Ex-Publicist Sally Ramey Opens Up Regarding Dr. Melba Ketchum

After reading this, we're pretty sure Sally Ramey and Dr. Melba Ketchum are no longer friends. Ramey had volunteered to be Dr. Melba Ketchum's publicist after learning that Ketchum may be the one to finally prove Bigfoot. According to Ramey, she was required to sign an NDA, which regretfully had kept her from coming out to explain the real reason why she chose to distance herself from Ketchum. Though she can't say much about the fallout, she urges Ketchum's benefactor, Wally Hersom, to "pursue civil and/or criminal action" against the woman. Bigfooter, Scott Carpenter, a staunch supporter of Ketchum, has been going out of his way to defend Ketchum at every cost and written several posts about Ketchum's DNA results on his blog. His latest post on Ketchum finally compelled Ramey to respond. Here's what she posted in Steven Streufert's Facebook group:

There is a dramatic discussion thread going on in the BF Community group. People who have been quiet have spoken up. I anticipate the original poster of that thread will delete it, so I encourage folks to go read it while it remains. I am posting my comments here:

Like Derek Randles, and others who are not represented here, I also have kept my mouth shut for a long time, and am also getting tired of it. Per to my lawyer's counsel, I cannot and will not violate my NDA. However, I can say some things.

First, I have worked professionally with research scientists since 2001 - the kind that actually do publish in Nature, Science and other real, peer-reviewed scientific journals. I volunteered my services to the project because Melba was without the PR support of a research institution, and knew that IF she proved existence, she would require a broad range of assistance. But after a year and amid growing concerns I cannot divulge, I realized that I could no longer be associated with it and I and many other volunteers left. No one was "fired."

After leaving the project, I DID do my own research. As a result … I no longer blindly accepted what I was told about the study, the results and perhaps more importantly, about the other people involved.

I feel a deep regret for my role in supporting this project, and I am dismayed that my name will forever be tarnished by it. I feel badly for the sample submitters who trusted in this project, and for the other volunteers, who were, in my opinion, unappreciated but who gave much of their time in hopes that this project produced results. I always seek to uphold my profession’s standards of credibility and transparency, but I have no control over the actions of others.

I hope that Wally will pursue civil and/or criminal action. I will gladly provide my documentation and testimony to such efforts, as I would for any investigation into the project.

In my opinion, this scientist had the BEST take on events: http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/07/an-honest-attempt-to-understand-the-bigfoot-genome-and-the-woman-who-created-it/

As for the “results,” I want to draw attention to Dr. Haskell Hart, who originally supported the project. He also did his own research, and posted his findings on Scott’s blog but they were removed. Fortunately, he has posted them on his Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/haskell.hart?fref=ts .

I think people should pay attention to what he says, as he confirms what other scientists have said:

Haskell Hart
August 28
Due to numerous requests I have added as photos graphical summaries of my analysis(BLAST searches) of the nDNA sequences published by Ketchum et al in their landmark paper on purported Sasquatch/Bigfoot DNA. She says they're from Bigfoot. I say they are from a bear(S26), a human(S31), and a dog(S140). You decide. Each point represents a hit(match) of part of the published nDNA sequence to a NCBI database entry. Duplicate entries have been removed. Notice that the bear, the human, and the dog hits have on average higher %ID, closer to 100% match. Also, they have equal or greater sequence lengths and scores for a given %ID.

Scott Carpenter, I have always admired your work and I think you are an outstanding, dedicated field researcher. But as I have said to you privately, I wish you would wake up.

If you're curious about what this is all about, this is in response wrote Scott Carpenter's article title, "The Ketchum DNA Study for Dummies (Genetic Experts)". Here's the full Facebook comments log (Very messy and too much to clean up):

Suzy Matiash Scott, that downspout sample is the one for which other DNA folks get "dog" out of Melba's data. And the photos show round tooth marks in the metal. Everyone who has seen BF teeth say they are like ours. So why would you think this sample is not from a dog? Do you think a BF would actually chew on a downspout to the point of bleeding?
September 11 at 4:22pm • Like

Scott Carpenter If it was dog the the mtDNA would not have come back human, neither would the nuDNA aligned with the other two samples. As far as bigfoot chewing a down spout I have no clue why, but they exhibit odd behaviors, like licking trail cameras. Did the "other DNA people look a the complete genome or just sections? Also I know of witnesses that have reported Bigfoot having canines and or fangs. Also why would a dog chew up a down spout?
September 11 at 4:28pm • Like • 3

Scott Carpenter Also the primers would not have worked it the sample would have been from a canine. There are different primers that bring out the DNA sequences, human primers, animal primers, primate, etc. If this was truly from a dog it would not have worked with human primers...
September 11 at 4:31pm • Like • 3

Scott Carpenter Plus during the BLAST search it would have matched a dog, and I do not think Melba is going to claim the genome is from a Sasquatch and post the genome if she knows other geneticist can run a BLAST search and see its a DOG, I have more reasons but these should be sufficeint
September 11 at 4:33pm • Like • 5

Suzy Matiash Ok thank you Scott Carpenter
September 11 at 4:39pm • Like • 1

David Paulides Excellent post! The issue with this research arena is that MANY people that have issues with the study haven't read the white paper and or haven't taken the time to understand it. Read it, if you have questions, Scott is the right person to answer them.
September 11 at 5:16pm • Like • 5

Tommy Shirley The image of Matilda shows more prominate upper & lower eye teeth. Some of Them probably do harbour more of the unknown male DNA so their looks will be more primal.

I had spent hours & days converting audio cassette tapes to digital, & during the process heard one study & taste the microphone that had been hung out the window.
Yesterday at 10:15am via mobile • Like

Linda Thompson Does anyone know how many base pairs were in those full genomes she provided with the paper? I'm curious.
Yesterday at 12:10pm via mobile • Like

Scott Carpenter They were full genomes, I have them but do not know how to tell you how many pairs. I have sucessfully used them to run BLAST searches...
Yesterday at 12:12pm • Like • 2

John Weeast You do realize you could run one sequence through BLAST and get a search result? And just to throw your mind for a loop, since you showed the similarities between species...

If I ran 1% of the genome through BLAST and it returned human... could you differentiate if that 1% was from a chimp or human since we're 96% similar? Or wouldn't it require a sample of sequences larger than the differences between the two? Because they are so similar, it could have come from either or right? Or any other species with anything larger than 1% similarities?

And this is the problem with the paper. There is 1% of the genomes shown. You can't prove anything with that little information, just as you can't disprove anything. Speculation isn't science.
Yesterday at 3:10pm • Unlike • 1

Scott Carpenter The 3 Genomes provided by Dr. Ketcum are COMPLETE, I have them, I have used BLAST with them
Yesterday at 3:33pm • Like • 1

John Weeast Were you given different data than everyone else?
Yesterday at 3:35pm • Like

Scott Carpenter No, it was the three Genomes included with the paper...
Yesterday at 3:36pm • Like • 1

John Weeast Which are 1% of the size required of a full genome. Dr. Ketchum herself said the data would be too large (3 terabytes) to release. Which it wouldn't really. a 3 terabyte drive is about $175, and there's plenty of hosting sites that could handle the bandwidth for free.
Yesterday at 3:39pm • Edited • Unlike • 2

Sally Ramey A full genome is about 3 BILLION base pairs, fyi.
Yesterday at 3:56pm • Like • 1

Scott Carpenter Thanks for the clarification, I will see if I can get the full file
Yesterday at 3:57pm • Unlike • 1

Scott Carpenter I think this 1% is another red herring to side track us, looking at how the BLAST algorithm works you do not need 100% of the DNA to make a comparison. The BLAST algorithm can make logical extrapolations. I will confirm this with more research, but it looks like this is how it works. Another bit of information geneticist never volunteer...
Yesterday at 4:34pm • Like

Scott Carpenter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLAST

BLAST - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In bioinformatics, Basic Local Alignment Search Tool, or BLAST, is an algorithm ...See More
Yesterday at 4:34pm • Like

Scott Carpenter For those who want to read for themselvs....
Yesterday at 4:35pm • Like

John Weeast I know how BLAST works. You could enter 1 sequence and it would search for the closest comparison. BLAST isn't a matching system. It's not a red herring at all. I respect your work Scott, but I think you're overlooking the facts. A genome is 3 Billionbase pairs. Included in the paper are datasets of 2.7 million base pairs, 2.1 millon base pairs, and 0.53 million base pairs. So 9 Billion base pairs for 3 complete genomes.. and were given 5.33 million base pairs.

