Another Update From Bigfootology Regarding Dr. Bryan Sykes Bigfoot/Yeti DNA Study

Here's one update from Bigfootology president Rhetmann Mullis on the Sykes study. We've tried to get information from Mullis about the Bigfoot DNA study, but his lips are sealed. And for the stuff he's able to talk about, here's what he wrote on his Facebook wall:

One final word from me before I head off to bed because I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow: The reason why we took on this project (Bigfootology) nearly three years ago was to finally give the Bigfoot phenomenon a legitimate scientific approach and analysis and that has been our endeavor and we were fortunate to have Dr. Bryan Sykes, Dr. Anna Nekaris, as well as other "real" scientists join this team to treat this phenomenon seriously. We continue to do so and the DNA project is just one of many projects that we are working on. Because certain people talked about the DNA project prematurely we have had to walk carefully and we are inundated with questions and queries that have made this more public than it should be before it should have been. We have other projects going on behind the scenes and because of what has happened with this current DNA project, it has only created more distractions which slow our processes, so we do not talk about them openly. So I can talk more and more about things when things progress. More can be shared as each documentary is aired, more can be shared when the paper is published, and even more can be shared when Bryan's book comes out in the spring of next year. Until then, we walk carefully, say what we can, when we can, and the only absolute anyone can expect from this team is that we give a straight-forward, honest answers, if we cannot give an answer due to required processes that we have to adhere to, then we won't say anything, which is why we have been quiet for so long. I know that makes some people unhappy and that is okay because we are not here to entertain, we are here to seek the truth of the answer which is the Bigfoot phenomenon. Many of you have been very helpful and supportive and we appreciate you.

Just remember, if you do not hear it directly from myself or Bryan, then take what you are reading with a grain of salt because there are people out there that have nefarious purposes, including feeding their ego instead of respecting the truth or the process that science mandates.

Rhettman A. Mullis, Jr.


  1. Replies
    1. Bear seems to be the word of the week <B-(D)

    2. Did the the "stalemate CONGRESS talk on the Budget spending allottment..CEILING..effect the "Life in the Woods" of a CONCERNED..Bigfoot GUY???

    3. Turtles, terrapins, tortoise..You gotta love em !! I love the idea of a camper on my back <B-)

    4. I hope my ponies' dna doesn't show up as a polar pony long thought extinct.....Would you love the idea of me on your back? Want to go camping next weekend?

    5. Sorry but, I am already spoken for, but I love your name. Randy California was with one of the greatest band ever "Spirit".Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus....." It's natures way of telling you something's wrong".

    6. Have you ever heard of Dr. Sarcophagus? I think they arrested him for giving Vicodin to his dachsunds.

    7. My friend HB! alittle late, but how the hell are ya ?

  2. Lol... bigfoot don't exist what a bunch of jackasses

    1. You the jackass. They are all too real, and may one hit you in the head with a large cobble.

    2. Cast your "Cobbles" at my head!...but Your Words May HURT me if instead!

    3. Me no jack ass! Me nimrod. Why do people like you visit this site? What a fucking waste of time! See all the fun wer'e having? Become a bleever you sniffer of other peoples bottoms!

    4. I fart in your general direction..

  3. Rhettman Mullis is just a stooge. He has nothing to do with Sykes. No credible background in science. He is simply inserting himself into Sykes project pretending to be important.

    Mullis is a user of people and a false Christian.

    1. What qualifies you to spout such slander? Just asking...

    2. what did you mean by "inserting himself into Sykes"....pig.

    3. ..You do Tend to "Fertilize the conversation!"

    4. Might be a little unfair...I believe that Sykes did not test many North American samples when compared to the number from Asia, and that his group's submitted evidence were amongst the few...He is involved....

    5. Mullis is simply a guy nobody liked in school and wanted to be a Bigfoot rock star. So he creates a huge fake organization, adds a bunch of people to his "pretend" team and claims he is in charge of the entire project.

      He is nothing other than another David Paulides.

    6. Mullis is a fat, balding loser who has delusions of grandeur (check out his site for a hoot). Calling him another David Paulides is an insult to David Paulides (who is himself a complete tool).

