Breaking: Mississippi Man Films Skunk Ape, Probably The Best Footage Since Patterson

This is probably one of the best skunk ape footage we've ever seen. This video was filmed by Josh Highcliff, and if it's a prank, his name is attached to it forever. The background story is very convincing:

Here is exactly what I seen, I'm not sure what it is but can someone please tell me? Is there a person who can do video analyses or something? I got scared and ran away, i wish i stayed to keep taking the movie.

Date: october 24 - 2013
Where: about 9 miles west of Tunica, Mississippi on my hunting property
Time: about 6pm

I was out hunting hogs, just sitting in a part of the swamp i have heard em is not too far from a road. I was wearing hunting camo and just sitting dead still waiting for it to get dark, cause thats when the hogs come out. I hear a noise behind the tree i was sitting on, i thought it was the hogs, when i got around i could not believe my own two eyes.

There was this huge black thing crouched by a dead cypress about 50 yards away, i thought it was a hog but saw these big shoulders and a head upright with hands. It looked like it was digging out the stump. My first instinct was to run, i did not even think of shooting...then i know no one will believe was like everything slowed down...i was scared! I took out my iphone and started videotaping it..i guess i pushed the record button twice cause it stopped blinking red.. but i pushed it again. I hear a truck driving down the road and the thing stood up!! I was trying to be dead quiet...when it stood up i could not control myself and ran. That stump was huge and i'd guess the sucker was 7feet tall, i am a hunter and am pretty darn good at guessing size.

that's no bear!

I don't know what to think.. if someone can tell me what it is or if somone was trying to prank me i, I don't want to go back on my land. this is the first movie i have ever put on youtube..the video looks better on my phone and computer

I always heard stories of skunk ape and honey island swamp monster from these parts but never thought about it being real ever.

has anyone seen anything like this in mississippi?

At 1:55, you can see the creature grubbing on something:

[Update] Here is a breakdown video by ParaBreakdown:


  1. Replies
    1. I can predict the skeptics responses:

      " How convenient. He just happened to have his iPhone with him in the middle of nowhere." (And if he didn't bring it: "How convenient. He just happened to leave his iPhone at home the day he claimed to see a Skunk Ape.")

      "The video is too steady. If that was a real creature his hands would be shaking like crazy. Fake!" (If it's shaky: "Can't anyone get steady footage of these things? Fake!")

      "You'd think he would keep filming it if it were something this important. Instead, he runs away. HOAX!!" (If he had kept recording: "If that were a real creature he'd be too scared to continue filming it. HOAX!!")

      "The footage is too clear. PHONY!!" (If it's out of focus: "It's too blurry. PHONY!!")

      If all else fails: "It looks like a man in a suit."

      See how that works? They always have an 'out.'

    2. Awesome strawman arguments, well done. You've honed paranoia and logic avoidance to a fine art.

    3. Lol^

      All modern day bigfooting involves is coming up with excuses why there is no evidence.

      Hint: there's no evidence because it don't exist

    4. Lol^

      All modern day Tradism involves coming up with excuses for not countering evidnece.

      Hint: there is evidnece because Bigfoot is real... Check your back yard, he's watching you type.

    5. The strawman arguments exist because they are real. The fact is people like Anon 6:43 don't have any answers. The fact is he's just pissed that somebody already used his arguments and showed him/her why they don't work. So let's talk about logic avoidance then. Let's talk about the scientific method, which apparently goes like this. 1.) fingers in ears. 2.) scream BLA BLA BLA!

      Or, here's a twist. Look at the footage and decide whether this is something worth investigating or not. Surely the footage itself exists. So let's all just scream FAKE! No, because the fact is their is FOOTAGE. But of what? Screen fakery. Doubt it. This is AN animal. I don't believe this is an unknown species. But I also don't go around clicking on every single link in the bigfoot forums and just shouting. FAKE! YOUR DUMB! There's not debate, no discussion and certainly no science in that. And the original poster is absolutely right. Your arguments are repetitive to the point of complete boredom.

      We get it. It's either too shaky or not shaky enough. Too clear or not clear enough. Too far away or too close. That type of "logic" (if you wish to call it that) closes everything. With this logic I can deny the existence of squirrels.

    6. It's understandable he got spooked when the thing got up, but it's a pity he ran and didn't film more if it's real that'd been the footage of the century. So basically we're still waiting for some brave enough witness to either approach the being or at the very least stand your ground and film. Bottom line is as it's always been, we need to see upright walking and movement before any serious conclusions can be made.

    7. The conclusion is that it's a hoax.

    8. King of Reality here. Would probably be pretty easy to go back to that spot now and find SOME kind of physical evidence right? Let's see how this plays out......Or let me guess, I should be lambasted and yelled at by people like Fartzgerald for asking something relevant. That is what is funny. If an actual skeptic shows my self, and says this is a great video, which I think it is, all I want is this guy to go back, with or without someone and I want video of that tree and the area combed for hair or other evidence. Too hard? Or am I just being a "Skeptic Tard" again.

      Carry on.

      The King

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very good if its faked, does look kinda thin though...could be a person in a monkey suit.

  4. Just shoot it! If you are hunting you have a gun, shoot it and we will have an answer. But no! Can't do that to your buddy in his monkey costume.

