Check Out These Unique Images From Project Sasquatch

Project Sasquatch just started posting these breathtaking depictions of the forest people. It's unclear who's creating them or what reason, but what's clear are the human qualities exemplifying from each of the images. Here are a couple more:

[via Project Sasquatch]


  1. We are well on our way of becoming the greatest cult there is. Leave reality and join us.

    1. Very few hot chicks to be a great cult. More chicks, and maybe some pizza and root beer floats.

    2. Plus we'll all kill ourselves on friday the 13th, hoaxers go first.

    3. How about free white Nike shoes for everyone?

  2. You'll get unique images from Project Sasquatch and like it.

    1. Unique? They look like they're from Nagasaki.

    2. You'll get images from Nagasaki and like it.

    3. Yes but they're unique in their own right.

    4. Nagasaki got atom bombed--they didn't like it.

  3. Skeptics disagree about whether it has been sufficiently proven Bob Heironimus was the one in the suit, but it seems to me he has a very strong claim - beyond reasonable doubt, found in this way:

    First, you are right that it is a hoax. So who wore the suit? As Greg Long showed, Bob Heironimus is the one person from the circle of Patterson associates that makes sense. Roger got to use his horse for free. Bob wore the suit for free and transported himself there at his own expense. He was by his own admisison a "sucker". This is in perfect conformity with Roger's modus operandi. Bob was a big, beefy guy to fill out that suit well. He was the kind that would keep his mouth shut.

    Nobody else in all these years has given a first-hand confession. Occasionally you see people alleging hearsay about someone else confessing. But the only one on record anywhere - in book and on camera - directly admitting the hoax first-hand is Bob Heironimus.

    His story is also corroborated by the impossibility of the filming on October 20. Bob's account has it earlier, and it must be in order to develop the film in time for the 22nd showing.

    I think people that doubt Bob Heironimus as the actor in the suit need to come up with a reasonable counter-proposal. Who amongst the Patterson circle is a candidate and why?

    Nobody else bothered in all these years to go to Yakima and interview Patterson's circle of victims and associates. When Greg Long finally did it, people simply pointed to Bob Heironimus. Bob didn't come forward himself until after a show he saw finally got him fed up enough to overcome the indignity of Patterson making a sucker out of him.

    People aren't real keen on announcing the stupid mistakes they made in life. When you see other people capitalizing on something you know to be a lie though, it can be enough to step forward. Having done so, look at the abuse he has taken by 'footers. Decades later in his elder years being contacted now by kooks. Your neighbors by word and deed calling you a liar. (Gimlin and Patty Patterson). It took some guts to step forward.

    Bob Gimlin seems willing to go to his grave without confessing. DeAtley did a great job confessing as much as he could without admitting directly to theft by fraud.

    The argument by best explanation puts a name in the suit. If you don't have that name you are a mile behind the story that does have a defensible name in the suit. If you went hunting amongst Patterson circles for who the ideal candidate is, you come up with Bob Heironimus. Well golly gee - he confessed!

    In doing so he told for the first time the story of PGF film delivery to DeAtley. It was Bob Heironimus that mailed the film, whisked the suit out of the hoax site long before the 20th, and left Roger and Bob Gimlin at Bluff Creek to fake a spectacular set of tracks where nobody could miss them. They faked them out along the logging road where they wouldn't be missed.

    They left as soon as they finished faking tracks because they were made so obvious to find. They did not fake the tracks at the hoax site. It was Labor day week. On August 27, John Green and Rene Dahinden flew down in a Cessna 185 to photograph the tracks and then tell Al Hodgson to call Roger. Because Roger had told them to do so. He pretended to be in Mt. St. Helens, but he had snuck in to bluff creek to meet Bob Heironimus and film the PGF.

    Roger can't come back down right away because DeAtley hasn't developed the film yet. When the film is developed and edited, Roger returns to Bluff Creek to make the hoax announcement, and leave tracks that comport with the film they took. Bob Heironimus is in Yakima on 20 October 1967.

    That's how they done it.

    1. Maybe..But you didn't say anything about the costume..If Roger had Hollywood help then that potentially brings in other players that we don't know about...

    2. Let us see. Bob H did not even know where to find the spot. Over a ten year period he changed his story no less than five times. Folks in his part of the country have never trusted him and consider him a bottom feeder, while Bob Gimlim is consider of impeccable character, obviously something you are not or you would waste no time on your delusional fantasy.

    3. These hoax conspiracy theorists are too much.

      4:35, you blew it right out of the gate, right from your first sentence. Your first sentence nullifies the rest of your comment.

