Robert Lindsay: Dr. Melba Ketchum wanted to sue Nature Magazine for defamation of character

Dr. Melba Ketchum's Bigfoot DNA paper has been published (under her own journal), yet, little is known about what actually happened between her and Nature Magazine (where the paper was first submitted to). According to sources, the paper was resubmitted multiple times, but was ultimately rejected by the journal. Blogger Robert Lindsay has gotten his hands on the peer review documents between Ketchum and Nature Magazine and has provided links to the two documents of the exchange. In his post, Lindsay reveals the stringent nature of the peer review process and how difficult it was for Ketchum to push her paper through:

Dr. Melba Ketchum wanted to sue Nature Magazine for defamation of character. It was never quite proven that Nature Magazine had rejected Ketchum’s paper or even that they had received it. However, I have it from an excellent source, a friend of mine, who worked with Ketchum that indeed it was at Nature for some time and they did in fact reject it. Therefore, Matt Moneymaker’s leak along those lines was correct.

There is even a letter from Nature detailing the changes that they wanted her to make in order to run the piece. My source believed that Nature was scared off by the unknown DNA finding in Ketchum’s paper. They were afraid that that sounded too crazy and they didn’t want to seem like kooks. My source told me that Melba had proof that Nature leaked parts of her paper out into the scientific community (another long standing rumor supposedly unproven) and Melba had no way to defend herself against the attacks coming in from the leaks without jeopardizing publication of the paper which she was not allowed to talk about.

The source felt that Melba is “a bit whacky, but her heart was in the right place, and her science was good.” Melba enlisted an attorney to sue Nature for defamation of character, but the attorney did not want to touch the case for fear of being labeled a kook. The source said that that list of labs that worked with Melba was impressive.

Ketchum Project suffered from estrogen poisoning. The source above also told me that there was constant drama inside the Ketchum Project, with continual catfights, breakups, huggy apologies and reunions, and cliques and alliances forming, collapsing and reforming. He attributed all of this mercurial cyclothymia to the fact that almost everyone on the project was a woman. “There were too many women on the project,” he told me. “They needed a man around to steer the ship.”

Peer review documents between Ketchum and Nature Magazine are now available for download! I have now obtained two peer review documents between Ketchum and Nature. The first is a response to peer review criticisms from Melba listing the criticisms and the changes that were made to deal with them. The second is a threatening letter from Melba accusing Nature of leaking secret peer review documents about her study and therefore harming her reputation. It’s pretty interesting and at times explosive stuff!

Ketchum’s Responses to Peer Referees Criticisms

Ketchum Cover Letter to Board of Nature Magazine

[via Robert Lindsay]


  1. Replies
    1. No troll.... while your playing on mommas computer...your momma was trying to bleach the stank out of her nasty twat....

    2. were you watchin his momma bleach the stank out of her nasty twat? you are truly creepy

    3. .............he didn't watch it .......he cold smell it two miles away.

    4. could have been your fingers from when you were with your mom earlier

    5. or it could have been your dads when they were up your butt..

  2. Ugh..She never submitted it to Nature. If she did they tossed it in the trash..Articles are 5 pages, plus some pics and tables and bib...

    1. Get your facts straight. It WAS submitted and it WAS rejected. One of the paper's reviewers did an interview about it, Dr. Darren Naish.

    2. Really? That is strange, peer reviewers are anonymous..Don't know if they can "out" themselves, though. Anyway, whatever she submitted must have been much shorter than what she ended up posting on the web...

  3. Did Ketchum ever test the dirty diaper from PGF on the off chance it was a real bigfoot with Chrones disease?

  4. Replies
    1. Push until all of the blood vessels in your face burst.

    2. Just don't burst a hemorrhoid or have a prolapse!!

    3. ^prokill=prolapse...those were the days

  5. Melba needs to show her tits

    She could make up for a lot of the BS she has created, she could even charge the Bigfoot community like five bucks or something

    Precious bags of sand...mmm

  6. Well, that article was fairly sexist.

    1. Robert Lindsay sexist?!?! Pah! Now way.

    2. Yep. Lucky for all of women testosterone has no affect on the men of bigfootery, none at all. It's why they all get along so well, and have made so many advances in understanding wood apes. Where would we be without them?

    3. Thanks gay for footers guy

    4. The whole "wood apes" thing is old... Wood apes lol

  7. In my opinion, Melba should strap one on and sodomize Lindsay until Erickson releases the pancake and video and then we all can know bigfoot is real...

    1. You just left amateur video site to come, in all senses of the word, here. Thanks for sharing.

    2.'m going back now..

  8. We put are boat in this weekend at a remote lake and seen two bigfoots about 50 yards away but when my friend dropped the cooler and ran into the truck along with me we lost them, we went there the next day and there was three different foot prints around the cooler we left there so what should we do next ????

    1. Make an IED out of the cooler and your cellphone. Tomorrow those guys are fish food.

    2. Call CNN, and be somebody.

  9. Of course not one letter from nature to the crazy cat lady to corroborate any of this. Diarrhea of the keyboard as usual from RL.

  10. They rejected Melba because of her crap science!

    1. No, because of your organized trolling the dirt and your Intelligence buddies making sure it's riducled and harassed by and in the pres media science world.

  11. "Ketchum Project suffered from estrogen poisoning."

    And the world is SUCH a wonderful place because of testosterone.

    Linsay should have been aborted.

  12. Which women on that "team" had any estrogen left? Not Ketchup, not her Robin's nest, NO WAY Arla. They suffered from idiocy you idiot.

  13. When people desperately pursue fame and fortune, they tend to grandstand their opinions and accomplishments. Therefore risking all credibility in the process.


    1. Wow, the evidance is continuing to grow regarding the blatant cover up. Nature is continuing to show their true cause. They make their fame and fortune off of having their authors to alter the truth and they have their little pink monkeys to slander those that know the truth. Idiots are you that have no credibility; but, slander those that are attempting to put out a hidden reality.

    2. So I went to Natures web site and it appears they are stating that the sasquatch is a fabled apeman. Well there you go no need for them to except DNA proof, they have their ape brains made up. So now all you disbelievers have your proof the sasquatch is a fabled ape man. For us that have witnessed the proof of their existance, the proof is out there that media outlets like Nature preffer to be a outlet for the liars of the world. Or should I re-word that to they are a mag class of deceivers. The truth is out there what side are you on?


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