Listen to: The Squatchers Lounge Podcast with special guest cryptozoologist Scott Marlowe, tonight at 7PM PST

Coming up later tonight... Join Rev. Jeff and David Batdorf as they hang out with Scott Marlowe and discuss the Bigfoot family tree and ask the question just where did Bigfoot come from. Live @ 7pm Pacific/10pm Eastern on A link to the podcast will be posted below:



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh... And I can't wait to listen to this!!!


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Enthusiast point made...

      Skeptic counter point...

      Enthusiast counter point made...

      No skeptic counter point?


    4. hey man- FB starts in like a week. I've already started drinking. Gotta ramp up to the big premier!

    5. Here's your counterpoint: Sykes.


    6. I gotta say... I enjoy the eyewitness accounts.


    7. Counter point...

      Bears don't debunk Bigfoot... Not unless you suffer from closure desperation.


    8. Keep it in it's sheath young man.

    9. Joe, didn't your mother ever tell you nothing good happens after midnight? Good time at the pub eh?

    10. The only thing opened after midnight is hospitals and legs

      "The unknown comedian"

    11. Ha ha ha!! Hey Rush and Harry!! Been back from the pub a little while... Now it's falling asleep with H2 in the background time.

      Goodnight all!

    12. Yo, hb, Battling tens of millions of multicolored asian lady beetles, it's horrible around here.

    13. To clear this up, It might have sounded racist... There really is a multicolored asian lady beetle, they were released in the early 1900's and in the 70's and 80's to battle insects like aphids that destroy trees and other crops, which they still successfully do . The problem is they are now overpopulated and in swarms, they get into your home no matter how well it is sealed, they also bite.

    14. "...there really was a multicolored asian lady beetle...." Yoko Ono?

    15. Hi joe, you asked for us to comment about mike brookresons videos,, they are pretty damn good!! ......However people are going to whine, because the video resolution is way too low,, Break down and get a better camera,, thnx joe,,,, keep on keeping on

    16. What's the difference between those and regular ladybugs

    17. Man up in Chicago when festivals start in the spring the vendor tents would be infested with the yellow ones

    18. harry, from what I understand there's a native ladybug and the introduced multicolored asian lady beetle. The MCALB is out competing the native ladybugs all over and specifically here in Ohio, for a good reason, they are simply better and more efficient at reducing those pests that affect the crops. It's always a fall thing for the MCALB, after the first freeze they come out in swarms coinciding with the late fall harvest, which is occurring right now here.

    19. harry, that could be the Spotted cucumber beetle?

    20. Remember that from G.I. Joe the more you know and knowing is half the battle

    21. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle... J.I. Joe, a real American Hero!!


    Matilda if you're reading this I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry for cheating on you. Melba and I only did it once when I was drunk.

    I love you baby, muah!

  3. I love a butt that stinks like shit.


    1. her wahoo smelled like bigfoot's taint

    2. Better then lovin hippies I guess cause they just smell of ass and patchouli oil

  4. Joe, I read the debate between you and the king guy a few threads back. While I thought he was dickish, I kind of agree with him. You really don't have any proof at all. Not only do you not have proof, there is no proof. Thousands of people claiming they saw the Virgin Mary is not actual proof that the blessed mother of Christ is actually visiting anyone. You often counter skeptics that they can't prove that BF doesn't exist but in any logical debate on the subject of a cryptid or supernatural being, the burden of proof is on the believer. As a follower of Christ, I can't prove that God is real because there is no proof. I love God through my faith in Him. I defend you're right to believe in a nocturnal giant hominid that for some reason is always seen during the day but you have to prove that he exists or just admit to the world that you have faith in BF's existence because really, that's all you have. In your debate w/ the king you said some proof that you had to bring to the table was the yeti finger that actor jimmy Stewart smuggled out of Nepal. The finger has been studied since the 90's, science has come along way in 20 years. It's been identified as all human. that's the link to the report there.

    1. PJ "Giggles" too damn much. Who the hell expresses that in writing as an emotion on a Bigfoot Blog? Must be a Welsh thing.

    2. I disagree with everything the king had to say, but his impersonation of joe was pretty funny. I give credit where credit is due.

    3. He is a type of Welsh people.

    4. He's not absent, he's probably working. Other side of the world and all. He will be back and he will have much to say.

    5. It's just the other side of the Atlantic not the world! It's actually 5:30am so he's probably asleep and he never has anything to say worth reading just the same crap over and over....

    6. Yeah, Joe exaggerates or completely misrepresents the biological evidence...The blood found at Snel Lake did not pan out, yet he exclaims "Schooled by Monsterquest"...

  5. And the whole thing about dermal ridges... I wear a size 13 shoe. If I walked around bare foot in the woods and left tracks, my print could easily be mistaken for an unseen hominid. In fact, weren't the first tracks in modern history "discovered" by a man that who was a proven hoaxer? Here is an article about track hoaxing.

