Scientists Refused To Believe Matilda Is Real According To Ketchum Camp

This revelation coming from the Ketchum camp is mind blowing! Stories of DNA labs throwing out purported samples only because the results came out weird is unheard of in the field of science. Is it possible that the labs are rejecting samples based on the lack of understanding of a new-undiscovered North American primate? Who knows, but if this is really happening, perhaps Ketchum is right and it's true that science is turning a blind eye to one of the most important discoveries in the history of mankind. Ketchum's publicist posted this message on Facebook yesterday regarding a sample that was purposely destroy after the DNA sequence showed that it came from Sasquatch:

This is Robin posting something I feel is important.

This needs to be said:

To clarify: I do not know T.(redacted) Disotell. When Adrian Erickson came to our project, he told me that he had sent an aliquot of the red Sasquatch's blood to Disotell for testing. AE has results and correspondence as proof. He was extremely upset because Disotell had destroyed the sample. Disotell got human mitochondrial DNA sequence when he tested the sample and didn't believe that it came from a Sasquatch. He told the PhD on Erickson's staff that somebody must have hoaxed it. He said this in spite of the fact that the study was well monitored by Dennis Pfohl who is extremely credible was in control of the food trap start to finish. If it was hoaxed, our genetic testing showed the suspect would be a red headed female, which obviously Dennis is not. In addition, the whole genome SNP testing excluded this individual (the red headed female) as being 100% human with results close to 20% below the human threshold.

After Disotell destroyed the DNA (Mr. Erickson's staff had requested the remaining sample be returned), another aliquot that had been retained by Erickson was sent to Paleo labs in Canada. They also obtained human results on the mitochondrial DNA. Finally, AE sent the remainder of the DNA to our study and had Paleo labs send what they had left also. Our lab also obtained human mitochondrial sequence. These were all independent tests using different laboratories. We then began testing the sample using several platforms to obtain nuclear DNA sequences and profiles. This sample like all of the other samples in the study yielded human sequence as well as unknown sequence.

Disotell specializes in evolution using mitochondrial DNA. He is not qualified to comment on the genomics or other disciplines in this study. Like he said on the Joe Rogan show, our project used "some of the latest cutting edge science" that he is not expert on--he admits "I can't follow 3/4 of that paper." The raw data for this paper continues to be available as separate files with the manuscript. He is a perfect example of the scientific bias we have faced


  1. Replies
    1. Hey, are you guys talking about Sharon H. again? I still love her, even though she dumped me like bad yogurt.
      Carry on.

  2. And the scientists are right!!!

    1. I can't believe it.


    2. Only if they support this study, yes.

    3. You're wrong. The scientific mind can not accept it.

      You may as well state 'bigfoot is real and he comes flying out of my asshole eveey 20 minutes'

  3. i shoot at competitions every Saturday. 25 yards with a 300 Mag. 300 Mag would waste anything you have

    1. But you don't eat bacon, so can't be that good

    2. No I don't eat bacon.But I shove it up my taterhole all the time thank you very much.

    3. I shoot loads at your mom & she loves it. She's a fat milf that craves filth. I shot some on her face from only 12 inches. I porked that little pig.

    4. Really? Thats strange as the old bastard has been dead for years.

    5. Again with the gun-speak? Can you hit a taterhole at close range?

  4. The labs through out the Unicorn DNA also (and Puff the magic Dragon) yep!! its a cover up!!

    Now, can we leave this story alone and talk about mentally ill people that actually believe in bigfoot???

    1. ^^^ AMI

      (Actually Mentally Ill)

      #Tooneytard approved

    2. 9:32 if you could please stop smoking a 12 inch Cuban and get back into a reality that does not consist of magic apes that can elude cutting edge science, that would be great

      fuckin jackass

    3. You mean... Cutting edge science that still hasn't debunked Bigfoot and is actually starting to ask important questions??

      Get with the times.


    4. ^this guy still hasn't proven he's not a cop

      be very careful what you say

    5. Joe the only thing you're schoolin is your dick with your left hand douche

    6. The only thing we know for sure about Joe is that he is a dick.

    7. In Joe's infantile mind, if you agree with him, he wins, and if you disagree with him, he wins.

      We don't really know if he is homosexual, but he is Welsh, and that's close enough.

    8. Oh that explains why he's always stroking himself and spitting in socks

    9. Joe has a girlfriend and my nan was Welsh xx

    10. ^ doubt it and you're a dude.

