Watch Fringe News: Possible Bigfoot Scat & New Trackway Discovered in Sierras 8/3/2013 Raw Footage LIVE from Location

In tonight's Fringe News breaking story Rev. Jeff take a live update from Bart Cutino and Justin Smeja from high in the Sierra Mountains from a new secret location. They report on the activity encountered so far. Watch the video for all the details.


  1. Replies
    1. More circumstantial evidence in one night than Smeja has gathered about his entire story.

      Smeja is by far my favorite new footer. At least his shit is kept real, no evidence, but real.

    2. When you see recent pictures of him, Smeja is looking more credible these days.


    3. He looks like a perpetually stoned mountain man.

    4. Is there a pod cast this sunday? if so what time ?

  2. Replies
    1. Tell me anything bigfoot related that doesn't have questionable stuff associated with it.

    2. Like a broke con man who tried to make money with a fictitious bigfoot movie (that didn't get off the ground) and then later goes across two states to find and film a bigfoot and bam, imagine that, he finds and films Patty.

    3. If he was so broke why did he travel so far to do it?

    4. Patterson was perennially broke. He was known for borrowing money from people and not being able to pay it back.

    5. I know broke people who travel all over, mostly hunting, fishing, or ATVing (broke but they have a piece of garbage ATV, go figure).

      Patterson probably used Gimlin's truck and had Gimlin pay for the gas.

    6. Supposedly, Patterson was late returning the 16mm camera that he rented, and there was a warrant out for his arrest.

    7. Hieronimous also claims that Patterson stiffed him for $1,000.

    8. Roger's brother-in-law Al DeAtley was also his partner and shared in the profits from the tour...He undoubtedly provided at least some of the funds for travel expenses and film development..

    9. Add it all together and the PGF is a money making hoax concocted by Patterson and his brother-in-law Al.

      Do you really think that Al is going to put up money for Roger to find nothing? Of course Roger would find a "bigfoot." It was all part of the plan.

  3. Replies
    1. Then what are they doing up there at Brokeback Seirra mountain?

  4. Still no monkey? C'mon now people.
    It doesn't exist!!!

    1. Thanks for your input Daniel.

      You damn skeptics are just so convincing at times...


  5. I'd be so pissed if I found beetles in my bud like that!

  6. In in September 2005, I had the worst business trip in history. 10 hour days, arguing, fast food for meals. Deal got done but not easy. Made it home September 26. Boss said take few days off, go fishing as reward. Even said go buy tackle on my expense account. Hit up great store called Pacific Angler and bought some new equipment I hoped I would use for awhile. Big fan of fishing the Bowron River near Aleza Lake, in British Columbia. This best time to fish the area. Did it many times but this trip but decided to switch it up. An overnighter, which I didn’t do before. I hiked in to a different spot 6 -7 miles from my normal spot and kinda deep in the wilderness. I heard there were a few mining camps and wanted to see those too. Got a pan because figured I would try prospecting as a lark.

    Went to remote spot. Tired and it was early so I figured I would fish then set up camp. Cut my hand walking in- not deep but enough bleeding to stain up my pants. It was scabbing up so up I did not feeling like setting up a camp at that point to risk it bleeding again. Had strange feeling, like being watched. Blew it off, figured it was nerves because of new area and still stressed out from the trip. Waded in the river and fished for about an hour, some luck, nothing great. Then rocks were being thrown and splashing around me. I got hit in the head lightly by a very small rock. I was looking around and out of the corner of my eye I saw a large thing about 30 yards away down river on the same side as my pack. Very big about 8 feet tall covered in black fur and very thick. Looked like a large man, but was just too large and thick. Could not see it’s face clearly but was more concerned about it’s size.

  7. . It let out a sound like a cross between someone yelling with a horse voice and like the sound of a gorilla I heard on TV. Immediately thought Bigfoot. Never a believer because I was in the area too many times and saw nothing over the course of over 10 years. Heard stories but figured if there was any truth I would have seen or heard something. Made eye contact with it and it let out another sound that sounded like “danga”. No aggressive movements but looked like it was trying to get my attention. It again yelled something like “danga”. Dropped my pole, (so much for the new pole) ran to shore and grabbed my pack. Heart was racing and ducked behind a tree, looked back and it was gone. Next thing there is a big commotion from the other side of the river. Stayed behind tree and peeked out. Was curious, and mind was racing. Next thing there is a huge Grizzly with cubs. It was in a foul mood and sniffing the air. Don’t think it saw me but took off running when I saw it. Even dropped my gear. I made the trip back to my car faster than it took hiking in. When I got home I immediately went to the net and started researching the area. Soon found a story about a man mauled and killed by a Grizzly with cubs in the same area. To this day I question what happened. Was the thing trying to warn me? Tell you this. Will never know because have not gone anywhere near that area since.

