The Bigfoot/Forest People do have a SPOKEN LANGUAGE (11 AWESOME Audio Recordings included!!!)

Editor’s Note: Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world. In July 1, 2000, Dr. Johnson had a "Class A" Bigfoot encounter with his family while hiking near the Oregon Caves. After his life changing sighting, he went to the public and described one of the most intense encounters ever. You can join him on Facebook at Team Squatchin USA.

There are various theories out there regarding who and what the Bigfoot/Forest People are, including Descendants of Gigantopithecus, Human-Hybrids, Alien Hybrids, the Nephilim, Descendants of Cain, etc.  To be quite honest, who really, really knows for sure???  The one thing that I do know is that whatever theory you are considering that might explain who and what the Bigfoot/Forest People really are, it’s going to have to include the following two facts: (1) they’re very intelligent beings, and (2) they have a SPOKEN LANGUAGE.

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  1. Replies
    1. I wouldn't know. I never saw their wee-wees.I'll have to take your word for it..What I do know, is I was Fisrt..haha..

    2. Yeah "Fact" really got bent of shape for not getting first and being last with a real small one!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! And on a Dr. Matthew Johnson post that proves bigfoot has a language no less...I'm riding his coat tails into the history books...

    2. That would be neat of course, unfortunately since this subject is labeled a no-no it's not going to happen as long as those in power presently don't want this information out to the public. There's a whole propaganda machine like this blog working for the continuing cover-up. Dr. Johnson's correct, we basically still don't know what these beings are only that they're there but it's worth keeping in mind they're the ones that actually retreat from contact. The question is why if they're an intelligent species are they from somewhere else whose mission and purpose can't be revealed at present, or do they just dislike our own human species. Fact is they don't seem too interested in chatting more intelligently with us, do they.

    3. Says Mr. Johnson (no longer a Dr.).

  3. Replies
    1. Bade bade bade, that's all you got

    2. It would take a top expert looneytoon of course to knowingly approve anything as #looneytoons approved.

      We congratulate you on your insanity.

  4. Dingbat Johnson strikes again!

  5. I'm not denying bigfoot have a spoken language but i really don't hear it in any of these audio clips the juvinile one sound like a human child talking and rest just sound like normal forest/wilderness noises what does everone else think,Trolls need not apply ;)

    1. Audio is waste of time. Show me the monkey!

    2. It's complete rubbish. And 'Trolls need not apply' is the most intelligent thing you've said today.

    3. I see you got rid of the dick sucking lips for a longer tongue to lick balls..

    4. So I guess asking if you've ever handled a penis other than your own is out of the question ; )

    5. The sign said 'long hair creepy people need not apply'
      So I stuffed my hair up under my hat and when in to ask him why
      He said, 'You look like a fun young man, in fact i think you''ll do'
      So i took off my hat and said imagine that, me workin for you!..

      Signs, signs everywhere are signs....

      Love that song...Thank you for reminding me of it...

    6. Actually it's supposed to be like the Rolling Stones logo. Not that you Jpurney and Styx loving faggies would recognize it.

    7. I can actually respect that reference NH.


  6. Poor widdle Johnson needs some attention. Please go hoax somewhere else.

  7. The audio is actually pretty hard core if you listen

  8. Johnson is a evidence faker. Nothing more than a attention mongering liar. He's a quack. his license has been revoked and he's no longer allowed to practice. His Ex-Wife even tells of these tales on line, go check. I'm surprised ANY of you put any credibility into this guy or his midget side-kick MW.

    1. Dyer's tits take offense.

    2. I like me some hairy ass titties.

    3. My dear associate Porkchop has a proclivity for large hirsute Mammaries. It's just what we prefers. We agreed on this years ago. I can see you association question however and find it compelling. The late Sol Rosenberg of the Jerky Boys fame often had problems finding all his shoes and glasses. He could not go to the beach for fear of stepping on piss clams. And they would tie him to the peer at high tide. If he needed a feat of strength accomplished he would ask his cousin Jimmy cause he was "strong enough". No. Good assertion and excellent rebuttal.

    4. Yet another thread with more evidence of the people paid to spit anti Bigfoot drivel.

  9. The Juvenile whispering says "My Dad made me a new Canoe". LOL - This guy is such a fraud!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you Tim. I was beginning to wonder if everyone over there had lost their minds.