    1. ^^ can't understand that people with normal sized penises don't need to kill things to feel like a man

    2. This has jack and shit to do with feeling like a man for killing something. It would end the debate if someone would bring a body in and quit with all this wanna protect the species shit. It's already protected by not being known to exist.
      Kill one and get the damn thing over with.

  5. Replies
    1. Ain't no such thing, if there were Hollywood would've used it.

  6. Happy Halloween!
    Expect better hoaxes in the coming days folks!

    1. exactly why would you pan away and run as it stands up..HOAX!!!! all the way, Lots of Bigfoot suits out there this week, someone posted last week, and predicted lots of new footage to come out this week. and he was right, Idaho, now this one. more to come? hmmm

    2. Hmmm, all you need now is to prove that theory.

    3. The fact they took no shots just screams man in a suit.

  7. skunk apes just want to be that too much to ask?

  8. ok folks.. newbies and everyone scared!!! you hear every day they hide from us. so if you sneak up on one dont run film it like this guy did ok it got up.. why not yell HEY if they want to hide it will look ... you get a clear face shot then it will run or hide? if not it will come after you and you get best footage ever... take one for the team... someone will find the camera? and your bloody stump of a leg.....serious;y you get me this close for this long... with a good camera? im bumb rushing it trying to at least touch its butt

    1. John...

      It is in fact possible to have a civilised chat on this blog... Ignore the haters, they are pretty much the lowest in society and need attention to make up for their lack on social integration.

      Anyway... On first impressions; this looks ok, but I am susceptible to hoaxing in the same way as everyone else is. Wouldn't a Bigfoot have heard the person coming a mile off? A close up of the subject will be a game changer for me.


    2. Read the situation report. He had been sitting on a log for quite some time silently waiting for wild hogs to come out.

    3. Hey joe. Maybe the guy was already in his stand when this creature walked in. If he was waiting for darkness then this would be my assumption, of course if it is real and not faked.


    4. Oh yes, thank you. I think a close up is required. There'll be another breakdown close up by later hopefully. I'll make a decision on it when that comes out.


    5. Very good point Chuck... The more I'm watching it, the more it is very similar to the Provo Bigfoot, however I am very much looking forward to a close up of this video. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long.

      Peace Chuck.

    6. Shut up, PJ.

      You're wrong and everything you've said has been wrong. Why should anyone listen to a word you say?

    7. Dan Campbell was borne all WRONG. He should of been born a Boy!

    8. Yeah, so now he can buzz off...

  9. Oh God, we will now hear more about this hoax and how real it is than the stupid leaping russian yeti.

    1. In Leaping Russian Yeti (MK Davis version); you either see a creature jumping from bipedal to quadrupedal motion in very tricky terrain, leaping feet into the air in transitioning those motions, muscle tone in the back and arss, limb length and girth matchable to patty... Or you see a blob without offering an explanation how that stealth would be accomplished; even in a bulky, no-neck outfit.

      ... At 1.47 mins, you see it pull itself along with it's arms in that terrain.


    2. Joe F. And Mike Brookerson the most credible people on here and the most credible people in the bigfoot community. I enjoy reading your posts. Keep up the good work guys.

    3. Joe Fartz, and Mike B, are two of the biggest goof balls in the Bigfoot community. Joe has done more damage than good to the community.

      King of Reality

    4. I see a hoax made by bored.poor Russians.

    5. ..Its filmed, naturally, from too great of a distance to be of much use.. I don't know if I'm looking at grain or true detail in the enlarged frames...The real killer, from the perspective of objective science, is the lack of providence...

    6. ...I'm referring to the leaping yeti video that Joe and Mk seem to like..The video has not gained much traction within believer circles or the community at large as far as I can tell...

  10. i thought this looked fake when it was squating around the arms it seemed like there was extra... but when it stood i changed my mind it was a better shot but the guy bolted and didnt give a good view of the standing squatch..skunk ape...i needed more movement of it standing to make a real judgement

    1. Relax its a bloke in a suit.

      Its not a bear and bigfoot dont exist (proven by sykes) so its a bloke in a suit.

    2. Bloke, HaHa. Better than dude.

    3. A bunch of bear samples... Do not debunk Bigfoot. It's laughable and pretty desperate for closure to suggest that.

      WhatSykes proved, was that the samples that were 'thought' to be Bigfoot samples weren't... That doesn't prove Bigfoot doesn't exist, not even in the slightest.


    4. The samples also do not debunk mermaids, leprechauns and unicorns. What's the difference.

      No bigfoot is no bigfoot.

      No reason to think it exists. Lots of reasons to think it doesn't exist.

      Fucking smoked ya jackass.

    5. (Sigh)

      Because mermaids, leprechauns and unicorns don't leave tracks with dermals, communicate a transcribed language, yield unclassified DNA, are filmed on ocassions, have tens of thousands of eye witnesses (much of them multiple person), or have a 100 years of printed news media of skeletal remains in libraries up and down the country.

      If you think Bigfoot has been debunked, then you need not waste your time hating around here anymore, surely?

      Oh yes, I forgot... What would you do for attention?!

      Anon -

      "I'm an anonymous numpty... Welcome to jackass"

      Schooled, now run along.

    6. There's nothing to debunk.

      Not a shred.

      It don't exist.

      If it does then prove it or shut up.