You've got a lot of missing data.

Another reason this isn't a red herring, is you yourself have been writing and posting all this time under the impression these are the full genomes. Now that you know they aren't, you're saying you don't need 100%. And while I agree that you don't need 100%, no one will say 1% is enough.
Yesterday at 5:10pm • Edited • Unlike • 2

John Weeast And i'm not trying to distract... by all means, keep learning about genetics and putting it into layman terms because people need it. All I'm saying is doesn't it seem odd that only 1% of the data is available? Where's the other 99%?
Yesterday at 5:12pm • Unlike • 2

Linda Thompson Wow. Ok. Thank you for explaining this so we can all understand. So if this is what is wrong with the paper and she says that she sequenced 3 complete genomes, then it would be nothing to provide that complete info to prove without a doubt that it isn't some other animal and not just a mistake because she only sequence 1% which is not acceptable. Why would she try to publish with only 1% of the necessary genome? That doesn't make sense. If she has 3 complete genomes, there would be no doubt. Is that correct? But you say she only provided 1%? Well the science journal would have known this and told her, wouldn't they? Especially if that was what prevented publication. Then all she would have had to do is provide that. And the peer review confirmations? Well I hope someone maps the entire genome if she didn't. That will prove what they really are. Thanks again.
Yesterday at 5:30pm via mobile • Unlike • 1

Suzy Matiash Chimps are supposed to compare to us at 98 percent. Can this be determined with only 1 percent of the data? Wouldn't one need at least 98 percent to get to that point? What can be proven with only 1 percent? Wouldn't other scientists need access to more than 1 percent so they can test her work? Isn't that one of the things they've been complaining about?
Yesterday at 6:27pm • Like

D'Anne Haygood How about using a different method. The Smith-Waterman algorithm is more sensitive, comparing multi length segments and searching for whichever segment maximizes the scoring measures.
Yesterday at 6:58pm via mobile • Like

Linda Thompson Well, the silence is deafening, so I think that is the problem. She didn't map three complete genomes as is claimed. If she had, there would have been no question of their existence. The peer review would have confirmed it. No question what-so-ever. She would have shared the genome and they would have matched the ENTIRE genome with any of the 113 specimens. That didn't happen, did it? That is what per review is from what I know. Or maybe she refused to share anything. That is the only other way it could have happened and the only reason for not sharing, would be to hide something. I wonder what?
21 hours ago via mobile • Like

Linda Thompson Now that I think about it, she would have had to download the entire genome to the Gen Bank for comparative studies. I don't know much about genetics but I do know a bit about science papers. Any geneticist could run a comparison. So that would mean she didn't share it because either she didn't actually map the entire genome or she didn't want anyone to check her work..why? Maybe because she knew it was wrong.
20 hours ago via mobile • Like

Linda Thompson This is an awesome group. Thanks so much! This whole picture has eluded me for a long time and I have finally put it all together so it makes sense.
20 hours ago via mobile • Like

Linda Thompson DNA for dummies.... well you forgot the most important part, lol.
20 hours ago via mobile • Like

Dan A. Nedrelo Welcome Linda Been quite a day..
20 hours ago • Like • 1

Bart Cutino I think what's most telling, and most of you arent aware of this, is the contract with respect to the tissue she examined , that was collected by Justin and driver almost 5 weeks after purported shooting event she definitively claimed was a bigfoot (before supposed illumina testing took place mind you) gave her the rights to examine and own the results... Not keep the rest of sample. Derek and Wally own the sample and both requested she return the leftover tissue "she" admitted via email (Tyler has the exchange) she still had. Its been 6 months and she has not done so after claiming she'd return it to Wally, just like she initially agreed to third party testing (her own words via email and "she" initiated contact with us concerned about releasing our results) to show our labs contracted were supposedly wrong but made every excuse in the book not to let that happen. I told Wally she wouldnt return it because a) if she returns it and it matches what our labs got (ursus americanus) it would show she lied and or was wrong and the labs we contracted had it right (meaning Scott Carpenter falsely accused Justin and myself of intentionally sending our labs bear for whatever reason) b) if she manipulates it and it doesnt match she looks like a fraud and c) if she doesnt send it all it looks bad but hopes it slips under radar and no one notices as what has happened.

Bottom line, Theres been zero substantiation other than her word from any third party and no co-authors have backed her when contacted by multiple parties. There were no lab receipts, service breakdowns and or substantiation of work included as appendices in her paper either. Roughly one percent of the data has been released and she told Wally thats all she would release...period.

Scott made a prior blogpost with an asinine suggestion that Justin (who was devastated and in denial about lab results but wanted transparency and didnt fear results based off of "circumstantial"- not "contradictory" evidence that I would contend was almost impossible to be from subjects purportedly shot w respect to time and state of recognition of tissue collected) and I intentionally sent in bear tissue as hoax but what he fails to recognize is the only tissue I had contact with was the salted tissue i received (wanted to confirm if salted tissue matched frozen tissue... it did according to our contracted OK lab) directly from Wally who received it the day we met justin in person.in July 2011.. Well before there was ever a concern for unilaterally initiating third party testing as a checks and balances to Melba's claim brought on by suspicion "she" created by trying to tell Justin to destroy the rest of his sample (thank god he notified immediately)... Because other labs testing it would get different results (how prophetic... Well prior to multiple labs in fact getting bear w human contamination that matched Justin
likely from handling). For the record, my partner in trying to get truth of Sierra sample, Tyler Huggins, had a frozen piece given to him by Justin from way back tested at Canadian lab, justin sent in piece to Oklah lab per my instruction and I sent in salted tissue to Oklah lab received directly from Wally... Again as a checks and balances. Visually the piece Melba tested and photographed is unmistakable in appearance with the photo our lab director took of the salted piece and it should because the salted piece (two labs said bear) is the other half of the piece given to Melba by Derek Randles via from Justin and Melba claimed was a bigfoot. But dont take my word for it as if you missed it please read my detailed report of the history of the tissue and compare the photo of the Sierras piece from Melba's lab in her report and posted several times on Scott's blog with the picture of salted tissue taken at lab in Oklah and try to say with a straight face they are not from the same source. Here's my report on lab results if you missed it.


See pictures 2 (photo of tissue in Justins hand day of retrieval) and pic 3 (photo of salted piece in Oklah lab) compare with photo of Sierras tissue (i believe sample 26) from Melbas paper

For the record I believe Justin and the driver for multiple reasons including passing a poly 100% , the stalking/bluff charge incident w 6 witnesses and especially my subsequently getting thermal footage 250 yds away and 23 months later of multiple tall bipeds (amazing coincidence) spying on camp from vantage position during 60% waxing moon, no light source and doing nothing to initiate investigation, Myself and the other witnesses and all parties working on re-creations would concede are bigfoots (because the only alternative is even more ridiculous and i think we proved it in our tedious investigation). I believe the bear tissue, which was consistent w hide and found downhill from where adult subject was purportedly shot 5 weeks later (and never confirmed deceased) was not associated with the shooting event and wouldve never been retrieved without the help of a hunting dog trained to sniff bear alerting them to its presence buried in snow. I think what Justin found (my suspicion) was hide from a bear shot and dressed nearby only 1-2 weeks prior to retrieval and over three weeks after shooting bcause I have evidence there was a retrieval attempt via gps photo w timedate and photos timedate stamped of retrieved tissue later thawed in Justins hand back home (see photo 2 in my report).

Wally Hersom, Derek Randles (who initially didnt support third party testing but later apologized to us profusely) Tyler Huggins, Justin Smeja and dozens of other researcher peers (many youve heard of) we privately kept in the loop while all testing was happening for 8 months or so can confirm everything I just said is 100% the truth other than what my personal speculations (origin of tissue circumstance) are which can be wrong and are just speculation based off of facts Ive had to deal with.