    Been researching this stuff since and found this site. Figured I would post here to see if anyone else had info about stuff like this in area.

    1. Yeah sure. Did you turn this in for your creative writing class.

    2. This as true as any made up story can be.

    3. Danga could have meant "Danger". I would guess that the Bigfoot may have saved your butt that day.

    4. If they are anywhere, BC would be the place...You should file a report with the BFRO..A volunteer will visit the site or at least call you I think...If you are sincere then you should want the story vetted, to at least this minimal degree(they won't do an FBI caliber background check)...

    5. If you check the BFRO website there is already a class A sighting documented in this area at this time.

    6. Ignore the stupid trolls on this site OP. The place is invested with them.

      Log your sighting with the BFRO as suggested. Don't let Matt Moneymaker put you off. Their local researchers are in the main the real deal.


    7. Seriously MMG? You believe that BS story?

      "Danga" "Danga" Really?

      This just shows that you are gullible.

    8. I had , something like that happen , to me. but it was not standing .I did same thing . packed up and go out of there as fast as I could .not only from the tree stand , out of camp too. I was hunting , not fishing ,not rocks in water, dirt clods through the trees ,breaking into smaller ones rolling out in front of me . I too have been looking up youtube , researching since last nov .this site ,I just found is the current one. just told part of my story today ,on comment bord dec.23 pod cast & s02e04 comment , as maxx mud runner .for those who like to make fun and correct spelling.get back under your desk stupid trolls . I am lost in the web . like you would be lost in the woods . this is why people do not come foward .Is this not a bigfoot report ? I was not going to ,small minded troll in clown car report. I would like to report some things ,relating to this site .now ,I know what you guys were talking about on the pod cast.the stories and sightings are not only in B.C.,sierras ,east,maine south , just about every state , all around the world have reports .get out there , make plans to go out into your woods, hunting , fishng ,camping ,etc ... pay attn.learn your area ,do not get lost.get a pic.if you think you do better , keep it simple . get out from under your desk , see for your self.even a troll can learn new tricks . I have a shitty lap top , some of the bottons do not work. if you can not tell.first i need a camras for hunting and work on computer skills ,go from there.we do not have baars ,it is not a hog ,not wolf ,too big .I can relate to the team , would like to talk to some one ,in private ,I dont know how to go about it.this is best so far . keep up the good work ! keep reporting , your not the only one ! hoxers watch out ! there are a lot of people , that will shoot. shooters make sure before you shoot ,you know what your looking at.also , just like deer and turkey , you call too much thay wont respond any more. everyone is banging on trees and screeming in the woods .your not on a tv show. thanks for the info .
      maxx mud runner

    9. You can get ahold of any of them easy on facebook

  8. Sorry guys. I was out hiking 2 weeks ago. My doc gave me some fiber treatment 3 days before. I lost 10 pounds that day. As for the beetles and ants, I like some in my smores.

  9. S.C.A.T.





  10. I find it exiliarating that these two guys actually believe that they are close to tracking a Bigfoot, and actually finding him at the end of that track line. This is kind of like the anticipation of the supposed greatest inventor a couple of weeks ago, who put his trail camera in a tree, only to have the sway of the tree cause the camera to trigger on ...


    Which is exactly what Cutino and Smeja will come up with, at the end of that track line. Didn't they read the Ape Canyon Story where the miners found two prints in the middle of a large sandbar, and there were no prints either leading up to those prints or leading away? Those who forget history, are doomed to repeat it. Both Cutino and Smeja are 24/7 F&B'ers. Which is a dead end road in itself.

  11. I already have the same high pitched, long screaming recording of what they hope to record tonight. It is soooo scarey, that they will not likely get any sleep tonight. I use it to scare away all of the grizzlies, black bear and mountain lions. Better than bear spray and it lasts longer. Bears know what a Bigfoot sounds like. I watched one run to and climb a tree once, and all he heard was a single branch break nearby.

  12. Possible bigfoot scat is one of the most credible voices in the bigfoot community.

  13. Such an intriguing measuring device for such profound research. On your next outing, may I suggest the dollar store for an inexpensive tape measure?

