In Case You Missed It: Bigfoot Encounter In Sierra Nevadas [The Bigfoot Case Files]

Watch this awesome report from Matt K. via The Bigfoot Case Files. It's based on a real account in the Sierras:
Episode 1 - "Shots in the Darkness" A man becomes stranded in the Nevada Mountains. As he walks back to civilization, an unseen beast angrily approaches. Will his gunshots be enough to detour the creature before it's too late?


  1. Reunited and it feels so good...

  2. Replies
    1. Sorry. My first was also a mobile device first.

    2. ^I was gonna let it slide but... fantastic false first, congrats!! I hope you learned your lesson!!

    3. Well, thank you but I feel that mobile device firsts must be claimed at the time of firsting. So if you wish to claim mobile device first, your first is erased and I appear to be the actual first. And no take backs.

    4. Double stamp. No quitsys not anti-quitsys.

  3. Dammit, I got carried away listening to Dream Theaters new single The Enemy Inside, it rocks but so does anti-firsting!!!

  4. classic made up bigfoot stories

    bigfoot don't exist.

    1. That's only your opinion. And your opinion is worthless. Right troll?

  5. well be ready for a big piece of crow when sykes publishes his paper :)

    1. Why? Are there going to be drawings of bigfeet on it?

      -Joe got hilariously pwned guy

    2. ^^if you havent noticed, there are several of us "gay for joe" guys.

    3. Prove your opinions 12:12 Troll.

  6. Another day and no monkey. Sykes is way over due and I get the distinct feeling he is climbing aboard the money train. Mermaids, ghosts and ufo's all garner more interest than bigfoot. We are relegated to ancient reruns of monsterquest and the baffoonery that is finding bigfoot. It does not matter whether or you believe in ghosts, mermaids, ufo's or even relict populations of megaladon. The subject of each is more popular than bigfoot. In fact more evidence exists for each subject than does for bigfoot. And that is not saying a lot.

  7. Sykes' participation in a TV show before a word is published and before there is any interaction with the academic community is definitely a puzzler. That does make his involvement in this subject look like a lark to line his pockets and get some publicity for his books and dna business...But you have to remember he used university personal and facilities to vet and test the samples so there must be more to it than that...

  8. Anybody look at those new pics of Rick dyers Bigfoot he just posted? Pretty awsome!

  9. They just took them down, but those pics were amazing.

    1. Quit lying. There wernt any such pics. Your the same guy that posted the previous post. Pathetic.

    2. Anon 5:54 and 5:59 = same guy.

    3. Anon 5:54 and 5:59 are rick trying to get some traffic to his site.

  10. Jan 2014...prepare to believe!! I feel bad for the haters and will open a side door so they can sneak in...

    1. You'll open nothing and like it.

    2. I'll open a can of whip-ass on y'all if you don't stop horsing around. :)

      Smiley Guy

    3. I girl asked me to come in her barn door once. Confused, I ran away.

    4. A girl. A girl. not I girl. See? I'm still confused.

  11. (clive squashy)

    Damn Honawayway's !

  12. Come on trolls, take the dicks out of your mouth and leave some opinions.

    Troll hunting ....

  13. Open season on opinion trolls.

  14. Trolls like opinions. And dicks in their mouth.


    Troll War is fun, and easy. That's my opinion.


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