    7. Ha!

      You see... With research presented, after you request it... It is then down to you to successfully counter that research or it stands up... And no matter how much up dribble on to the keyboard that there is nothing to debunk, you only really communicate that you haven't the brain to respond to evidnece in any way that threatens the subject.


      It's haters like you that pretty much make your theory group look stupid. Keep it up, you really make me laugh.

    8. You sure can hold your own with the skeptics. Way to go joe


    9. None of that crap matters because its not considered conclusive evidence. All you can ever provide are opinions and circumstantial evidence.

      It's been proven time and time again that your precious dermal ridges can be faked and many of them are just artifacts caused by the casting process.

      No one has found dermal ridges that are identical 1000x miles from each other. In fact, I bet you can't even find tracks with the same dermal markings from the same state.

      There is no 'transcribed' language. There is no Sasquatch. Yet again another 'expert' of yours that's a quack.

      There is no DNA in relation to Sasquatch. Unknown DNA results are just that, unknown. Your damn Monsterquest episode you like to push is not bigfoot and hardly scientific. It's just human blood that's been degraded from a year of environmental abuse.

      All you have is hearsay, opinions, ZERO facts, ZERO science, ZERO credibility, and most importantly ZERO figbeets in history.

      Fark you, you peice of dog excrement.

    10. Argh, the old cop out... The people who attain the casts are the hoaxers. Well how's this? You are just as credible as the people who attain such casts, less even, and it is your word against there's, so I think I will go with the people I know as opposed to your anonymous character, if I may? If you can't explain evidence, suggest it's a hoax by done by hoaxers, but sidetrack from offering any explanations to the tracks being found where they are found; typical.

      Any one who has spent ten minutes looking at numerous casts can see that there are many, many first time prints that have a similarity in style of dermal ridging in the same way that two sets of finger prints from opposite sides of the country would look similar in style at first, regardless of apparent uniqueness under analysis. These casts cannot be explained away with desiccation because they have scar tissue and toe bending that many people who have done proper analysis have sited as the creature gripping into earth. There is a clear difference between desiccation marks and complex dermal markings. You can look for yourself on any image search engine and the fact that some have sited some casts that have been made poorly by amateur casters (these are mostly untrained civilian researchers, not perfectionists), as the main source to disprove such is at best desperate and ignorant of the wider picture of the sometimes difficult process it is to extract such prints. What a one in a billion lottery win chance that would be to somehow get the same pattern decades apart from opposite sides of the country?! The pouring of liquid into a cast can make desiccation wrinkles yes, but when done by amateur casters and there is so, so much more casts to counter that argument. Explain casts that are attained 40 miles into the interior of wilderness areas? The hoaxers would have to be either psychic or mind controllers to predict to the exact yard where the researchers are going to be to the exact moment eh?

      If there was anyone as equally as qualified to counter Scott Nelson's opinion on such a profound topic; they would have by now. It is what it is... It took Scott seconds to come to the realization that the sounds are language, that's without implementing his various techniques over a long period of time. Now if anyone else who is as qualified would have come to any other conclusion; they would have by now in seconds, wouldn't they?

      Cryptolingusitics- "basically it is one of the hardest jobs in the military to learn depending on how you score on the DLAB (Defense Language Aptitude Battery) you will be assigned at the DLI (Defense Language Institute) a language in the category that you score. I believe it goes Category I = 90 Category II = 100 Category III = 105 and Category IV = 110, you can look that up, Im not sure about that, I just know for sure that IV = 110 or higher the category is based on how similar the language is to english so I's are Spanish French Italian... IIIs are stuff like Farsi, Polish, and Japanese and the IVs are the hardest to learn: Chinese Korean and Arabic you go to DLI for a length of time depending on the language you're assigned, it's usually about 1 year then you go to cryptology school for about half a year during that time you will become completely fluent in the language both written and oral. Be warned, the washout rate is roughly 75% at DLI. it's a great job to have, a lot of people get picked up for diplomatic jobs or work for the CIA afterwards, plus with the Army it comes with a $40,000 enlistment bonus

      Good luck, maybe I will see you at DLI in a few months

      USAF Cryptologic Linguist"

    11. You simply cannot get more credible than this guy's resume and his method over a long term had contributed to a war effort (the cold war)... He has also uncovered a lost Russian dialect. Every field of research in history has had to start off with 'someone'. If he was to have critics he would have had them by now, I've seen many skeptical groups condemn the Sierra Sounds before Scott came along, why not Scott's now that he has? That to me says it all and it's pretty obvious that someone would have spoken out about this by now had they felt the need to... We're are talking about Bigfoot dialect here for Christ's sake's, how more profound? Someone should have spoken out against him and if they haven't in this time that doesn't discredit his work but stands it up for what it is. this is Bigfoot territory and experts are few and far between. That fact doesn't make them less credible but makes them pioneers.

    12. You do not have to be a linguistics expert to listen to what is in front, you do however have to be a cryptolinguist to have the necessary tools to transcribe it. Out of the tens of thousands, MAYBE MILLIONS of people to have heard these sounds, it would have taken someone with the equivalent expertise as Scott, seconds to come to a counter claim if it was the case. Though I agree that in an ideal world all sources of Bigfoot evidence should be peer reviewed and backed up with a second opinion, it is not realistic to the few people willing to put their reputations on the line; hence the reason why so many researchers apply their expertise after their retirements. With the dogma surrounding this subject, along with the wider negative agendas you cannot perceive Scott as a pioneer as opposed to a loan theorist. You obviously have not listened to his work, but I don't expect you to and even if you did, I wouldn't expect you to deliver an honest evaluation of it because you are now more concerned with having the last work with me.

