Squatch In Northern Maine?

Our friend Dax Rushlow caught this footage of a possible Sasquatch in northern Maine last weekend on his expedition. He tells us the Squatch was very "close" -- close enough to be a danger to him and his wife. Though this enhanced video is shaky and inconclusive, the woodknocking was an obvious sign that something was watching. About 20 yards from where they heard the woodknock, Dax found 3 possible prints near a deer stand. He explains:

My wife and I were in Jackman Maine camping. I searched out a place called Salmon Stream to do some Bigfoot research. We drove down the logging road after finding the stream and I came across a deer stand. So I told my wife Cyndi I was going to pull off and investigate. I started toward the deer stand and when I got about 20 yards from it, I heard a loud tree knock in the woods very close to the stand. I circled the woods around the deer stand and found some footprints that I took a picture of. 3 in all. The trackway went onto some loggers cut down brush so I could not see any more visablw prints. But I could see the direction it was headed. I circled the wooded area around the stand and saw nothing. I made a few tree knocks of my own, but got no response. I then headed back to the truck where my wife was and started to get the feeling we were being watched. I started to video tape the area I heard the tree knock come from. I could see a dark object in the distance behind some trees as I zoomed in. I didn't want to go any closer due to the fact that my wife was with me and will not put her in any danger. This was the first time I have gotten a daytime tree knock. I'm sure because of the noise I was making no regular woodland animal would have stuck around. I believe we were being inspected by a Sasquatch, and even though the video clip is inconclusive, I think I know what was there.


  1. Replies
    1. So fuckin close I can smell it!

    2. You ever see the movie I Piss On Your Grave? That chick's revenge is a preview of the pain that skeptics will suffer when Bigfoot is proved to be real.

  2. ...of course no first, DT rules...

  3. Replies
    1. How DARE you! Just because Roger was a known con-man, was broke, and had previously sketched a bigfoot with boobs, doesn't mean he didn't stumble upon a 7 foot/800 pound forest monkey in Cali.

    2. Exactly, broke cowboy not have funds to create big wampum cyborg robot Patty.

      You have just pwned yourself.

      Oh my how we congratulate you on the utter depths of your witlessness.

      Yes the illustrations with breasts were according to the reports he was, uh, illustrating. Get it? Or is that one too tough for you?

      He didn't sketch any with enormous buttocks or a conical skull, which are Patty traits. Wow, that sure contradicts your theories and claims.

      Hmm, pwned again.

    3. Exactry.

      I raffed so hard.

      Got monkrey?

    4. ^ grown man, bleeves in bigfoot.

  4. Replies
    1. Got donkey?

      There's a royal ass waiting for you in the nearest mirror.

      Give it a kiss now.

    2. So you are admitting you have no monkey? Too easy darling. 1 - 0

  5. Why no unambiguous photos of bigfoot?

  6. Replies
    1. ^^^Raging from 24 hours of big brokeback busted bitten butt humungous hairy diaper duty.

    2. You wouldn't know a diaper butt if one was slapped round your face 5.48

  7. Big ole diaper butt monkey suit just chillin in al's office like a boss

  8. Magic monkey man of the forest building birthing stations and leaving human women sore.

    1. ^The most active troll on this site

    2. ^footer rage due to being associated with birthing station chick

    3. ^Skeptard rage due to being associated with Sharon Shill.

    4. Sharon pwns footers by not even acknowledging them. Instant dismissal of the subject as the nonsense that it is.

    5. Sharon's hot. Also, I doubt (get it?) that she spends any time on BE scanning all the insightful comments to be found here (sarcasm intended).

    6. Sharon's hot. Also, I doubt (get it?) that she spends any time on BE scanning all the insightful comments to be found here (sarcasm intended).

