Bigfootology Knows The Truth Behind The "Yeti" Study By Dr. Bryan Sykes

It looks like the news media has gotten it wrong once again. The Bigfoot community and Dr. Bryan Sykes is quite happy about the fact that there is an undiscovered polar bear in the Himalayas. One thing Sykes does not want to say is that there is no such thing as the "Yeti". In a recent interview with BBC News, Sykes is careful not to discredit any progress that has been made in regards to Bigfoot and the Yeti study. In a statement from the Bigfootology organization, the people Sykes has been working with in North America, there are important things Sykes hasn't revealed yet and there's still much more learn. The documentary that's airing this weekend will only helps the cause. President of Bigfootology Rhetmann Mullis has tried his best to stay silent, but the latest undiscovered yeti/bear news has finally compelled him to speak out without revealing too much about what he knows:

We can only report on what we are given to test. The claim that someone has a Yeti hair does not mean that it is a Yeti hair, it means they really have a bear hair. It happens all of the time. Someone thinks they have a Bigfoot hair and it turns out to be horse, cow, deer, or something commonly known. The press has this wrong in that case, but what makes the "Yeti" hair unique and earth shattering to the scientific world is that there is a bear species there that is thought to have been extinct and now we know that it is not. Does that mean that the bear is being confused as a Yeti? Not at all. It just means that hair tested has a surprising outcome documenting the present existence of an extinct species and Yeti hairs have yet to be found. The other problem the media is creating is to think that a Yeti is different from a North American Bigfoot, or whatever they are called by the local cultures around the world. They are all the same species with the potential of some physiological variance like height which could also be a variant based on habitat and food availability.
I can confirm the paper is in peer-review now, and everything is still on schedule. So far everything that has been hitting the press is not new news, and much of what Bryan and I are seeing hitting the net is silliness. The documentary does not compromise the paper in peer-review, and the book is still be worked on and will be out in the spring of 2014.

While the discovery of a new species of bear is in itself ground-breaking news, in a recent interview with BBC News, Sykes appears to be very careful about revealing any more than he has to about his study. People close to Sykes are confident Dr. Sykes will deliver something groundbreaking in 2013.


  1. bigfoot will be proven by science to exist by summer 2014

    1. So far Sykes has apparently discovered a cryptid, this rare bear.

      But how does the TV series not conflict with the paper? Doesn't a science journal require first dibs? Maybe there are different publishing rules in the UK for this vs what Ketchum dealt with.

      But since so far Sykes has gone to newspapers, mainline TV news, and soon a TV series, instead of first getting the paper peer-review-published, he's taking a similar route to that which Ketchum did, but is not receiving the flak which she did.

      That is awfully hypocritical of the Ketchum-attackers.

    2. The journals aren't in it for the money..I doubt many editors are worried about sales being adversely affected if a result is announced in the news..The actual sequences(or links to them), the interpretation, stats, whatever, will be in that journal article before they are published anywhere else...
      People knew Wiles proved Fermat's Last theorem through the media 1993, but the formal proof appeared in a math journal in 1995...
      Maybe applied science and subjects concerned with physical data are different, I don't know...




    1. Credit to Rick dyer for taking these gullible bleevers money. If you believe in a mythical ape then you deserve nothing less.

    2. ^ rather than money it's taking your time. You 're just as gullible as any for being here. Like they say "time is money" ! What a moron. Lol.

    3. I hope the part about his illness is just more bullshit from a group that specializes in producing bullshit....

    4. My grand Papy Horous Dule told me, What if that there Yeti fella' is a wearing a bear skin coat., them thar smart scientist might be barking up the wrong tree.

    5. Frank must have finally found out theres no money for him. Im sure he thought it was coming still but finally realized he was the bottom bitch.

    6. is probably right..Poor Frank found out how little is left for him after the bigger names get their cut...

  3. I'd like to formally question the provenance of the two hairs.

    Don't forget it was only the mitochondrial DNA, meaning the female descended from a potential line. I'd also like to question the 100% match to a 120,000 year old bear. I mean 100%?