    11. Hey Eva!!

      Answer me something Eva please? What would be more infantile... Someone who schools the ignorant, or someone resorting to sticks and stones cause they can't cope with schooling?

      Glad to hear there's Welsh in you Eva! One side of my family is English. xx

    12. Hello Joe,the answer of course is the second one,my nan came from Pontypridd but i haven't had a Welshman in me,not yet lol xx

    13. Anon 12:07 girlfriend,you wouldn't even no the difference xx

    14. ^ the most-trolled-by-joe footer on BFE.

    15. At ;least Eva was a dude. Joe, not so much.

    16. Eva!

      I'm familiar with the area of Pontypridd! Played a few gigs up there in my time! Good hard working people.

      Peace. xx

    17. The idiot skeptards school themselves with their ignorant stupidity as well. It's weird how that works. A win win.

  5. They're a bunch of frauds who managed to get a small fan base of uneducated followers.

    1. What's your educational credentials anon?


    2. I think you mean 'what're' you stupid footer

    3. If Joe was a cop he wouldn't be a cop he would be a police officer xx

    4. Joe's a pig unless he can prove otherwise.

      Right pig?

    5. Joe is a JREFer who got bored with Trollandia and now plays the part of idiotic footer just for kicks.

    6. (Sigh)

      Are you that bored and out of ideas?


    7. Like the dude who trolled the Habituator's thread at BFF?
      It's starting to make sense.

  6. Replies
    1. When Melba sits around the lab, she sits AROUND the lab.

      Thank you, thank you very much...

  7. This Melba Ketchum is a disgusting person. No half decent person would do what she has done.

    1. Yep!! A very dangerous world we live in. People will do anything for $$$$. Sucks!!

    2. What, wear a suite like that on national TV given her size? I agree.

    3. cankles and bingo wings are the sexiest part of a woman

    4. ^ Covert guys goofing around.

    5. She does need a fashion consultant.

    6. she hasn't been herself since she was mind-raped by that bigfoot with the gnarled penis

    7. WOW,and i thought girls could be bitchy xx

    8. wanna buy some ovaries and find out?

    9. Are Eva and Joe the same person??? Like Glen and Glenda?

    10. Why can't some of you be nice for a change xx

    11. tell it to that asshole joe why don't you

    12. Careful, you'll hurt my feelings!

      WhooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... !!!

      (My nose got a little longer and made that sound)


  8. "I can't follow 3/4 of that paper."



    1. I'm anon that's desperately angry...

      Welcome to Jackass.


    2. ^ bullshitter, posts pics of sticks and trees, fakes outrage when everyone laughs

    3. Shouldn't that have read...

      "^Posts pictures of Bigfoot that cause the entire militant tardist group to go on a quest because it scares them"?


    4. Joe, after seeing those bigfoot pics that were posted, it is tough to tell if you are serious or trolling the community.

    5. Agreed. Shawn should take a poll. He has become a liability for any of the less 'flaming' footers, if you'll pardon the expression.

    6. Those are real Bigfoot. I make no apologies or excuses for that judgement and laughably... You have the same claim to credibility as I do.


      We should have a poll on you bringing your real ID out BL... Oh sorry, too sensitive.


    7. Like all of your arguments, this one doesn't hold up.

      I changed from the lips avatar to the Stones avatar which was much more suggestive. Would a sensitive person do that?

      This ought to be good.

    8. Talk about to sensitive, huh, PJ?

      Like how you welched out of the Sykes bet after you twice accepted. Did YOUR taterhole get a little sensitive? How sensitive was it when you were banned? I bet it was all red and puffy, probably slightly itchy too.

    9. BL...

      Having to try and explain yourself is the surest sign of sensitivity.


      Ooooooooooooohhhh, I've certainly got your attention! Well let me tell you something boyo, it was as sensitive as yours to have had to have made the same arss kissing and public apology! HA!!

      Sykes will deliver... Me threstening to quit the bet was to make you dance and cry and give up your anonymity; and lo and behold; you danced alright!

      HA HA HA HA HA!!


    10. Actually, there was no stipulations as for my unbanning. You were the one required to apologize and not use certain names anymore. I simply apologized for posting my balls out of the kindness of my heart. I've got the emails from Shawn to side my argument.

      You quit the bet because you can't stand to lose and especially lose this blog. Even now, with my real info you still back out.

      Sykes will deliver the final nail in the mainstream footery coffin.

