Watch this: GoPro strapped to an eagle

Eagle + GoPro = Awesome.


  1. Replies
    1. Free the honcho, make him promise no more testicles and apologize for derailing subjects in the name of Joe.

    2. ^NOOOO!!! No more pictures of saggy ball sacks!!!

    3. How about no stories about smelly ones that precipitated Mikes photo in the first place. Those were very offending.

    4. Yes, they're not very intelligent these young men are they the only world they know is diaper butt. Mommy must be so proud.

  2. Well, the boundaries have been tested and I officially apologize for anyone who has been scarred by my teabag.

    It got a little crazy up in here (cough cough) but as I told Shawn and Mike, I'll do my best to keep a lid on calling bullcrap on PJ's posts and will attempt to keep subjects on track.

    "How about no stories about smelly ones that precipitated Mikes photo in the first place. Those were very offending."

    How about it! Then the nerve of people actually blaming ME for them, as if I went around anonymously posting as myself following my own posts talking about all that crap. You call the dog off the porch, you're gonna see the dog's nethers.

    Lesson learned, people. Keep your sack in your shorts.

    1. Thanks Daniel. It was nice to meet you today.

    2. Well lookie what happened here... You did reveal yourself, good for you... Please no more crass photos of you balls. Thanks.

    3. I had it all prepared to satisfy PJ's demands for the Sykes' bet but when I went to post, I was banned. Brookreson is the reason for not only my unbanning but me even considering to post again.

    4. how do you get banned from BFE?

    5. Tell them you're Dick Ryder.

    6. My buddies' wife keeps my sack in a jar next to her bed.......

    7. ps. That took some sack strapping that go-pro to a full grown eagle! Shit for brains doesn't quite cover that nimrod! Falconers are a lot like snake handlers, just plain tarded.

    8. ps. That took some sack strapping that go-pro to a full grown eagle! Shit for brains doesn't quite cover that nimrod! Falconers are a lot like snake handlers, just plain tarded.

    9. My buddies' wife keeps my sack in a jar next to her bed.......

    10. The troll gets trolled and realizes the error of his ways...this should be an after school special.

  3. What the hell is going on around here? Can I post a link to my balls or not? what about taterholes...

    1. Balls no.
      Taterholes yes.

    2. I'm going to go ahead and suggest not, unless you're operating on a 3G network that has no consistent IP fix.

      You want to know the truth of the matter? Mike B. is probably the only reason I'm back, I was fully prepared to walk away and let both PJ and I be banned because I was that dang tired of it.

      Taterholes....not sure...test the boundaries if you wish.

    3. Hello everyone.

      I have apologised to the excellent people concerned with putting this blog together and now it is time to apologise to all concerned with the comment section on a daily basis.

      Apologising is never beneath me, and think that I am more than capable of articulating how important this blog is to me is, but also feel that my involvement in it over the past few months speaks for that enough.

      I only ever wanted to defend the subject and what I see is one of the most interesting subjects in the world, in one of the most important transitions it has ever seen, and preserving my chance to express that is way too important to me to ever forget in future the responsibly I have to represent everyone concerned and professional about this subject.

      My sincere apologies...

      PS. Wow, it appears that it has to take a couple of people to be banned from the comment section for it to finally get a little more grown up!

      Peace (sincerely)

    4. Let's keep it thought intriguing... And Joe, can we lay off of the PGF for just a bit? Please?

    5. Hello Joe,hello Daniel,does this mean the bet is now off?xx


      DIAPER BUTTER!!!!!!!!!

    7. It's difficult to not discuss the PGF when people who are beyond skeptical come on and make lunatic claims such as shoulder pads make the arms look longer. This of course is in error because no amount of shoulder pads will bring the hands closer to the knees.

      You know, sometimes these skepfoolish excuses are so poor, you have to reply.

    8. LOL "hands closer to the knees"

      Im sure footers aren't watching the same film or they watch the film and in their eyes there is some knuckle walking gorilla in the footage.