    7. Ugh, Trolls... dont you get it, nobody cares what you think

  4. For anyone that is new to Bigfootery, I offer a summary of every argument ever between believers and skeptics:

    Skeptic: There’s no way Bigfoots could exist without us knowing.

    Footer: Bigfoots are smart and rare and have lots of places to hide.

    Skeptic: Why has a hunter never shot one?

    Footer: He’s in shock or doesn’t know what he’s looking at.

    Skeptic: Why don’t we find bodies or fossils?

    Footer: Bodies decompose quickly in the wilderness and the fossil record contains many gaps. Scientists identify new animals all the time.

    Skeptic: Nothing like a Bigfoot. Science says they don’t exist.

    Footer: Science never looks at the evidence.

    Skeptic: You have no evidence.

    Footer: We have eyewitnesses, tracks, hairs, audio recording, photos, and video.

    Skeptic: Hoaxes and misidentification.

    Footer: Our experts say it’s compelling.

    Skeptic: Our experts say it sucks.

    Footer: Your experts are biased.

    Skeptic: No, your experts are biased.

    Skeptic: There’ no proof. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

    Footer: We’re working on that.

    Skeptic: Your’re wasting your time.

    Footer: You’re wasting your time by telling us we’re wasting our time.

    Skeptic: You’re an idiot.

    Footer: You’re an asshole.

    1. Extraordinary claims should not require any more evidence than any other claims. THAT is unscientific and subjective in the extreme. Think about it.

    2. Evidence is evidence...I think it should be "The need for evidence is greater when the claim is extraordinary"...If I told you I saw a squirrel in the park I don't think you'll demand much

    3. I want to insert my evidence into something. Ps. I got your squirrel in my park right here buddy! Sykes is coming! Sykes is ccccoooommmiiiinnnggg oooohhhhhhh-aaaahhhhh yes!

    4. It may also go like this:

      Footer: I saw a Bigfoot once.

      Skeptic: No, you didn't.

      Footer: I know what I saw.

      Skeptic: No, you don't.

      Footer: How do you know? You weren't there.

      Skeptic: I know because Bigfoot doesn't exist.

      Footer: How can you be so sure?

      Skeptic: Because if it did, we would have found one by now. You were either hallucinating, misidentifying a known animal, or being 'pranked' by someone.

      Footer: Do you mean to tell me that, out of all the thousands of eyewitness reports, not a single one of them is legitimate?

      Skeptic: Yes.

      (End of conversation.)

  5. Yeah heard it all too many times,next month,next year,bla bla bla.

  6. I am already sick of Sykes.

    Yeti is a bear? His evidence seems to suggest there are bears, but it doesn't prove much else, and certainly the yeti could still be there. It only proves the samples he got were not yeti.

    But really, until the evidence is published, it's all speculation. And pointless. Just sayin'.

    1. ...That is not what he thinks...His study of the yeti evidence was probably exhaustive and he will try to prove his hypothesis that the yeti phenomena is caused by a previously unknown species or subspecies of bear..

      He will also discuss cryptozoology sympathetically, albeit with some criticism, and the role genetics has in it.....

      Yes, this is more speculation, but its a change of pace from calling each other

    2. Just because they identified a type of bear doesnt mean every sample was bear.

      People are jumping to that conclusion. I bet he has something to say about Bigfoot not being a bear.

      The man may have discovered through DNA that a previously thought extinct bear hybrid may still exist, that is news. But thats not all of it, just whats being talked about so far. Nothing official is released so everyone can stop speculating.

    3. They 'identified' bear because they did not want to officially identify bigfoot, goes without saying.




  8. just wait...just wait. a little longer. just wait. we've got something really BIG. REALLY REALLY BIG. it's just around the corner. just wait. I know something you don't know and it's earth-shattering stuff, but it's secret for now. just wait. a little longer. groundbreaking, world-changing stuff is coming up. just wait. I know something you don't know. I'm an INSIDER. you have to wait though. just a little bit longer. just wait.

    1. be patient. just wait. it's coming up and it's HUGE.