Sent from my iphone

The Bigfoot Report: History of “Sierra Kills” Tissue Submission & Testing (Frozen & Salt-Cured...
17 hours ago via mobile • Like • 3

Sally Ramey Bart, I don't understand - if she provided Wally with no receipts or documentation, and she's never going to release the data, and her coauthors are not backing her up, how do we know she even did a study? The whole purpose of publishing is to document your work and provide all of your data so other scientists can try to replicate/confirm it. OMG!
16 hours ago • Like • 1

Deb Taipale Just going back to the chewed downpipe, if it was a Squatch, maybe there was an animal like a rat in there and the Squatch was trying to rip the pipe apart to eat the rat?
14 hours ago via mobile • Like

Steven Streufert Bear, man, dog. Lemurs. Nephilim. Angels. Farther from us than a chicken (yes, she said this). Why is anyone still listening to this pseudo-scientific fraud?
12 hours ago via mobile • Like • 2

Scott Carpenter Ok, Ive been doing some research, and yes only a small percentage was provided. But the 3 genomes were produced and the sequences are about 1 TB each. That is a huge amount of data. You can not run that much data using the Web Browser version of BLAST. You have to have the purchased application and the hard drive space to store the entire genome. I know one lab agreed to run the query got results but the director backed out because they did not want to be associated with "Bigfoot". I also know sample 26 (Smeja Sample) was good. A core sample was run by Melba and both a mtDNA and nuDNA was extracted using Universal Primers. Hairs were extracted with the skin tags and sent to Patrick W. Wojtkiewicz, he extracted the DNA using a robotic process to ensure no contamination, he got the same results Melba got from the core sample. Sample 26 does not match ANYTHING in the database, even the limited sample does not match any human. The sample was pure and the documentation is in the paper adnosim. The bottom line for me is all about trust and I trust that Melba is telling the truth. I trust the process, I read the paper which you must do. You can not proclaim the DNA is odd and unuasual so it must be contaminted and ignore the process by which the sample was proven to be pure. Most are cherry picking there critisism. Just as the small percentage of DNA that was made public is not enough to "prove" it is a Bigfoot, it is also not enough to say its a known animal. The paper must be looked at as a whole. The chain of custody and the process for each sample must be looked at in its entirerty. Yes the DNA is strange, its does not act right, it does not respond to universal primers like it should, and that the POINT! That is why great care was taken to document each step of the process to show that the strange results were not from contamination or a flawed process but that there is a living biological entity that has this strange DNA profile. The fact is the DNA is so strange and has key sequences missing if it were human it would not be viable, it could not live or survice. Yet we do have DNA, that has mutations and strange sequences and by looking at the paper, the chain of custody, and the process by which the DNA was obtained it did come from a living biological entity.
11 hours ago • Like

Scott Carpenter This is where the scientific community is refusing to accept the results. They look at the DNA, its impossible for any known human or animal to have this DNA and be living so it has to be contamination or a flawed process. Its about refusal to accept the facts and want to believe its not real. It all comes down to trust and I trust Dr. Ketchum and the team did it correctly. If you choose to believe other wise then that is your prerogative.
11 hours ago • Like

Scott Carpenter ps I apologize for the grammar errors in advance....
11 hours ago • Like

Scott Carpenter and I apologize about the size of he genomes, I truly thought that was the entire genome. 3 TB is alot of data, and I understand the restrictions of bandwidth, hard drive sizes, processors, etc can and would make it difficult to do a BLAST search without the proper hardware and software. There are a limited number of facilities that can handle that type of file and have the software to process it. Plus you get into the debate about which DB to use, the parameters of the search, etc etc I quickly learned its not as simple as I thought and it is a more detailed and complicated process.
11 hours ago • Like

Scott Carpenter In response to Bart's post here are my thoughts on the subject
11 hours ago • Like

Scott Carpenter http://www.bf-field-journal.blogspot.com/...

The Bigfoot Field Journal: Just the FACTS - Smeja/Cutino Flesh Sample Hoax
The author left out the fact that Bart Cutino is BFRO. BFRO's chief puppetmaster...See More
11 hours ago • Like

Scott Carpenter FYI me an Bart have this running debate over this subject for a long time and I am bored with it to be honest, so do your own research and draw your conclusions.
11 hours ago • Like

Cathy Lawson Off subject, but.....Welcome Scott! So happy to see you here!
11 hours ago • Like • 1

Scott Carpenter Thanks Cathy Lawson
11 hours ago • Like • 2

Cathy Lawson You have so much to contribute to this group and we are so happy to have you here.
10 hours ago • Like • 2

Gayle J Beatty Scott, you are a very dedicated researcher and I enjoy your video's very much. That Dogman clip really got my attention!
10 hours ago • Like • 1

Linda Thompson There was and is no paper, no study, zilch. Or the entire genome would have been downloaded to Gen Bank for comparative studies. That never happened. And that is why the paper never published. There isn't one. Smoke and mirrors to veil the truth.And divert attention from this very fact. Excuses to cover up what really happened. A scientist does not whine about "haters". They publish data and facts...all of them and they must provide the supportive proof, not hide it or covet it. You can't declare a new species with only one percent of hand picked info. And the fact that it wasn't provided, is all the proof necessary.
6 hours ago via mobile • Like • 1

Scott Carpenter Linda you just flat WRONG, there is a paper and I have it, there are Genomes, Genbank refused to let Melba upload the genomes I have the email thread. I do not know how else to say this, but you full of CRAP....
5 hours ago • Like • 2

Scott Carpenter http://www.advancedsciencefoundation.org/...

Novel North American Hominins
Sasquatch Genome
5 hours ago • Like

Linda Thompson I appreciate what you are trying to do and anyone can write and self publish a paper but where is the study? You had to reverse yourself on the amount of data. 1% is not the full genome. You thought that was the entire genome. And you tell me I'm full of crap. If there are three entire genomes sequenced, then why hasn't anyone seen them? It's a simple fix. Produce the entire genome. Anyone can publish their own paper, but without a study, its just another blog. I want her to publish a study in a real journal. I want her to be successful with a good, sound study. We all deserve that. The hard working researchers who provided the evidence deserve that. Do a little more research into science study publishing specific to new species identification and the standards that must be met. By your own admission, you didn't know that was not the entire genome. That's misinformation and that is not helpful in the least. Thank you for proving my point.
4 hours ago via mobile • Like

Scott Carpenter The paper is more than just the 3 genomes. I am confident that if requested Melba would provide the full genomes. The paper must be taken in its entirety to include the other 110 samples, plus all the background work and documentation to show the samples were pure and not contaminated. You unfortunately are making my point about how critics refuse to look at the paper, read it, and take it as a whole document that builds a complete case. If you do get it nothing I write or say is going to convince you. Melba gave the entire sequence to David H. Swenson and he backed her up, said the genomes were legit. That he did the BLAST searches. Yet you and the critics refuse to accept his word. If you wont believe him who will you believe? To be honest I do not blame her in a way, I would only release the full genome to a fair minded person or facility that would run the genome and report honestly on the findings. that unfortunately is almost impossible. She did find one geneticist will do run the BLAST on the full genomes, he agree with her that the sequences were both valid and novel. When Melba asked permission to publish his findings in an article the lab director told her no and threatened to fire the geneticist if he said anything publicly. This is suppressed by fear and negative peer pressure, why, well ask the scientist....
3 hours ago • Like