    13. There have been plenty of hair samples that have come back unmatched to anything else. The Skookum cast hair samples? The Pangboche Yeti hand tissue samples came back “near human, but not human,” in other words, “almost human” in 1991.

    14. Somebody say someone got 'smoked'?


    15. There is solid evidence that Dan Cambell is a homo. The catcher if you will


    16. Ball Boy is a homo?I'll bet him and Eva are butt buddies.

    17. Chilcutt spent another couple of days scrutininzing te casts and comparing them with representative ape and human inked prints that he had brought along from his collection. During a break for lunch, Chilcutt broke a reflective moment of silence by turning to me and emphatically declaring, "Jeff, these animals REALLY exist! What do you plan to do about it?"

      Page 257 of Sasquatch, Legend meets Science

      Mr Chilcutt is considered the nations's foremost expert on human and ape fingerprints and footprints.


    18. Lol @ joe.

      Just give it up. You got fucking smoked. There is no redeeming yourself. Its over.

    19. You are boring and offer nothing therefore are schooled.

      Glad I could help.

    20. 4:40 and Danny Dick are probably one and the same, every now and again the guy turns up here under new monicker. Bottom line is, the guy knows these things exist or he wouldn't be here as part of the disinformation program.

    21. King of Reality here Mr. Fartzgerald with a dose of REALITY! Why the hell do you always say "cop out," when people clearly rebut your confused ramblings of unproven evidence and complete hearsay. It is YOU who always cops out because you clearly have nothing better to do than bring up anything but hard evidence. It must suck going through your existence knowing that all you have is the tiniest shred of anything as far as proof. There really are some great videos, but that is all they are. They can not be proven, or unproven so that my little boy is a wash. As far as your DNA you are batting .000 and if you know anything about percentages...well that just sucks shit from the tailpipe. Until you can actually bring something to the table, you are the one that is a complete cop out. The existence of something like Bigfoot would be downright amazing! But until you actually bring something to the forefront that hasn't been validly debunked, picked apart, or just downright destroyed with logical thinking and are screwed in this debate. Just because you believe it, it does not make it true, and you HAVE to bring something better, than "dermal ridges". Bring something up that can not be a hoax, because again, it is all TOO circumstantial. Foot prints with dermal showing is great, and very cool, but it leaves too much to be desired as far as actual hard proof. I'm trying to actually be nice here, and I know you will take it as an attack, but come on Joey...get with reality boy.

      So Sayeth The King!

    22. Ha!

      It amazes me that this King of Reailty talks of cop outs when I have yet to read anything worth countering them from him... That is reality and the biggest cop out is spurting out that stuff as opposed to actually putting the money where is mouth is and actually counter the points as opposed to saying they have been countered without a counter point back... If these things were fake then they wouldn't leave tracks with dermals, communicate a transcribed language, yield unclassified DNA, are filmed on ocassions, have tens of thousands of eye witnesses (much of them multiple person), or have a 100 years of printed news media of skeletal remains in libraries up and down the country... Those things wouldn't be there and if you really think it would be great for this creature to be real, then you wouldn't ignore those sources or ignore the fact that just because some clown cant stick around attention span wise to listen the counter points to those counter points, doesn't make those points debunked.

      That is 'reality' is the fundementals of a discussion blog. In your 'reality' you might be able to spout out your crap and expect it to be gospel with no BS call back... But this is Bigfoot and you are in my yard. If you don't like it, then go away.

      That is reality young man... And you don't like me because of it.

      If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen... King Klown.

      Oh and King Klown... More 'reality'...

      You only come on here to laugh at bullies and trolls, you don't like me cause I deal with that riff-raff daily... If you don't like it, do one.


  11. Mmg = smoked

    Joe = smoked

    Sykes is coming indeed. Epically pwned.

    1. likes to smoke mens peepees and pawn their testes ^

  12. Well, if it's a fake, you've fooled me. I think it looks pretty good. If it's a guy in a suit, it fits pretty well. There can be any number of reasons it's not 20 feet tall and fat. It's grubbing in a dead tree, maybe it's hungry. I'm sure there are many shapes and sizes, just like people. Anyway, we may never know, but thanks for sharing.

    1. Well we do know actually.

      The only thing it can be is a bloke in a suit.

      There is no other classified animal it could be. That's a fact.

    2. Bill...

      It is in fact possible to have a civilised chat on this blog... Ignore the haters, they are pretty much the lowest in society and need attention to make up for their lack on social integration.

      Anyway... On first impressions; this looks ok, but I am susceptible to hoaxing in the same way as everyone else is. Wouldn't a Bigfoot have heard the person coming a mile off? A close up of the subject will be a game changer for me.


    3. Roger Patterson has fooled people for 47 years now.

    4. Dan Campbell has fooled his Mother for 47 years! She thought he was a boy! He's a phony closet FAG!

    5. Dan the Shemale has tried to fool people for weeks now and keeps failing...

    6. "Roger Patterson has fooled people for 47 years now."

