Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA Study Is Now Online, And It's Free

For scientists who refuses to shell out money to get their hands on the Ketchum Bigfoot DNA study, you're in luck today. The study is now online via Ketchum's journal website, sasquatchgenomeproject.org. Here's the main link to the Sasquatch Genome Project which includes links to the "supplemental data":

The Sasquatch Genome Project

Yesterday, Dr. Melba Ketchum presented the evidence at a press conference in Texas:

Link to the above video: http://dfw.cbslocal.com/video?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=9368079


  1. I copied it when it first came out. It was on here.

  2. Fitzgayrald did your mum never tell you never piss off a Texan. Wild folk come from Texas. To fit in you need to have muscles you need to have muscles on your muscles you even need to have muscles on your eye balls.

    1. Everything is bigger in Texas. Including the tatering rod.

    2. Correction. Welshman Fitzgayrald tater robs imaginary squatch

    3. Yes, Im from Texas and what you say is true!

    4. Yes, Im from Texas and what you say is true!

    5. Yeah, those Texans sure are tough. You can tell by those gayish, boy cheerleaders they keep voting for Governor. (Bush and Perry)

  3. Fitzgerald trolled everyone here, stole some dude's sweet bigfoot pix, and took off. He's an American hero, or British. Who knows.

    1. I knew he was either a madman or a genius. Or both. I still think he's a dick.

    2. Oh, do tell! I always knew Joe was an idiot of monumental proportions, and his idiotic presence was enough to drive me away. No big loss there, but it sounds like there is something more to his story that has happened since I stopped visiting here. Can someone lay out his story in more detail?

  4. Thats a joe black bigfoot picture for sure on that website,what happened to the one she stiffed the artist on?

  5. This just goes to show what a kind and decent woman Melba truly is. I forgive her and welcome her back into the bigfoot community with open arms.

    1. Thanks. ^^I read this as I was drinking some soda; I laughed so hard Diet Coke came flying out of my nose.

    2. Hey Anon 1:18 I was banging your mom while I was reading it!

  6. Damn I was hoping someone would sue her for fraud. But if she is just giving it away might make it harder to do. One of you footers really need to fess up that you bought her "paper" and drag her ass into court. What better way to prove the amazing ape exists?

    1. Don't worry Wally Hersom already is suing her.

    2. I think she made it free in hopes that she could avoid being sued for fraud. .... Not to be confused with the alleged tax fraud she pulled on Wally, of course. That's not a sue situation, that's a crime.

    3. why isn't she in jail if she committed fraud and tax evasion? it's not like she is in hiding,if anything she is
      being more out spoken now than she ever was.
      people distance themselves from somebody that's has a negative outlook,but more people are coming to support her,and they are people that have much to loose.their is more backstabbing crap than with congress when it comes to bigfoot.find the people that have the most to loose proving they exist,and that's who is causing all the problems.

    4. Fraud fine sure that's a possibility but where does tax evasion come from or fit in?

  7. The drawing looks like Elvis Squatch! Actually, he looks like Elvis Squatch waiting in the alley to sell some drugs.

  8. The drawing looks like Elvis Squatch! Actually, he looks like Elvis Squatch waiting in the alley to sell some drugs.

  9. Sorry, got the doubles today :(

  10. It's free? Still too expensive.

  11. Just looking at the layout, figures and typesetting of the paper show you that Ketchum is an amateur. No serious scientist uses anything other than LaTeX for papers.

    Looking at the style of the paper, it is obvious she indeed is an amateur. Look at the famous paper describing the discovery of the geometrical structure of DNA. It is a one page paper. It is monumental. It is simplistic yet powerful. All information that is required is in there. Contrast this paper with this mumbo jumbo introduction.

    It is totally amateuristic and it does not reflect well on the quality of the study. I am pretty sure Scott Carpenter is loving it and it is the best paper he has ever read (because it is the only one he ever read).

    1. Math and physics journals want you to submit the Latex text file and I'd bet this is true in most cases for the life sciences. However, I think the Nature submission guidelines requested the article be in Microsoft Word...They also said the paper should be 5 or 6 pages, much less than the number in Ketchum's paper..

  12. Just looking at the layout, figures and typesetting of the paper show you that Ketchum is an amateur. No serious scientist uses anything other than LaTeX for papers.

    Looking at the style of the paper, it is obvious she indeed is an amateur. Look at the famous paper describing the discovery of the geometrical structure of DNA. It is a one page paper. It is monumental. It is simplistic yet powerful. All information that is required is in there. Contrast this paper with this mumbo jumbo introduction.

    It is totally amateuristic and it does not reflect well on the quality of the study. I am pretty sure Scott Carpenter is loving it and it is the best paper he has ever read (because it is the only one he ever read).

  13. That picture of hocus munky is a larf.

  14. I've have read the whole thing now. What is funny is that Scott Carpenter sent in hair samples. Hair samples for a DNA study. I think he has been watching CSI too much.

    They should have done a separate study and publication for the hair samples. The paper is way too long as it is already.


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