    2. Nope, some people over here in the U.K. are still fairly sceptical thank fuck.
      Not Tim from the U.K

    3. I'm especially sceptical of Johnson who seems not only to be totally full of shit but has some faulty wiring in his brain, Shawn never mentions the fact that he lost his wife, licence to be a councillor or had his own brain problems in his introduction all of which have happened since his original "sighting." Credible witness, hell no, incredibly crazy fruitcake, hell yes!

    4. ^ shitstiring good for nothing troll. I think so

    5. Hi NH, my exasperated 'good grief' comment was about Johnson's totally mad-looking site. He calls them 'people' and claims they have a language (which seems very plausible to me), but has a ridiculous childish monster squatch at the top right- makes no sense. Tim, U.K.

    6. You're not skeptical Tim you're a cynical Brit conditioned that way via your own press, just like the oily machine works in America. Your two countries are like two peas in a pod, what one does the other one does too.

    7. Oh yeah? Well guess who isn't going to Syria?! A Cynical Brit lol

  11. Graeme!

    My opinion of these recordings is that they are generally too quiet for me to make anything out. I try my best to go by expert backing with this kind of thing (though there are recordings that I am happy to go on my opinion on as legitimate, I can reference these for you another time if you like?), and hence my regular referencing and celebration of Ron Morehead, Scott Nelson and the Sierra Sounds (Al Berry RIP).

    Drop me your opinion of these sounds and I'll read it before I call asleep to ancient aliens (again), and hopefully I'll catch you tomorrow my Scottish friend.

    Peace all.

    1. hey there is a new youtube channel "ancient aliens" creative name right? All the episodes are on it, every season. Have fun.

    2. the sierra sounds terrify me man they are the bench mark i measure any other audio against but as you said the sound quality is really poor on these anyway man im calling it quits for tonight man catch you tomorrow my man :)

    3. The Sierra Sounds are pretty spooky. Layered chattering with alot of noisemakin as well. Rock Clacking. Stick breaks. Tree snaps. But the Gutteral Growling and Ape "barking " associated with it makes it truly creepy. That and where it was recorded. And the when part adds credibility as many of the sounds on it weren't associated with the recording of encounters as they are now. It is the Golden Standard by which all recordings will forever be compared. Well Said Joe. M

    4. hey nice to see you back posting mike :)

  12. Dr J gets points for enthusiasm and for using three font colors! He wants us to believe him but not the guy in Canada. What is it with these people?

    1. It's called attention seeking jealousy. Some guys want all the attention when it comes to bigfoot so they trash the other researchers.

    2. "Guys who want all the attention and trash other researchers" are the most credible voices in the Bigfoot Community. I shit you not.

  13. Dr. Johnson is not a authority on what is consider to be a spoken language, also were is the data which proves that what we are here is a spoken language. Many factors have to be determined to show sounds being emitted from a supposed species is intelligent and has the structured ability to have a phonetic language.

    Below is a list of some of the many requirements to determine a possible language.

    Tongue root retraction
    Secondary narrowings in the vocal tract
    Rhotic vowels
    Tenseness/checked vowels vs. free vowels
    Prosody and intonation
    Monophthongs, diphthongs, triphthongs
    Written vowels
    Vowel shifts
    Audio samples
    Vowel systems
    Words without vowels
    Words consisting of only vowels

    What is in those recordings is unrecognizable babel until true data is present which collaborates the beings are showing communication, also even a primitive language will have some type of symbols which have a meaning and a descriptive word that relates to the symbol. Sorry doc but for now I think your being very premature by saying that this species which as of yet has been proven to exist by science has a language. Here are some references so you can educate yourself on the science of linguistic phonetics Dr. Johnson.

    Hope this helps you to not make claims without properly understanding the science of linguistics.

