Watch this: Sheep teaches young bull to head butt

This sheep is determined to teach the young bull how head butting is done.



  1. Replies
    1. ^fantastic false first, congrats on your new look!!

    2. Nonarchaic, you keep changing your look. Are you going through some kind of crisis we should know about?

    3. Trolls love roaming in packs with their little, gay, troll buddies. (not that there's anything wrong with that)

      TRoll on turds!!!

    4. Is your name Travis, or are you calling Travis a Troll and hunting him? He as 1 million Reddit points, show some respect...

  2. Replies
    1. Try B.O.C."Don't Fear the Reaper"!

    2. Mountain's 'Mississippi Queen'...Second!

    3. Impressive! Nantucket Sleigh ride.

  3. Not uncommon. This happens more than people think. Its just a calve playing.

  4. As a Platinum Level Cryptozoologist I can confirm that this is in fact the clearest footage of sheepsquatch ever taken!

  5. They said head and but in the title! heaa hea hea.

  6. It's a darn good thing bigfoot has a moral compass that prevents him from eating our big, slow tasty animals.

    1. Cows are people food. Deer are bigfoot food.

      I've been tracking sasquatches for 25 years.

  7. A schooling in response to Anon 5:13 on the 'Watch: The Bigfoot Hunting Blind Theory'...

    Stuff skeptics make up in their heads to cope with Patty...

    Trackway film inconsistencies - yeah, by the timeline that you maintain is real, though you are merely relying on hearsay, rumour and desperation. No hard facts - coping mechanism.

    Film processing timeline - Well according to the timeline you maintain is accurate, on the Friday...

    "Patterson and Gimlin leave Bluff Creek and drive to Eureka, CA, to send the film via airplane to Yakima, WA, to be processed."

    This would give ample time for the film to be processed. If the processing machine in Yakima was already running there would have been no need to "fire it up" on Saturday. Possibly DeAtely had an arrangement with this "friend" to develop any film Roger came up with "under the table".

    "turtle shell diaper butt, gun turret top half turn, static breasts that are hairy, conical head that is an attribute to only male primates."

    These are all things that are not even there. And you people claim we do the exact same thing? Hypocrites. There is slight cheek movement in the arss, the gun turret half turn is not there, again; BS... and the breasts move ever so slightly, and as for the conical head; well we are not talking about your average ape here... we may not be talking about an ape at all.

    Patterson being a con man - lies, rumors and hearsay, BS... no facts.

    Patterson having an interest in Bigfoot years before tracking them is a natural progression that occurs with 80% of researchers... One that takes them out of the libraries and into the wilderness. Also, there have been many female Bigfoot sightings since Patty, you will not hear you people shout hoax because firstly you don't know enough about the subject and secondly, female Sasquatch sightings account for a high percentage of accounts and have been reported countless times since 1967; does this mean all these sightings are hoaxed because there was a female Sasquatch filmed prior; NO! The fact that Patterson copied an illustration of what 'appears' to be a female Bigfoot and then was successful in capturing one on footage, is a dot-to-dot that you people have made in a desperate attempt to find holes in the story.

    If his wife receives any money regarding this film, then as a widow that was made so very prematurely, that comforts me... her husband filmed one of the most remarkable things ever, and deserves that money; whilst bringing that up has absolutely nothing to do with the actual footage and is pointless (duh?)

    What locals maintain Patty is a hoax? People like Bob H? People who are trying to make a little money and fame for themselves?? People, who are the same as 90% of the population on this planet, that are naturally skeptical of this subject... Yeah, great sources of evidence.

    1. There is more than enough detail in the film to see exactly what is there; an organic creature that cannot be replicated with technological achievements 46 years later. It makes me laugh when people make this statement, because I can see detail, Bill Munns can see detail and the millions who support the footage can see detail... Except the people who are clutching at straws to find something other than explaining the 'suit'.

      Even if Patty was proven to be human height, which is near enough impossible due to the lens, then we have Sasquatch that are human height... This might be news to you, but people report a lot of Sasquatch sightings as around the 6.5 foot mark.

      How do you know that the Bigfoot wasn't heavier than the horse Patterson was riding? Wow, you are on a real roll with this logic of yours and you also appear to be quite pleased with yourself... (Sigh). Again, assumptions and versions - coping mechanism.

      Suit wearer confession? A short list of just some Bob Heironimus' contradictions:

      Did you feel comfortable and natural walking in the suit?; Oh yeah it was easy. Very simple: I had to practice it several times to get it the way Roger wanted it.

      The legs felt like hip boots, wading boots they went up to the waist.; They were irrigation boots about up to the knees.; Wading boots they came straight up to the hips.

      I think the feet were made out of old house slippers.; They weren't no slippers.
      I was walking in my stocking feet inside the costume.; I was wearing shoes.

      No metal parts.; It had a zipper.
      I had to wiggle into it kinda like a t-shirt.; It had a zipper up the back.

      There were numerous more contradictions , also about the location I couldn't be bothered to dig up, purely cause I'm embarrassed that you would use such a source if I'm honest and I'm bored of it.

      The Gemora suit is another laughable comparison and again; a coping mechanism.

      Leaping Russian Yeti; there's your Bigfoot found since 1946.

      There is no evidence for Patty standing still ready for a cameraman; in fact... she was startled and rose from the creek bed and then walked off in confusion. Again, lies and cynicism.

      Patty does not stumble at the start... EVEN more lies, and misinformation. This is purely how you in particular like to roll.