      As have his wife and partner. Too much has been invested in this by them to come clean now.

  13. and they always ruuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!! LOL and NOoooooooooo Zooooooom guess he didnt know how to do that

  14. If it is a hoax (may well be), it is well earned. A guy sitting in 6" of swamp water in a suit for 5 minutes manually tearing a tree stump apart is at least well thought out and earned. I am not making any conclusions, but as always without a body it could be suit. Def better than TGBF

  15. There were palmettos in this video. They don't grow naturally in that part of Mississippi. The man is lying about the location or this is a hoax.

    1. What the fuck are you talking about? i live in that part of Mississippi, and there are palmettos all over the place. City bred fool!

    2. No shit, get in the swampy areas and the palmettos are thick as anything. My guess is Aaron never made it out past his pasture.

  16. I would like to see an enhancement and some stabilization. If this would reveal clear muscle mass image and movement I would be convinced. Also since it stands up next to a fixed object that the witness can easily find again since it is supposedly on his property, a height appx. can be obtained. Very intriguing video indeed, but I need to hear more from the witness. An interview for me to judge would be nice.


    1. Hopefully this video will get the attention to get those things achieved. I must say the more I'm looking at it, the more I'm getting impressed.


    2. Yeah Joe. I have looked at it three times last time full screen and there are parts that impress me. The guy is getting positive feedback on his you tube and if this is not hoaxed, hopefully he will take the next steps that others have suggested. If he stays on the sidelines then I will assume it is a well thought out hoax.


    3. Excellent as always Chuck. Great stuff.


    4. Hey Tim Fasinio, Thats what a skunk ape Video should be! Get your fat ass out of the cab!

    5. It does look kinda like a gorilla back a bit like Patty, too.

  17. This guy better get with Timber and maybe between the 2 of them they'll make a better hoax vid....after all its Halloween. No Zoom on that camera,,,,hmmmmmm.

  18. Fake but at least it is much better than the photos from the turd kickin state.

  19. Prepare you're self. Here come the Foottardigans.

  20. When it stands up at the 1:56-1:60 mark you can see a backpack on it.

  21. "So, I'm filming a Bigfoot! He's not noticing me, this is a great video! But I'm scared, really scared... if this creature notices me, I'm gonna be death scared... So I have to leave, I have to leave without the creature noticing me, because this is I want to avoid... So... What to do to go away without making noise...


    #tooneyliar approved

    1. You can think you know how you would react...but unless you are there...alone...looking at something you never really expected to see, YOU CAN'T KNOW! Cut the guy some slack and just study the video.

  22. why do the usual commentators respond with nonsense churlish comments

    anuway, this is an interesting film as its 1 of 3 possibilites. Its a bigfoot[which i personaly dont believe there is evidence for], a bear or a guy in a suit. Id go for a bear personaly.

    as was pointed out the guy has attached his name,if it is indeed his name, t it forever! Rational people dont want t be associated with hoaxes you'd think.
    The bear theory is the most plausable since we see no arms or legs and it is reletively small. It also looks like a bear, if he posted it with the title 'bear in woods' youd think thats what you are watching

    As always when its small bleevers will say its'a juvinile'. Thats why it acted 'out of charcter' and allowd itself to be filmed from a human 50yards away which he must have known was there. If we are told they have heightened awarness, smell/surroundings'sight etc..there would be now way creatures ,called bigfoot,wouldnt have been caught if they just carry on about there buisness when humans are standing 50yards away

    Tthat would suggest its a hoax. Its a clever pne as its an unusual setting for one. normaly you get a brie glimpse of a bipedal figure ,out of focus, shaking camerawork etc... this was of an nimal crouched down trying to get at the roots of a tree. This is something we see bearsdo a lot.

    Its a bear for me

    An interesting film though and at least made you ake an interest in it. This site appears to have died in the last 6months,hence i never come to it much, its uldersowlrd little sister and full of hoaxed student films and rev jeff/parabreadown stuff,all very boring

    sadly there is no 8=10ft apepeople in there thousands in North America. the ongoing C$ UK 'bigfoot files' programme is taken the best samples from smeja,phonix project etc...and came back with nothing.all we se is smeja in tears as he has been found out to be a liar

    i realise people are defending him saying that the boots are a year old, his story was corrupted by programme etc... The FACTS are that co incedently a bear stake was in the exat area where the bigfoot was yet there is no hairs,stakes etc...of the supposed bigfoot he killed. The man is a liar,pure and simple. some reneck trying to make money.his claims hes actualy lost money are nonsense. he will be getting fees for interviews,the book, the documentory etc...This liar/murderer has made mney you can be sure of that

    his actions dont add up either. why wouldnt you take a few pictures of a bigfoot lying dead in front of you. why would you not take the creature to the appropriate services

    its bears he shot.thats the reason he passed the polygraph test,not that they are valid, he just changed the word bigfoot for bear and took a valium tablet before it. quite simple really
    now he is found out as science doesnt lie. His evidence was a bear.his tears were of shame as thats what the world now knows he is

    ow can creatures this size be able to avoid being caught physicaly, digitaly or scientifivaly for ever.Its impossible

    Tihs isnt even a debate now.All it is is a few thousand peole who treat the subject as a religion.

    each to their own

    1. Awesome well thought out post. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks

    2. Ok... Good post I thought, but there are areas where I respectfully disagree with you;

      Firstly, for me it's either a man in a suit or a Bigfoot... I'm pretty sure I can see elbows. Though many, many sightings of Bigfoot are missidentifide bears, it is amusing and no wonder to me that with the suggestion this week that 'all Bigfoot are bears' that this is being touted more than usual on this blog.

