Bigfoot Friends and Bigfoot Facebook Group Hugs!!!

Editor’s Note: Dr. Matthew A. Johnson is one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world. In July 1, 2000, Dr. Johnson had a "Class A" Bigfoot encounter with his family while hiking near the Oregon Caves. After his life changing sighting, he went to the public and described one of the most intense encounters ever. You can join him on Facebook at Team Squatchin USA.

Over the past 13 years, I’ve made lots and lots of friends in Bigfootdom.  There are a many great people out there with much experience and knowledge in Bigfooting to learn from.  Not to mention the fact that they’re just great, down to Earth, fun people to spend time with.  Some of them are even funny like me.  But hey, looks aren’t everything. LOL!!!

(Please click on the pics below and follow the various links to learn more about our friends in Bigfootdom)

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  1. Replies
    1. People who type LOL after their own bad jokes should be hanged. Those who use exclamation points after LOL after their own bad jokes should be banned from ever writing in public again. And then hanged.

  2. I'd bet a ton of money that Matthew Johnson is a hoaxer who's just looking for attention.

    1. Like how much money? One ton in weight or figuratively speaking?

    2. I'd bet millions. That's how sure I am.

    3. Ya think?

      I would not take that bet because it is obvious he is.

    4. Ya think?

      I would not take that bet because it is obvious he is.

  3. He's a big boy...That's whole lotta crazy...

  4. Wow Mr. Johnson, star-f**k much? You go on to state:

    "Recently, I have been asked to join a plethora of Bigfoot Facebook Groups. There’s an endless sea of Bigfoot friends to make on the internet. I continue to make new Bigfoot friends every day. Unfortunately, I had to immediately quit a couple of those Bigfoot Facebook Groups because they’re infested with TROLLS (i.e., Mean spirited Bigfooter Wannabes who project their self-hatred on to others. They’re a vicious cancer and have invaded Bigfootdom)."

    YOU'VE asked to join them. And YOU are the troll. Not to mention a delusional, self righteous, a**hole.

    1. Matt got butt hurt because he couldn't hold his own in a debate on the Coalition site. I'm not a member but I read it. His response is a sychophantic pictorial name dropping episode. This is not just immature, it's flat-out embarrassing. Especially for a psychologist.

  5. Matthew Johnson was the fucker in the patty suit! Look how big that sumbitch is!

  6. I love this post!! Go and see the tuning Big Jim had on the other page... Funny.


  7. Johnson is the biggest deuschebag and detriment to the bigfoot field. He needs to take his gift baskets and shove them up his ass for better use.

  8. I have never seen anyone so obsessed with himself, and self stroking by continually posting links to his own cult/blog. MJ. a psych doctor who needs to see a shrink of his own.
    Can't count the number of times I have read of his accomplishments, furnished by him of course.

    1. Followed one of his links the other day and saw that whole " most credible" thing on his page. This guy is so arrogant he refers to himself that way!

  9. You are a dedicated educator sir, and Texas has taken notice.

  10. Add another 8 of his "friends" to the pic and you have the Retard United football team.


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