a 60 minute show on dental hygiene for those yellow teeth bastards. they have golden teeth, made of plaque.

    1. At least this nation doesn't have mobility scooters in supermarkets for all the fat fucks.

    2. first off no food would dare enter those disgusting mouths you have & second you'll have them sooner than you think because your sorry asses are dying to be American!

    3. What have you seen the size of those amerifats. Serious fucking health issues and you dont even have a national health service. Dreadful country.

    4. and tell your butt ugly women to shave their pits & legs. sasquatch crotch with nasty teeth.

    5. No issues with that here. More amerifat culture.

    6. lets keep the discussion about bigfoot guys. Please.

    7. Please stop fighting you two,we all share the same planet,this is the sort of talking that starts wars:your den mother has spoken xx

    8. I resemble--I mean resent--that remark.

    9. ya! What Eva said! Now...lets talk about bigfoot

    10. fat brits rule! sausage fingers!

    11. I am proud to live in the only country in the world where the poor people are fat....Shout out to my grand units in heaven: Thanks for having the balls to leave Italy and settle in the great city of NY, NY...a place so nice they had to name the shit twice...lol...


    13. Can I apologize for Fox now,before I get blocked?

    14. ..lol...Wait till you get blocked, then apologize from Starbucks...

  7. Someone please pirate the airing and post to YouTube under an appropriate and easy title to find BFE will make you top post! Fair Use! If Sykes were a poor starving artist, like Alex Evans, I might feel differently, but I don't think he is.

    1. I will watch it and straight after deliver the smoking to joe fitz after sykes destroys his religion.

    2. Under what plausible scenario 1:39 could a paper, a book, and three documentaries be about nothing?

      An academic doesn't want to deliver nothing. It's more likely the JFtards' religion of skeptoscience will be obliterated by Sykes.

    3. Of course it wont be nothing but it's hilarious how you footers are jumping to the conclusion he will confirm the magic ape

    4. My my. It's being pre sold and marketed outside US right now. What's left to argue?

    5. ...Well, the publisher's make it sound like Sykes has something to say about the yeti... and he is working on an article for a journal..Its not unreasonable to suppose he may have found evidence of some kind of formerly unknown Asian primate....

    6. What if I tell you what's up. Will that make it cool?

    7. ??...I was commenting on 2:07's post...

    8. You guys really going to watch that,Mike,your too busy for that bull

    9. Not till am Rummie. Hey. Did you see where Lindsay copy pasted Joes skeptic argument the other day? Right down to the (sigh). Mr Lindsay, I have copyrighted the character Joe Fitzgerald , you have been warned (sigh) (tm)

    10. Since the Sasquatch would appear to be an alien species quite literally, it stands to reason that even Sykes unfortunately won't be allowed to prove it. It's the same forces behind this massive cover-up who's also behind the same for UFOs, they have the Government by the balls and have essentially hijacked our freedom deciding what we know and can't know. All because, if any of this came to light it'd be all over for the secrecy of the technology they're hiding. As long as that chain isn't broken, things will go on as always until some brave enough soul of Snowden caliber, is ready to give us back our rights to know.

  8. I will be refreshing this page until the documentary airs!
    I already have a headache from anticipation!

    I will start bragging to everyone I know again! This Time I will be vindicated!

    1. Youll get nothing and like it

    2. and YOU will be eating crow soon nothing guy!

    3. No skeptic has ever or will ever eat crow.

    4. we shall soon see....right joe?

    5. 1:49, I am getting distracted when you speak by the black feathers sticking out between your lips and teeth.

      Other than that, your comment is pure delusion, 180 degrees from the truth.

      Congratulations, septic sceptic.

    6. Cool story bro.

      Il happily be eating crow... just as soon as you deliver the monkey

    7. Sorry 2:09, your voice is muffled by the black feathers stuffed in your mouth. It sounds like a severe speech impediment. I could make out a few words though:

      No one ever, no sceptoscience-worshipping sceptard ever in history ever ever ever that we know of in recorded history has EVER volunteered to happily eat crow. They just simply move the goalpost. With each piece of evidence presented, the sceptard moves the goalpost. That is sceptard SOP.

      It is not true that you will happily eat crow. You just said no sceptic in history ever ate crow ever. That is ludicrous, 180 degrees out from the truth. It's disingenuous.

      You just said no sceptic ever ate crow; not only is that false, it reveals your position as a sceptard, not a sceptic. Therefore, no amount of monkeys is enough for you to voluntarily eat crow. You will just move the goalpost.