      Also... The suggestion that these creatures have heightened senses is one I agree with and was a red flag for in seeing this footage at first. However, though video footage of these creatures is few and far between (baring in mind all footage is condemned outright and there could well be far more legitimate videos that even enthusiasts are unable to recognise), people do report seeing these creatures in the very same manner in which this creature is filmed, and if the suggestion that these creatures are too evasive for us to catch out; we would never see them, and there are tens of thousands of reports transitioning ten thousand years of native culture to counter that notion. I promote the theory that these are highly intelligent, equal to us in the respect that they can calculatively evade us so well (they'd have to be) but there are too many reports that account for these creatures being caught out during hunting and feeding to discount the mannerisms of the subject in the video above outright... Or at least, in my opinion anyway.


    3. Furthermore...

      As for Smeja; I have a question for you... If Justin was making the Sierra kills story up, would he have reacted the way he did to the news of his samples? I think his reaction said it all and felt deeply offended by the way he was treated. Again; keep up the good work Justin, you have mine and so many in the community that don't post here's complete support. His story stands up as far as I'm concerned as does the explanation for him coming across the bear steak. If you return to a kill site weeks later with a hound that has been trained to find bear, with several feet of snow on the ground... In a place where many hunters shoot and kill animals, then the results of the steak are understandable in my eyes. There is also a suggestion that he was poaching and had to get out of there quickly. It is the funniest thing to me that people seem to know how they would react after killing something so human. We don't and if you think otherwise, go out and bag us one please. Also, the questions put to him during his polygraph would have aight him out had he been lying, or at least there would have been a good chance of that happening at least.

      70% of the United States is covered in wilderness and unless you an accout for every mile of that, then there is plenty of room for these creatures, who have evolved to evade us after learning of our mannerism and intentions for thousands of years, to evade us the way they do. The frequency of sightings are in complete conjunction with a nocturnal hominid that buries it's dead.


    4. A close up and stabilisation is desperately needed... Phil was really quick yesterday, let's hope he's as quick today.


    5. Furthermore...

      Joe has no shame and even less credibility.

      It's amazing watching such delusion and denial come from one blogger.

    6. Whatever it is it is no bear. At 40 second mark this thing flips a large piece of wood into the water making a big splash in a very natural human motion. It also stands up just as a man or squatch would. If this guy would go out and put a measuring stick up to the top of the cypress tree opening and it is 7 feet or more it would go a long way, as the height of this ? is a little above the opeining.


    7. Joe is a jrefer pretending to be a bleever and is portraying the role of a delusional footer quite beautifully. There is no way joe is for real.


    9. Mike quit it. We know it is you so just stop it. We don't need you're homophobicity around here.

    10. Pogo sticking Russian Yeti.

    11. 5:16, the reason you haven't and won't see a body on TV is twofold. The beings themselves are too fast and probably alien or other diemsional, in other words meaning covered up by authorities via bears ridicule and denial.

  23. Oh god, How many more times do we have to hear about the stupid Russian yeti on a pogo stick???

    1. Canada guy that's the best footage of a real bf there is mr pogo stick u should watch it 100 times and enjoy it ! Amazing stuff! Have a good day!

  24. Joe it's the Canadian guy the fotage here looks good as a animal but different than the bigfoots we got maybee because of we're it's located I don't now to me it looks like a gorilla and not a bf but I am only watching the video on a phone so can really say and from what I see the hair looks like fur more are bf look more like hair but agian I'm looking at these on a I phone so what can I say? Joe Fitz what do u see ? Your thoughts on this?

    1. Joe fits it's the Canadian guy agian I can't make any call on this cause it's too hard to see on my phone ! It looks fake on my phone ! What u think costume?

    2. Hello my friend.

      Honesty? I think it looks ok but a close up and stabilisation may change my mind. Hopefully that will come later on and I will make a more educated statement.

      You ok? Any news??


    3. Joe Fitz ! Joe F ! What do u think?????????? Canadian guy !!!????? Have a good one !

    4. Joe Fitz ! Joe F ! What do u think?????????? Canadian guy !!!????? Have a good one !

    5. Canada I'm only looking at it on a cell phone but to me it looks 100% fake but I'm on a phone so that's my take on it ! R bfs look more like big men with hair and not fur from what I see in video and not short and fat like that video I've never seen hair cover the whole body there's always patches were it thins out like on the legs or under arms? So I don't now guess different everywhere, but I think it's fake! Cheers Joe F what u think?

    6. Canada guy ! Joe chances of this bf just walking up to this guy and playing with a tree probably 0% unless that tree was 800 yards away but that's just me saying!

    7. Fascinating insight TTL! Thank you for that!

      In my research there are two different types; the Patty type and the human faced long haired ones (the ones you are referring to)... What are your thoughts on this?

      Also, I would love a more in-depth description of the Sasquatch you are tracking.

      Peace TTL.