      Your phrase in that sentence, "the one in the suit," shot down all your following sentences and paragraphs. Since there was no suit, you neutralized yourself.

      So now the hoax conspiracy theorists are assigning Patterson "a circle of victims"? The skepfools are getting paranoid. What was he, a mafia don?

      You reference Greg Long. Maybe you are Greg Long. It would make sense. Givng Bob Hilarious credit for Patty, especially when you look at Hilarious's "recreation," is, well, hilarious.

      Let's review some skepfoolery history:

      It was Gimlin in the suit: FAIL

      It was Patterson in the suit: FAIL

      It was Hilarious in the suit: FAIL

      There was a suit: FAIL

      There were arm extensions: FAIL

      Hip waders: FAIL

      Knee high rubber boots: FAIL

      Muscle mass movement simulated with water filled sacks: EPIC FAIL

      A mask was used but with real human mouth: FAIL

      Patty was a Gimlin-remotely-controlled robot: FAIL

      Patty was a cyborg: FAIL

      Patty was a Hollywood creation which Patterson whipped up with numerous contacts and his simply enormous budget: FAIL

      Bob Hilarious hoax/stop-motion-joke recreation: MAJOR FAIL

      Chris Hackham hoax/recreation: EPIC FAIL

      Attempt to avoid what is depicted in the PGF by claiming that fictitious events surrounding the filming make it unnecessary to even view the PGF: MEGA FAIL

      One of Patty's buttocks fell off, yet was miraculously replaced, somehow mid-film, without an edit, while in motion, at lighting speed, a miraculous sleight of hand heretofore unknown: UTTER FAIL

      Peep peep peep goes the skepfoolish peanut gallery

      Peep peep peep

      Tin foil hat for Sykes, hurry, before the study appears

      Peep peep peep

      Smear campaign, fast as you can

      Peep peep peep

      Look away from the PGF

      Peep peep peep

      Call PGF fake without studying

      Peep peep peep

      Post mortem smear campaign on Patterson

      Peep peep peep

      Invent more anti-Patterson stories

      Peep peep peep

      Disseminate disinformation, be constant and fast in this enterprise

      Peep peep peep

      We are the skepfools

      Peep peep peep

      Peep peep peep

    4. 'No monkey suit therefore Patty is real'....LOL

      How about no single shred of admissible evidence supporting a 9ft 800lb human hybrid, in North America or the world.

      I love how you footers think skeptics don't want BF proven to exist or are some how, as (M)asturbatingto(M)onkey(G)uys likes to say, scared of it being proven real...

      It's so far out there in the first place that if by some fractional chance is proven real, it's fucking awesome....

      But in the same sense, reported sightings have been occurring for thousands of years and there isn't one hair, one piece of bone, or any type of actual evidence.

      Footers look at "proof of bigfoot" the same way religious nuts look at "proof of God," instead of using rational deducing and critical thinking to analyze the situation they immediately go to some far off fantasy land and make extraordinary claims with zero proof.

      Is that the be all end all for saying God or BF doesn't exist? Not quite but people who think like that are going to be the last fucking people in the world to prove the existence of what they are searching for because they are already so filled with confirmation bias that you can't get a legitimate follow up investigative report.

      The Sun rose this morning and set this evening, therefore the Old Testament is the truth.

      GTFO of here with that 2nd grade bullshit.

    5. No hair? No evidence? Mike Honcho is just dismissing thousands of people's eyewitness accounts combined with hundreds of footprints and hairs which are hard data for study. DNA degrades but what has been tested have brought interesting results. There is proof out there you are just too ignorant to see it.

      Why dont you just spread your butt apart Mike Honcho, thats all your good for.

    6. Oh dear, our old internet friend with no life 4:53 is back he clearly doesn't even believe his own junk there and who in his right mind would compose all that nonsense if he just as well could leave the subject alone. Oh no, instead it's very clearly one of these disinformation clowns at it again. No suit's ever been proven it's quite the other way around a genuine squatch's been proven in that film, showing how a hoax is impossible then and now. The pgf is the Roswell case of modern times, they need to attack it and explain it away under covers because they know unfortunately it's all true. Just another paid troll that ranting guy basically.

    7. Mike Honcho:

      Skeptics are professionally and psychologically invested in a worldview that says extraordinary events never happen. They're just as biased as the hardcore believers. When skeptics say
      things like, "I wish Bigfoot were real," they're lying. Skeptics derive
      self-esteem from "debunking" and ridiculing unorthodox opinions. They sell books and make reputations by advancing the skeptical point of view. They love fighting the culture wars on behalf of "good" (science/secularism) versus "evil"(religion/superstition/ignorance).