  14. What's "gonna happen" one way or the other? All of a sudden Smeja is an expert in bigfoot and tracks? LMAO What a bunch of crap and speaking of that, if horses are left out to graze out in the open, they will eat bugs and wood and whatever else is in the goddamn field. This is all so completely ridiculous it's not even funny anymore. Smeja is one big liar and if Bart thinks this is all real, then shame on him.

    1. Your mother should have had an abortion.

    2. Your mother left your older brother in the dumpster on prom night because she couldn't handle the responsibilites, 11:29am PDT

    3. how would you know
      unless you were the useless idiotic father of his brother and did not have enough sense to pull it before you shot it

      ANON 12:34

      you smokin pile of SCAT

      and who couldn't handle responsibility???????

    4. They said "possible" scat that wasn't horse scat as I could tell by looking at pic and description of contents and agree with Smeja. It does fit a bear's diet however but it does look awfully big for even a large adult.

      AS for Bart thinking this is real? Thats pretty dumb 10:31 when you consider the guy got awfully convincing footage there last year. I just can't explain that based on everything I saw and don't blame Bart for working the same location regardless of how people may view Smeja. Who cares, Good for them, go for it!!

  15. Arla Williams routinely posts audio she says are from her bigfoot family and they are just stupid coyotes. Cougar screams are all these two yahoos heard up in their new "secret" spot. Har, har, har.

    1. Arla is not an American hero. Justin is

    2. no ANON 12:34

      is the new American hero
      after all he was and is the model father figure

  16. If a bear shits in the woods and no one sees it, it's automatically bigfoot.

  17. I wonder if these two dipshits realize that Grizzly shit looks very much like horse shit. And Grizzlies are making a coneback in the American west.

    1. What a stupid comment. The last truly confirmed grizzly bear in ca was 1922 they are making a come back but not in ca. Too many bear hunters with dogs for a grizz to go unnoticed.

    2. Justin was a guide in Alaska. im sure he knows all too well what brown bear poop looks like

    3. No I don't think these two "dipshits" thought it was from a grizz because I know both and they are smart enough to know there's been no recorded Grizz in CA in 90 yrs. Gotta love when a laughably ignorant idiot comments. go drink drano please

    4. Stupid comment? Have you even seen a grizzly? Have you seen grizzly shit? I have and it looks like what you see in the picture. It looks much different than black bear shit - perhaps because of size. If there are grizzlies in Idaho, Montana, Washington state and Wyoming, they can wander the mountains to California. Especially rogue males looking for territory.

    5. Smart enough? Bart Cutino filmed guys at his own campsite with a night vision and thought it Bigfoot.

    6. Give up the griz talk bro.

      Its a sqautch

    7. 753. Did you not watch the 9 hours of recreation work ranger robert loaded up on youtube proving they were bigfoots?????

    8. Agree 7:56.

      I will not go as far as say that there's such thing as bigfoots, but the subject fascinates me since I taught middle school in the 70s. and I'm admittedly completely stumped by what Bart Cutino filmed over there in the Califonia Sierras.

      One thing the Ranger and Bart proved was that those were not people from his camp as they are significantly taller than anybody with him that night and yes I watched most of the videos and read all the reports.

      Based on everything provided their work checks out and I wonder if jealousy comes into play as I've seen no one argue publicly that they were in error. I've only seen anonymous jabs. I also don't believe people that tall would come into their camp, move that way and not try and scare them. I just don't think that's plausible, therefore I no longer know what to think about this whole thing and I guess I credit Cutino for that.

      the investigation was first rate and would do the footers good to follow his example.

      Now if someone could just get some clearer
      footage if these things are really out there.

      BTW, I'm guessing black bear on the poop. A grizzly in california is preposterous.

      Neil W

    9. As preposterous as a Californian holding a job outside of a vending truck, growing weed, or the film industry?

  18. what a bunch of sad ass clowns, under the troll desk . so ,why is it that you even comment and spend your time with this ? you have no life out side of jr geeks high ? can not find a girl ?

  19. Keep up the good work Justin and Bart! You guys will get more and more stuff happening as time goes by.

    Peace guys.

  20. I just got back from a trip to Mars. Saw pyramids and alien track way. plus when martians poop it looks like Gatorade. I collected D.N.a. samples to.

    When I get back to earth, after I water my Mushrooms, I will write a book on my experiences and sell Videos.

    next time I go, Matt moneymaker wants to go with me. He's my best customer, and buy hundreds of pounds of my mushrooms every month!


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