  25. How many times have we heard best footage since Patterson?
    Let's get something strait, the Patterson footage had a squatch out in the open, plain as day. This does not.
    This is probably a fake but to be honest it sucks so bad it's impossible to tell one way or the other.
    Here are the things that set off warning bells that it's a fake.
    1. The photographer seems to be trying to hid the legs of the squatch or to keep us from getting a real good look at it.
    2. The squatch is pretty casual about digging into that tree looking for food. If you've ever seen a bear clawing into a log you'd know animals usually don't mess around when looking for food. And anything that big could certainly invest their time more wisely food hunting from what I can see there.
    3. It's hard to tell but the arms look too short and frankly, it looks like a guy in a suit. It's not big enough, not just in height, but in mass. It doesn't look like muscle to me either.
    4. And this is the big one... the camera was "accidentally" stopped. Odds are the camera caught something that gave away the hoax and it was edited out. Once the creature stands up to where you might get a good look at it, the camera is quickly moved away.

    1. Patterson was a con man and the film has been proven beyond reasonable doubt to be a hoax. If you think otherwise then you need to brush up on critical thinking skills or even just brush up on your common sense.

    2. Anon 6:21 he can't brush up on something he does not have in the first place.

    3. Anon 6:21, who has proven PGF to be a hoax. You must not be looking at the same film that I have. Look at the breakdowns that our good friend from Mississippi MK has done. Too much going for it for me to give serious thought to the on again, off again excuses 'bunkers site.

    4. Don't worry about it, 6:21 is just another disinformation troll sent here by whatever lobby he's working for. You can pretty much count on that as fact for anybody saying that about the PGF, that or incredibly gullible sucker probably hating Obama but still trusting governments. Oops...

  26. I wonder what happened to the raging resident butt hurt footer that comes on here calling every one skeptards and has raging fits about jref and his obsession with butt plugs.

    He stop posted after sunday.

    I think we can safely say the guy got fucking pwned. Absolutely royally epically destroyed.

    1. There he is^

      A little lost for words are we?

    2. The guy you are referring to is a very clever person, in comparison to the people who think a series of sequenced DNA debunks Bigfoot... Well... There is no comparison.

      He'll be along again, he probably has a life outside this blog which is in stark contrast to the attention driven Tardists who cry on here.


    3. hit a sore spot on this jrefs taterhole ^

  27. "Genetics is ruthless" - Bryan Sykes

  28. This is the real fucking deal people!

  29. I am voting Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Skunk Ape. It has hair with thin spots on it's butt. It has no visible neck due to the hair growth. It is very large. It is already standing in at least of foot of water. Humans in costumes, don't stand in water. The movement did not look like a humans movements. It was strong and showed it by ripping apart the tree looking for grubs. It did not walk stage left or stage right, like hoaxed videos all seem to do. It was unaware of the videographer, until he bolted. The evidence that cemented it as being real is that the National Bigfoot Bigots group pulled Daniel Campbell off the benches in order to condemn it. And DC has proven himself wrong about everything related to Bigfoot. He just hasn't figured that out yet. This is the real deal folks. Enjoy it from the comfort of your computer room, because it is a whole lot safer there, and you get fewer mosquito bites.

  30. they got him on film they fucking got him!!!!!!!!

  31. Looks like a gorilla. Figure moves like somebody playing "Planet of the Apes." Maybe that's what BFs do, but looks hoaxey.

  32. That "somebody please help me, I don't know what this is!" sounds like Hoaxer 101.

  33. Looks kind of baggy when it stands up. I hope that thing wasn't a rental with him being in the water. Oh and the name. Josh Highcliff? High Cliff? Is he trying to get on Finding Bigfoot? That would be a pretty good tolling if I do say do myself.

  34. Looks really cool in full-screen.

    1. Looks like a saggy wet fur suit when it stands at the end
    2. Person is very close and noisy when filming it
    3. I agree with above...posting a short video on YT and saying "please help me" is something we've heard before
    4. Ends suspiciously

    1. Has nice shape, brow ridge, high shoulders, crest, everything you'd expect
    2. Tearing of wood is impressive...grabbing and tearing at a stump is not easy with fur gloves on
    3. Movement otherwise also looks fluid and natural
    4. Figure is sitting in water...there are more pleasant ways to hoax

    Looking forward to more analysis. Be sure you watch it full-screen!

    1. Anti:

      Starts with "this is what I seen" vs...

      "this is what I saw".

      People lose 50% of credibility right there (for moi' anyway).

    2. Anon 8 16. I agree with your assessment, and full screen is way to view this. I do not see a sagging suit but the camera turns away at this point so fast and you may be right. When it gets up the witness reaction is one you would expect if it is real and moving out fast before turning off phone could also be expected, but it could also be a take off of the Beard Card Provo video of last fall. Also the tossing of the large piece of wood into the water in a squatting position is impressive. One other thing I do not see is the creature using its arms rise up. This video is ripe for better enhancements and needs more input from the witness, something he has failed to do so far.


    3. "this is what I seen" vs "this is what I saw" just proves that he isn't great with his grammar, nothing else.

  35. Let me just say that for the bulk of this video, there is absolutely no reason to consider this "animal" unknown. It's a black shape that seems to be moving autonomously. That's it. It could be any medium to large black animal.