    11. Really?! Ha!!

      Nope Campz, you exposed yourself and got on everyone's nerves. If you think that that is ok, then those are traits of psychopathy. If there was no problem with you, you wouldn't have been banned, so stop trying to convince anyone of anything else. You were bang out of order, so was I and your grovelling would suggest you recognised that at the time, regardless if you denying that now.

      The truth is see Campz... I don't know where the Sykes study is gonna land, but I do know some things;

      *that his agenda is to be the first to bring this species into the mainstream scientific world... Don't be surprised if he gives himself another extension to make sure this happens (wondering if I know something you don't already?)
      *that even if Sykes doesn't deliver... 30 samples is 30 samples and it would be a sure sign of how desperate you people are for closure in ignoring that fact if such an outcome would arise.


    12. Blah blah blah. You're still talking about my balls like you want to put them in your mouth and tongue them. That's odd for a straight man to do.

      As for getting on everyone's nerves, speak for yourself. You've got people on your own side who hate you. You were banned. That speaks to everyone being tired of your copy paste crap.

      I was begged to come back by one of your 'dear friends' because they couldn't handle your day to day bullshit. Yet again, I have the emails to show this. Even your 'dear friends' get incredibly tired of your arrogance and tomfoolery.

    13. Campz, you're getting sensitive about your exposure boyo. That's a pretty dark thing to suggest bro, I'd bite your lip there, you don't want to get banned again.

      The only person who moans about my pastes is you. I quite enjoy pasting as it saves me time... You never hear me crying about the same old trolling crap that enthusiasts have to read on here, do you? You forget, that there are many of your own camp that were happy to see the back of you, and I didn't have to pretend to be someone else under anonimaty to appear like I had followers. I couldn't care if the entire Footer community hated me... I speak how I find and fight for the truth, have done all my life. It's play ground tactics to suggest 'nobody likes you', it's getting pretty low now Campz.

      If Mike had a problem with me he would have told me so, we're quite open and argue all the time. You are laughably childish and do great harm to any credibility to your 'intelligence' by suggesting play ground sillies like that.

      Oh dear Campz... Ha ha ha ha!! Really?? Try and grow up bro.


    14. Look Campz...

      I don't really want to go down this road again with you, I much rather enjoy just debating you.

      I know you hate me but the truth is I find you quite funny.

      Have a good night.


    15. Nothing to debate. As far as real life is concerned, Sasquatch doesn't exist. I'm not out here to disprove the Squatch, I'm here laughing at the horrible attempts to prove Sasquatch.

    16. We all know you're a Footer Campz... You just don't like people it seems.


    17. Boooommmm ! Daniel pwned Joe one more time!!

  9. Disotell is what I like to call an "educated idiot".

    1. what because he doesn't want to validate your imaginary magic monkey man? oh boo fucking hoo, get a grip

    2. Ah that's more like it, after 10 months I thought every body had turnied into pussies. Nice to see the old school still around.

      You restored my faith 9:39

    3. No monkeys, just giant hairy people.


    4. Yep. Joe, many of these geeks know Melba's spot on here but they don't like the results because the species is not the dumb ape they always thought it is. Or pretended it to be anyway, who in his right mind would cling to a theory of thousands of wild giant apes unless you're truly mad. So who is the mad part here, obviously her opponents and their covert operations like BFRO (aka NSA). Take Cutino trying to save face by claiming to be indifferent to the species' biology, having always joined the choir in calling Bigfoots animals, like the other operators not to be trusted as far as you can throw a rock.

    5. does Joe have a thing for Mediterranean men?

  10. Replies
    1. Not sure who that is but John Bindernagel pwns bindernagle.

    2. I'd give a blueberry bagel
      to John Bindernagel

      Thank you

  11. Robin Lynne Forestpeople is not qualified to comment on anything that isn't blueberry bagel related.

    1. How about Robin Lynne Bigclumpsofsmellyshitstucktomyfur?

  12. Where can you buy the DNA paper?

    I wanna use it to wipe my ass!

  13. no need for any of this nonsense

    if these things exist then just show a video of them that is actualy them and not a wookie costume


    its all a hoax, no bigfoot anywhere ever, just clowns and jackasses, and MMG

    1. ^^^
      This is an actual demonstration of stupidity.

      This is not a simulation.

      Do not adjust your set.

      #Tooneytard approved

    2. It keeps them off the streets and away from our children at least.

    3. 9:44...

      Glad I could help!


  14. Look at all the Trolls and their comments!!!! If you think it is all fake and hoax, then why are you Trolls here commenting??? Idiots!!!!