    9. just looked at some of the still frames and there is nothing odd about the hand location in relation to the knee

      the hand is near the knee when the leg is brought up but in a frame where the leg is straight the hand is just below the buttock (diaper butt), perfectly possible by a human.

      if a human was to walk in a bent kneed manor like the actor in the pgf then the hands appear lower indeed brushing by the knee.

      footers are fooled too easy, I guess that's why to this day bigfoot promoters continue to make money out of the delusional

      sad state of affairs

    10. Correct, Patty's hands are hanging to her knees.

      A lunatic skepfool raced in circles saying that, pack up the shoulder pads, it makes the arms look longer.

      Looneytard was unable to see the obvious:

      A Mt. Everest of shoulder pads are not going to bring the hands any closer to the knees. They aren't going to make the arms hang any lower. They aren't going to make the arms any longer.

      Yet still this is the level of skepfoolery these glassy-eyed, breathless, recent graduates of Fool School bring to the table.

      Patty's hands are swinging, hanging, drooping, nearly to her knees.

      A shoulder pad isn't going to help you; not the original poster, nor you above.


    11. haha you got smoked seconds before see above^

    12. 1:51, you're wearing your Crazy Hat today.

      Let's see how much nuttier you can get.

      Take a look at any handy NFL player.

      "Gee, check out how those shoulder pads bring his hands closer to his knees! It's magic!"


      This is really dense coming from the skepfools. It's one of the weakest efforts at disinformation ever witnessed on the BEB.

      1:51, are you sure your Crazy Hat might not be a tad tight today? Maybe it's a little small for you.

    13. LOL^

      read above all that got put to bed buddy

      try it yourself walk along with a "patty" gait and oh look your hands brush by your knees


    14. SHOULDER PAD THEORY IS NULL AND VOIDWednesday, September 18, 2013 at 2:40:00 PM PDT

      The skepfoolish fantasy that shoulder pads will bring the hands closer to the knees, is the equivalent of:

      Elevator shoes will bring your knees closer to your hips.

      I know, it's simply crazy.

      Excuse me while I fall down laughing.

      . . .

      . . .

      . . .

      OK I'm back.

      This shoulder pad claim is the illogic demonstrated by recent graduates of Fool School.

      One could almost feel sorry for owning such skeptards so easily. They actually have no point. Not sort of, not maybe--they truly have no point, nor the mental capacity to make a single point, apparently.

      The shoulder pad claim is the weakest, it never had legs to begin with, and is null and void.

      The pwnage of these skeptools is true carnage today.

      Shield your eyes. Some images may be disturbing.

      (Oh, and note the self-appointed town crier is back, yelling his/her head off, 1:51 et al. The one who loves to holler "Hey folks, lookie over here! Look at this one!" all the time. A typical skeptool.)

    15. Yup, Joe does apologize when he is wrong. Although, when he is seemingly obnoxious and calling names it is not entirely his fault because so many people post anonymously...I apologize too Joe..I know you don't do this so you can "fool yourself into thinking you know things experts don't"..You're good at historical research and express yourself well when you share it..

    16. Thanks for the sincere apologies, Dan & Joe. Hopefully we can all move ahead from this experience and grow as a community.

    17. What I meant Joe, is you got zinged by anons and responded to it. That grew into sometimes obnoxiously insulting people who simply disagree with you on one thing or another...We traded some insults and it felt silly-not my style. You're a decent guy and that is what really matters...

  4. I might be wrong on this but i'm sure a person can be convicted of murder even when the victims body is not found,so if you have say bigfoot DNA evidence would you still need a body for proof?

    1. Eva, if I may refer to you as this. I have read many of your comments and always find them thought provoking at the very least. Your statement concerning the need for the BODY has made me think once again. Fact is, you might be convicted without a Body, trace evidence, or witnesses. DNA as well as highly motivated prosecutors have made cases stick with very little REAL physical evidence on occasion. The BF detractors will never be satisfied however, with less than the body of the beast as well as the scientific community they pic. So we may never actually agree on the reality of this subject do to our inability to completely agree to being trust worthy and honest about all things. GOOD FRIGGIN LUCK with that one. We have more than enough evidence to prove his existence in a court full of open minded impartial persons. We do not have enough to change the minds of the hard skeptic. The publicity is now being used for profit and being controlled for this reason, along with the info being released. The longer we wait, the more money those searching and being BF pro's and so called experts can milk dollars from the public. in other words, why give up the facts free, when money is being made with the fiction. TRUTH TRUTH TO ALL.