Bart Cutino Scott according to the world, as of this day, Linda is not full of crap at all, you and Ketchum’s sham study are. I’m sorry I’m boring you but you wrote a sham piece slandering my name (and Justin’s) accusing us of hoaxing and about the only truthful information you provided is my friendship with Justin which was developed over time in investigating the incident I used to think you were a liar, I think I was wrong as the misinformation and unsubstantiated Ketchum claims you spew made me realize now you’re just extremely ignorant, easily influenced and were probably a bit manipulated. Did she tell you the same things she told other submitters about how wealthy and recognized they’d become? How’s that worked out for you Scott having to desperately defend her paper on facebook bigfoot groups this long after her releasing it (not quite CNN is it?)
Scott if you will… since you tucked tail and disappeared from Powell’s blog when these questions were asked of you? And as I said, I will debate you anytime, anywhere on the “facts” as we’ve all been 100% transparent and I can speak from firsthand… where you must go on faith for a person that not only has lied and failed in her promises to the bigfoot community, the contributors and the world but I would contend has now poisoned the idea of bigfoot DNA moving forward.
Scott- If Melba has nothing to hide, after initially agreeing to fulfill her end of the contract and send the rest of sample 26 (Sierras sample) back to the rightful owners has she neglected to do so? She is currently in violation of her agreement.
After initially agreeing why did Ketchum refuse third party testing (we have those emails) of sample 26 (again a sample she possesses but doesn’t rightfully own) to settle any discrepancy in results PRIOR to Tyler and I releasing the Trent University report?
Can you or Melba provide absolute proof of a “successful” (not failed) peer review for Dr. Ketchum’s manuscript and would you stake what little credibility you have that one even exists?
Did Dr. Ketchum ever tell you that she personally told Justin Smeja she would make sure he was prosecuted? If so when did this supposed conversation take place?
Scott, is Dr. Ketchum telling the truth that it’s a fabrication, lies and rumors about her believing the DNA in her paper is “alien/angel” in nature? If it is a lie would you again stake your reputation, blobsquatches and dogmen on it?
Where are the lab reports for Sample 26 and the rest of the samples and why on earth were they not attached as appendices to Dr. Ketchum’s manuscript?
Why did Dr. Ketchum intentionally make Wally Hersom believe he was funding a tax-advantaged non-profit entity in her research? (this is someone you trust??)
Scott- if so many indep PHD’s are on board with Dr. Ketchum’s paper, why does the Ketchum camp, particularly “YOU,” over-emphasize and post every positive response (count on less than one hand, zero appropriately credentialed) while ignoring every dissenting opinion, including every single PHD that’s responded critically? Why is every dissenting opinion a conspiracy/cover-up theory? (LOL)
Scott…and I know this one is tough to justify but how do you explain your comments on your blog from 2-21-13 (2 days prior to Justin releasing his monologue regarding the unethical suggestions Dr. ketchum made to him…..which means you had a justification prepared) where you wrote supportive comments preemptively on behalf of Dr. Ketchum essentially saying that paranoia about a legitimate and highly respected scientist (Sykes) makes it OK to suggest “CONTAMINATING” samples (YOUR WORDS)
I’m not done with you…..debate these “facts” Scott:
There is currently zero evidence of a successful peer review that was claimed (NONE)
Not one Co-Author has stood up and publicly defended her work (not one) and their association with her paper. I know of only one who would respond to inquiries by people requesting info and he was unaware at the time he was part of the paper
NO lab reports accompanied her manuscript and are available
The Three genomes do not match based on the limited data she’s provided…period
She’s released less then 1% of the data in the supplemental portion of her manuscript, not “extensive” data as you’ve ignorantly argued
Dr. Ketchum refused to test her sample independently to clear up any conflict in results after SHE initiated concern. It’s been 6 months Scott since the request to return the sample, is she going to send back the tissue to the rightful owner so comparative testing can initiated if the owner of the sample chooses to pursue it? None of us are afraid Scott…are you afraid? Is Melba afraid? If proven wrong will you apologize for the lies you’ve written on your blog?
This isn’t a “DEBATE” Scott between you and I, it’s a factual blowout you run from and you are too stupid to know it, much less believe it. Take your time and call Melba Scott (tell her I said hi) I’m looking forward to the dance moves she shows you to get around all this.
2 hours ago • Unlike • 5

Bart Cutino You know Scott I actually want to thank you because by you posting this ignorant and arrogant garbage after what was truly offered as a "paper" I think it's even more imperative Wally gets his sample back so he can pursue independent substantiation. Dont you? Thanks for reigniting my passion for truth (which most people dont need convincing at this point). If Melba has an issue with sending back the piece to the rightful owner she now has you to thank for the increased pressure. Let's stop playing games and since you're such a warrior for the truth Scott maybe you can even help convince Melba to do the right thing. And that's supposed to be an H1 h type for those of you scoring at home
41 minutes ago via mobile • Unlike • 3

Derek Randles Actually, I am the rightful owner of that sample, and Scott, if you communicate with Melba...perhaps you can have her forward it to Wally...like she was supposed to do months ago. That would be just peachy
32 minutes ago • Unlike • 4

Steven Streufert I see it said above that,
"It all comes down to trust and I trust Dr. Ketchum and the team did it correctly. If you choose to believe other wise then that is your prerogative."
Well, no, it is not all a matter of "trust." That is not how Science works. Science is not a matter of "belief." It is a matter of facts, verification, replication, and growing understanding of shared data. None of this has happened with the Ketchum "Project." In every case where there should have been substance, fact and data, with sharing, instead we have been handed a load of empty promises and feel good propaganda. When the paper finally came out it was clearly a transparent con of false science, and that more than anything is why most real scientists do not even want to waste their time looking at it. And then when they failed, of course they turned to that last recourse of the wretched, Conspiracy Theory.
24 minutes ago • Unlike • 1

Derek Randles I will say this...I was in the thick of it for a long time, and I can say that it was not done right. I've kept my mouth shut for a while, but getting tired of keeping my mouth shut More to come
22 minutes ago • Unlike • 5

Steven Streufert Great Goliath! It's the Nephilim mating with Giant Lemurs!
18 minutes ago • Unlike • 2

Derek Randles A ton of effort was put in by the contributing researchers, and a ton of money was put forward from Wally. Honestly, I grow more pissed everyday. It's too damn much to swallow...the way this was handled. I may loose friends in the Bigfoot world by daring to be pissed...but so be it. Wrong is wrong. I wan't my damn sample back, and I want it soon.
25 minutes ago • Unlike • 6

Derek Randles I'm going salmon fishing!! But before I leave the computer, I will say that Scott...You have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to Bart and Justin. I know them both way better than you ever will, and they're both very honest people. Bart C is a great researcher, with a giant amount of integrity. I have much respect for him in this field. He's an honest man, and a very intelligent one to boot. His bullshit meter was going off on this quite a while ago, and he had the balls to hold me down and make me listen. And ya know what...he was right. Justin is also a very honest person, and that the truth. Perhaps you need to know what you're talking about before opening your mouth. Time to fish. Sorry to those I offend, but the truth's the truth
14 minutes ago • Unlike • 6

Linda Thompson Bravo!!! Awesome! People willing to tell the truth instead if touting bullshit. :o)
2 minutes ago via mobile • Unlike • 1

Sally Ramey Copying this thread in case it is deleted!!!
a few seconds ago • LikeJamie Schutmutt I support Bart Cutino fully. From the beginning he was absolutely committed to transparency. He is an example of what every Bigfoot researcher should strive to be. One quality that marks a true scientist is a relentless pursuit of fact, no matter if it disagrees with their hypothesis. Bart has proven himself many times over...
5 minutes ago • Unlike • 1

Bart Cutino Thanks Jamie, that means alot coming from you as Im glad you were one of the parties I kept in the loop during that whole time as it was great to pick your brain with your knowledge and background. You also know that although I had a hard time believing the tissue was associated with the subject Justin claimed to shoot I wouldve given my right arm for her to be right (and thats before even getting thermal footage there) and want discovery more than anything. It's my only objective in this field. We were on quite the rollercoaster as Trent's initial problem was tissue degradation more then anything else w respect to identification. I cant vouch for shootings because I wasnt standing with guys that day but I know whats in that footage and putting my friendship w Justin aside, the coincidence is too great in my book though I dont expect everyone to just believe a shooting event that at the end of the day will not be substantiated with the physical evidence that again is not contradictory but highly circumstantial in nature. We are trying to move on and get anything we can out of that site and are committed to it. Thanks again
52 minutes ago via mobile • Unlike • 2

Sally Ramey Like Derek Randles, and others who are not represented here, I also have kept my mouth shut for a long time, and am also getting tired of it. Per to my lawyer's counsel, I cannot and will not violate my NDA. However, I can say some things.