      Sceptardical goalpost shifting:

      Sykes proves yeti: Attack Sasquatch

      Sykes proves Sasquatch: Ignore results and revert to attacks on PGF; concentrate all efforts on dredging up rumors and pretending they are facts and use as false ammo to blast at the PGF; do all you can to try to paint Patty as not one of the creatures discovered by DNA.

      Whatever the results, if they prove any monkey, you will not eat crow; you will shift gears and move the goalpost again.

      Though if people ignore you you will lose control of the goalpost and your voice will disappear.

      A paper, a book, and three docs proudly presenting squirrel DNA?

      I don't think so.

      In 1938, 2nd or 3rd largest member of the Ox Family, was discovered in Indochina. Science denied the existence of this animal. When scientists in Paris were delivered of a complete skin and skull of the animal, they still deniedt it. This reveals they were sceptards, not scientists nor sceptics.

    8. I like how ygnali guy sets up his line all the time.kudos troll,kudos.

    9. Didn't you guys learn the whole crow lesson from Melbas paper?


  9. Wasnt this supposed to be BBC? Looks like it got dropped to chan 4. BBC only does nature documentarys about real animals such as all the Attenborough master pieces. Looks like this will be more suited to channel 4s light entertainment genre.

    1. I dont think it was ever definate which channel would air these documentaries? I think Channel 4 documentaries are generally about quite controversal subjects (usually political stuff) rather than the standard wildlife programmes?

    2. I know. Is it Rex Mantooth or Ron Burgandy?

    3. Nonsense.

      Channel 4 aired the one other huge DNA story of 2013. They also managed to keep the results quiet until the airing of the show.

      Check this out:



    4. Take your pick Mike.They're both great!

    5. Public News Team is taking some Time off its pledge drive to kick Anons ass. Bigdad!

    6. Yes sir!Mike,Jackie was and maybe still is a blind follower of Tricky Ricky.I don't know what to think of her. MMG probably knows more about it than I do.

    7. Iam NOT a follower of POS. I know you want to think I am so you have an excuse to throw mindless obscenities at a woman you dont even know. But get your facts right ok?

    8. I have not said one dirty word to you Jackie.I have just seen you on blogs and don't know what to think of you.That's all.

    9. JLB. I've said this before. I have a problem with pretty women. When they throw out their bath water, my hair gets wet. So I will not insult milady

    10. What are the facts then? Did you not publicly and staunchly support Dyer? Even appearing on many of his shows?

      I would like to know. I read the thread on BFF.

    11. Oh sorry Bigdad and thanks Mike!

      Anon 3:22 Yes I did publicly support POS and did appear on about 5 of his shows. Then I left and now I hate him :)

    12. Jacki

      You trashed good people in the name of that scumbag.

      You backed that horse for several months.

      You ducked out when Dyer started to breakdown and it was clear to the most brainwashed person that you had been f*cked over.

      At present I'm being polite Jacki.


  10. 1/3. Leading geneticist Bryan Sykes and presenter Mark Evans embark on a global quest to solve the riddle of mysterious creatures such as the Abominable Snowman and Sasquatch, which have fascinated cryptozoologists and confounded scientists for decades. In the first edition, Mark travels to the Himalayas to investigate the real story behind the centuries-old Yeti legend, while Bryan reveals the results of the DNA tests on hair samples he has collected.

  11. Yeti, Bigfoot, Abominable Snowman, Sasquatch and Almasty are just some of the names for mysterious creatures across the globe that have fascinated cryptozoologists and confounded scientists for decades.

    Are they an ancient hominid, a member of the human family like Neanderthals? Are they giant apes or some other species? Or are they simply hoaxes? A leading British geneticist believes he has the tools to finally answer the riddle.

    Oxford Professor of Human Genetics Bryan Sykes has assembled substantial physical evidence, which he subjects to the most sophisticated DNA tests available, as he and presenter Mark Evans hope to answer scientifically, once and for all, the mystery of Bigfoot.

    Mark Evans travels to the Himalayas to find the real story behind the centuries-old Yeti legend.

    He risks altitude sickness at Everest Base Camp, where the photograph of a footprint in the snow set off Yeti mania in 1951. He traces the legend through ancient manuscripts, holy relics and a Nazi expedition, and meets people convinced they have come face-to-face with the creature known in the west as the Abominable Snowman.

    Meanwhile Professor Sykes reveals the results of his DNA tests on the Yeti hair samples he's collected. The results are spectacular and unexpected.

    Last line sounds interesting lol.. will have to wait and see.