    How is it that with known DNA degradation, he found 100% identical match in a hair (hair loses viable DNA evidence fairly quick, even when properly stored) that was 40 years old? And found the exact DNA from a bamboo forest 800 miles away?

    Were they male or female? Hair color?

    So much info is obtainable from DNA

    In 120,000 years, you're telling me that the mTdna hasn't changed at all? 100% identical match?

    Way too many holes in this if we're beig honest. Interesting if he actually gets published...

    Still doesn't take away the fact PJ received and will continue to receive a schooling on running your mouth about knowing Sykes results 2 months ago.

    I have serious doubts about chain of custody.

    Also, I'm still hedging my bets on his big revelations being human genetics and not 9ft bipedal hairy grumble speak hominids...

    1. Just for a quick example - look at several of the last DNA extraction attempts by certain cryptid shows.

      FB tests hairs kept in a bag, in a house that was less than a couple years old...DNA degraded so bad they couldn't find DNA.

      Monsterquest also had similar issues, mainly dealing with environmentally caused degradation.

      Destination truth has also ran into this problem...

      But Sykes extracts a 100% match to an ancient jaw bone (which would be starting to degrade anyway) with a 40 year old hair from a second (possibly further) party who possessed it for a decade? He matched with another hair sample that was ~ 10 years old collected during an expedition in a bamboo forest at 100%?

      Just saying we have some serious plot holes at the moment that only a peer reviewed and published scientific analysis will answer, not a preemptive documentary.

      It's a shame the peer review process won't answer the chain of custody enigma...

    2. Daniel...... I'm going to assume you know much more about next generation sequencing than I do. So you tell me. What does it mean when we get back primers and fill in the gaps with repeating or known similar sequences?

    3. Lets say I have saved a wine glass from a species we will call "horny drunk Texas girl". Now this species is neither rare nor endangered, yet we must ascertain her genetic profile. If we get past that lipstick and vodka and obtain DNA from said subject , even if we do not have a complete profile , can I not substitute very long genetic sequences from silimilar subject (Girl I met in pumpkin patch near church) to fill out the profile. What I'm saying is with today's technology degradation and contamination can be defeated. And Sykes is a rock star. So. If you will. As the custodian of Joes SpaceShip may I borrow the keys......feels good.......leather seats.......I'm just gonna tap the pedal. VROOM VROOM! ,

    4. You can salvage DNA that has begun degrading but you cannot faithfully fill-in the blanks once they become to degraded. As for's touchy.

      Understand that scientists are much more critical and brash to each other than they ever are to people outside of the field.

      Techniques and results are constantly under severe scrutiny.

      As MMG posted the link to a revelation about H. Erectus yesterday, you can see how scientists constantly battle with each other. Been that way since the beginning, be that way to the end.

      Bottom line is still: way to many plot holes in this story.

      All I know is that PJ is burnt extra crispy at the moment and that's all this charade was ever about.

    5. Yes. He is. He admits it. Which says much more about him than us I believe. Ok. So you are or are not telling me we've made huge leaps in defeating degradation and contamination.

    6. Whatever you are or aren't telling me Daniel, I'm telling you you tear drove this prototype spaceship too hard last night. I checked the odometer before I went to the bar and you've just ran this poor thing into the ground. Now I've got to go. You and MMG are way smarter than me. I just know when equipment is over used......puts on helmet......after the study publishes ill give it back if you win. Taps throttle. VROOM VROOM. In the cockpit. Under the helmet. Michael closes his eyes. He sees Joe in his head movies. And it makes his eyes rain.

    7. Daniel Campbell doesn't have a clue what he is talking about! He hoax's his stories and spreads Bullshit and lies. He's the biggest Moron on this site!

  4. Boys the existence of proving bigfoot is near. Look at what has happened in the last two years. Everything is coming together. DNA, bigfoots getting shot, more video evidence, pics, ect. It's coming together and soon bigfoot won't be a myth anymore.

    1. Bigfoot shot - no bodies

      More video evidence - to bad they're all out of focus and don't show crap

      DNA - every test done has blown up in your faces, don't get ahead of yourself quite yet.