First, I have worked professionally with research scientists since 2001 - the kind that actually do publish in Nature, Science and other real, peer-reviewed scientific journals. I volunteered my services to the project because Melba was without the PR support of a research institution, and knew that IF she proved existence, she would require a broad range of assistance. But after a year and amid growing concerns I cannot divulge, I realized that I could no longer be associated with it and I and many other volunteers left. No one was "fired."

After leaving the project, I DID do my own research. As a result … I no longer blindly accepted what I was told about the study, the results and perhaps more importantly, about the other people involved.

I feel a deep regret for my role in supporting this project, and I am dismayed that my name will forever be tarnished by it. I feel badly for the sample submitters who trusted in this project, and for the other volunteers, who were, in my opinion, unappreciated but who gave much of their time in hopes that this project produced results. I always seek to uphold my profession’s standards of credibility and transparency, but I have no control over the actions of others.

I hope that Wally will pursue civil and/or criminal action. I will gladly provide my documentation and testimony to such efforts, as I would for any investigation into the project.

In my opinion, this scientist had the BEST take on events:http://arstechnica.com/.../ .

As for the “results,” I want to draw attention to Dr. Haskell Hart, who originally supported the project. He also did his own research, and posted his findings on Scott’s blog but they were removed. Fortunately, he has posted them on his Facebook page at:https://www.facebook.com/haskell.hart?fref=ts .

I think people should pay attention to what he says, as he confirms what other scientists have said:

Haskell Hart
August 28
Due to numerous requests I have added as photos graphical summaries of my analysis(BLAST searches) of the nDNA sequences published by Ketchum et al in their landmark paper on purported Sasquatch/Bigfoot DNA. She says they're from Bigfoot. I say they are from a bear(S26), a human(S31), and a dog(S140). You decide. Each point represents a hit(match) of part of the published nDNA sequence to a NCBI database entry. Duplicate entries have been removed. Notice that the bear, the human, and the dog hits have on average higher %ID, closer to 100% match. Also, they have equal or greater sequence lengths and scores for a given %ID.

Scott Carpenter, I have always admired your work and I think you are an outstanding, dedicated field researcher. But as I have said to you privately, I wish you would wake up.
• Professor-Rhettman A Mullis Jr. I cannot say much about this for obvious reasons, but I can say this. We attempted to work with Melba for three years and it became apparent to us early on what she was doing which is why we withdrew our support of her project two years ago, or was that a year ago? Heck I cannot recall when, too much going on for me right now. Regardless, I think it was two years ago, we chose to go in another direction. We, Bigfootology, fully support Justin Smeja and Bart Cutino, as well as Sally Ramey, Steven Streufert, and Derek Randles and Derek spoke truth in his dialogue above. There are good people in the Bigfoot community as a whole, and they are getting the courage to speak the truth of this situation and I am happy for that. It is too bad there are too many bad apples that give this field a questionable and diminished reputation.
8 minutes ago • Like • 2

Dan A. Nedrelo I would just add that it is nice to see people step forward to address the complexities that lay before us as we seek to learn more. Thanks Rhett. Many of us are in situations where we dont have the time or funds to fully be aware of current happenings or political situations.. so its nice that some not only pursue this but share it when they can. The more streamlined the general direction of the associated research and contributors.. the more help I would presume we can expect from the public.. as this subject becomes more open in conversation..
2 minutes ago • Edited • Like • 1
Damian Bravo Its about time people started talking about what really went on with the Melba fiasco. I do not want to say this but I reported on this looking for the truth and what I found many did not want to believe or hear. It cost me allot of hate and many enemies in the community when I wrote articles about what was going wrong with the Melba DNA fiasco. To everyone here who came forward to express the truth I highly respect you. Derek I know you do not like me but for what is worth I am glad Bart was able to make you aware of her deceptions. Some may say that when I wrote the articles on Bigfoot Evidence I was just trying to promote gossip but I also had my dream of bring the supposed legend of Sasquatch to scientific fact taken away by Melba. So in a way is bitter sweet to see the truth finally come out and exposing Melba Ketchum. Also I do no longer care to write anything about her study, a new horizon of possibility awaits with the Sykes Study. Whatever the outcome will be I do hope it brings the reality of their existence closer to fruition and one day give hope to my dream of a Sasquatch species.
about a minute ago • Unlike • 1
• Scott Carpenter Wooo Hoo I got the complete "Destroy Melba at All Cost" Team riled up!!! The whole roster Mullings, Bravo, Cutino, Ramey, wheres Justin and Arla??? Great job gentlemen MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, hope your proud of your work....
17 minutes ago • Like

Damian Bravo Sally I hope we can be friends again yes and even with you Derek Randles " , if not I understand but one thing I want to clarify we are all here to find the truth and show the truth to the world that a species who maybe a connection to our very origins does exist. I know my words are not as eloquent as Bart , Sally and many others on this tread but we are all working for the same goal, I hope at least that is very clear.
16 minutes ago • Unlike • 1

Kevin Burns Scott Carpenter 3TB of data is no longer an impressive amount of data for just about any piece of software to analyze. THIS IS SOMETHING I HAVE A BIT OF EXPERIENCE WITH. A standard off the shelf Windows PC with a good chunk of RAM could handle running...See More
15 minutes ago • Like

Damian Bravo Actually we did not have to do anything, she did it on her own Scott. My last words on the subject you can get back on your soapbox Scott and defend the Melba fiasco like you do with so much passion.
13 minutes ago • Like • 1

Scott Carpenter Kevin Burns to run a 3tb file via the BLAST web application would be almost impossible. Mostly because of the bandwidth and that limits of the web app. The size is not a show stopper, but finding the facility willing to run it is...
9 minutes ago • Like

Kevin Burns Uh Scott Carpenter did you both to read my post. You can download the software yourself and run it. You don't need to "find" anyone else to do it. Since you are waxing praetorian from the mount of genetics I would assume building a Redhat Linux server and installing the binaries for BLAST shouldn't be a problem for you. If not, you could always go to best buy and buy a 64 bit Windows 7 machine loaded with RAM.
6 minutes ago • Like

Scott Carpenter At least I defend what I believe in and trust, unlike most of the back stabbing, money loving, truth hating,egomaniac bigfoot research community that seeks to destroy anyone that does not toe the party line...
5 minutes ago • Like

Arla Collett Williams Scott why would you use my name?
5 minutes ago • Unlike • 1

Scott Carpenter sorry Alra, did mean to include you, my bad
5 minutes ago • Like

Scott Carpenter did not mean
4 minutes ago • Like

John Weeast Scott, this is where you end up losing the debate every time. None of the observations and questions brought up are against Melba, they are against the assumptions in the paper that are made with the data. Science requires scrutiny and questioning, andthen reproving that which was proved. But because Dr. Ketchum is a Vet with training courses in genetics, her background is in forensics. All you have to do is google the scientific method and you'd realize that the process is going to question the results. Taking it personal and not answering the questions is what made the initial red flags turn into deal breakers. Science is transparent. It's not hidden behind "trust." There is no trust in science, there's facts and proof.

When I tried to interview her, she had Troy contact me. I was completely open minded and just looking for clarification on points. I already had documentation and quotes from other sources and I got contradictions and there was a blatant attempt to run me in circles.

I never once bad mouthed Dr. Ketchum, and yet got hate mail, threats and frankly I just gave up on the community. I might return someday, but if the researchers and scientists are constantly going to be combative if there's a discussion about what they provide, than why bother? There's no magic bullet or magic camera that is going to prove or disprove this. It's going to take a collaboration. We live in a pluralist society. You're allowed to accept more than one idea. It requires you to be able to look at the facts and what they tell you. There are serious issues with the paper. Does that make the paper false? No, but until those issues are dealt with openly and frankly, it's going to hurt more than it helps.
a few seconds ago • Like

Arla Collett Williams Scott I don't support the Project for my own personal reasons. I don't know anything about DNA so I have nothing to say on it...I also gave my word that I wouldn't say somethings and I have honored that word.I was never asked to sign an NDA but I gave my word...That means more to me than any NDA.
51 minutes ago • Unlike • 4

Bart Cutino Good to see you on here Damian, Rhett, Derek, Steven and especially Sally! Sally you are not only a class act and I have the utmost respect for you but I feel fortunate to have you as a friend. You're a dynamite person and it takes guts to stand up, admit your past association and regrets and do everything to make it right. You should hold your head up high!