    2. Thanks Anon 1:47,i personally don't need to see a body,i think there's plenty of evidence,that was an interesting answer and made a lot of sense,thanks xx

    3. Yes Eva R, you seem to be a well informed Lady of conviction. I applaud that in your posts. I hope proof comes soon and you all are vindicated. I am a fence rider with much respect for those searching with the truth being their only motivation.

    4. I think it would be hard to convict someone of murdering if there is no real proof of the victim ever existing.

  5. Replies
    1. 1:00,do you mean yes i'm wrong about the murderer thing or yes you still need a body xx

    2. I'd say you need proof the victim existed.

  6. It feels as though the group hug suggestion I have been anonomously posting about has in a way come to pass. So welcome back Joe and nice to meet you Daniel. Thanks J.D.

    1. Prediction--this truce will last about 12 hours or so, and then we'll be back to the same old crap. Ban 'em, Shawn!

  7. In all my time flying around the PNW, I've never seen a Bigfoot. Neither have the Bigfooters who sit behind their computer.

    1. ^eagle with a gopro strapped to him is one of the most credible voices in the bigfoot community

    2. 2:12. Will you do one with the late Mike Honchos balls in honor of his a special request?

  8. Anyone who says they have seen a bigfoot up close, ie no possible ambiguity, IS lying.

    There is no unknown species primate in North America.

    How do we know?

    Because time and time again despite the odds, zero evidence of bigfoot exists, anywhere, ever.

    To believe it exists is a leap of faith that is on par with believing the ramblings of the members of the ancient world who wrote the bible.


    1. To gain knowledge and show faith while searching for the facts requires work and effort. It is much easier to just believe in nothing. An empty heart bespeaks an empty head. A man or woman that cares to look for and embraces mystery will always show initiative and faith. The opposite can be said of those to lazy to speak about a subject in a positive manner, but would rather excuse it as ignorance without doing any work to make a truly valid point

    2. cool story 1:55 but that don't make bigfoot real, sorry

    3. You are correct, I tried only to make the point, that those actually trying to get the truth through work and discussion should receive more respect than those just sitting around waiting to berate them and their opinion after the fact. I, like you, will have to see something convincing, not just an opinion. thanks man.

  9. I strapped a Go Pro to my Bald Headed Eagle and the damn thing couldn't keep its head up much less fly.


  11. John Green was very impressed with Blevins' suit. He told Blevins it was the "closest to what the film shows I have ever seen." Those are his exact words.

    1. Mr. Green is seeing things that aren't there.

    2. Blevin's reconstruction is ok, given his resources..I suspect it could have been much better if he knew more about lighting and camera work.
      Anyway, John Green maybe was just being polite to this enthusiastic member of our little community...

  12. Ahhhh the bet. I think my new friend Daniel and I would agree that just because we hit a rough spot, doesn't mean a gentlemans wager can be canceled. You see, contrary to what many of you thought about his alter egos, Dan Campbell is a gentleman, a musician, a philosopher and my friend. So sadly. Within 48 hours of the Sykes announcement one of us will be leaving Bigfoot Evidence and its fellow web promotions. And if its me, well. I'll be happy for my new friend Daniel the least he could do is hook me up with some good tickets to a Nashville Show.

    1. don't let the door hit you on the way out mike!

    2. Well i think the bet should be cancelled,we should have a vote xx

    3. Why don't you sign on for the bet. Comments like that will make you a fan favorite sure to be missed?

    4. 2:19, I mean anonymous door man, you up for a wager?

    5. If sykes results show a 9 foot north American primate then I will leave bigfoot evidence for good.


    6. 2:19. I thought in light of everyone's good will we were going to have a day free of anonymous cowards. One last chance. Wager, identify. Or perhaps you should STFU.

    7. The bet is that it shows novel DNA. Perhaps you are a casket maker or NBA scout, as you seem obsessed with 9 footers. Since honcho became Daniel, we have a trend towards identifying ourselves today. What shall we call you. I can't think of a few things. But let me give you the first opportunity.