      Pics - umm..I'll just say lol to that.

    2. I can tell you for a fact bigfoot does not exist.

    3. And I can tell you for a fact that you may not know as many facts as you tell yourself.

    4. And I can say for a fact they do exist. Those who speak matter of fact that they don't onky show me they've never had an experience. Some of us don't need dna to this riddle to know the truth.

    5. Of course they exist, Sykes knows it probably and Ketchum knows it for sure. The rest of mainstream science surely also but as long as there's no green light on this subject, or ETs for that matter (which this falls under within Intelligence work), then it's stalemate. And so the myth goes on, just as planned.

    6. Daniel Campbell, is the type of Skeptic that cannot put his money where his big mouth is.

      Right now, we are in the same area where Roger Rangers past thru on their famous raid to an Native America village during the French & Indian war way back in around 1754 or so. on their way, these "very experienced" hunters and Mohawk guides encounter "Strange hairy giants" at the edge of a big swamp. I guess those Rangers back then were lying or mistaken to!

      This is a historical fact, written British war journals.

      I wish you were here Daniel, I really do, because if you seen and heard what we are experiencing, the question is would you run home to Mommy!

      John W. Jones Spoke

    7. John I'll try and check that out! Thanks for that!!

      Hope all is well out there buddy, let me know how you're getting on a newer thread if possible. I really wanna know how pure getting on.

      Peace buddy.

    8. Do you have a link to the Roger's Rangers account? I'd love to read that, thanks!



    10. Just Google it. Try "Roger Rangers Bigfoot". There are numerous accounts of this. A sergeant in Roger's command, I think his name was Duncan wrote about it as he kept a private diary of this account.

      A company of British regulars also went on the raid. The British always kept very detailed accounts of any military activity. General Amherst wrote the account in his book, I believe it was called "The British War Journals". And of course, my Mohawk family's ancestors were the chief scouts on this raid and were very loyal to the British side in this conflict, and is in their tribal history to. The Mohawks called them "The Woodsman". I think you will find this read very, very interesting!

      Of course, this was hundred years before Jerry Crew!
      I wonder what that Daniel Campbell would say about this? That they were mistaken, they were Bears"! You mean to tell me,experienced woodsman and Native Americans couldn't tell the difference between Bears and these hairy giants?

      I guess that Roger Ranger guy wanted to charge the gullible people back then for expeditions too. LOL!

      What do say Mr. Daniel Campbell, "talks out of his ass Skeptic"?

      SMOKED! and double SMOKED!

      John W. Jones Spoke Again!

      Of course I'm up here in the cold mountains now, Where are you Mr. Daniel Skeptic, home? Safe in Bed?
      Oh, My god! I just heard a deep roar! Holy fucking shit!
      What was that? Oh, Damn it, My Native American brother in law was eating beans! Damn it!

    11. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      Fantastic post John... Amazing you're managing that where you are.

      Much love buddy, you're a true hero.

      Give my regards to your buddies out there with you.


  5. BS

    Once again ALL the stupid locals are wrong and science knows best


    1. You have it all wrong ^

      It's....MANBEARPIG! I'm super serial!

    2. This time science is right.

    3. Science just like academia is driven by the set rules. Rules are not meant to be broken, they cannot help but be broken.


  6. "Bigfootology"

    That's a troll right?

    I mean... BIGFOOTOLOGY... anyone manage to not laugh out loud when they read that?

    1. Anything a footer can do to make a buck shall be done. History has shown is this formula time and time again...from Roger Patterson to Paul Freeman, from Jeff Meldrum to Rick Dyer, from Tom Biscardi to the latest post about Stacy Brown.

      Woooo woooo

    2. Patterson is the greatest pwner of footers of all time. What a guy. Its a shame he can't be here to witness the incredible scenes.

    3. Death added a much bigger mystery than life ever could. Almost a bit of immortality, if you will.

      It's as true in music as it is in 'bigfootology.'

    4. Daniel. I believe you are giving way too much credit to people and their innovative creativity. Sometimes it really is just, ummm getting lucky as Daft Punk would say.