The truth matters and anybody who knows me knows my passion that Id do anything for these animals to be recognized as it's been my passion for 33 of my 39 yrs on this planet. Scott's asinine suggestion that I would be involved in impeding a legit study (which this was a sham from the beginning) is beyond comprehension. Especially because of the relationship developed with Justin (who earned that friendship through actions btw) and getting legit thermal footage in the same meadow as the purported shootings... You think myself or Tyler Huggins, who along with Derek, were the first investigators on this wouldn't have a vested interest in making sure the circumstantial tissue got a fair assessment? Matter of fact, just in case there was even a 1% chance somehow our two contracted labs got it wrong I even submitted a sliver of the salted piece to Sykes. Believe me my life would be a lot easier (especially Justin's) if sample 26 wasnt a contaminated piece of Ursus Americanus. But it is what it is and the truth matters. Justin's actions protecting that tissue at all costs even processing it into smaller pieces and spreading it in safe places are consistent with someone who believed they had something much more valuable then what it turned out to be. He called me devastated after the phone call with Melba (because of the reality of false expectations he was given) in which himself and three other witnesses heard her first try and manipulate him into getting the rest of it, then try and get him to destroy it so it couldnt be independently tested before finally plotting how to scam my friend Wally Hersom (who's done more for me and this respective field then anyone before him). Justin initiated and pushed for testing because if the tissue wasnt what he was led to believe he wanted people to know about asap and move onto boots. He was for transparency from the beginning with us regardless of the negative perception that people would have not acknowledging the difference between circumstantial and contradictory evidence (had they claimed to take piece off of the body that would be "contradictory"). And no Melba Ketchum never threatened him with prosecution and this was confirmed to me with two of the three other witnesses on the call, she just told everybody she did to impress her minions and give perception she really gives a shit about the well being of these animals. In addition (smart girl) its the only semi rational justification she could give to make it aplear it would make sense Justin would sabotage himself by sending bear to our indep labs..... But..... She forgot about the salted tissue that was out of Justins custody and matched the frozen tissue well prior to her asking him to bleach his sample. In other words even if youre stupid enough to believe what Scott is desperately selling (Justin sabotaging himself to not be prosecuted) that was "out of his hands" essentially in July 2011 and into Wally's.

This sham is finished and you cant convince every ignorant nut in denial as we always say the cult of Ketchum would justify her being strong-armed by a cover up governmental entity should she make some bold admission tomorrow. Thats ludicrous this whole thing is and thank god most people are sane enough to see exactly what this was..... At the bigfoot community and especially "Wally" a great man's expense
3 minutes ago via mobile • Like
Damian Bravo Scott since we are all egomaniacs and money loving why doesn't Melba give back all the money she made from the DNA study since your posting about unethical values which lacked in her study. You believe that money is what motivates many on this tread. I mean I have lots of money falling out my pockets from being part of the Bigfoot scene, every time I say DNA I see Bigfoot money magically appear in my pocket.
24 minutes ago • Like
• Larry Wentz I think Scott has left the group now. I wish that wasn't the case as I have respect for Scott as well a # of others participating in this thread. I sincerely hope Scott continues gathering potential DNA evidence as he has a strong likeliehood of that happening IMO.

Does anyone know if samples that were submitted to Melba's study also were submitted to Sykes study?
15 minutes ago • Unlike • 2

Bart Cutino I almost forgot, what Melba has presented and her subsequent actions epitomizes an almost perfect parallel alternative to "science." Does it not?

Formulate a hypothesis, make the evidence fit and than do everything in your power to be as non-cooperative as imaginable and prevent opportunites for replication and comparative analysis
11 minutes ago via mobile • Unlike • 2

Sally Ramey Larry Wentz, you know that a lot of good people got caught up in this. I feel bad for Scott and I hope that someday he wakes up. That's all we can do.
5 minutes ago • Like • 2


  1. Replies
    1. It must be lonely there on delusional imaginary brokeback bitten busted bodacious booming broken butt diaper duty. Cheer up.

    2. That was just too F&?&ING long

    3. I have to say "too much reading"...and I'm not even the too much reading guy

  2. So you're saying Melba's study could still be legit?

    1. if sykes study matches melbas finding then yes

    2. Sally Ramey threw Melba under a bus. She distanced herself from the study as much as possible, posted links to skeptical analyses of Ketchum's paper and said they best represented what actually happened and recommended that Wally Hersom sue Ketchum for damages. That sounds like the exact opposite to 'legit' to me.

    3. Melba was already under the bus. And why criticize Ramey when Cutino was the one who exposed Melba's shit? This was already done on the BFF. Where have you been? This is only news.

    4. I was Anon 8:08 and I worded my post badly, making it sound like I was defending Ketchum when I was instead applauding Ramey. When I said "Sally Ramey threw Melba under a bus" I probably should have added "... as Melba deserved". Also when I wrote "That sounds like the exact opposite to 'legit' to me" it was in response to Anon 4:39's question "So you're saying Melba's study could still be legit?"

    5. Me thinks everyone doth protest tooooooooooooo much.

      There's nothing. Never was, never will be.

    6. Scott, stay the course buddy we know Ketchum got railroaded by these jerks it's all been a very deliberate plan from the start not only to attack the study but have it denied by science. On-going scam in that group exchange, probably to line up for Sykes who'll either find zero or get the credit. In other words, science doing the very opposite of what they should be doing instead THEY believe and discard evidence. Nothing new in that approach unfortunately, it's the way this has been handled since the beginning to tell one certain story and chain of events in history. That was government decided long ago, those in power always call the shots America's no different from a banana republic or dictatorship we're sheep they rule over until we rebel. Ketchum rebelled so she must pay, the gang all against her knowing full well nothing's the matter with the DNA results only thing that matters is keeping the status quo and BFRO's right there part of it. That's how it's done hiding fake footers in the open, Cutino et al all fakes.

    7. The truth is hard to handle, isn't it trollies. ;-)

  3. In the old days disputes were settled with dueling pistols. Lets just make it easier on everyone and you guys settle this Mano to Mano. Who has the biggest dick? Mike__ inches, or Joe__ inches. Go on guys throw us a number. Given we are talking about "bigfoot" this is every bit a valid of a test as any other. So humor us, that is what this blog is all about.

    1. Melba and that phony photo Melissa chick mud wrestling would do it for me...as long as Sharon Hill is the referee (and Sharon is the only one wearing a bikini). :)

    2. Be sure to get Sharon Shill a personality transplant before you proceed.

    3. ^Sharon Hill is better than you...at everything

  4. Replies
    1. The short version: Sally Ramey threw Ketchum under a bus.

    2. Most of Shawn's post is detailing all the previous drama that motivated Ramey to finally speak out. If you're not interested in all that and you just want to read what Ramey said about Ketchum them you only need to read the first paragraph and the quote immediately after that, which is quite short.

    3. Basically it's just a confirmation of what anyone with an ounce of common sense realised long ago, Ketchum is a fraud and has committed fraud. It was all lies to defraud Wally and make a name for herself, it's been one long con on all you Footers but like I said most people figured that out a long time ago, right Joe?...

    4. Ketchum wanted to be the one to prove BF existed through DNA, she has manipulated everything in her favor. Nobody buys it anymore, her study may have once been on the right track but thats all lost now.

      The samples given to her are not to blame, she is.

    5. Yep, Ketchum wanted to be world famous for making a big discovery to the extent that she lost all perspective and ended up making a bunch of decisions and drawing a bunch of conclusions that no sane researcher would have made.

    6. ^ Five nice piglet trolls in a row there...

  5. Replies
    1. ^^^'forced to borrow terms from clever enthusiasts due to lack of power of invention.

      Tard away, 5:29, tard away.

