Kelly Shaw's Team Finds Possible Bigfoot Nest In Ashley National Forest

Kelly Shaw and has team has been on a roll lately with the discovery of a Bigfoot feeding zone and now this possible Bigfoot bedding. They originally discovered this nest back in April when they suspected pine boughs were being used to make a comfortable nest.

We discovered this possible overnight bedding location on April 6th 2013 in Ashley National Forest made with fresh pine boughs snapped off from the exact tree that the bed was made under. This was the same day we found three 17 inch foot prints, one of good enough quality that we casted it. This over night nest is now 5 months old and the boughs have turned red and so it really stands out now. This video was taken on July 28th 2013.


  1. Big hairy ape man monkey boy doesn't leave any hair in sticky pins needle boughs, get a sample and get back to us with that otherwise I call bollocks kind sir

    1. ^So True.
      These alleged forest people would obviously be leaving hairs in nests if that is what these truly are.
      Seems like every other researcher has come across a "bigfoot nest" so far this summer.
      However, if these "people" ARE inter-dimensional would the hairs remain?

    2. Pine boughs are the most credible tree in the bigfoot community

    3. The "lame" guy here is almost certainly a bff member and I suspect paid the $30 for ketchums paper.

      Obvious butthurt footer is obvious


    1. I went to post on his youtube after hearing about this video and watching it. Found out he blocked me from posting, I guess I said too much last time.

    2. Hey Bronson; care to elaborate bro?


    3. Sure Joe, I usually dont like even talking about him but I will lol.
      Its Rick Dyer's latest video, I do not subsribe to that asshat, but when I see people talking about his latest outrageous claim I will check it out.

      He basically reveals all this new info like BF has both reproductive organs now, even though Musky had said it had a huge penis when he saw it. Rick says an X-ray shows it has both. Ridiculous to say the least.

      Then it gets worse, he says after he shot the BF twice he saw a baby BF that came to him and he put it in his tent. I had to stop watching at this point, he starts to cry throughout the video but I dont think I saw a tear lol. He also said after that he had to go back and put a final bullet in the BF, killing it. Even though he shot it in the back and then back of the head he still needed to put it out of its misery he says.

      He also goes on about his gold and platinum members and how this video is for them. So he is saying this is for people who buy his crap basically.

      I went to post and it said the user had blocked me from posting on his videos, not surprised I have been outspoken on his videos and had my comments deleted by RD. He is full of shit in every way. This isnt personal either, I could care less about him as a person or who he is at this point. If anyone is making those outrageous claims they are taking you for a ride.

    4. Bronson; thank you for that... That's the funniest thing I've heard in ages. Oh dear; does this Dyer character actually think people are still falling for his hoax? Musky must be bored of it all by now surely??

      Thanks for that Bronson, I'm up to date now.

      HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!


  3. I found a nest in tall grass this summer too. It was a underground yellowjacket nest. Some type of animal has been trying to dig it out exposing the top portion of the nest 6 inches underground. The critter must have some pretty big balls to stick its paws or beak in there. Yellowjackets are not native to the USA. An invasive species from Europe. I wonder if these are decendents of English yellowjackets? Damn that Joe. Just kidding, good morning Joe. J.D.

  4. The PGF:

    Rent a film camera.

    Go to the woods to film a bigfoot.

    Film a bigfoot.

    ^seems legit

    1. How else would someone film a Bigfoot in the 60's?


    2. In the same way that Roger did it. Film your friend in a monkey suit.


    3. Got matilda suit and foot pump?


    4. ... And here's your footpump...


    5. You still haven't produced an exact replication.




    7. Bill Munns had to be removed from the Jref forum.

      They couldn't cope with the truth...


    8. Hey MMG, didn't get a chance to respond yesterday; are you really heading to the Czech Rep?


  5. More definitive proof that joe can add to his list.

    If you find a monkey nest then where is the monkey?

    1. It's quite simple; this could be anything.

      Oh, and no monkeys...