    5. Mike I have a fool proof way of catching a bigfoot

    6. In fact. I'd like to know anyone who hit the jackpot in the Bigfoot industry besides Matt Moneymaker. Hence the name I suppose. People aren't going out and starting Sasquatch 401(k). Lets say you has this species migrating through property you own. It would not make it more profitable than mineral or water rights. There's a couple of clams of huge hairy humans living out there Bob, I'm gonna have to double down. It just doesn't happen. It doesn't pay a dime. And if you get obsessed with it. You'll go broke and mad. Now I've got to go. Someone ran all the damn rocket fuel out of Joes Spaceship last night. Daniel. I'm taking the keys with me. People cannot test drive this spaceship until Sykes publishes. Now behave yourself. .......puts on helmet and hits throttle......vroom vroom.....indeed.

    7. I almost pd my pants from laughing so hard.

    8. 4:11. It's so early. I have a hangover and am double parked in Joes Spaceship I just Lizard Lick repoed

    9. Mix watermelon and sodium fluoroacetate. then you will have a squatch

    10. Mix watermelon and sodium fluoroacetate. then you will have a squatch

    11. Poison? Possible. I suppose. Why not just shoot it?

    12. Well you need to have someone with exceptional skills to shoot one. have you got anyone in mind? poison would be much easier.

    13. Squatch memorabilia, shops, "guided bigfoot hunts", squatchers training, organizational tax breaks, bigfoot calling contests, the Squatch caller, t shirts, pendants, YouTube hits, blog hits, podcasts, film residuals and rights, trying to copyright bigfoot crap, donations for people's organizations and for gear, purchasing of lands, and the list goes on and on and fucking on.

      You can't stand there with a straight face and tell me there's no money in bigfoot. I call bullshit on that.

      Decimal points and zeros is what bigfoot is about. There are towns that rely very heavily on bigfoot tourism.

      Stop lying to yourself.

    14. Poison might be easier for Professor James Moriarity. Perhaps as against one S Holmes of 221b Baker Street. But no. Too many potential critters harmed in that senerio. Go back to sleep deer sweet Anon. Daddy has to fly his spaceship back to its docking bay

    15. I said got Rich. Not made a profit or existed. That boy just loves to exist. Why it seems like only yesterday he was just sitting here on the front porch. Existing. .

    16. Sodium Fluoroacetate would not work. For starters it takes to long to work. It takes 4 to 14 days to kill a cow, Its highly illegal and it is highly dangerous with no known cure. Only idiots would recommend using that shit for anything.

    17. Daniel you are upset because I took the spaceship. There is no need to throw a tantrum. I will return it after Doctor Bryan publishes, only if you win. Now stand back. You know there's considerable blow back on this when I hit the reverse rockets.

    18. And I never claimed that individually you can strike a huge profit as you could by sellin or leasing your land to tower companies, water thieves, or mineral rights.

      MJ A, this dude talking about poison follows me around. It's best to ignore him. Most of his posts get deleted anyway.

    19. MJA sodium fluoroacetate would take out a squatch.

      Mike there is no one that would shoot a squatch. Or have you got someone willing.

    20. Jackson Browne said it best..."Runnin' on empty."

      I'm crashing for several hours. My apologies for the brash no frills posts but my bullshit meter broke about 8 hours ago and I haven't burned one in days.

      Maybe...just maybe when I wake up this afternoon, bigfoot will be proven as a species....

      Then again, if that happens I better have my crow ready.

    21. Daniel i am not the same person that has been following you around. They dump it by the ton here in England and it works quite well.

    22. My apologies then anon. There's a few that have been dangling on my bits again as of late, so keywords are all I recognize.

      Carry on.

    23. I had someone express a true interest once. Look it's hard to see out here. I don't know if its condensation. I probably shouldn't have used a water 0 gravity.........

    24. You are full of it. Sodium Fluoroacetate is only used by the ton in New Zealand. It is used in the US for coyote control but in very very small amounts. The rest of the world have already banned it. Most of them never let it in, in the first place.