    2. ^^^footers certainly can take credit for being the originators of behaviors like "tarding on"

    3. ^ Paid troll not realizing he's footing himself.

  6. I made it through Scott's reply after Bart's post.
    How many reddit points is that worth?

    1. I don't know about Reddit points, but is it to early in the day to knock back a shot of Wild Turkey?

    2. its never to early in the day to knock back a few shots of wild turkey

    3. Okay I took a break and read the rest of it. (1 million gold reddit points for me!)

      Wow. That was brutal!

      Pwned like Scott Carpenter's understanding of the scientific process!

      Pwned like Scott Carpenter explaining genetics!

      Pwned like Scott Carpenter doing a BLAST search!

      Pwned like Scott Carpenter opening his mouth with Bart Cutino in the room!

    4. Too early? Hell I worked the comedy club all night and I'm still up!

    5. hey fozzie
      that took you a while to read it how much wild turkey did that take

    6. Pwned like Scott Carpenter taterholing Melba.

    7. Bart's just one more fake in this field along with Smeja, but so's all of BFRO so what's really new. It says a lot about people's motives to side with a hoaxing poacher like that over someone like Ketchum, actually finding Bigfoot. Only the scammers didn't like the DNA outcome and so the real hoax rolled; her Joan of Arc persecution.

    8. Wally , Bart and Derek want sample 26 back. All the Dude ever wanted was his rug back.

    9. Yep, Ketchumites in da house.

  7. Sally here..I just learned the forest people are filing a defamation suit against Melba for the slanderous mind rape allegations..There was sexual contact, but it was initiated by Melba..The lawyer representing these peaceful beings advised them not to comment, but the all details will be released..soon..

    1. Did the lawyer representing these peaceful beings advised them to sign NDA's?


    2. The Bigfoots don't need to sign NDAs, they just need to send their photos to Melissa Hovey and they'll be legally covered since she'll happily sue everyone else on their behalf.

    3. I'm conflicted. Sally Here deserves some respect for opening up as much as she could regarding the Ketchum fiasco. But the Sally here comments were pretty funny sometimes.

      To hell with it!


    4. You do know that "Sally Here" was not the real Sally, right?

    5. Yeah right. If Sally Here is not really Sally then the poop in a jar guy flushes.

  8. Replies
    1. The President is in da house! Good morning, sir...

    2. Mr. President! Trollandia salutes you!



  9. Too much reading.

    Roger Patterson was a hoaxer. Bob Gimlin continues to be a hoaxer. Bill Munns is a fraud posing as a scientist and DWA is a fucking moron.

    To argue otherwise is to go against the evidence.

    1. ^^^Recieves today's award for hallowed position of Supremotard.

      We here at BEB congratulate you.

    2. Chris Hackham is a hoaxer. Bob Hilarious is a hoaxer. Someone named Long is a hoaxer.

      To argue otherwise is to go against the evidence.

    3. genuinely laughed out loud reading 6:12

      brilliant stuff thank you!

    4. Comparing DWA to a retard is an insult to the retard community.

  10. Scott Carpenter better watch his back. He has a bear ambushing his path which he calls "Dogman". The "Dogman" in his analysis is calling Scott "Chip" and sometimes "Frank" and once "Nacho".

    1. ^^This is SOOOO true!

      I saw pictures and everything on Scott's Youtube channel!

      At first I could not see them, but with Scott's skills at helping people see what he wants, I see bigfoot's and Dogmen in each one of his video's!

      Now he is helping me to learn genetics too!!

    2. It's a bear. The bigfoots are shadows.

  11. See I told u guys Sykes results are the same look it up !!

    1. If Sykes wants to find Bigfoot he'd better get the same results she did because Bigfoot's not the animal these kooks here pretend it is, that's just a front to stall for time and keep a so-called myth going they know will still be encountered. So much for a myth. It's the system still fucking over the natives, like having that secret New Mexico underground base with ETs on reservation land in Dulce, who'll complain but a bunch of superstitious natives right. Nothing's changed, but Americans better understand they're prisoners in their own country now and more so every day.

    2. I've been to dulce a number of times, there ain't shit happening out there

    3. I've been to dulce a number of times, there ain't shit happening out there

    4. Because it's underground, duh.

  12. I read it all and thought, what self serving spin. How many can count when they, in the name of ethics and truth, bailed before the fall was evident? None. They trashed quite a few people on their way to Melba's lab, and seem to have forgotten their willingness to obey her choices of who is in, and now forget how greedy and selfish they behaved. Melba could not have pulled this off without the help of these researchers cutting down any contradictory voice, until they were burned. Nice tell all, but only the parts that make them look good. Derek's comments are sad, they all are.

    1. Yes Derek turned out to be a fraud like the others, how sad. I wonder how many of these people were bought off when siding, clearly reading this one sees that only Scott is the honest dude left standing while the others now bend over for a higher cause.

    2. Wow, what flavor was the Kool-aid you drank?

      WHERE is all this money coming from you Ketchum people think is being used to buy people off?

    3. Err, several billion dollars already go into secret military black projects that the public never hears about, don't you think they can find a few thousand bucks to line the pockets of debunkers and turncoats? I do.


  13. You would imagine such an idea would have the Zapatillas Running Baratas companies issuing legal writs in a mad panic, but instead they realized that most people were not actually going to run barefoot.

  14. I read it all and thought, what self serving spin. How many can count when they, in the name of ethics and truth, bailed before the fall was evident? None. They trashed quite a few people on their way to Melba's lab, and seem to have forgotten their willingness to obey her choices of who is in, and now forget how greedy and selfish they behaved. Melba could not have pulled this off without the help of these researchers cutting down any contradictory voice, until they were burned. Nice tell all, but only the parts that make them look good. Derek's comments are sad, they all are.

    1. Well, it's always sad when someone has the ability to BS their way into false credibility. Look at the people defending her now - just as convinced that she is right as her former colleagues were. Someday, they will see the light, as well, and will be attacked by her newer supporters. This situation is a revolving door. People go in, learn the truth and leave, only to be trashed by those who haven't wised up, yet.

    2. You 3 Anons sound pretty educated on these facts. Somebody help me out here. What did Damian do to piss off Derek?

    3. Randles should be apologizing to everyone. He basically attacked anyone who disagreed with the Mel's results or procedures.

  15. Richard Stubstad blew this open and revealed the affiliations and behaviors of those involved in 2010. He's dead now. His emails may show up yet.

  16. I see the industry standard for commenting on this blog is not nearly 100% anonymous. Good going Shawn! This is all very juvenile and adolescent and I have to say that any blog that posts blocks of people's Facebook conversations is highly unethical. Ultimately, Melba will pay for her ego-driven handling of some of the possibly most relevant evidence of our time. It takes only one big ego to bring down a project. Good going Melba! How anyone involved in the debacle handles it says a lot. Just look at Kulls who was shamed the first Bigfoot killing time and then shamed himself a second time by flying to LA. Ego-driven personalities are going to do stupid shit and you can't recover from it. Those who truly care about the study of Bigfoot don't pick apart the others in the field - they set a course on their own study and don't give a flying fig what everyone else is doing. So, I'd tell Sally to just back away from it and let it be a lesson. Set a course for the real goal - to understand and protect a primitive people.

    1. What about the people that are not on facebook or in Stevens group? How would they get to see the epic smakdown Bart delivered?

    2. Yep. The discussion needed to be recorded somewhere other than Facebook for posterity.

    3. I think if anything this is the nail in the Ketchum coffin and hopefully put an end to all this "forest people" bullshit

    4. schooling that clown mike on the other thread. that clown who says not every thing has dna hahaha

    5. Wow, that group of traitors just turned into the JREF.

  17. I too worked with Ms Ketchum in the beginning... Although I believe "most" of her science was sound, in my opinion she turned out to be a less credible or even honest human being. Her personality type, once again in my opinion, is very similar to that of Tom Biscardi's.

    1. Agreed,
      this trend has gone on since the very beginning of bigfootology....
      like sands in the hourglass.....