      All your points had no basis in truth, facts and were either cynicism or pure lies.

      You were schooled by Joe Fitzgerald, and you are welcome.

      ... No, no... the pleasure's all mine!


    2. Hey joe. He was just a looser scared of the truth. Have you seen the bigfoot shooting photos? There is some quite interesting ones

    3. Hey bro!!

      No??? Where would I find them buddy?

      Oh, and I'm not worried about that guy's comment... In total honestly, I love responding to comments (thought the Patty subject is getting pretty old); something you'll come to know quite well the more you frequent this blog. Thanks for schooling the trolls earlier bro... You really are quite good at it.


    4. Blah blah blah blah nobody cares.

      Too much reading.

    5. Under other bigfoot related news posted yesterdsy

    6. Joe what does your comment have to do with sheep teaching bulls how to head butt? Off topic comments are characteristics of a TROLL.

    7. Also... Glad you met JD, he's a real star.


    8. Anon 10:07...

      I have been busy all day and I simply wanted to confront the poster who posted it... By posting it on this page also, I'm guaranteed to catch him and give him a damn thrashing.

      Oh, and take a look at the quality of my comment... That is not the comment of a troll... Troll.


    9. Anon 10.27 dose this thread have any thing to do with bigfoot? Off topic to the blog.

    10. What guarantees the person you commented to has any interest in head butting sheep let alone reading comments about them?


    11. You must be new here. Trolls dont care about subject all they do is comment opposite to who ever they talk to. Usualy bullshit with no logic or wit. Also if you read properly joe posted on both threads doubling the chances of it being read. Now run along little boy

    12. Yeah a guy I work with told me about this site. He said there are people who actually believe in bigfoot and argue about it all day. I had too see it for my self. Some of the comments are pretty funny while others are down right disturbing.

    13. I agree with you on that one still some of the stuff is quite hard to fing floors in. As for the patty suit i think its a fake but how can i prove it. How can any of us prove our points we cant. I go on behaviour patterns. You will find subjects change quite drasticly and most the regulars are freinds interacting on here. Trolls cause arguements and post disturbing content.

    14. Hey, go tell your mate in work all about Dr Sykes.


    15. So joe what is dr sykes extracting dna from and how is he certain its bigfoot

    16. MK Davis hoping to carry out some analysis on Stacey Brown Jr's excellent FLIR footage over the next few months.

      Stacey had doubts about the PGF until MK sent him a 50mb hi-res still taken from the original reel. The detail is immense and Stacey doubts no more.


    17. He has samples from both Russia and the US (apparently quite a few from Russia) and these consist of nails, hair, scat... Possibly half eaten things, stuff like that. Also, it had leaked a month of two ago that he had isolated what was in his opinion 'Bigfoot/Almasti/Yeti DNA', and that he required an extension to find just one more positive sample to verify his findings...

      ... Fast forward to 29 minutes and check out what Ro Sahebi says about the current situation (at the time) regarding Sykes' research. Ro knows this, becuse his close friend Justine Smeja was contacted by Sykes to inform him that a sample he gave Sykes for testing (a bloody boot), yielded no positive DNA, to which Sykes then informed him of the situation. This extension, has recently been cut short with Sykes stating that the paper will be published in the next couple of weeks.

      I might add, that Sykes is an active member of Bigfootology, has visited two well known research sites in the last year, has had a personal 'experience' that he will not comment about yet and has had the BBC involved to make a three part documentary to document his findings.


    18. Joe, don't waste your time. You'll never make all these loser trolls agree with you or think an original thought. It's too scary for trolls.

      All trolls wanna do is hang out with their little, gay, troll buddies, and giggle like girlies about firstin' and blow jobbin'. Cause that's what trolls do, and that's OK.

    19. Fast forward to 34.765429 minutes.
      Notice MMG's sweet tater muscles.
      Notice Joe biting the pillow.



  8. Hello Joe,obviously when Patty walks her weight would all be on one foot at any one time,i don't know for sure but i would guess that a horse may have its weight distributed over two hoofs at a time when walking which might help to explain why Pattys print was deeper than the horse,what do think? xx

    1. Yea eva your right a horse is olny standing on half its weight. Its basic phsyics

    2. Hey Eva my darling!!

      What a lovely point! How are you today?


  9. Hi Eva but you would also have to figure in the surface area of the sasquatch footprint. Much larger than a hoof. So to put it in laymens terms it would act some what like a snowshoe, less weight distributed over a larger surface area.J.D.

    1. But with a snow show you are taking 2 objects the same weight for your comparison. A horse and patty are diffrent. A horse olny has half its weight on each foot and patty would have all the weight on each foot. While walking that is

    2. Another good point!! Hey JD... Been meaning to get round to responding to your email about Mike Wooley, expect that this weekend. Hope all is well with you buddy.


  10. Hello J.D,i understand what your saying and i suppose if Patty placed her foot down flat that would be the case but if she placed her foot down heel toe would that not push the foot further into the ground xx

    1. Another interesting point!!

      Eva, I've really enjoyed your posts recently!!


    2. HA HA HA! No, Eva, you've always made me smile.


    3. I have to admit the posts the other day were quite a challange

  11. I'm glad about that Joe and those posts MJA were very interesting xx

    1. Better debate that the usual "hes fake" comebacks wasnt it

  12. Oh-man, did anyone else notice the tall upright hairy figure in the background tree line....
    Me neither.

  13. I was doing a yoga head-stand while watching this and I could see it clear as day, if I squinted and turned my legs just so...


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