    8. Well 2:31. On the absence of any statement to identify you ill just refer to you as 9 foot Chickenshit

    9. 9 foot chickenshit, just to clarify. Are you joining the wager that Sykes will / will not discover novel DNA and are you going to identify yourself completely on this blog within 48 hours of that announcement including your name. Address abs IP locator. If so please advise. Of not, go back to doing whatever 9 foot chickenshits do

    10. I think he's trolling you bro. Claiming Anonymous will leave the blog like he's the only anon here.

    11. hey if dan joe and mike can keep it civil, which im sure everyone will, id say forget the bet everyone should stay

  13. I saw that original skepfoolish post, claiming that shoulder pads made Patty's arms look longer.

    How is it that poster and a few scattered skepfools still cannot see that no amount of shoulder padding will bring the hands closer to the knees? Patty's hands are about to her knees, so the shoulder pad claim is null and void.

    The concept is so simple, the geometry or dimensions of it are so plain, how on Earth is that skepfool-skeptool way above there laughing LOL like a lunatic when he has no point?

    Shoulder pads do not bring the hands closer to the knees.

    Skepfool above defends that, laughing his fanatic head off, living in fantasy that shoulder pads will actually lengthen the arms and bring the hands closer to the knees.

    You can't blame someone for being crazy I guess.

    1. look at the frame where the forward leg is almost straight, the hand comes just under the diaper butt

      fuckin pwned

    2. Did you even look at the frame? Moron.

  14. Is mike now Daniel wtf is going on help!!!

    1. No. Daniel posted as mike. But was banned when the other Mike stood up for him and convinced him to come on board as himself. Now he posts as Daniel. I still post as mike and Joe is back as well. All was going very nicely till a new Anon raised his head calling for Mike B to hit the door.

    2. Wow I thought there was some sort of breakthru today but apparently not. I'm with Eva cancel the stupid bet. Please direct derogatory remarks towards me as I have the "cryptic" ability to just ignore them. J.D.

    3. And the mental illness on BE just keeps going, and going...

  15. Mr Campbell and Mr Fitzgerald, all I can say is, this is a historical moment here in Bigfoot Evidence. I try to catch up with the latest posts everyday when I get home tired from work, it's something I look forward to. And for a while enjoyed the debates between both of you, Joe Fitzgerald and Mike Honcho (Mr Campbell). But towards the end I felt that it was getting somewhat out of hand and didn't seem to be going anywhere proper. I'm not one to post much, I just rather read and stay in the background but today I had to put in my two cents when I saw that this had turned into a battle of insults and I left a post for you guys at the last Fringe News post, I don't know if you had a chance to read it. But then, after sending my post I read further and now, to my surprise, I find out that some how it appears that there's a coexistence between two intelligent and witty debaters in BFE. I don't have the knowledge or ease that you guys have for quick debating but I do want to say that it does take a true gentleman to apologize like you two did and you have all my respect for that. And, Mr Campbell, I guess you didn't have to post a picture of your testicles to show that you had them. You proved it by coming forth with your true identity, lol. Looking forward to more debates from both sides.

  16. This video needs some music.

    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
    Into the future
    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
    Into the future

    I want to fly like an eagle
    To the sea
    Fly like an eagle
    Let my spirit carry me
    I want to fly like an eagle
    Till I'm free
    Oh, Lord, through the revolution

    Feed the babies
    Who don't have enough to eat
    Shoe the children
    With no shoes on their feet
    House the people
    Livin' in the street
    Oh, oh, there's a solution

    I want to fly like an eagle
    To the sea
    Fly like an eagle
    Let my spirit carry me
    I want to fly like an eagle
    Till I'm free
    Fly through the revolution

    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
    Into the future
    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
    Into the future
    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
    Into the future
    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
    Into the future

    I want to fly like an eagle
    To the sea
    Fly like an eagle
    Let my spirit carry me
    I want to fly like an eagle
    Till I'm free
    Fly through the revolution

    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
    Into the future
    Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'
    Into the future

    1. Fozzie, I love ya, but why do you and others feel the need to post the lyrics of an entire song?

  17. How did they get the camera off the bird?


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