Top 5 Incredible Photos From Mulder's World [10/22/2013]

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Here are some fascinating photographs from, the front page of the strange and unexplained:

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  1. Replies
    1. Yabba. Dabba. Do. And a not second with a two and a half flip.

    2. Let's see you try a two and a half flip. :)

    3. do u pricks think we are all rolling about laughing at your 'firstling' post patter. fuckin tools

  2. AnonymousMonday, October 21, 2013 at 8:56:00 PM PDT
    I have a primary research area in Alberta Canada. I have been researching this area for 3 years, with lots of success. Many tree formations, footprint castings, hair samples, audio recordings and a partial bite impression.
    A couple months ago, I showed the area to Todd Standing. Todd was very impressed with the area and as a result he has returned many times. He recently brought out John Bindernagel and Jeff Meldrum, which is awsome, he had both of them sign disclosure agreements because he is planning a documentary in this area. Even though I introduced him to the area he has left me out of the loop as to what he is doing there. Even when I ask him, he tells me that everything is confidential due to his documentary. What Todd did not know is that I have been discussing this area with Jeff Meldrum, for about a year now, in hopes of having my area used as a test run location for the falcon project.
    This is my primary research area that I introduced him to to get gis opinion, not to have him take it over and leave me out of the loop. It is a matter of ethics and respect, which I feel he has none and I have come to the conclusion that Todd Standing can not be trusted. I have spoken to John Bindernagel, whom I know and John knows me, and he is now aware of the real circumstances. Todd had given him the impression that this area was discovered by him and that it his primary research area, when in fact, he was introduced to the area by me. I have also sent an email to Jeff Meldrum, whom I also have met and know, in regards to this and I am awaiting his call to me so that I can explain in more detail about Todds deception.
    Todd is deceiving me and the high profile sasquatch researchers he is bring to my area.
    Any advice on how to deal with this would be greatly appreciated.
    You can call me if you like, 780-807-4222, ask for Aaron.
    I need to regain full control or my research area before things get out of hand.

    Well Aaron, I cleared this up with Todd. It appears you have posted a libelous claim. Meldrum and Bindernagel don't recognize you at all, stop lying dude.

    1. Aaron, I take libel and defamation very seriously, don't cross me on that.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Ooooooo, Internet tough guy. LOL.

    4. Nope, look me up, i'm sure I'll get a lot of BS but send me a message to Pelagic6 on youtube. I'll respond.

    5. Prove it campz, you cant.

    6. What? Lying and deception among Bigfooters? I am shocked--shocked--by these allegations. :)

    7. Is there anyone credible left in the bigfoot community? Besides Dr Matthew Johnson of course.

    8. I for one believe Aaron's tale of woe. In fact I find Aaron to be the most credible voice in the bigfoot community.

    9. Rush. Standing's close up pictures of BF faces should be the definitive proof that these creatures exist.

      This isn't the case though is it?

      These faked pics are dismissed by everyone in this field and quite rightly so.

      I find these attempts at hoaxing laughable.

      I don't know if Aaron's tale is true but getting involved with Standing seems a foolish thing to do in the first place.


    10. Not only is Standing a hoaxer but anyone involved with him is either part of the hoax or a gullible fool.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Welcome to the Internet numbnuts.

  4. Elk killed by toxic algae is the most compelling bloated carcass in the Figboot community.

    1. Im not saying any names but the competition for that title is FIERCE! - Yes, say it with a lisp and its even better.

  5. OK, go to bed, you have work tomorrow fool!

  6. When/If, Big foot is proven to exist. Say, a hunter brings in a dead body, Guys like Biscardi, Dyer, Moneymaker, Standing, Johnson, Randalls and Justin will all commit suicide, since they weren't the one that proved they existed!

    1. Fortunately for those that love them, that will never happen...Their families can look forward to many, many years of listening to these men tell bigfoot lies during Christmas dinners...

  7. I've put hoaxers into 3 categories:

    Money grubbers - they're really quite agnostic on the actual existence of bigfoot. They have found an easy "mark" and market for which make a buck.

    Foolers - they don't believe BF exists and therefore enjoy fooling those that do believe that what they have is proof. Their motives are less to do with debunking and more about the need to show their superiority.

    Provers - they strongly believe in bf and may have at one time had an experience that drives them to prove to everyone that it exists. Their intentions are pure but don't realize they do more harm than good.

    My 2 cents

    1. I believe Standing falls in the "provers" category.

      My 2 cents


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