    25. Dan he probably is the same troll. Sodium Fluoroacetate or 1080 poison is only used in 2 countries in the world and none of them are England

    26. Hello MJ A ,where have you been hiding? xx

    27. Hey Eva i have been quite busy lately. Been working 18 to 22 hours a day over the last week.

    28. How do work that many hours?did you buy the other farm? xx

    29. Yea i did. That's why i have been so busy moving stock and getting it all sorted out. Working that many hours is a combination of drugs and being use to working on no sleep

    30. You need be careful you don't make yourself ill,also i was thinking about you shooting a bigfoot,you need a minimum number to maintain the species,what if the one you shot was the tipping point to them becoming extinct?xx

    31. The quicker i find another worker the quicker i can knock the hours down again. The chances of taking one being the tipping point are highly unlikely the population covers the entire US. That means one wont be the tipping point.

    32. You've missed an awful lot of fighting on here the last few days about Sykes and his documentary,have you been catching up on previous posts? xx

    33. Well it's been just about everyone,theres been some right old fisty cuffs,Sykes 3 part documentary starts on sunday on ch 4 and there has been 1 or 2 leaks as to what his results are going to show but i think maybe we should wait and see xx

    34. Yes the leaks are just JREF trying to debunk the research before it is released. i had a quick look some people have been right on the attack

    35. It would appear that the poster representing himself as "Daniel Campbell", if he does own a tent and sleeping bag, has never actually used it deep in a forest where there is no campsite. Otherwise, he would not be so cocky about the non-existence of a paranormal creature that are as common as squirrels, but 10,000 times more elusive during daylight hours. Just sayin.

    36. Yes you are right. "Daniel Campbell" make sure you pack diapers when you do go into the woods you will need them

    37. So MJA If a hoard of bloodthirsty elementary school aged zombie children came at you how many could you get with your ultra mag in 10 mins.

    38. 10 mins of constant fire would probably melt the barrel. Its not a fire hundreds of shots rifle its a shoot once and make a count rifle

    39. Oh yea forgot to say i'm the Canadian guy. and by the way down in New Zealand they don't give a shit about zombies or make believe creatures like you yanks. They are as straight up as you can get. If the think you are talking shit they will tell you.

    40. Yes over a shot of horse semen at the green man pub in wellington?

  7. Sykes is coming joe.

    Tick tock tick tock.

    2 sleeps!

    Vroom vroom!

    1. Anon. Read carefully I have the ship. No more vroom vrooming till Sykes publishes , savvy?

    2. I said no. And I meant NO!!!!! Bad Anon. BAD!! Now if I catch you in this space ship vrooming one more time young man I'm going to tell your father. And once Shawn and I have discussed it as parents we will decide what to do. I meant it. Not once more.

    3. VROOOOOP VROOOOooooom vroooommmmmm

    4. Oh that's it. THAT IS IT. Shawn. He's revving joes rocket ship. He knows damn good and well I took it and parked it until after the Sykes Study and he's doing it to infuriate me......and it's working

    5. Shawn Evidence. I want a trial separation. You've left me hear with this little brat vrooming everywhere. I work my fingers to the bone while you dally with Ro at Mulders World. I give up. I'm abandoning then. They are your responsibility now.

    6. vro vro vro . . . vro vor vro . . . vro vro vro

    7. Just film it Mike,thats good enough

  8. This guy is best buddies with ketchum and is long gone down the bigfoot rabbit hole.

    Bigfoot is nonsense.

    8 foot magic apes running round undetected in the highly technically advanced and highly populated north America completely undetected (well apart from all the sightings lol)... yea right. Whats next are you going to say mermaids and unicorns are real too? All kinds of crazy.

    1. Yeah he has been around a while and has made a nutty claim or two, but he is not in the Ketchum camp....He in fact pwned her by releasing some on-line conversations in which Ketchum made some zany remarks...

    2. Skeptards bring all kinds of crazy to this and other sites every day. Some get trained at the JREF to act especially nutty.