    2. The big news will be groundbreaking for bigfoot research as usual I bet.

    3. Stage 5:

      I'VE BEEN HOAXED! :-(

      Alternate Stage 5:

      I BUSTED THE HOAX! :-)

    4. Ten years ago no one talked about BF or sasquatch w/o a joke attached. Now (because of internet, technology, etc.) Bigfoot is mainstream regardless of your belief in it's existence. Two DNA studies, documentaries, Websites devoted to the subject...If this creature is real then it is only a matter of time.

    5. It's always only been a matter of a fair world. That's unfortunately not this place clearly somebody's trying to hide the truth about the squatch species, if not it'd be Ketchum in the spotlight with her goodies not some poster boy for the powers that be selling us the status quo.

  9. Is Michael Merchant invited to be one of the guest speakers at the upcoming Sasquatch Summit?

  10. I don't care what "Experts" like Dr. Sykes claim or others. most of these "Academic Nerds" spend all their time in a classroom or their office etc. They think like they were taught, and never "Think out of the box".

    One well-known Anthology professor who works out of a Museum in New York City said to me: "There are no more forests left to hold a population of animals like a big foot"! Can you believe that! I said; Here in New York state, the Forest holds Bears and other large animals". He said: "Yes there are a few left"!

    This way of thinking is ramped throughout the Academic world. With this way of thinking, Columbus would never had discovered America, and the world is still flat.

    I told him I was a Bear hunting guide in New York state for over 20 years and a Fur trapper. He couldn't believe it! He also said to me; "Why do you kill Bears when they are on the Endangered Species list"! How stupid is this person? But he has a PHD after his name. I don't have one, so to him, I'm a low grade Moron.

    I also told him, "Me and my Team activity look for Big foots in the Hudson highlands, The Catskill and Adirondack mountains of New York state". Of course he said I'm nuts!

    I offered to take him out with me, this was several years ago, but he said"No way"! "I'd be killed by Bears"!

    I think you see my point, or do you?

    John w. Jones Spoke

    1. Well, no matter what science proves I will always accept bigfoot as reality.
      I just know it exists!
      Anyone who disagrees or says otherwise can kiss my ass.

    2. ..Next time you go, let me know..I figure at some point you will cause a scene and create the diversion I need to steal that model of the giant squid....

    3. That is pretty funny Mr. Jones. I have had similar conversations but the sad part is it is true. I sat in on a lecture last year by Dr. John Bindernagle that a could portion of it was on the topic you just discussed. Dr. Meldrum feels the same way.

      If one goes through life with tunnel vision - you wont see much.


    4. Some people think that because they have paper (a degree) it gives them authority. Not really, Its no substitute for experience, logic or evaluation skills. Many people know how to think, but not many know how to reason. Gotta remember that paper comes from dead trees.

    5. Bleever fever over here. Smells like Brute and old man breath.

    6. Well, well, John Jones shows up. Just get back from one of your bigfoot safaris, JJ? How many pack horses did you have this time? Did you find yourself surrounded by unknown primates?

      JJ is full of shit--don't believe anything this guy says, he's just another clown in the bigfoot circus.

    7. An anthology professor? John Jones, you are completely full of shit.

    8. Can't wait to see the pictures of Sasquatch John W. Jones brings back from his recent expedition.

    9. First off Trolls, I am not back. Duh, I have a Lap-top and a strong signal so I;m broadcasting from the Adirondack Mountains in New York state.I

      Yes, we were surrounded by Big and little primates, Had to pull the horses and mules in to the center of our camp, and wait for a Skeptic to show up and tell us were mistaken. Where's John Wayne when you need him!

      Anyway none of you "had the balls" to accept my offer and your home safe in your comfort fort.

      And last, You will never, ever, see our evidence because your just to dumb to evaluate them. Look what you did to Mike B. and his pictures and other fools that posts a video here..

      If I "or anybody" did show you a perfectly clear photo or Video of a Big foot, all your capable of saying is Hoax, Faked or the classic, 'Man in a Gorilla suit'

      Well, got to go, I'm at John's last stand here, scared shitless, They attack in waves, We repulsed them four times, but our Pine cone supply is running low. I don't think we could fight off another attack.! "Do Big foots scalp humans"? Would someone please call Matt MoneyMaker and ask him?

