This Awesome Blue Lobster Was Caught Off Cape Cod

There's a one in 2 million chance of catching a blue lobster. An Orleans lobsterman plucked one of these out of the ocean in August.

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  1. Replies
    1. Blue lobster is the most credible voice in the crustacean community.

  2. Blue lobster destined to be donated to an aquarium and gawped at by fat Cape Cod tourists is the most credible voice in the bigfoot community...

    1. No this lobster is destined to be in my belly

    2. Yo Harry! They just put a Blue Lobster restaurant down the road and it's shrimp week. Isn't a shrimp just a tiny lobster?

    3. I think so I'm not much of a fish fan so I'm not certain but I do know a lobster is just a big crayfish like they eat in Louisiana they are green when they catch them and red when they cook them I know shrimp are classified as crustacean I don't know what crayfish and lobsters are and I don't really care enough to look it up soooo......

    4. Oh duh dude wrote it up above and I'd imagine they are since shrimp is a shellfish

    5. Just like me, I like em fried. So how's Harry these daze? You were gone for so long and missed.

    6. Ehh my back is still killin me and life's a bitch so I got a hard hat lol other then that shit really got a new job down here for a bigger electric company they do 2600 homes a year so enough to keep me busy other then that same shit new day and yeah I had to keep my word to a buddy so I didn't come by for a minute

    7. Life's good when you wake up above ground. I used to have this Herman Munster pull string doll(I mean action figure)when I was a kid. Every time you pulled the string, it would say "Cheer up, it's bound to get worse". Now I live by these words. Welcome home Harry B!

  3. Welcome to the brand new Blue Lobster Evidence website. No Blueblobstersquatch guarantee.

  4. It's cold deep, deep, deep, down there in the ocean. No wonder it's blue.

    1. Cold I just thought it was sad it was gonna be eaten

      Waaaa waaaa I'll be here all week lol

  5. Who gives a fuck Shawn? Go fuck yourself with a blue lobster!

    1. Obviously you do because you are so upset you might poo yourself go talk to Paraphilic infantilism guy he might have extra diapers and then you 2 can both be on diaper duty

  6. Blame the footers. If there was anything worth posting Shawn would be all over it. But there never is so...

    Are you pro-diaper butt or anti-diaper butt?

    1. aw does Paraphilic infantilism guy need a friend?

    2. raging butthurt footer needs a popsicle up his poopshoot

    3. ^ is that part of your diaper duty?

    4. I gave up footer diaper duty when they sent me to Henry May's apartment. Fucking gross.

    5. A whole string of skeptards on diaper duty, a phrase I originally posted on a previous BEB post today, and they are still on it, round the clock. Obsessed with gigantic diaper butts they are, obsessed with big bitten butts, obsessed with great hairy buttocks of intimidating proportions. For they are the skeptards on diaper duty. Dupes. Dupes on diaper duty.

      Dupetards on Diaper Duty.

      Ah skeptards, you are figures of fun to us! We thank you.

  7. Blue Lobster you will it, you will.


  8. Height estimate is well over 8 foot. I'm well over 2m so I know that.

    1. ^ unashamed of his breasticles

    2. Hey Look I Am Anonymous Too Wow Wow Wow Just Wow Hey Hey Hey Check Me Out Fellows Wow Look at Me For OnceMonday, September 9, 2013 at 8:03:00 PM PDT

      ^proud of one's testibreasts.


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