    1. Like the King has said on the other threads Christopher Joe never gives in or listens to points that people with a differing view offer up. He also repeatedly uses debunked evidence in his so called "schoolings" of us sceptics. A couple of days ago I was debating with him and just gave up because he kept repeating his same unknown homin DNA, dermal ridges, transcribed language etc rant. When I asked him what unknown primate DNA he told me about the MonsterQuest episode with the screw board with supposed Bigfoot DNA which to my knowledge was retested on a follow up episode and the lab results came back as fungi. The very fact that he was referencing Ketchum's study in his debate with THE KING shows that he won't listen to real hard facts as this study has been proven to be complete bullshit, of course Joe will cite his usual cop out response of scientific bias which might have been true if Ketchum actually provided ANY valid results. We all know that Justin's bear steak was the keystone of her paper and that the sequences she published were gibberish and her conclusions shoddy with no evidence to back it up. It's not scientific bias if there's no science in the first place Joe, face it she committed fraud to rip Wally off and also stole and destroyed samples that could discredit her work. Just as Randles, Curtino, Smeja et al.

    2. Sorry, that should be ASK Randles, Curtino, Smeja et al. Whoopsy! Also, he lists hair samples and scat under evidence in his "schoolings" of myself and others. The problem is no hair evidence has been DNA tested by reputable geneticists or labs as "unknown primate" to my knowledge anyway, unknown and known bear, yes. As for scat how could you ever get Sasquatch scat when no one can with any authority tell you what these creatures eat? All we get are theories that they prey on deer and also eat other scavenged animals, berries, tubers, pine cones, wild hogs, cattle, pigs, cats and pretty much anything that grows in the forest. Problem with any of that is you have to prove WITH OUT A DOUBT THAT SASQUATCH EXISTS FIRST! How can you say that it's Bigfoot poop and actually prove it? Didn't Joe Rogan cover this with Tod Disotel and the poop sample he was given? Wasn't that bear too? Doesn't it have to be fresh to yield DNA evidence as the only way to get DNA off a scat sample is to collect it with a swab from the top layer of the turd? Isn't that what you Squatchers have been told to do? What scat samples have ever positively given any Bigfoot DNA or anything that would suggest an unknown primate shat it out in the first place? By the way, you do know that most primates are vegitarian or at best omnivores with the vast majority of their diet coming from fruits etc? We were originally vegitarians which is why we have such long intestines so why would anyone come to the conclusion that Sasquatch was some alpha predator hunting deer? More to come...

    3. Anon long-talker, the reports of bigfoot and deer, taking hunters' just fallen deer, carrying deer, following deer, deer fleeing bigfoot, are legion.

      No Ketchum's study hasn't been "proven" to be all the things you claim.

      Also all this retesting people demand, if mainstream science is invested in the creature not existing, what the hell do you think all the retest results will be? You will blindly trust any high profile lab with this material, and trust their results? That is grossly naive.

      This Sykes fiasco is looking more suspicious by the week. They terribly fudged the Shipton footprints with a very sloppy and shoddy shot at claiming double bear prints. Never mind the huge divergent round toe, or that double bear prints won't be consistent over a long way, such as miles, or that they won't be in a tightrope-walk pattern which most supposed bigfoot tracks are.

      You are assuming many things, and blindly trusting many sources.

    4. Could it be the tall tales of eyewitnesses of Bigfoots stealing pigs, household pets or it attacking deer? Or maybe it's the hair brained conclusions of amatuer researchers making huge jumps in logic with no physical or biological evidence to support their claims of the big guy loving venison or even herding deer! Lol!!! Love to hear the explaination for that one!

      As for the transcribed language, again Joe the animal needs to exist first!!!! The Sierra Sounds are weird and spooky and all but like Joe Rogan showed they are well within the human range. Just because one crypto linguist says it's a language doesn't mean it is, it means in that guys OPINION IT COULD BE SASQUATCH TALKING. IT DOESN'T MEAN IT IS! You need to get an actual linguist or a primatologist to back up his claims that it's not just some guy in a wood talking gibberish plus YOU ALSO HAVE TO PROVE IT EXISTS FIRST!!!! Cart before horse Joe, get a body or capture a living specimen and then they might have made the Sierra Sounds.
      As for eyewitness reports, people make shit up, people misidentify other animals and some people just see shit that isn't there. Why do so many eyewitness accounts from a distance always have phrases like "I'm positive it wasn't a bear" or "I know what I saw" oh really? You're 100% right all the time and never make a mistake, never think you've seen something out the corner of your eye then turn and see it's a tree stump? How many YouTubers post videos convinced they've seen Sasquatch to have Phill break it down to a guy in a hoody or a tree stump?? As for all the old stories in libraries of America that Joe talks about they could have seen anything or nothing like the eyewitnesses of today cept back then their stories were often exaggerated to sell papers.