    But at the end of the video, when the subject stands up, there appears to be draping an pulling to its sides. The subject looks contoured throughout the video but standing seems to create some rather long, rather rigid straight lines that don't seam at all organic.

    And finally, the pointing the camera at the ground while running bit. It's very dramatic, yes, but who needs drama. If you're filming this thing you think may very well be the zoological find of the last 1,000 years, there's your drama. No need for this kind of shot. Sorry.

    That's my three cents.

    1. Plus, does anyone have a phone that pulls in and out of focus like this. Mine does not.

    2. Darkwing Duck,how's Daisy doing?Do you need to take up a collection cause she needs a bigger box?I got 50 cents if that'll help out.

  36. Where's John Jones, we need his advice on this!

    1. If he was all up in your ass you'd know where he was!

    2. And if was up your ass anon 9:12 You would love it!

  37. sykes is coming oh wait he came and got nothing id like sykes to go over melbas samples but we know that is never gonna happen

    1. Not as long as Sykes remains with the wrong party, but him being mainstream science it's no surprise.

  38. Bottom line is.....we can debate the authenticity of every picture, every video until hell freezes over, but nothing short of a body or some pretty strong DNA evidence is going to matter.
    Unfortunately there are way too many dipshits looking for their 15 mins of fame and there are way too many ways for them to perpetrate a hoax.
    What puzzles me is why so many hardcore skeptics even bother to come to forums like this. If youre so damn sure they don't exist then you shouldn't even be interested in whatever the newest potential evidence is. Do you not have anything else better to do with your time but to berate and belittle people who ARE interested??
    This should be a forum for people to intelligently discuss the possibilities and not have to weed through a bunch of retarded and juvenile bullshit.

    1. 9:28, you've perfectly said why the trolls are here; because they know it's real and most likely ordered here by certain interest groups.

    2. "Do you not have anything else better to do with your time but to berate and belittle people who ARE interested??"

      Not really. I read this blog before and after work for laughs.

    3. Before and after flipping burgers...

      Burger King.

  39. Excellent point...been wondering that myself.

  40. Don't feed's the only remedy. You guys are the idiots for continually responding to them. The only way they go away, is to ignore them. Why can't all of you morons understand that? Just don't even all.

    The fact is this blog commentary section could be very easily moderated, but the owner chooses not to, probably because he's either trolling it himself ( sick... yes i know), to lazy to moderate or assign someone to do so, or simply likes the Ad nauseam nonsense. Those of us with children and other family members we'd like to introduce to the site are S.O.L. That's a choice by Shawn. It's his site, and he chooses how it's comments section is regulated. It's unfortunate for some, but hey the Trolls love it, I've never seen a site so overrun by them as this one. Don't like it? Start your own site, which is what my plan is. I can certainly duplicate the quality of content presented here, and wordpress comment sections can be easily administrated.
    Comment moderation set-up

    WordPress blogs have the feature of being able to set the blog either to either moderate every comment as I do, or to approve a reader’s first comment and thereafter every comment received from that reader will be posted without approval. That’s done on the Discussion page where commenting defaults are set.

    It's not that hard. Shawn just chooses to not moderate at all. He's a really lazy guy. I used to moderate his forum, and he was rarely in touch with any admins. He never knew who any of us were, and was extremely lazy in addressing any forum business. I find it consistent, and predictable that his comments section has morphed into a troll carnival.

    1. At first Shawn didn't believe,he just needed to feed his family, then he saw one and now believes...but he still needs to feed his family and not editing is the easy way to do it.

    2. You got it. I bet this blog is CIA, after all they love Cutino and hate Ketchum around here. Any serious Bigfoot blog would get rid of the haters and concentrate on serious debate (which they've made a sign-up for forum for that this place should really be), it's all about ridiculing the subject and witnesses which is why it's all so revealing.

    3. If you need a mod to hold your hand if hear BFF is go at that. Maybe give them a try.

      No what you want is an echo chamber with only people who believe. That makes for bad entertainment and critical thinking.

    4. This blog does have a forum you can sign up to. I suggest you use it if you feel more moderation is needed.

    5. That's total nonsense, bad excuse it's what this place should be.

    6. Cajun, how many bigfoots is Shaun going to need to feed his family for 1 year? I did not know that they are edible. Do you suppose he would post a good recipe?

    7. Oh look,it's Noble Dickweed!

  41. Looks real enough to The Count.

    ONE! Bigfoot, standing on TWO! feet.

  42. Another fake. Who the fuck takes this shit seriously? DUMBSHITS.

    1. He's here to troll his ignorance and pledge his NWO submission.

    2. Exactly, why are you here wasting your time trolling? Pathetic.

  43. of all the videos in the past few years this one looks the most interesting. Too bad there wasn't more although I don't blame him for running- i would have been scared as well.

    1. Yep, it's too bad. We wait for the ultimate successor to PGF, a subject out in the open on video that's easily conclusive one way or the other, Patty's real as troll action always proves she's the stuff we need more of with visible full body gait, fakers never dare that, sadly this clip doesn't tell us what we need.

  44. LOL. Who is going to take this seriously?

  45. apes and other primates commonly look for grubs in trees for their food which are a good source of protein. Assuming this is a hoax the person must have had knowledge of this.
    it's just too bad we didn't have a face shot of it.


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