    1. Go back a few years nothing much has changed. So your point is?

    2. I happen to find magical monkeys and the extremely credulous to be an irresistible and highly entertaining combination.

    3. I think women named Kevin got problems. She must be on her period.

    4. No monkeys, just giant hairy people.


    5. Kevin, I'm here for the entertainment. Best show in town.

    6. Kevin, thanks for the comment. These troll geeks aren't just bored kids when even dumb kids get tired of acting dumb, no these geeks have been here for years because it's their job to be here and do this. Huge covert operation to discredit not only the Ketchum study results (that we all know are 100% correct), but casting the whole subject of Bigfoot in doubt is obviously their agenda. All paid for within the budget of secret funds.

    7. Very true. I make serious bit coinage trolling this blog.

    8. ixnay on the ayoffpay- oejay the agfay is erehay

    9. We are commenting because we are sick and tired of whack jobs and hoaxers ruining the image of sane bigfoot enthusiasts.

    10. True dat.True dat.

  15. When are we going to find out that the unknown DNA is Melba's?

    1. insecure Joe has to pee in every corner


    2. Desperate for attention troll equals easily attained ego for Joe Fitz.

      Why wouldn't I respond to your dribble?



    3. ^ wails of the über pwned.

    4. why didn't Shawn post the intercepted emails about his Barbie doll collection?

    5. ^So sensitive... So, so sensitive... Poor old BL had to change his avatar again.


      Too easy.

    6. Joe's on his pedestal again. Where's your friend that pissed on all the footers?

    7. What was that guy's name? C'mon Joe, help us out.

      He sure put those amateur footers in their place!

    8. Sensitive...

      My pedestal would suggest your inferiority... Try not to let it become a complex, eh?


      I can't even understand you.


    9. Melba humped a lemur. That's how she found lemur DNA. Swabbed her vag with an old hair brush.

    10. Joe seems to be the sensitive one.

  16. Big foots don't exist!
    The Earth is Flat!
    Our Sun is the center of the universe!
    Man cannot fly!
    Man cannot go to the moon!
    And Spektards are brilliant people!

    1. In my country we would dress Joe up like a giant banana, go to the zoo, and throw him in with the gorillas. We would then celebrate with vodka and hookers.

  17. Because watching all of the shenanigans pulled by footers and hoaxers is hilarious. We also continue to laugh at people blaming some giant multi-governmental conspiracy. None of these governments seem to coexist peacefully but they all come together in the name of Squatch. It's very entertaining watching all these pseudoscientists try and prove something after 10x lifetimes of not having a single shred of organic scientific evidence to further all your wild claims.

    1. I hope he lives on the Mississippi river cuz i just sent a coupla floaters his way.

    2. Kevin has gone to bed with a severe pwning to his pelvic region.

    3. I really liked Kevin Puckett when he was with the Union Gap.

    4. People simply don't make up conspiracy theories because it is a convenient way out of things when there is lack of a type specimen. There are researchers that have invested much more time into this subject than any of us who blog here, who have come up with countless instances where there appears to be some sort of covering over the cracks, and this is what leads people to apply a little curiosity and a little bit of Sherlock Holmes work, to come to a conclusion that maybe there is an effort to either cover this up completely for numerous reasons, or even to secretly show a level of understanding and compassion to this creature in realising that it needs to be left alone... I don't know, but what I do know, is I don't make stuff up and I sure as heck don't spin things to suit my theories. I have come to these conclusions off the back of looking at facts.

      Russia has vast areas that have not been penetrated by civilisation, and so has Australia and Asia, China has a fully federal funded wildman campaign. What I'm saying is, the United States is covered by 70% worth of wilderness and much of that is being penetrated very rapidly in comparison to the other countries I just mentioned, and when you have deer numbers soaring, you are gonna see these creatures much more often and with the development of the Internet in recent years, the awareness of this creature has evolved into what can now be labeled; popular culture. Now, if there was indeed an agenda by the United States regarding this creature, that would be in stark contrast to other countries where there are areas where the creature can evade populations more easily and therefore, sightings can be treated as just the occasional 'nut-job account' to them, as opposed to the United States.

      Now... to that suggested agenda; when you have the frequency of sightings that are in complete conjunction with what one would expect to see from a highly intelligent nocturnal creature, paired with the amount of evidence there is to suggest there 'could be' something to it... The decision to not investigate is far from the scientific method that skeptics keep implying is keeping this subject in the realms of 'reality'. When that doesn't happen, and you have numerous reasons to suspect that the economy would have to suffer for habitat, then it is not too unrealistic to those who wonder why this subject doesn't move out from dogmaville.