      Magic ape? Why do you keep on insisting that the ape must be magic? Your propagandizing isn't helping your "cause" much.

    3. 3:15 isn't even a skeptard but someone assigned the dull task of trolling bigfoot sites, he knows they're real but can't say it because the species is basically alien so I'm afraid we won't be hearing of any discovery just yet. That's the situation we're stuck with.

  9. Bigfoots existence is becoming less likely each year that goes by.

    Could most Class A sightings just be feral humans of some sort? Who have taken to living in the wilderness? Mental patients released because of lack of funding? Retarded people living a lost existence in the woods??

    1. Less likely? Its probability started at zero. You can't go less than that.

    2. OMG! Was that you we saw? Bummer. You looked so real too.

    3. Feral skeptard escapees prancing through the woods?

      The problem with your theory is the size of the creatures.

    4. It'll never go away when it's there, the lame authority excuses won't go away either. They know exactly what this is that it's not of this Earth, maybe they've whispered this in Sykes ear and suggested he'd better come up with some tall tale that's fly better in the (coorperating) press, hence the new bear story.

    5. Yeah, The four of us is up here in the Adirondack mountains chasing 0's or bears. We must be the stupidest bear hunters in the world not knowing the difference between a Bear or a Bigfoot!

      But we are having the times of our lives, chasing an animal, that most people (Who never go into the woods) say don't exist. I guess those rocks and pine cones thrown at us every morning and evening are just white trash kids living at high elevations 4500 feet with the nearest house 30 miles away. I guess those roars, that shake the whole valley is bears! I guess we former bear hunters don't know that! I guess it's just squirrels jumping from tree to tree 150 feet high shaking the whole tree, Boy! they must be fat squirrels! etc etc etc

      Sit home from the comfort and safety of your home and tell us what we do not know.

      But I bet you know all the X box games, play them for your adventurous fantasy or watch re-run of the Lord of the Rings!

      Fucking Armchair Losers!

      John W. Jones Spoke again

    6. Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      Amazing John.

      Peace bro.

    7. Roars and things being thrown should be easy to record, anything that might show you're not a troll would help.

    8. All what I write and present is giving to qualified people to analysis properly. We record everything, document everything, cross our T's dot our I's etc. we leaving nothing to chance.

      But what we will "not do" is let the Morons on this site and others to see it. Only qualified people will examine our stuff!

      John W. Jones Spoke

  10. Oh, I think the media is right once again.

  11. Replies
    1. Nothing, if you've been paying attention you'd notice he's been posting in other threads.

  12. Below it

    out your ass! The bigfoot community are full of retards.

    1. The skeptard community is full of, well, skeptards.

      Plus skepfools and twerktards and tooneytards and a few other varieties of myopic dimwits.

      What was that you were saying?

  13. "Bigfoot shot - no bodies"

    And who are we to believe over Smeja? You?? Someone who replies to his own comments, or someone who passed a polygraph... Tough one that.

    "More video evidence - to bad they're all out of focus and don't show crap."

    ... You see, if I was to request evidence of a hoax, and then avoid explaining that information and then request more evidence, then I'm pretty sure I'd be jumped all over. Explain the footage that already circulates first and not suggest we present something that will without a doubt in your eyes be a 'man in a suit'.

    "DNA - every test done has blown up in your faces, don't get ahead of yourself quite yet."

    ... I love this one, schooled by Monsterquest.

    Wait for it everyone... The names will come thick and fast!

    1. Good morning Joe. I'm waaaay out here in space. I am gonna finish these powdered do nuts. Drink some Tang and take a nap till the cardinal. "4321earth below us twisting falling floating weightless calling coming Hoooooooooooooooooooomr"

    2. Toot toot

      All aboard the crazy train folks.

      Today your driver will be joe fitz.

      Toot toot.

    3. Mike I literally have no clue what you are talking about in any of your posts.

    4. Whatever you say, PJ, whatever you say.

      I'm not gonna sit here and play patty cake with some faggot Westboro baptist protestor like you.

      You can keep repeating all the worn out crap you want. Your game is so weak that I'll just let you sink your own battleship today.

