Ketchum: We have more than enough data to prove the forest people exist
We're not really sure what possessed Dr. Melba Ketchum to start posting these updates, but it's unlike her to throw us so many bones at one time. According to Ketchum's Facebook page, she's planning to release some more data from her Bigfoot DNA study, mainly "samples 25/26 that were not in the paper". Ketchum claims the latest addition to her website,, are just a few of many samples that "was too much data to present in the manuscript." Here's her Facebook posting from yesterday in chronological order:
Ok, for all of you skeptics out there as well as scientists, we now have a new page (still being updated over the next day or so) on the website showing a lot of data on Samples 25/26 that were not in the paper including the original chromatograms straight off of the sequencer. I have also included BLASTs and the sequences in text format so you can BLAST away yourself. As the paper stated, we had 3 kinds of results from all of the samples in the study: 1. The gave unequivocally human mtDNA results. On nuclear loci we got 2. 100% human sequence at some loci 3. Unknown sequence at some loci 4.Failure at some loci even though the human controls performed perfectly at all loci. I wouldn't have written the paper if I couldn't back it up 100%. Enjoy.
We have more than enough data to prove the forest people exist. The public has seen only the tip of the iceberg. It was too much data to present in the manuscript. More would have been out there if GenBank hadn't refused to take our sequences.
We did publish and we did pass peer review even if we did have to acquire the journal in order to have rights to the peer reviews. I am publicly calling on ZooBank to recognize the name Homo sapiens cognatus as applied for. It means blood relatives.
Remember, we had 4 independent university or university affiliated labs test some of the same samples we tested and all four got human mitochondrial DNA sequence BEFORE we even started our study. Only one of the labs planned on publishing though and that mini paper is in the supplemental supporting data in the paper.
I often wonder how Galileo handled the fact that the scientific community wanted him dead, yet all the time knowing he was right.
And, the best thing of all is that it is CLEARLY non-human hair yielding human results for mtDNA, repeatable results over and over using 3 labs at times and not counting the labs that tested before us. Both extraction labs washed the heck out of those samples prior to extraction also.
More for the skeptics: Not to argue but people have been sentenced to death with only PowerPlex16, the results of which will be on the new page shortly. There was a new species of monkey accepted with only 1600 bases of mtDNA when we have 20 whole mtDNA genomes and 10 partial at about 16,500 bases each. That's 330,000 bases just for the 20 mtDNA whole genomes. We have 3 whole nuclear genomes at approximately 9 billion bases (3 terabytes storage). We used about a dozen different labs and used blind studies. Two different labs extracted the samples. We used multiple disciplines that I won't even start to go into including 28 samples of whole genome SNPs at 2.5 million tiny mutation tests per sample. I don't believe what I have proved, I know it!
5 days till the 2nd of 3 smokings for joe
Delete4 SLEEPS
DeleteSykes is coming. Tick tock tick tock tick tock....
DeleteI am beginning to believe he had no samples of any Bigfoot. Ursine or Bovine or even Lupus, I just don't believe he had the goods from a forest. What may shock everyone is he may use the Zana/Kvit type method to find something.
DeleteShhh Mikey,Shhh.
DeleteBREAKING: Sykes has included two samples of my dick hair in his study. One sample removed from inbetween his wife's two front teeth while the other was procurred from his momma's tonsils. FACT!
Delete12:29. Can I speak now. I was quiet all day. Because of the shhh?
DeleteTwo words:
ReplyDeleteAncient fucking aliens
Anybody got good info on skull elongation? The bench vise ain't working.
DeleteYou need to steam it first
DeleteWatch the first fifteen minutes of Trey smith, The Nephillim. The whole thing is awsome. But he shows a boxload of skulls from all over right at the beginning. He pretty much completely destroys the silly notion of evolution.
DeleteIf you will watch this, and also trey's "Theory of Everything", he will blow your mind and you will understand why thousands of scientists are ingon to Intelligent Design!
I got news for ya, God is Intelligent! ha ha ha ha.