    1. The results are spectacular and unexpected.

      Would Bear, Coyote or Human contaminate be spectacular...



    2. Agreed. Spot on in fact. Three publications. One in the can. Two to come. Three documentaries. Yeti, Bigfoot Hybridization and evolutionary history refined. Appears we primates will stick our collective d.,'s in anything remotely resembling us. With some interesting results. Have to go. My massage therapist had a cancellation. :)

    3. Whoa, big fella...The most important thing is the journal article, and we don't even know the title.....You may be expecting too much...

  12. The results are spectacular. Just read the book: "The Yeti Enigma". Then, ask yourself one question. Because its the only question that matters now, did he get enough good samples for "The Sasquatch Enigma"? If so, when will the second publication be released. Third. Is it true that the third publication. will be the rewriting of evolutionary history. Focusing on hybridization events and their evolutionary consequences.

    1. I think there is one paper, one book, and there are three documentaries.

      But what of the gag order and timing? What science journal is publishing the paper and when? It would have to be before the docs in order to satisfy the gag order. So the paper will be out within the next 10 days?

      Or is there some other imaginative scheduling going on?

      Surely the science journal will steal the thunder from the docs, not the reverse. Would any science journal agree to results first being published through television, then in the journal? That would be strange.

      The timing all seems odd. If the paper is first, it will be out any day, before the 20th.

      Or this means no journal will publish the paper for the usual mainstream reasons, and Sykes is self-publishing through his book. That could be: journal publication is cancelled.

    2. The usual mainstream reasons?

      OR is it the usual scientific reasons?

    3. Well thought out post Zorro. Maybe mainstream will shun him which would be in step with the way they usually operate. Maybe he should submit it to DE Novo.


  13. hey Jacki, long time no squatching! Hope Professor Sykes has a good informative study with some answers to at least some of the questions of the genre. Artists are always the first to see-alize the realities of the universe, world, and even the Yeti footverse, words are visual, the truth comes in diverse flavors, my favorite though is chocolate, although I feel for them all.....Cheers romans lead

    1. nah! A footer troll is never going to be my worst nightmare. Overweight trailor park-trash keyboard bashers are hardly scary LOL

    2. wishes she was an American.^

  14. fuck the yeti i what the bigfoot one!!!

    1. You know what so do I. So when I learned he had a first batch of bear samples I was disheartened but then. My new backers told me of the "Washington samples ". Two very good ones that changed the North American game. :)

    2. Mike, this is God. Have you been touching yourself again?

  15. I could talk about this all night. But Carmela's cancellation changed the evening. I still don't understand her technique. How is the massage more therapeutic when SHE is naked and I am fully clothed. Oh well. I guess it's an "enigma." He He

    1. Well Mike, I hate to tell you this but thats what happens when you get your "massage therapist" off of Craigslist.

  16. Have a wonderful evening. I know I will. MKB.

    1. Mike B, makes us all SICK! go somewere else with your homoistic NAME DROPPING bullshit,,,," GOD" your such a QUEERBAIT NOBODY!! F.O.D....henry m.

    2. ^^^^ I think mike is f:n cool ,,so shut the f__k up .^^^


    4. I don't think dropping the names of Derek Zoolander, Rex Mantooth,or the Arctic Monkeys are considered name dropping. And the massage artist Carmela is equally fictional. No. I'm fairly certain your hate filled soliloquy was more about you than me. Now brush the cracker crumbs off your bib and relax. :)

    5. And I don't loose my temper very often "Henry M". But Dorothy Mantooth is a saint.

    6. Finally. The word you were looking for was homoerotic. Homoistic in your male lovers tongue means "a gay fool lacking the intelligence to insult a straight one ". :)

  17. Skepturds....get ready to go Uhhhh, yeah, but, uhhhh-uhhhh- so, whatever, duhhh,

  18. So is Dr. Sykes $10,000,000 richer or what? When can we see him on the bigfoot bounty show?

    1. Fat chance. See this? These dots under this microscope?


    2. Unfortunately, don't put your faith in science for this subject. Sounds odd maybe, but this will not come from their camp (we know they cover it up and fight it) instead it'll be some whistleblowers.

  19. Yawn. Hype. Nonsense. It's either this show or something on how to clean your sink.

  20. MMG is setting himself up for an absolute smoking when sykes says no monkey.

    1. Lol! Let me have it guys I can take it.

      I'm very hopeful but also doubtful Sykes will provide enough 'proof'.

      Things are sounding very positive however. Progress at last perhaps?


  21. I just crapped my pants and I like it!


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