    5. To Red Fred Ketchum has been debunked from everyone, the final nail was Sykes proving yet again that Justin's steak was bear. She's a fraud, her sequences when analyised were gibberish mish mash of human, lemur, bear, dog and god knows what, she tried to get Smeja to destroy his remaining sample, she refuses to return samples that she doesn't own, she lied about being a charitable organisation, she made huge jumps in logic to come to her conclusions, she lied about the origins of her journal and about passing peer review. Seriously? Do I need to carry on? Ketchum was another loony tune hack that seems to gravitate to Bigfoot like a fly to shit. Sykes wasn't a fiasco, like he said himself science just follows the data unfortunately the data didn't make people like yourself happy so now he's a hack. Before it was "tick tock Sykes is coming" now it's moaning over Yeti footprints and bear double steps, what's that got to do with Sykes? All he did was do the DNA tests it was the tv show that came to the conclusion it was a bear double step. Accept it there's no real evidence.

    6. Another point is that Amerindians had long claimed the creatures could paralyse a person or animal with enormous sound projection.

      One incident reported not that long ago to the BFRO had a hunter describing watching a deer in a large clearing, and hearing a God-awful sonic blast scream, which froze, then collapsed the deer. The creature appeared at the point.


      No, not all. That's wishful thinking, and dismissing literally thousands of reports.

      When the reports have particular details which tally with certain behaviours, such as the hunter's report I just cited jiving with what Native Americans had always claimed, they are worth your time and consideration.

      There are too many reports, far too many, with too many small accuracies and commonalities, for them all to be TALL TALES, and misidentifications. The sheer weight of them makes that claim too thin, weak, improbable.

      It's good to get off the mainstream bus on mainstream highway headed for Mainstream Metropolis once in a while. Just get off the bus once in while, alright? It's not too much to ask.

      It surely is odd that people are religiously invested in the creatures not existing. I wonder what that feels like, to be emotionally devoted to and occupied with going around trying to make the things not exist.

      You can only conclude that the creatures' existence would threaten cherished beliefs such as the theory of evolution and other purely left-brained mainstream ideas.

    7. If this creature does exist how does that disprove the theory of evolution exactly? So maybe you'd care to enlighten us with your views on where we came from? A hunter hears a sonic blast that disables a deer and Bigfoot appears and takes off with it? You believe that but not evolution is the bus you ride on kinda short?

    8. By the way no one is invested in this creature not existing it's just there's no scientific evidence to say it does.

  6. And here's an article from a guy who faked dermal ridges to see if it could be done complete with citations. And this was in the 80's. just think how easy it would be to do today.


    1. Does anybody know where to watch bigfoot files episode 2? .the youtube site was taken down, and all others need a credit card.. any ideas?

    2. Bit torrents, cough Pirate Bay cough cough :)

    3. Christopher you too are assuming many things, and your link is a dead one.

      Again, why blindly trust mainstream sources which claim to explain dermal ridges? You read something and cry Ah ah! and all is happily debunked and you come on here to present that to Joe. Why are you simply believing all of these other sources?

      I'm sorry, once the number of reports you read goes into the thousands, you can recognize certain commonalities. You can also recognize questionable claims. Almost all reports have the creature strolling away in unspectacular fashion. Many are road crossings. It's not likely that many hoaxed reports would be so mundane: I saw a creature, it turned and walked away. The End. That is usually how it goes.

      If you were going to hoax a report, you would have a creature throwing dumpsters and rolling cars over and hurling boulders. Instead it's almost always, I saw it, I looked it at, it looked at me, and turned and strolled away, with long arms swinging. Probably 90% of the reports fit that basic scenario.

      The usual lack of any other action on the part of the creature, makes it doubtful that all of these "walked away" reports are hoaxes or misIDed.

      The weight of these thousands of reports is persuasive, and sceptics should read all that they can find. The reports provide observation, description of appearance, and behaviour. There is nothing wrong or unscientific about that. You will reject some reports or find some questionable; others you will find no reason to question.

      So often it is that once the creature knows the person has seen it, it then turns and walks away. A hoaxer looking for publicity would create a report which would generate more publicity: chase, shots fired, trees knocked over, more creatures lurking in the woods, etc. In almost all of the reports, there is almost zero action. Creature is seen; creature turns and walks away. The thousands of these reports are worth reading for you and all sceptics.

    4. You mean walking across the road like that hoaxer in a ghille suit that got killed last year? The problem with these thousands of reports is there's no other evidence to go with it, nothing no DNA or clear video even! Eyewitness accounts are not scientific evidence.

    5. Yorkshire guy and Christopher... Check out the latest blog page for my response.


    6. Joe it's Canada guy u ever got to go bf hunting or researching in your area or USA , Canada ??

  8. Scott Marlowe, what an arrogant douche seriously how full of himself can one person be?

  9. Thank you! Very much look forward to reading about your next big thing!


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