Lol @ bigfoot patriot. Always good for a laugh.
ReplyDeleteok 3rd xx
DeleteEva?? This is Wall-E (R) is that you??
DeleteHello Wall-E,Haven't we been here before?i'm sure it's my sister Eve your looking for xx
DeleteOh!! Yeah we have lol!! Ok..tell her hi!! Ruff
DeleteDisotell says its nonsense.
ReplyDeleteUsing the term "forest people" says its nonsense.
Its nonsense.
Look up nonsense in the dictionary you'll find a picture of Disotell he's the very essence of it.
DeleteBecause disotell tells you what you don't want to hear. Take it like a man. Don't cry about it.
DeleteYour nonsense!
DeleteHey, if you had a mohawk, would you go running around out in the woods. He's aftraid that he might get shot by some archeologist looking to collect a type specimen of "relic humanoids" that are hold overs from the dark ages, and have remained undiscovered in the deep forests of America. Which pretty much prevents him from gaining any practical experience with the various paranormal experiences that can go on out there. Like for instance,
Delete1. Unprovoked nearby branch break sounds but nothing visible
2. Nearby rock clacking but nothing visible
3. Nearby bipedal footsteps running or walking but nothing visible
4. Nearby snorting but nothing visible
5. Laughing sound like a cross between a hyena and a horse, but nothing visible
6. Nearby howling, or huffing, but nothing visible
7. Hear infrasound
8. Foot pushoff in loose gravel, but nothing visible
9. Foot scuffing sound but nothing visible
10. Slapping on the side of your house but nothing visible
11. Loud deep breathing from outside an open window to your home but nothing visible
12. Large footstep prints that start and/or end in snow
13. Large footstep prints that start and/or end in soft mud
14. Stick structure
15. Tree truck twist offs across road or paths
16. Nearby heavy foot stomp but nothing visible
17. Sudden blinding white flash in the forest with no visible cause
18. Visible white orbs between the size of a dime and the size of a house
19. Many trees pushed over across remote roads, but at a regular spacing
20. Caused to suddenly pass out cold for an extended period
21. Partial paralysis
22. Rocks being thrown from out of thin air
23. Trees pushed over within earshot with no perpetrator visible
24. Hand sliding down the outside of your tent
25. Single branch break response to questions you asked out loud to the seemingly empty forest (are you 4th dimensional?)
26. Seemingly multitude of branch breaking coming from all around you, as you sit peacefully in the forest
27. The sound of a 50 foot wide by 2 foot high wave of faint clicking flowing through the forest in your direction that stops perhaps 30 feet away, but nothing visible (little forest people)
28. Response to your wood knocking
29. Response to your rock clacking
30. Response to your pathetic attempt at howling
31. The sound of a large but invisible orb sailing past you either night or day, (sounds like a flying spaghetti strainer whizzing by)
32. Sound of an orb buzzing your ear trying to read your thoughts, (much louder than a mosquito or fly)
33. The sensation on your exposed skin of electromagnetic caused heat energy from a nearby paranormal person of any size
34. The sound of a small diameter wind approaching and encircling you, then dissipating harmlessly, but there are no leaves or dust blowing
35. The sound of a bipedal, branch crashing, paranormal person running at you at night with no flashlight, that changes on the fly to very light twig breaking noise, as they change sub dimensions on the fly
36. Horse mane braiding. It is pretty messy but it happens.
37. Have a heavy hand placed on your shoulder, while standing out in the dark forest. And when you spin around, there is nothing there.
38. Hear growling that only stops when you shine a flashlight in the direction from where it is coming, but you can't see anything.
39. Hear footsteps parallel you in the brush as you walk along a remote road at night.
40. Hear traveling branch crashing in the forest as something invisible runs next to your vehicle when you drive slowly along a dirt road.
