Here Are Some of The Evidence Dr. Ketchum Presented at Yesterday's Press Conference in Texas

Bigfoot DNA expert Dr. Melba Ketchum has been making the rounds talking to whoever wants to listen. After releasing photographs and videos of Bigfoot evidence, it's clear that Ketchum wants to push forward with species protection regardless of how flawed her study is. One sample shown at the press conference appeared to be the "Sierra Kills" sample which Bart Cutino and Tyler Huggins proved (through several independent labs) to be from a bear. Ketchum refuses to accept this and has been exhibiting photographs of the tissue. Other forms of evidence presented at the conference includes questionable videos like the Matilda footage, and hair samples collected from researchers around the world.

Many people find it disturbing that other researchers such as J.C. Johnson and Dennis Phofl have attached themselves so closely to Ketchum. Though any Bigfoot news that hits the mainstream is good news, Jay Cooney of the Bizarre Zoology blog is a little disappointed:

Although you'd think that this should be good news for those who feel that unknown bipedal primates exist, I felt much dread and worry when I read about this. I have been quite skeptical of Melba Ketchum's claims already, and they have already received much media attention, so this was not my main point of concern. My main point of concern was that several people who likely seemed to be representing the general consensus of the "bigfoot community" were claiming that obviously fake footage was important evidence. These fraudulent claims will likely taint credibility which anyone in support of the existence of these animals once had, although most members of the field do not support such claims. I do wish, however, to point out that I am not claiming that everyone involved in the Erickson Project is part of a mass hoax conspiracy. In fact, researcher Jc Johnson can be seen at the conference, and I have the upmost respect for him. However, there still is the sheer fact that these claims will have a vastly negative effect on any future acceptance of evidence in the form of footage and possibly DNA. I do wish to also add that there is one hidden positive in that the centerpiece "Matilda footage" (nor any of the other footage) is not anywhere as good as the Patterson Film. I doubt that Patterson and Gimlin would be able to achieve a costume with the resources available to them in 1967 that is better than the costumes shown in the Erickson footage, as whoever made those costumes would certainly have the helpful aid of modern costume technology and much more time.

"Samples of hair collected from this wooden structure in the woods is said to have contained a never-before-seen genetic structure that is said to be human."

"A microscopic hair examination shows a variety of hair shaft profiles found. The full length of the hairs was approximately 15 cm and diameters ranged from 80 to 110 µm. Human head hairs typically range from 55 to 100 µm in diameter."
- NY Daily news

"A group of Bigfoot researchers say break-through DNA evidence and video like this one allegedly showing a female Sasquatch sleeping in the woods proves Bigfoot's existance."
- NY Daily News


  1. Replies
    1. PJ is at the Sasquatch buffet pigging out on nothing and liking it. He'll be around soon enough copy/pasting and high fiving the hell out of himself.


  2. This isn't going to convince anybody. It's only going to add more stupid to the believers.

    1. ^^^Just added more stupid to the skepflunks.

    2. The nutters just keep coming. You think they are gone, then bam! they are right back in the thick of things.

  3. You know why there are not many cameras there? Figure it out.

  4. check out sasquatch ont. lastest video. has some interesting pictures of the big guy. starts at about 1:30


  6. How come bigfoot the smarter than human master of camoflage and cloaking builds such a crappy structure? Look at the gaps in that thing

    1. ...because they are a "special needs" type of people, just like you and I.

  7. I'm starting to see a window for facebook find bigfoot to make a big comeback

  8. what is that? a piece of shit covered with hairs?

    I thought Bigfeet used to keep their poop in a jar.

  9. Joey Fitz is gonna have a big old boner on this one.

    1. Correction . . . Joesph Fitzgayrald

    2. As the nominated den mother of this blog i must insist that you behave young man or i'll be having a chat with your mom xx

    3. Your friends have lost the plot Eva. Mikes a angry Texan on the loose and MJA's going to bomb the footers castle.

    4. My mom's dead.

      Just kidding.

    5. Your mom wouldn't find that funny would she,lf i was you mom i'd ground you for a week!xx

  10. Bet the that mummified hunk of bear meat stinks.

  11. That picture of the piece of skin with hair is from the sierras and taken in Ketchums lab. Bart posted a comparison on facebook with the cured piece from Hersom taken in either the Trent or Oklahoma lab as it was claimed they came form the same piece as the one Ketchum got. It's freaking identical in every way down to the size and color of hair and it was BEAR.

    1. Hey now, watch it buddy. This is no place to be truthful and rational. It's a hairy chunk of Bigfoot's ass and PJ will like it.

    2. Hey, she could make $$$ like Dyer and charge gullible people to kiss bigfoots ass!

  12. Move along. Nothing to see here!

  13. Amazing. At first you call her a "Bigfoot DNA expert"... which there are none, then you criticize her "flawed study". If she were such a damned good expert, you wouldn't expect her to do that. Now would you? Say it with me. "No."


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