    2. Rick Dyer says there should be some eggs from that monkey's twisted up genitalia in the nest somewheres.

  6. When I first saw the PGF film years and years ago which was just the clip ran at normal speed I took it for granted it was what it was said to be. Never had any interest in bigfoot until monsterquest came on tv. So I went to the computer and went to look up more recent footage of bigfoot naively thinking there must be loads of new footage taken over the years. I really was truely shocked to find out nothing better had ever been filmed. J.D.

    1. After 1967, for some strange reason still not understood by science, bigfoot became blurry.

  7. Yup if the pgf was real and happened how they say it happened then with the exponential growth in technology over the last 40 years we should have many many similar and even better examples. Instead there is nothing.

    Now we must think logically here... did roger, a shady character who was already a bigfoot enthusiast, really film a bigfoot?


    1. Listen guys... Can we categorically state that some of the blurry videos that have been captured over the years, aren't more Bigfoot? Every time something new comes out; it just get's condemned as BS by people, including me.


    2. Hi Joe, I was watching a show last night and it had a paranormal team investigating a place in England called the Busby Stoop. Assuming you have heard the story of the Busby stoop death chair? It was actually removed so no one can sit in it and now resides on a museaum wall so no one can sit in it. The story states 63 people that have sat in the chair have died soon afterwards. whether or not any of it is true well who knows but what an opportunity here. Skeptic comes up says bullshit. O.K. pal sit in the chair. J.D.

    3. I should have added to my earlier post that I'm really hoping to that someone gets us some really good footage that everyone agrees on. Or DNA. J.D.

    4. HA HA HA!! I've not heard of that. I'll check that our straight away!

      Hey JD, check this out; 'Manchester Museum's moving Egyptian statue puzzler'

      ... An ancient Egyptian statue has left staff at Manchester Museum puzzled after it started slowly rotating inside its glass case.

    5. It's true. Shortly before he went to Italy, James Gandolfini sat in the Busby Stoop Death Chair. Paule Deen's career also sat in the chair.

  8. Oh yeah, it's a bigfoot nest altight.... What a bunch of dumb peckerwoods.

  9. Joe. I had some clients that would slowly rotate glass tubes, fill the chamber with smoke. Then, mysteriously , the smoke would disappear. Now I'm no Arthur C Clarke, but I strongly suspect those hillbillies were higher than a Ponderosa Pine! Hope your day goes well my man!

  10. I know this is a couple of stories late but in response to the lab grown meat. Well as repulsive as that sounds it is nothing compared to what a Japanese scientist did. He was given the task of finding something usefull to do with all of the human waste {Crap}. He invented a machine that turns it into steak. NO BS google it. It looks just like steak and volunteers who have eaten it say it tastes just like steak. He is really proud of his invention.

  11. "Holy Pine Nuts Batman"!

  12. where am stunk ape sleeping now? Go find stunk ape and prove it am real deal.

    Nobody have proof of stunk ape.

  13. Even more disturbing than the lab cultured meat. And yes even worse than the Japanese human waste steak. There are REAL photos on the net of the Chinese practice of eating human fetuses. The images are so disturbing they are hard to look at.

  14. it's obvious that whatever used that spot for bedding was not an animal in order to break off the branches. It's either a human out in the woods or it could possibly be a squatch . Yes they should have looked for any signs of hair though.

  15. Sasquatch = combined efforts of potgrowers and prospectors
    Bleevers = "the mark"
    Skeptics = conspirators and/or convincers
    Hoaxers = flim flam's finest
    Youtube/FB = bigfoot boiler room
    Everyone Else = mindless rabble of internet idiots and sexual perverts, the lovers the dreamers and me

    1. It's not easy being green

    2. pot growers dont have time for this shit. thats a full time job. I would know.

  16. Last summer my wife and I were hiking in a very large state park. After about an hour or so of hiking, we came across a family of four (parents and two little kids) in the middle of nowhere making a stick and debris structure like this. It was kind of strange. From what we could tell, it seemed they were doing it to have fun with the kids.


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