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  1. Replies
    1. Ladies and Gentlemen I Implore YouWednesday, August 14, 2013 at 7:00:00 PM PDT

      Start your engines and let the skepfoolery begin from our resident skeptards!!!

    2. I'm a skeptic because its 2013 and there is absolutely no, get that? NO proof of a giant ape living in north america? We can recontruct an entire dinosaur from millions of years ago but science and zoology laugh at the thought of a "bigfoot." The number of these apes it would take to maintain a population for this long would make it impossible for them to go undetected by science in a populated continent such as ours!!!!


    3. No response yet?? I love being right!

    4. Yeah true dat! I'm waiting for an intelligent debate but I won't get one here! These idiots live in a fantasy world! There is no such thing as bigfoot! SHOW ME THE PROOF!!!!!

    5. And thats the only response I get.... "lame". What a joke you idiots are. LMAO

    6. I don't want to wake up its my nappy time

    7. ..Why thousands? The cross river apes are getting by with a population of 150-200..

      The problem really is that people see bigfoots all over. If I were to hold the position that a small population is a reasonable hypothesis I would also have to postulate that only a small percentage of the sightings can be genuine.. I would then need to demonstrate what separates the false sightings from the good ones in my small sample..

    8. The only reason we have dinosaur fossils is because of how they died.

      do you know how many human bones there are from that time? None because we didnt exist.

      Ever been to the La Brea Tar pits? No human fossils there either... Hmm I wonder if the reason we have so few human fossils is because they were not preserved in the same substances that preserved the Dinosaurs. Yep that is it. That is called History, no need for a scientific explanation.

      We know so little about humans because we have so few fossils of early man. Mostly just fragments of bones and nothing complete. We found Gigantopithecus in fragments also. Stop trying to rewrite history you Troll.

      If BF's are as worried about humans as we think it is just as likely they dont want us to find their dead and either bury them or destroy them in some way. That is a bold line of thought, a more reasonable and logical would be that the locations that they die do not preserve the remains. If a human died in a rainforest they would decompose and be taken back into the earth and vegetation. Why would a BF be any different? You would find SOME bones, not all, if they were left on the ground but this would be in some remote place where they died.

      A lot of unknowns here, stop trying to make shit up. Your debate is not going to exist, your argument is invalid based on a bad understanding of our history and the history of the rest of the world.

    9. just want to add;

      the amount of life in the forest that eats ANYTHING that dies and is left out. Insects and other animals will destroy the remains of anything and the rest will just decompose and return into the earth and veg.

      Dont be going around calling people ignorant dolts when obviously you are the most ignorant anon here posting. you give the rest of us a bad name you dumb troll.

  2. looking for awesome stuff is most credible sleeved bigfoot enthusiast in the question mark world.

  3. No monkey. Just anti-scientific bs.

  4. hot chick taking a huge dump is one of the most credible voices in the bigfoot community...oh wait...that video wasn't on here...

    1. The way this site is going it won't be long before you see that video posted here.

    2. ..I have this page open often so that happens to me too: Yesterday, I accidentally put this up on my priests blog.."You know nothing!! Lick my taterhole..."

  5. The title of this thread is compellingly, underwhelmingly and deliciously misleading.

    Bigfoot buggered me and I felt uneasy.

    Bill Mubbns has beeewbs

  6. Yawn...what a bunch of tater trousers hanging out in here. People who know ME consider ME one of the MOST interesting and stimulating conversationalist in the WORLD. ...And ya know what ? THEY'RE RIGHT ! I only deal with the best.

    Bob Wire


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