^ too much reading
DeleteThese creatures must have incredible abilities of stealth which can only be the result of evolving in such terrain that obviously renders such an environment easy for them to negotiate... In the same respect that urbanized humans would walk the average pavement or 'sidewalk' (I believe this is the correct terminology in the States). I understand that I may be outspoken in the wider Bigfoot community when i state this; but I genuinely feel that these creatures have preternatural abilities that maybe nowhere near understood with our current level of sensory perception and 3rd dimensional space & time. Quantum physics is just beginning to understand sub-atomic particles and if you use your imagination to apply this theory to this subject, you can almost imagine it being the case as would describe how some eye witnesses experience silent silhouettes 'gliding' through the trees;
Delete"Nature defies common sense, and this really happens: an electron or other particle can disappear in one location and simultaneously reappear at another location if the wave associated with the particle extends to the other location. After you buy that, we can make sense out of the rest of it..."
Anon 10:37, You forgot to mention#41Wake up in morning with taterhole stretched to 3 inches in diameter. With no explanation.
Delete#32 was definitely my favorite "the sound of an orb trying to read your thoughts" HA HA
DeleteMy god anon 10:37... No wonder only a small pocket of individuals are interested in this whacky bigfoot subject.
DeleteI am enough of a whack-job to believe most of this bigfoot stuff. WHY?! I do not know....
Disotell should go take a big ole dump on a piece of toast and share it with all you skeptards, because he, nor you, know shit from wild honey!
DeleteI seen one!
they are real!
You,all are as dumb as they come! ha ha ha ha ha
Besides, I've Told you before. Bigfoots detest assholes. So most of you tards are never gona see one. He can smeel the nastiness in the air when you-all come around. He smalls a skeptard and can't stand the stench.
And thats saying something because he smells pretty bad! ha ha ha ha ha!
smells, smells , smells, come on fingers quit messin me up, ha ha ha ha.
DeleteI was not allowed to comment tonight. Anon shhhhhed me. But if I could have I would have been prepared to follow the lead of The Bigfoot Patriot. He has the coolest name and his reasoning is sound. Gotta go before I get shhhhhhed again. Goodnight.
DeleteMelba is just jealous . Sikes is a real geneticists she is a hack no reason to pay attention to her crap. Just go away your study is worthless and your not gonna get rich F- Off your ugly Hag!!!!
ReplyDeleteMikey, shut up.
DeleteShe wants to move to Uruguay and buy a bunch of horses though, she needs to get rich!!
Deletebummed eh Justin? You didn't want fame, right? Any of you, but just seeking the truth. You are all full of crap BFers. I hope Sykes shows that.
DeleteMelba is a babe because of her brain and shear determination. What a gal. Discoverer of Bigfoot.
Delete9:40. I haven't commented so you should try and relax.
DeleteIf you've got 100% human dna then you've got a human. A HUMAN. Not a magical ape forest monkey nephilim man.
ReplyDeleteRight, and why they're all nervous about her findings because she evidently proved the species real and the powers that be can't have that.
Deletewhy not? why can't they have that,if they exist just fine in their current surroundings and obviously aren't hunted why would anyone care if their existance was proven
DeleteThe answer is simple. It will prove that evolution is a lie. There is no way neandrataul man and homosapian man can exist at the same time. They can't have that because they can't explain that. It goes against their religion. And if you don't bleev evolution is a religion you better think again
What ignorance 10:57. No wonder you believe these kids tales.
Delete"AnonymousTuesday, October 22, 2013 at 10:57:00 AM PDT
The answer is simple. It will prove that evolution is a lie. There is no way neandrataul man and homosapian man can exist at the same time. They can't have that because they can't explain that. It goes against their religion. And if you don't bleev evolution is a religion you better think again"
They do not deny that Neanderthal and Homo-Sapiens and Homo Sapiens-Sapiens, Homo Heidelbergensis, Denisova and even Homo-Erectus all existed concurrent.
They just deny the possibility that other humans still exist. Though I agree with you that Macro-Evolution is a religious belief (It has never been proven.) Micro-Evolution is a proven fact. ie; They can't prove a reptile can become a bird nor a bird become a mammal or for that matter a mouse becoming a horse or a swallow becoming an eagle... Not even a Monkey becoming an ape. This is Darwin Macro Evolution.