      People make things up, yes... But implying that all witnesses that have seen this creature do, is trying too hard to dismiss them and is again... Not in line with the scientific method skeptics claim is right in keeping this subject back. If these people really would 'love this subject to be proven', then they wouldn't dismiss every account as either money making schemes or lies. In their effort to dismiss people they consider liars of swindlers, they forget that the majority of researchers are just that to replicate experiences they have had that have changed their lives.


    5. Dan Campbell. Question. Would you not agree there is a multinational world wide conspiracy between all the HOT women of the world to keep us from thier taterholes?

    6. Joe is a troll and hoaxer. Schooled and you're welcome.

    7. Russia has vast quantities of hot women who's taterholes have not been penetrated.

    8. Daniel must be slow or something, of course the two political parties know nothing about this that's not how conspiracies work they're secret, you know. Covert Intelligence operations and black budgets, whether we think it sounds funny or not but behind closed doors this Bigfoot thing falls under national security and regarded as tolerated intruders. All this Bigfoot interest from blogs and groups is just a front, in reality it's a cover because they know they exist but can't be revealed because whatever they are (and they're intelligent) it'd upset our already shaky social balance and require history rewritten no one's interested in momentarily. Including the squatches themselves for that matter, don't you think if they were or allowed to they'd said hi long ago rather than retreat. Think please, this is no mystery except for the secrecy (maybe species shared) keeping it so.

    9. A whole bunch of words that I didn't read. Easy cop out is always claiming vast conspiracies, always.

    10. Anon 12:03 is village jackass.

    11. So many comments and none of them challenged me...


      Campbell, I expected more from you. I even enjoyed your point of view on guns being 'tools', very interesting... But failure to read a counter argument, is the biggest cop out.


    12. Because no one cares about you, PJ. You try and repeat the same stale material that's been covered and torn apart time after time like repeating it makes it true.

      In your mind you are right no matter what. You think the world is out to cover up bigfoot, how can I debate crazy? There's no point.

      You have never been squatching, you have never been to a country that has supposed Squatches, you have nothing but emails with some random people who are 5,000 miles away. The only physical thing to footing that you have done is scoot your way on to a failed blobsquatch picture that you did zero leg work on.

      You have nothing and that makes you happy. A sane mind can never comprehend the insane mind.

    13. Time for bed, Joe. Apply ice to pwned areas and take it easy tomorrow.

    14. Thank you, Eva. These other nutcases do know I'm right too obviously they're here to talk nonsense, including the latest camper Danny there. We know that he's a liar and did read it, or he'd not answered.

    15. Eva, How can I get my little tater tot to be classified as a "Tolerated Intruder"

    16. 'Covered and torn apart'?

      By who, you?

      It is a clear sign of narcissism that you would assume that because you post responsive lies on this blog and ignore the counter responses you get, means that my arguments have been torn apart.

      Give it up Campbell... Everyone knows you believe in Bigfoot but are just too impatient and bitter, and simply just don't like people.

      It's too much fun for you to poke at people with the skeptical arguments you've come across over the years that have accumulated to you becoming so bitter.

      I am not always right and in fact, been wrong many times AND on the grander scheme of things know nothing about Bigfoot. I am even starting to theorise that some forestry officers are in fact protecting these creatures as opposed to censoring them.

      It is beyond ignorance that you would assume that you have to be from the States to be into cryptozoology, and yet again, you focus on my nationality... Now I could make some very drastic claims about the way you think as well with that type of expressive mindset couldn't I?

      I am perfectly fine with people thinking the pictures I promoted were blobsquatches, even expected it... But we have further evidence of these creatures on Mike's property and this will be made public in time which will lend credence to the pictures we made public. I will defend that research to the last because my friend Mike is ten of you, an honest person and has nothing to hide... AGAIN, unlike you.

      Crazy? No... Watching you dance and wale and cry like a girl over the Sykes episode was crazy!

      Anyone who exposes themselves publicly and then states that anyone else is crazy... Is gaga.


    17. Look at you frothing at the mouth and running around trying to get people to 'debate' you. How do you continue to dig yourself deeper into the whack job hole?

      Tired and stale points, geriatric loonies, and unfounded claims is all you ever have. There's nothing to debate with you. Until you can actually show me the body of a bigfoot or show conclusive novel DNA relating to a modern unknown hominid then you have nothing and we have nothing to talk about.