  18. OK that took like half my morning. My god did Bart Cutino crush S Carpenter here. Was great to see Randles posts as I had forgotten that Bart called out Ketchum to Derek who was praising her, trying to convince him she was a snake on BFF. Good stuff

    by the way, isn't Larry W the guy on FB who runs around calling everyone pro-kill

    1. Carpenter is more of a loon than I first realized.
      Looking at everything he says and does in the bigfoot world is proof of that.

      I have done nothing in this field. Which is still better than the amount of damage Carpenter and Ketchup have managed.

    2. That was a beatdown!

      I'd be pissed to if I were cutino

    3. I think he's referring to Cutino being upset about Carpenter's stupid blogpost trying to say him and Smeja sent in bearmeat on purpose to the labs they used for testing.

    4. I love how you freaks now love Smeja, you're starting to become the worst type of footers by embracing a fake like him. By the way, Bart spells almost as poorly as Melba's forest spokesperson.

    5. You are missing the point..She may be right, YOU may be right and bigfoot exists and is human(mostly). You didn't do a dna study, did you? No. She could be right, but the problem is with the STUDY...No one has access to more than 1% of the sequences, she won't let anyone else test the samples(i.e return them), the paper was a mess and her conclusions do not necessarily follow from the data as presented..

      These people aren't complaining about what she said but rather what she did and didn't do....

    6. 4:43 you're worried about how bart spells on a facebook post?? and he just delivered these knockout blows to Carpenter? You are definitely missing the point.

      This was a great read and great to see people finally paying attention as this study was pseudo-science at it's finest

    7. To most thinking folks by now it's covering up at its finest rather. Fact is, there is no Bigfoot ape it's something totally different she touched the surface of this secret and now gets hammered for it.

  19. The pink flowers in her hair are lovely but they don't really go with a red top xx

  20. Cutino deserves the credit here! All Ramey did was apologize, basically, for being had. Cutino blew this "study" wide open!

    Send Wally that sample back, Melba! Let him get someone else to test it and put an end to this for good!

    1. Waht exactly did he blow open? Not a damn thing except exposing himself even clearer as part of the fake footers, this is just another orchestrated campaign whose sad fact is you really can't trust anybody in this field because they're likely working to NOT find Bigoot.
      That is the real lesson to take away from all of this, it's crystal clearly being covered up and they know they can say anything vile because the subject will not be covered by mainstream media anyway. Wake up folks and true footers out there, if anybody's left hope it's dawning on you you're being conned by these people and NOT by real witnesses like Patterson, etc. They're always getting smeared.

    2. Just like all the UFO and chemtrail crazies out there, if you show that a Footer's 'evidence' is all smoke and mirrors they'll immediately start screaming that there's a conspiracy to hide the truth. It's the last line of defense for batshit insane theories.

    3. ^ Religious fanatic or government guy, much the same thing really.

  21. It's hypocritical that Cutino condemns any claim of an agency pressuring any sort of cover up, when there are BFRO reports which depict this very thing. He is cherry-picking in that instance.

    One BFRO report from WA had a woman hitting a creature with her car, going home, calling 911, going back, finding a piece of her car, no other sign, and the next day discovering that the record of police response had evaporated, and the record of her 911 call had likewise vaporized.

    Pressure came from somewhere to make that happen.

    1. Well, that's a weak, off-topic attempt to distract.

    2. Congrats 1049 that was about the poorest attempt at misdirection I've ever seen and has absolutely nothing to do with the topic?

      I think Cutino is genuine and proven it and I agree fully with Jamie and Derek R. He called Melba Ketchum out on her BS from the beginning and tried to get other researchers seduced by her promises to realize it

      Was great to see him put Scott in his place here as although I skimmed through here a bit not being on facebook I would have have missed this entirely

    3. And what about the folks (some who frequent this site) who have called out Cutino on his nonsense?

    4. Those were just Ketchumites trying to distract people from the facts.

    5. I've seen absolutely no nonsense from Cutino. Quite the opposite unless you're one of these people that actually believes ketchum isn't a scammer.

    6. Of course Ketchum's no scammer. Bart's part of the real scam to keep Sasquatch's origins a secret, he's just doing his job I guess.
      11:23, of course you're on Facebook it's a CIA made site to gather information on citizens of the world and not invented by some curly foster home found and paid geek named Mark, all a front to lure people in and sell it to especially the youth and the world fell for it hook line and sinker because we're social talkative beings. Unfortunately we're suckers too, just like the big Bigfoot scam here.

  22. Look through all the crap that is designed to cloud the issues and to attack credibility. All part of the method of coverup. Melba and her team made the greatest discovery in history, but it is controlled by infiltrated MIB in the community, payoffs, and paid trolls. This is getting old.

    1. You are so right!!!!

      Psst. How much is Melba paying you?

    2. What???? I can get paid for being a troll????? Who signs the checks?

    3. "The greatest discovery in history?"


      OK, whatever you want to believe ...

    4. Fozzie, just give us your Social Security number and the bank account you would like the money sent to. You should get your first payment soon...:)

      Smiley Guy

    5. Am I going to get paid in one lump sum or in weekly deposits? Hey Fozzie, did they offer you the premium insurance coverage or try and force you to overpay on that COBRA bullliisshh?

      I'm getting ripped off somewhere in this deal.

    6. You're really Mike Merchant, aren't you?

  23. I loves Scott's "why would a dog chew up a down spout?" line. Does Scott actually have dogs or does he just have dog food to feed the squatches? Every dog owner knows a dog will chew anything and everything for no reason at all.

    1. The way you geeks talk among each other here, it's easy to tell you're faking it and slamming Ketchum because that's been decided upon. It's not even believable troll gargle it's just organized spam.

    2. Hey Anon 5:15, what's your comeback here? Are you arguing that dog's *don't* chew things seemingly at random? Because that's a ridiculous stance to take.

  24. Ketchum trolls are hard at work doing damage control in here today. Losing battle, I would say. Why don't you guys read Cutino's posts and as Ramey puts it, "wake up."

    1. We're defending the study which is absolutely 100% correct in its DNA results and this you know also, she just happens to be a living Roger Patterson getting dragged through the mud by bullies. Always keep that fact in mind, if she does that and not let it get to her she'll be alright.

    2. ^^^ Again, what flavor was the Kool-aid?

    3. The DNA results were a garbled mess and her attempts to find some sort of significance in them by claiming that Bigfoot's DNA structure is different to every other animal on the planet was pitiful. There's a reason she became a laughing stock amongst the scientific community: her results were hilariously amateurish and wrong.

    4. Nope, merely the orchestrated Government smear campaign working its wonders. As expected, unfortunately. But when have you guys ever told the truth anyway. LOL

  25. Replies
    1. Yes, of course there is isn't all the slandering here enough indication and evidence even of that...?

  26. Isn't it obvious? It's a dog/bear/human hybrid stalking the woods! Must of been a hell of a night...

  27. joe fitz got fuckin smoked


  28. Check it! From that OTLS blog today:

    OTL,S! also notes this statement by Mr. Carpenter:

    "Hairs were extracted with the skin tags and sent to Patrick W. Wojtkiewicz, he extracted the DNA using a robotic process to ensure no contamination, he got the same results Melba got from the core sample."

    OTL,S! will go ahead and state that based on our interview with “Dr. Pat”, Mr. Carpenter’s statement is false. Dr. told us that he was never able to find DNA in the specimens sent to him by Dr. Ketchum. We suspect that Mr. Carpenter is just repeating something that Dr. Ketchum told him.

  29. Sally Ramey is the most credible disillusioned former publicist in the bigfoot community today...

  30. I used up a TerraByte just reading this! I have to go for a nap now followed by a reboot.

  31. I used up a TerraByte just reading this! I have to go for a nap now followed by a reboot.

  32. If you want proof. You don't need sykes. Rick Dyer has a DVD for sale called After the Shot. It is 129.00$. If you buy the DVD and if what you see is not a bigfoot he will give you your money back plus $100.00 dollars. Anyone who buys the DVD is also invited to see the body for the first reveal. Do you believe? Can you handle the truth? Buy the DVD. The reveal is coming soon!! Yes!

  33. Mindspeaker Sally Ramey strikes again and now Bigfootology picks her up. hmmmm


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