    8. If you want proof. You don't need sykes. Rick Dyer has a DVD for sale called After the Shot. It is 129.00$. If you buy the DVD and if what you see is not a bigfoot he will give you your money back plus $100.00 dollars. Anyone who buys the DVD is also invited to see the body for the first reveal. Do you believe? Can you handle the truth? Buy the DVD. The reveal is coming soon!! Yes!

  4. 100% Wrong!!! What a waste of time typing that..

    1. I agree it WAS a waste of time typing that.. You had ME at, " Skeptics disagree".. I've NEVER believed that was a real bigfoot!

    2. You can't prove he's wrong. Therefore he is right. Footer logic bites you in the ass.

    3. Hell, that's half as long as most of PBJ's posts...and makes a helluva lot more sense. Too much reading that is worth reading.

    4. Way to utilize the Reply button, you three dingbats.

  5. wasn't. Bob Heironymus could never say where the 'suit' went or who made it. He could never say exactly where the filming was done. He wasn't nearly as tall as the film subject. His story has changed over the years. You can see muscle movement under the skin including a herniated muscle on the quadriceps which bulges on forward motion of the right leg. You can see shoulder blades moving, the calf muscle moving, and frame 352 shoes the left eye positioned under a brow ridge which has no forehead above it because the subject has a receeding skull like a primitive primate. The skeletal joints do not correspond with those of a human of comparable height. She does not have human proportions. Special effects experts at Disney studios said they could not reproduce the figure even today with a costume and makeup, much less have done so in 1967 when the pinnacle of ape makeup was the awkward stiff gorillas and chimps of Planet of The Apes. And the shin to ground angle of Heironymous leg as he walks, is in the human range, not the exaggerated non human range shown by Patty.

    1. Excuses excuse excuses^

      No monkey though

    2. maybe..But Gimlin can't get his story straight about who took the film to the airport(and when)for super-secret delivery to the secret film also garbles stories about the trackway footage..It was 45 years ago, we can't expect these guys to accurately recall every detail...

    3. If you look long enough at the PG film, you can see anything. It's a grainy 35 mm film shot at distance on a crappy camera; there is no hidden information that can be drawn out as Munns tries to do. You can't pull out info from a photo that just isn't there.

    4. If you look long enough at the PG film, you can see anything. It's a grainy 35 mm film shot at distance on a crappy camera; there is no hidden information that can be drawn out as Munns tries to do. You can't pull out info from a photo that just isn't there.

    5. The points Tancred makes are correct, and visible in the film. 6:20/6:22 is wrong.

      No one said you needed to look at it "long enough" to see some of those things. In the stablized film, the movement in the right leg is obvious, you don't have to study it long or hunt for it. It is not "hidden." It is plain.

      Frames 61 and 72 show prehensile fingers.

      Unless you can fit human arms, match them, to Patty's arms, you have a huge obstacle to claiming this was a human being. The arm length and moving curling flexing fingers prevent such a casual claim.

      You might not be able to match the arm dimension from from shoulder to elbow to that of a human, either. Big problems for the skepfoolery crowd.

    6. Uncle Tancred who in reality is Joe ^^

    7. Wanna know why we can't find these beings that aren't monkeys by the way ? Because they're evidently beings monkeys and not only can they take care of themselves (we don't see them seeking our contact), rather they descent from somewhere else than this globe probably and this the authorites don't want us to know about.
      Hence the ridicule act crackheads are pulling here this was decided way back that it's to be so, meaning what we see here are the same pretend skeptard reactions also associated with UFOs which again may indicate a connection. Otherwise why cover this up and constanly oppose it, even by claiming to be all for its discovery. LOL Nope, you're not.

  6. I met Bob G, spoke for a considerable amount of time on the subject, and was convinced of his belief in what he saw. Fact is, you nor I, or anyone else can be positive above personal OPINION. WE WERE NOT THERE and speculation is nothing more than ones own faith or lack there of.

    1. Cool... so its real... bigfoots like to stroll along open creem beds... nice... so err where is this species exactly?

      Its a hoax dude.

    2. Bob G says so, I wasn't there(YOU weren't either), so we are stuck with opinions and ignorant assessments based on them. as for the species, I heard a theory that puts them just below modern man, and above neanderthal. Look at your next family reunion or around CREEM beds at your cousins place, I have confidence in you anon 5:14, COOL.