      John W. Jones Spoke

    10. You bring up a very valid point. I have said this all along. I am in the category of "egg-head" etc. because I have several degrees. However; I am a hunter and I grew up in the woods of southern WV. I have saw a huge increase in our deer/bear populations in WV. We are now experiencing elk encounters. (The elk herds have migrated here from KY) It should be noted that the WVDNR refused to acknowledge the existence of elk in WV for years. Finally they have publically acknowledged their presence. As far as academia recognizing the possibility of sasquatch, it will never happen with evidence alone. I have sat in the classroom for twenty plus years. Professors rarely work out in the "real world." All of their training/knowledge comes from books, lectures, seminars, etc. all being taught by their peers who never leave the classroom or office. It is a never ending cycle. Science will take a serious look at the subject of BF when a carcass/body is produced.

      I had a face to face encounter with a sasquatch in 2009. I no longer consider BF to be a myth, folklore, etc. Seeing in believing.

      Remember, Our scientific community came out with findings from a long term air pollution study that determined: "If the average person could stop breathing they could live an additional fifteen years."

      I understand the theory behind these findings; If you do not breath in the contaminates from our Earth's environment, blah, blah, blah. But, the "eggheads" fail to use common sense in their thought process. Yes, contaminates shorten our lives. Lack of oxygen for a few minutes is guaranteed to kill us.

      It is a mathematical improbability that numerous eyewitness encounters, grainy videos, poorly taken photos, circumstantial evidence, etc. are ALL misidentifications or hoaxes.

      Eventually a BF body will be recovered. It may be this year, next week, or ten years from now but the old analogy of "Where there is smoke there is fire" always rings true.


  11. whats this furry man you speak of... I hear the jury is in and it is confirmed to be a bear. (again)

  12. Daisy, Melba, Dyer, Smeja, Sykes.

    Still no monkey, footers. Who's gonna try next?

  13. It is common knowledge that the icon know as 'Justin's boot' may only be handled by accredited professionals wearing purple latex gloves.
    Icons, relics, holy spots. Here at the church of bigfootology we want to make our religion your religion. For a small fee.

    1. ^^^So says the acolyte of skepscience, the rabid JREFing religious zealot.

    2. Who you gonna believe? The HIgh Priest of Trollandia or the Grand Poobah of Smoketardia?

      Randi and Hill live in the butthurt footer's head.

    3. I want Sharon H. to be the Skeptic Babe Priestess of Trollandia.

  14. I could take you to a bigfoot burial ground, but I won't.

  15. Melba and the crew have the proof. The blind studies have verified her results. The DNA results are posted for free. Agendas, threats, character assassinations, and the myriad of infiltrated government officials pushing for bigfoot is a dumb undiscovered ape in the bigfoot world hiding in plain sight can't stop the real truth.

    1. Her study does seem to be gaining some ground. Some scientists stand by it.

    2. They actually stand above it, look down at it, and call it what it is. A heaping pile of dog shit.

    3. I'm giving the footers a standing 8 count on that note.

    4. A Todd Standing eight count?

    5. Holy smokes, the cult of Melba is still alive. Her DNA study tanked, no scientists of note supported her claims, yet she continues to make a fool of herself. Melba on Fox news was a classic--even they think she is nuts.

    6. Nope, the only prank pulled is the one the embedded press and media made sure would air, anything but the truth. Anybody with a working brain knows she cracked the case, and putting 2 and 2 together you know it's nothing but a set-up. In other words, Sykes actually flopped and she still stands as the winner because it's the only serious thing a squatch could be. As long as there's a truth embargo on this subject, nothing will change.

  16. the only evidence are the eye witness accounts. whether or not there are no physical evidence to prove fuzzy man exists there is definitely someone in the know. are they all hoaxes? surely not.

    1. Actually there is physical evidence. Tracks, hair, etc. Don't forget there are some possible videos.

  17. Rhettman Mullis confirmed today that his head is still lodged firmly up his taterhole.

  18. Why is Smeja in the picture?

  19. So what's the deal? Hasn't this played in the UK by now.

    1. What the deal is... It's still the cover-up it always were, early on they may have been nervous Sykes would present the real thing but now they're breathing a sigh of relief. They got him by the y'know.


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