But They can prove that once species of the same genome can become another. The proving of a cousin Human species might be an embarrassment to mainstream science, but it would do nothing to disprove Macro Evolution.
The problems would come in a political form, not a scientific one.
It's mtDNA you dimwit. mtDNA is totally different, I don't have time to explain it to you. You wouldn't get it anyway with your 9th grade grasp of genetics.
DeleteThats if they are some form of human but what if they are just some form of animal or primate if you will?
Delete"AnonymousTuesday, October 22, 2013 at 9:07:00 AM PDT
DeleteIf you've got 100% human dna then you've got a human. A HUMAN. Not a magical ape forest monkey nephilim man."
100% human does not mean 100% Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens. Neanderthals, Heidelberg-Man, Handy-Man and everything with "Homo" in-front of it's name was/is Human. It isn't DNA that separates same Genus species. It's the genes themselves. A Genus shares the exact same genes but those that the species does not use, are inactive/dormant.Though they want you to believe that Neanderthal and Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens looked similar, chances are that they would have looked more like apes to us and having hair cover their whole bodies. We ourselves have that same gene but it is dormant. When that gene becomes active, they call it "Hypertrichosis". Genetic-Defects such as Hypertrichosis, Dwarfisim and Gigantism are in all of us, but are dormant. They are labeled as "Genetic-Defects" because they are not normal for Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens, but the fact that these genes exist in us, means that they were normal in other human species or will be normal in future ones.
Genomics proves evolution, on the macro scale as well. That is settled. MK's hypothesis is unreal, and so is her data and analysis. It's her dream. It is not defensible to other scientists. Just for those who don't understand it and want to beleive her. There might be some mental disorders involving MK as she doesn't seem to be able to accept any direction from others or make revisions. She also appears to be willing to con others. She is not professional and has done more to disrupt the tenor of research than Finding Bigfoot.
DeleteSo you're saying you accept Ketchums findings,then they are also Lemurs,hmmmm,human lemurs.Are you guys just totally retarded?
DeleteAnd that is all we know.. "Revisions". In giving her the benefit of the doubt... Say she is right and her findings are accurate. If such "Revisions" were to offset the research ie; "Change the word human cousin, to ape." Would you make these revisions if you were her? I am not defending her as there are some things about her that I question myself... But I am not yet to the point that I can outright criticize her as I do not have all the facts.
DeleteBut how can you call her hypothesis unreal and yet believe Macro-Evolution is proven? If that were proven, it would have been all over the news. The only thing lab tested that they try to say proves Macro was the fruit-fly test which only proved Micro. They sped up the life-cycles of test fruit flies and watched them become variant after variant. (Species after species) until the test-line became sterile and then called this a success for macro-evolution. Is this what you are referring to? Because in the end, they were still fruit-flies...
I am in no way trying to belittle you nor offend you. I myself just question everything I am taught and in doing so, have learned that we were force-fed so much "Scientific" B.S. that it is hard to tell solid fact from hypothesis. In all actuality, the modern scientific community does not even know an 8th of what it pretends to know. Not to digress, but to give a small example, today, "Jupiter is completely made up of different gasses with no solid core, but rather gas so condensed that it is a solid form." They will even go so far to say what gases they are. All of this is based off of the Voyagers and Galileo space crafts? over 30 years old... If they were that accurate, why are we only now discovering that the polar icecaps of Mars are H2O and not Nitrogen as we were taught? If you look up the old headlines about those probes, they read "Scientists now believe---" How did belief 30 years ago become "Fact" now off of the same damned results and for that matter, results that we now know are flawed in Mars's case?
I do not outright condemn Ketchum just yet for that reason alone. Science has pounded too many square pegs into round holes in my opinion. So when you come up with a theory that goes against the grain, Science will reject it before even considering it.. (Look at how long it took Einstein to get his paper passed.)