    3. True dat. True dat.

      - stand-in guy

    4. You have a off-the-top-of-your-head guess about a supposed substantial population of 6-10 foot/600-800 pound Neanderthal that has extra-sensory powers and covers its own tracks, but only sometimes.

    5. I've never seen on stroll across an open creem bed. What exactly happened there?

      Neanderthal I heard was smarter than humans. That's why you don't see them on this site.

    6. Neanderthals got all the babes. I'm glad they're extinct.

    7. Neanderthals got all the babes. I'm glad they're extinct.

    8. It doesn't take speculation to do the measurements of Patty's skeletal structure, limb ratios which are not human. You can do more than speculate. You can see things in the film.

    9. I see an elusive creature taking a route that guarantees maximum visibility. Why?

    10. Everyone but the most devout of bleevers on a few forums knows it was a hoax.

  7. anon 4:35 whats the release date for your next book, and can I get a condensed version?, NOT..GOOFY ASS NO IT ALL

  8. I can't wait until Sykes' paper on purported bigfoot DNA samples comes out. It will be the cherry on top of the Daisy, Melba, Smeja, Dyer bullcrap sundae.

    1. So says the star minimum wage employee of Bullcrap and Robbins 31 Flavors, dishing it up like a champion day after day.

      You should know, you're the expert on bullcrap.

  9. Yes join us in the farce country to hunt and eradicate this imaginary forest beast that must not be.

  10. that is cool, bigfoot or not, awesome interpretation
    of man and animal interwoven, this artist/creator has mad skills :O>

  11. On a lighter note:

    “The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of
    dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall
    either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.”
    — H.P. Lovecraft

    1. Is that from "At The Mountains of Madness"? I think that's the one about a bigfoot, an alien and Wayne's shit bucket....

    2. I just release the Kraken all over this blog. Do you want to listen to some classic rock and drink a few ice cold Dr. Peppers this weekend? I got a new billiards table and got the old jukebox working again.

  12. we base all our Opinions about the patty film on today's artistry and tech skills. Fact is, patty was created by nature, GOD, or man at a time when man wasn't capable of today's unbelievable special effects. Remember this when you are totally ripping the fur from her bones. 1967. In 82 a fishermen claimed to have gotten a giant squid(SEA MONSTER) in his net for a short time. He was ridiculed so severely for his tale of the encounter, he committed suicide two years later. They didn't exist!! so science said, WOW, how we judge what we can't possibly truly know or understand.

    1. 82? 1882? I saw the remains of a giant quid at the Smithsonian well before 1982. You should have your head and man teets examined.

    2. I wish I had a few giant quid. I'm nearly broke here.

      Sherry, anyone? Ladies? Gentlemen?

    3. Now a giant quid, that would be something to see. Betcha you could sell some platinum memberships on a deal like that.


  13. Breath taking images. Would be freaky to come face to face with something like this!

  14. Is that a photo of Abe Vigoda?

    1. Haw! I was thinking Madonna.

    2. Nope, it's def Oprah without her makeup. check out celebs without makeup, see for yourself. Oprah for sure..

  15. Let's let Karl Rose of and noted Bigfoot sceptic, decide for everyone whether Bigfoot is real, from his posting on that website around 2006. Karl quickly had this posting deleted since he holds the controls at

    Karl Rose posted,

    "Of course Bigfoot is real. There are too many reported sightings for them to not be real!"

  16. My kittens breath smells like catfood.

  17. Anyone seen Mike Boogersugar ?

  18. Last time I saw him he was sitting by a fire pit beneath the stars on a Texas Hillcountry night, cold Amstel light looked amber in the fire glow with the wind lifting sparks off the dry crackling oak pieces that burned bright above the red core of the flames. As he took a drink and listened he heard Chris Cornell sing a song called Zero Chance with Soundgarden blending In with the coyotes who had just started a pre hunt roll call. He pulled his grey straw Stetson down over his eyes and leaned back on the porch and smiled and whispered......goodnight, my dear sweet Anons.

  19. Close...a little bit more north of the prairie in the Canyon-lands with a warm bottle of whiskey and a vile of the strongest rattlesnake venom this side of the Great River sliding my Lucchese's off of my hooves.

    I did hear they blew up the chicken man in Philly last night, and they blew up his house too.

    I also hear PJ's a yeller belly

  20. Shut up with the bigfoot is human ! He is not human you retards! He is APE

    1. Only ape here is you nutface, gullible retard if there ever was one !

  21. The second one looks an awful lot like Todd Standing's puppet.

  22. The pictures look like forest nigga's to me!


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