  9. Sierrra kung fu monkey sounds Wahhh pShhh waaah woop pssttt tsssh waaah wooo

  10. Magic monkey man forgot to be a magic monkey man when roger and bob rolled up on their horseys aha magic monkey man forgot to be all seeing all knowing shape shifting hybrid monkey man

    1. Sometimes even a magic monkey makes mistakes. They're just human/lemur after all.

    2. Patty was a retarded Lemur human hybrid. She didn't know any better.

    3. "Remur" is the most credible voice in the Bigfoot community.

    4. Remurs are so ronery and arr arone

  11. I often visit Jackman, Maine. I've heard things and experienced things in those woods, particularly north of town about 10 miles from the Canadian border and roughly 20 miles back on logging roads. I'd take the time to type it all out, but it's a long story. In short, a dead jackrabbit was laying in the road around a corner, still steaming so it was a fresh kill, I started using a predator call (this is night, mind you). Something started grunting in the woods, then growling, then a large birch started leaning down toward my car. I got out of there and down the road there was a large rock sitting in the middle.

    It was terrifying and intriguing at the same time. I do believe there is something up there but I don't know if this video is the right way to present it.

    If you read this, thanks. This is my first comment on this website.

    1. Type your encounter out and email in to Shawn. You might get your very own blog post about it!



    2. Thanks for the email! I will do that. :)

    3. There are no Jackrabbits in Maine. In the extreme south by Portland there are a few Federal endangered Cottontails. The only common indigenous Leporids in the state are Snowshoe Hares.

  12. Blobs in the wind
    All we are is blobs in the wind...

  13. It's interesting, well several things are interesting.

    When you address a skeptard as a skeptard, many reply to that term. (If I were a skeptard or suspected of being such a parasite, I would endeavour to not reply to the monicker. I would try to shed the name.)

    If one makes a silly-funny claim such as I believe in 12 ft pink fuzzy ape men and one is in my kitchen cracking a beer right now, there is little to no reply from the skeptardical peanut gallery.

    If one posts a truthful comment in analysing some facts about the Sykes study, it provokes an invasion of raging-rabid skeptards influxing from the JREF and Pro-Skepto sites.

    For instance:

    Sykes stopping at 30 samples = he found something within the 30 samples.

    Sykes basing the study on, and publishing the study on, 30 samples = he found something in the 30 samples.

    A study made up of only 30 samples, if designed in cooperation with the BBC and a journal to be a two fisted hit piece against Yetism, doesn't have the power to be that hit piece. That would require thousands of samples from around the world to even approach hit piece status.

    If he found moose 30 times, would a world-renowned science journal breathlessly rush to publish it? Unless this can be twisted into Bigfoot Hit Piece (the fantasical dream of your average skeptard in the street), there appears to be no motive to publish that paper, other than Sykes found something, and you know what that means.

    If he found moose 30 times, would he not simply announce that, say you can keep sending samples, but need funding? Why would he submit a paper to be published to show See? Here's what I didn't find. I didn't find a thing. So here it is. Read it and enjoy it.

    Academics don't like to publish results which don't introduce something new, which have no new findings.

    True now his funding has run out, and the submitter needs to pay thousands for the testing of a sample. But this doesn't preclude the testing of many more samples and more funding from other quarters.

    The fact that he is publishing the study, must mean that he has some new findings to report. Skeptards can't seem to see what is staring them in the face: The study being published, means there is something to publish.

    Thirty moose or coyote results are not much worth publishing. There is no impetus to publish such results, unless this will be warped into Hairy Man Hit Piece.

    The fact that these simple things make skeptards foam at the mouth with hysteria tells you something about skeptards. They aren't interested in the truth, which they profess to worship. They reveal it constantly, daily. Can they not see their own hypocrisy? If they worship truth, they should recognise certain aspects of the study which we have so far, written above, and accept them calmly.

    What's the big deal? There are a few aspects of the study which are true, so you must accept them now. Why the resistance and hyperventilating?

    1. You have no idea how science works. He said he would publish NO MATTER WHAT HE FINDS.

  14. I would like to see pics of the tracks too. I'm willing to believe if he got those at least

  15. This is the best dam footage of the wind I have ever seen! interesting? NO..


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