      How many times do you need to be wrong? Because so far it's every time.

    5. Its ok joe take a deep breath.

      Science will never disprove bigfoot because you can not prove a negative. Your fantasy magic ape can exist in your mind for as long as you want it to.

    6. Joe i am going to go and shoot one. And before anyone can come and take it i will send photos and videos all over the world to every news company and every social media site all you have to do is send it out side of the US jurisdiction Russia perhaps? Boom you will have a body and Photos and Videos

    7. Reasons to deny Bigfoot...

      *investing many years into arguing the case for a bipedal gorilla that never showed up and getting laughed at and therefore bitter at the people who you feel owed you results because you are 'special'.

      *scared of the dark.

      *scared of woodland areas.

      *actually believing in Bigfoot but not liking people, or one's self and therefore pretending to not believe and then attacking people... they have no job and can easily prioritize a hate campaign amongst stuffing their faces.

      *not actually knowing how to use a gun and enjoying running around the yard far too much with a plastic version to change an obsessive routine... In getting their popa's gun out next time a camping trip is arranged. Inferiority complexes can eat away at a man.





      Reasons why someone would visit a Bigfoot blog and claim they don't believe in Bigfoot?


      ; )


    8. Joe most the people on here are scared of their own shadows.

    9. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

      Low and behold... I wasn't called names was I?!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!

      Let me explain something to you people, every time that happens, it's a score for me.

      Haters at me I can handle... If it deflects from actually countering my points, it's a win for the field.

      Gotta love it.

      ; )


    11. Mike is a fucking crazy footer

    12. omg. Anon 5:18. I am so sorry. I have been posting all this time directly to you and we have not connected. Hmmmm. Could be the old left brain right brain thing. I'll tell you what. You tell me which hemisphere you are using when you begin to use either .....

    13. Check it out Mike its bigfoot

    14. 6:10, William Parcher, is that you?

    15. 5:23, before you'll even get the chance other squatches will take you away... They aren't dummies.

  14. I just love to see my words in print....I have nothing useful to say. Nothing intelligent to add.I'm blatantly pleasuring myself at the expense of all of you. Oh yaah,Oh yaaaaaaaah. Ooooooooo.........................................Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    1. "publish" button is the greatest invention since rock and roll. I love it!!..Here I go....

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Every single news media outlet is reporting the news of Sykes identifying the yeti as a bear. Also in the news the finding of a new Damnisi skull is about to re write pre human history. It is now thought that there are far fewer different prehuman species than previously thought. So no longer are human ancestors thought of as a bush with many shoots it is now discribed as a family tree with few branches.J.D.

    1. Funny how they are reporting this when sykes review is not even released yet 2 days

    2. The family tree is one fucked up and twisted root as we now understand it.

  17. My grand Papy Horous Dule told me, What if that there Yeti fella' is a wearing a bear skin coat., them thar smart scientist might be barking up the wrong tree.

    1. My great grand Papy Dush Bag once told me. When them there rednecks start looking for the hairy man point your middle finger at the sky and laugh till your pant fall to those skinny little ankles of yours.

    2. My great grand pappy used to whup the piss outta both your great grand pappys combined.

    3. My great grand Papy Dush Bag once told me. That damn fool mr brookreson from down the road round the corner on the left thinks he smart but he just another fellow redneck folk tryna fit in.

    4. stop laughing at mr.brookreson's penis

    5. My Grand Papy is LOLAROTF !!!

    6. CAN WE SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  19. To suggest that Bigfoot is a 'negative' is to outwardly assume you are right in the face of something that has substantial evidence against that notion... Bigfoot is not a negative, because you would have to prove it is a negative first, and to overlook that simple point, in all the narcissism that skeptics have; shows a low IQ.

    You can't jump to suggesting anything is a negative, because it is merely dodging the obstacles and a wimp's way out... Something I have come to expect from skeptics.

    In science... If you request evidence and it is brought to you, it is down to you then to counter that research with research and prove that the evidence is not what it is... Otherwise, it stands up.

    Prove Bigfoot is a 'negative'.