    Laver, John (1994) Principles of Phonetics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 269.
    Crystal, David (2005) A Dictionary of Linguistics & Phonetics (Fifth Edition), Maldern, MA/Oxford: Blackwell, p. 494.
    Ladefoged, Peter; Maddieson, Ian (1996). The Sounds of the World's Languages. Oxford: Blackwell. p. 323. ISBN 0-631-19814-8."Vowel". Online Etymology dictionary. Retrieved 12 April 2012.
    According to Peter Ladefoged, traditional articulatory descriptions such as height and backness "are not entirely satisfactory", and when phoneticians describe a vowel as high or low, they are in fact describing an acoustic quality rather than the actual position of the tongue. Ladefoged, Peter (2006) A Course in Phonetics (Fifth Edition), Boston, MA: Thomson Wadsworth, p. 189.
    Ladefoged, Peter (1993) A Course in Phonetics (Third Edition), Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, p. 197.Ladefoged, Peter (2001) A Course in Phonetics (Fourth Edition), Fort Worth: Harcourt, p. 177.Ladefoged, Peter (2006) A Course in Phonetics (Fifth Edition), Boston: Thomson Wadsworth, p. 189.
    Hayward, Katrina (2000) Experimental Phonetics, Harlow, UK: Pearson, p. 160.
    Deterding, David (1997). "The formants of monophthong vowels in Standard Southern British English Pronunciation". Journal of the International Phonetic Association 27: 47–55. doi:10.1017/S0025100300005417.
    Hawkins, Sarah and Jonathan Midgley (2005). "Formant frequencies of RP monophthongs in four age groups of speakers". Journal of the International Phonetic Association 35 (2): 183–199. doi:10.1017/S0025100305002124.
    Harrington, Jonathan, Sallyanne Palethorpe and Catherine Watson (2005) Deepening or lessening the divide between diphthongs: an analysis of the Queen's annual Christmas broadcasts. In William J. Hardcastle and Janet Mackenzie Beck (eds.) A Figure of Speech: A Festschrift for John Laver, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 227-261.

    1. stop tryin to show some type of proof or an argument against the great matt johnson ... irefuse to call him doctor anymore ... if u cant shoot down his claims without proof or with proof he wont listen .. your wrong and ur ip will be blocked or even better u will get kicked off his fb page also...
      Jay Rodriguez

    2. You are wrong dolphins for example none of these. The humbolte squid dose not even use sound it uses colour displays. Both been proven to be complex languages.

    3. Exactly. Too bad we have trolling folks here working actively at dumbing down the world, fortunately people are waking up to the political deceit scheme that's been controlling you for decades.

  14. Let me correct my type-o before Dr. Johnson try's to correct me like the pompous a-hole he is :).

    Dr. Johnson is not a authority on what is consider to be a spoken language, also were is the data which proves that what we are hearing is a spoken language. Many factors have to be determined to show sounds being emitted from a supposed species is intelligent and has the structured ability to have a phonetic language.

    1. Thank god there is someone with some sanity on here, great post! Enough already with the Johnson articles Shawn the guy's crazy as shit and a hoaxing attention seeker.

    2. Stop pretending to be some random guy posting.

  15. dmaker layed waste to pwned joe on the previous thread

    absolutely destroyed the poor guy

    1. dmaker takes it in the taterhole and likes it.............

    2. You have missed a lot, friend.

    3. I think hes saying he missed the part where Joe is pwnd because i must have missed it too

    4. Anon 4.57 you get schooled every day by all of us. You come up with big piles of bullshit and cannot back your self up. Go hide in a hole and grow up

  16. The crap posted to this blog gets worse every day.

    1. Thank you for your participation.

    2. Why don't you cry about it

    3. It is important to note that you check it every day. Better do it 3 times a day. To make sure it maintains the high standard of crap getting worse!

    4. I will help you do that,and yes I am very credible and naked.I have to go braid my new ponie's mane......

  17. The crap posted to this blog gets worse every day.

  18. It's about time that someone ripped their sleeves off and got down to the real paydirt.

  19. Could someone please ask the scientist above for Eddie Murphy's permission to analyse "Buckwheat Sings" I am particularly interested in the phonetics of the phrase "wookin po nub!"

  20. so with ur sh!tty recordings and with Mike P's awesome recordings hes wrong and ur right .... and we have to take ur word for it or we are hoaxers or morons ... yea makes sense to me

    Jay Rodriguez

  21. I think this guys audio is legit. I have recorded similar sounds in Georgia. Alex MW

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