      Ad hominem all you want, keep talking about my balls (really must have got you chubbed up because you are STILL talking about my balls), keep copying and pasting your moronic paragraphs because in the end you have nothing and like it.

    18. Sensitive about your exposure are you Campz?

      Everyone's nuts except you, eh Campz?!

      That's a laugh.


    19. I wasn't aware I was being sensitive over my own balls, I'm just perplexed as to why a supposedly straight male keeps talking about my balls like he wants to put them in his mouth and tongue them.

    20. That was pretty dark Campz.

      You did it, expect the repercussions of being reminded of it.


  18. Replies
    1. Joe has lost his mind! He's insulting all the girls and making sexual propositions to all the boys!

    2. Harry's in the house! How you doin', dog?

    3. Anon 11:23 you say that as though you're suprised. Good man how about you? What's up

    4. Bandini, you wanna say summin, come out with it bro.

    5. Tell him what you told us Harry. About Joe and the laxatives.

    6. Joe it's teasing if I really had something to say you'd be the first to know the only thing I thought was dumb that you said was about you acting like MK Davis had any credibility. Anon 12:42 shhh I don't want to make anyone cry on the sabbath

    7. I'm not crying Bandini...

      I just get the impression sometimes you find me disagreeable.

      On the whole I think you very funny.


    8. There is nothing funny about parent grandparent sibling and dog sodomy lol like that American dad episode my sex is very offensive I offend people with the sex that I have

  19. Because there isn't any such thing. Bigfooters are stupid beneath measure.


      Sorry to ruin your day.


    2. ^ troll, tries to make real bigfooters look like idiots.

    3. ^Troll that can't stand his own ground or debate successfully so has to go on a hate campaign and suggest division.


    4. ^ doing damage control after being outted. Truth hurts.


    5. Yawn.

      I still read no debate from you... That is the schooling my friend.


  20. ^Got lost on brokeback mountain.

  21. Don't take you're guns to Texas MJA. Leave you're guns at home son. Don' take you're guns to town.

  22. Technically a .22 CB cap has the energy to kill a squatch.

    1. But even that forceful energy fails when up against the black ops stopping your prize before publication, were this not so we'd seen the proof by now on the news. I'll give you one guess who stops that from within.

    2. The New Zealand Secret Intellgence Service. NZSIS

    3. I worked for the NZSIS! The Bunyip division.

    4. ^^^It looks like English but makes absolutely no sense. This must be what going insane feels like.

  23. So, Todd (the mohawk) Disotell, has some issues with being truthful. Now who would of thunk that after his lifetime of being rejected based on hair styling (or lack thereof) choice.

  24. First the bfro site becomes infected , Sykes study is delayed, then some e-mails are supposedly hacked, coincidence? It appears somebody wants bigfoot to remain a myth. What are your thoughts on this Joe?

    1. I think that what's evident, is that there is someone on a hate campaign at least. A very obvious thing to say I know... But there are so many average Joe's out there that would enjoy putting the hurt on something that threatens their safe little world.

      As for Sykes... His agenda is obvious; he wants to be the first to introduce this species into the mainstream scientific world. He's always pushed the boundaries. I expect him to give himself as many extensions as he needs until he achieves that.

      As someone quite rightly stated on this blog weeks ago; 30 samples isn't even enough per State.



  25. Man,you sum bitches are better than watching college football.

  26. Anon 2:30,i believe that the truth what ever it is always comes out in the end,it always finds a way xx

    1. Ah, Eva. Sweet, lovely, innocent Eva. Sorry, kiddo, there's no such thing as Bigfoot. That is the truth and it is already out.

  27. Its a new moon today, the skeptards are out in full force.

  28. Robin clearly did not write that post - she does not have the command of the English language to have done so, based on all of her previous posts.

    And Disotell's statement that he couldn't follow the paper was in reference to its nonsense. Real scientists can recognize that the paper is BS but because it uses so much jargon, lay readers can't tell. And Ketchum is not a geneticist, and is not qualified to have made the interpretations she did in her paper. She is a veterinarian.

  29. What a bunch of idiots. The sample tested 100% human but tested 20% under the threshold for humans. What? If the second part is true, It would not test 100% human.

  30. Techinically I've killed infinity squatches. I've shot at nothing millions of times. Infinite nothing.

  31. thank you Joe and Eva for your replies. If it wasnt for you and some of the others, I wouldnt even bother with this blog.

    Z-hawk a good day to all.

  32. Anon 4:23 obsessed with foreskin, needs counseling.



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