    Oh... And no monkeys... Just giant hairy people.

    ; )


    1. Furthermore.

      I would like to state that in the interests of preserving any professionalism I have left, that I will not be getting drawn into squabbles that are degenerative to the blog.

      From now on... When I get someone resorting to name calling and insults as opposed to countering my points I will claim a victory over them.

      This victory will from now on be called 'squabble-score'!


    2. Saying "You can't prove a negative doesn't exist" Means you are a idiot that doesn't know nothing. One person says "You can't prove a negative doesn't exist" and hundreds of people say you can. Trolls are getting thicker and thicker by the hour.

    3. I am citing 8:28 for pronouncing a double negative on a double negative.

      "doesn't know nothing"

      "Thicker and thicker by the hour," yes, thicker skulled, as you aptly demonstrated to the viewing public.

      That will be 46 dollars please.

    4. You have to put it into words skeptards understand.

  20. In breaking news, Sykes has revealed that DNA tests on Rhettman Mullis confirm that he is an insufferable, self-aggrandizing taterhole. Sykes is quoted as saying "we have never seen such high levels of taterholeyness in any sample. He is truly unique."

    Asked if Mullis poses a threat in any way, Sykes suggested that Mullis be sterilized immediately to prevent his taterhole gene from being passed on to his children, should he stumble across any woman who can endure his taterholeiness long enough to have sex with him.

  21. Replies

  22. "Squatch memorabilia, shops, "guided bigfoot hunts", squatchers training, organizational tax breaks, bigfoot calling contests, the Squatch caller, t shirts, pendants, YouTube hits, blog hits, podcasts, film residuals and rights, trying to copyright bigfoot crap, donations for people's organizations and for gear, purchasing of lands, and the list goes on and on and fucking on."

    And so it does... I think this is what is called 'popular culture'? An indication that this topic is now becoming more widely accepted. I believe that the same things happened in the 1990's with regards to aliens... That's funny, are aliens out of the pales of reality to most these days? They certainly were during pre-90's before things like the X-Files thrust unsettling ideas into people's laps, safe little laps in their living rooms.

    It merely takes a bit of time and a bit of exposure to turn an idea that doesn't sit well to be taken for what it is, that's unless you have been left angry and bitter towards a field that couldn't provide you with a bipedal gorilla. It can be said that people require drip feeding sensational events as opposed to the quick sell hypodermic needle styles of advertising.

    Anyway... The fact that certain places in the States make money from such a subject can be looked upon in two different ways. The first that it's merely a money making scheme to bring profile to the area... Or the amazing nature of consistent and credible sightings has had such a profound effect on a community that are within their rights to express it for what it is; good for them if they make a little money in the process.

    What some people need to do is ask themselves 'why am I suddenly on a moral high horse?' 'What do I do as an honest means of in-come?'

    These creatures are as amazing as what people report them to be, and if they get the attention of major town profiles, that is merely in line with the popular culture it is gathering... And the skeptics will erode in the same way as pre 90's skeptics to aliens did.

    Time is on Bigfoot's side.


    1. ... Oh and suggesting that researchers are wrong to make a little money from the hard work and dedication they put into this field... Is to me as hilarious as the predictability of someone bracketing those under the same label as known hoaxers as a weak means of trying to denounce them.

      It is no different from to tiresome troll claim that 'all researchers are full of it' and is easily kicked back at them by suggesting anyone who wants to express that point of view to be taken seriously, especially around here, to prove that suggestion true.

      Something I never seem to see materialise?


  23. Why does Daniel Campbell care so much

  24. He should take a look at Lloyd Pye's Starchild Skull, but then again, Sykes being mainstream science in bed with the US Government their cover-up must continue. Folks, we're being told to live a lie to appease religion that's all. The human species came from other planets originally likely a genetic experiment (like Bigfoot really) but we can't hear about. Guess why not.

  25. Hunters know bears and other wildlife. There are literally hundreds of bigfoot sighting reports from hunters who say, "I know what I saw wasn't a bear."


    Starchild is 100% human.


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