No science is written in stone and must evolve along with technology,scientific theory is just that until proven with facts.The problem with this particular type of dna evidence is that you and I have no idea of these samples or if what was recieved was actually what was used,you need an honest broker for something like that and I don't think thats what you get here.Add in ever changing stories and self publication and it really can't be taken at face value.Maybe the scientific community is rejecting it because it shouldn't be embraced
DeleteYeah rum.. you just touched on one of my problems with her... If she truly had all of these independent and outside sources making the same conclusions, then why aren't they speaking up? But until I am able to weed out the political and religious influences/biases from hard scientific fact from her opposition, I am not yet ready to condemn her study/findings even though they do not coincide with my own belief about what Sasquatch is. (H.Heidlebergensis.)
DeleteThere's serious flaws in your Heidelbergensis theory....hate to break it to you.
DeleteWhat flaws? Of all the known Human's, Heidlebergensis is the one that fits. Only one complete skeleton was found of a six foot tall specimen and then later found to have only been seven years of age when it died. But that is not the reason why I favor Sasquatch being Heidlebergensis... What seals the deal for me, are the footprints themselves. The fossilized footprints that were speculated to come from Heidlebergensis (Because they were found near the bones) are a perfect match to alleged modern Sasquatch footprints. All the cousin humans had similar feet to each other with only Sapiens and Sapiens-Sapiens having drastically different feet from the rest (Arch instead of midtarsal break) But the alleged tracks made by Heidlebergensis are the exact shape and size of smaller sasquatch tracks. The eye-orbits were larger suggesting they may have been nocturnal. I am not set in stone on this and I know one flaw would be that we have Heidlbergensis DNA (If I am not mistaken) and DNA results should show that. What other flaw is there? (By the way, I don't think that there is only one thing out there called Bigfoot. Personally I think there may be at least four different species given one generic term "Bigfoot" based on reports from different regions and alleged "Bigfoot calls") I think what is commonly reported the Pacific Northwest might be Heidelbergensis with the 2nd most common description being Neanderthal
DeleteI think you should read up on Heidelbergensis...
I should have saw that coming lol. Yes I am aware of that but that is an ongoing debate and a can of worms I am not about to open. (Anthropologists cockblock one another even more than "Bigfoot researchers" do.) There could be one Human ancestor marked as several different ones and several different ones that could be one species. But I am referring to The University of Witwatersrand's findings.
DeleteScience is a dogfight, I agree.
DeleteWhat the general consensus is of Lee Berger's opinions is that of a negative light.
The only people who take what he says seriously is bigfooters because they believe it may assist in their fabled bigfoot...
Despite the fact that the closest Heidelbergensis fossils found where they could migrate to America is in western Asia (Israel to be specific).
Witwatersrand's were found in South Africa.
And even if a geographically isolated Heidelbergensis group existed, it was an anomaly being that the average size of the males were 5'7"-5-9". How in the world could this anomaly make it from South Africa 350,000 years ago to North America and survive, let alone rape Native American women to produce viable offspring?
There are so many holes and flaws in your theory that the easiest way to get out of it is to say 'cover up' or 'aliens.'
Easily.. It's that other science that disputes or offsets biology based sciences and the same one that keeps throwing a monkey wrench into the evolutionary equation. Geology and continental drift. It was only a few hundred-thousand years ago that North America and south America touched. In that same time era The Pacific North West was tropical (Fossils show Cyprus trees and tropical mammals). So if everything was topsy-tervy as little as a few hundred thousand years ago, South America and Africa may have touched within the 2million year time frame that they think Heidlebergensis lived. (It all depends on just how fast continental drift is but they can't seem to even get that right.)
DeleteIf bigfoot are a type of human would they have the same DNA as us?could you tell the difference? xx
ReplyDeleteNo, yes...
DeleteEva (R) is that for Ruff??
DeleteSorry,??? xx
DeleteEva is all lady
DeleteThre are slight differences in DNA from different races. They can tell
Thankyou Anon 10:59,your one of my favorites ; ) xx
DeleteNo problem, bitch.
DeleteThe only reason they can tell is because they know what race specific genes they are looking at and even that is not 100% accurate.
DeleteHer stance was that the Mt.DNA was "Homo-Sapien" (Meaning that at one point, a modern Human gave birth to a sasquatch.) But the NU DNA came out as a different kind of human. "Cousin to Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens" (The Homo-Sapiens woman was knocked up by a different type of human.) This is what lead to the Ape-Campers going nuts and then calling Ketchum a fraud long before the skeptics were doing it. This is probably the main reason Sasquatch is not found. You big mainstream(For Sasquatch) Organizations such as TBC and BFRO would rather keep believing that they are looking for a Magical Monkey living in our forests rather than the more likely Human Cousin which has had years of adapting the art of evading us. So they keep using ape pheromones and looking for ape behavior. So if they are a type of human, they are underestimating them and making it that much harder to find them.
To much data to include in the manuscript?
GenBank refused her samples for a plethora of reasons, none including bigfoot coverup or vendettas.
^ Says some guy part of the cover-up, duh...
DeleteNSA is late with their deposit this week. Oddest thing, government shuts down and I still get paid. Government reopened and now the paycheck is late...
DeleteShenanigans I tell you.
Actually, I have to stick up for Ketchum in this case. Even in simple studies you have to really condense your data to make it fit into a typical journal format.
DeleteAs a rule of thumb I use a "one week - one page" for a typical study. Such writings have a lab report type style and can include multiple gigabytes of data, not suitable for a journal paper. I often have to condense the data into one or more statistics and show explicatory examples of it to address details.
So her claim that there was "too much data" in itself is believable.
Try telling that to the real geneticists who publish in real journals, and upload terabytes of data for sharing with other scientists.
DeleteWhy is it the Ketchumites keep trying to rewrite scientific protocols?
She has admitted she was out of her league in her approach to submission and acadamia. In many fields, it is the Mavericks who think outside the box and solve problems!!
DeleteDid she tow the line of Science and Acadamia,------ No, admittedly un-preparred.
Did she put the fish in the frying pan,------------------------------ Yes, yes she did.
The Interpretation is debatable, the markers arn't!
Ruff says:
ReplyDelete"Come go sailing
We've waited long enough
For Beany and Cecil Dishonest John and Captain Huffenpuff.
It's time for adventure
Hot Dog, some fun. Oh Joy
With Cecil the seasick sea serpent
And good old Beany
Boy, boy, boy, boy, boy.
Lovable, gullible, armless, harmless, ten foot tall and wet.
Cecil the seasick serpent
Created by Bob Clampett.
So come on kids, let's flip our lids
Higher than the moon
Cause now here's Beany and Cecil in (spoken) a whole half hour
Bob Clampett Cartoon."
I think the reason the bigfoots moved away from the tropics is
ReplyDeletebecause Hispanic women are too bitchy.
BEING HISPANIC I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteThey learn it from their mothers.
DeleteLatin women are the most beautiful women in the world. If Sharon H. was Latin she would be perfect. A perfect hot Latin skeptic babe.
DeleteIts ok folks munns has a peer reviewed paper
ReplyDeletePeer reviewed by a plastic surgeon and published in Meldumb's online rag.
DeleteThat's pwned right there.
The real topic of debate for squatches is are you or are you not pro mud helmet.
ReplyDeleteThe answer is a resounding YES!!!
DeleteI like me some mud helmet!
DeleteThe answer is always a resounding yes I'll rape me some little grey people
Deletet leave
ReplyDeletesorry,got messed up
ReplyDeleteLadies and Gentlemen, she has something here. Why would she spend all the time and money on this project to have nothing? Take a look at this. She has spent a ton of money on this project; two, she has put her years of credibility on the line and her career too; three, though she does make decent money as a dna scientist, im sure this project or projects has cost her some money. Shes got something here. Shes not gonna waste her time, money, credibility, or career for this. Cuz im sure she would have bigger fish to fry if this was just a hoax. You dont have to like the woman and you can make jokes on her, but the woman is smart and she stands by her claim. And if she was totally wrong, then her supervisors or bosses would fire her from her position at dna diagnostics. Point proven! Now what skeptards?
ReplyDeleteAre you for real?
DeleteShe didn't spend any of her money on this. There is no such thing as DNA Diagnostics, the doors were shut and the business closed over a year ago. She's been living of of Wally's money for a long time. All the testing and erroneous analysis cost a small percentage of what Uncle Wally gave the crazy cat vet.
DeleteWow, what rock have you been under. She owned DNA Diagnostics (and closed it quite a while ago). She reports to no one - that's why her "supervisors or bosses" have not fired her for scientific misconduct. She lived off Wally's money and lied to him about being a charitable org. She has provided NO receipts, lab reports, or coauthor confirmation (outside of "a few" or "some" tests) to prove she did a study. I bet Wally's money is in the Bahamas. I have it on good authority that her so-called "foundation," which is not listed with the IRS, is registered in the Bahamas as a for-profit organization.
DeleteWow. I just decided to support Melba and her sidekick Scott C.
DeleteThe proof that bigfoot exists is undeniable if I choose to believe it.
Theres some reputable people backing her but its time to shoot this messenger,why with hold evidence that helps prove your case?
DeleteRummie. Everyone does it. They hoard it like gold.
Delete$500,000 to produce a crappy faux DNA study. Wonder what she did with the $499,950 that was left over.
DeleteYes. Yes, she did compare herself to Galileo!
ReplyDeleteI saw it,but did not want to believe. She is insane.
Deletemuir will be in for a real shock when she wins the Nobel prize, just you wait and see!
Delete"I often wonder how Galileo handled the fact that the scientific community wanted him dead, yet all the time knowing he was right."
ReplyDeleteIt was not scientists, dumbass. It was CHRISTIANS who wanted him dead.
You know what?
DeleteHow DARE you correct her? Who the hell are you?! She is a dna expert! Are you??! She is about to change life as we know it!
Maybe this is the real reason the government shut down!? Ever thought about THAT?!
No,never thought remotely like that.
DeleteLOL that's a fuckin pwning
Deleterumfer,is the rumors true about fox being in jail for taterholin?
Deletefor taterholin Matilda that is.
Delete^MY HOT PINK SNAPPER IS SWEATY AN A WINKIN and I DONT MEAN A STINKIN,,lets hook fox?? as always mellissa h,
Deletemy lord you two need to control yourselves
DeleteI keep my poop in a jar.
ReplyDeleteMr. President?
DeleteSir I'm suppose to speak with you about a grant for my Pegasus study I'm told
DeleteYou cannot besmirch the character of our president in such a way. You are hereby banned from Trollandia.
DeleteMr. President, Trollandia salutes you!
DeleteWill someone please explain to Ketchum that the time to have proven Sas exists was with the original publication of her paper and not months later, in pieces, after multiple edits of that paper? No self-respecting scientist operates in this manner.
ReplyDeleteno one can tell her anything
DeleteWho are you to tell her,blah,blah scientist,blah blah?
DeleteWhy is Melba posting more? Could it be that Sykes being in the spotlight was too much for her? She is as predictable as a bad hangover after a night of tequila drinking.
ReplyDeleteJust for shits and giggles.... has anyone thought of all of the "issues" surrounding her work, and other researchers as well. Could be a cover up or some sort of misdirection?
ReplyDeleteLet's pretend that she's legit. Proving the existence of a Sasquatch as a living, distant relative to humans could somehow strengthen the debate on evolution.
Imagine that the missing link has been found, proving without a doubt that creationism is wrong. Centuries of religion disproven by science from a little DNA.
Can you imagine the kind of chaos that news could potentially cause?
I'm surprised the West Borough Babtists aren't out protesting her right now.
When even the West Boro baptists are like 'LOL' then you should know it's kooky.
DeleteDamn, Campbell...I wanted to finish that comment with a little humor
DeleteYour "WBC being all 'LOL' about MK" was beautiful!
Thanks for starting my day with a chuckle!press-room/cdg6
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is all this about?