Breaking: Film Director Karl Kozak Wants His Photograph Back From Melissa Hovey

In early 2012, Melissa Hovey of the American Bigfoot Society shared a photograph of what she claims to be a Bigfoot sent to her anonymously. Though initial impressions suggested the Bigfoot was probably a suit from the movie "Clawed" by film director Karl Kozak, Hovey went ahead and filed a copyright claim on the photograph. Ultimately, Hovey reserved the right to place a copyright text on the photograph, and aggressively went after those who violated the alleged copyright, including our old friend Phil Poling who had been in a legal battle with her since April. The case against Poling was recently "dismissed with prejudice" and stipulation states "Hovey must file within 20 days, at her own expense, a disclaimer and forfeiture of her registration of her claim to copyright in the “Photograph”". You can read about the lawsuit's dismissal at The Bigfootery Enquirer.

We emailed director Karl Kozak regarding the photograph which Hovey claims to own and apparently, Hovey has been ignoring his request to remove the copyright from the photo:

Hi Shawn -

The photo that Melissa Hovey is circulating was taken during a filming break on my film "CLAWED: The Legend of Sasquatch". We shot the feature in the woods of North Bend, Washington. The actor was about 6'4" and wearing this silicon suit we had created by a SPX company that is no longer in business. I have many other photos of the suit and the actor "behind the scenes". I threw out the suit several years ago as it was aging and not pleasant smelling.

We recently wrote to Miss Hovey and asked her to remove the copyright from that photo, as it is our photo. We got an email saying "Melissa is out of town and we'll get back to you" response from her assistant (supposedly). We never heard back from her.

All those wanting to see the film can catch it on Netflix. I have to at least make a plug for the film, right.

Thanks !

For those still speculating whether the photograph was taken indoor or outdoor, Kozak tells us it was taken "at night, outside".

If you have a Netflix account, you can catch the movie "Clawed" here: Clawed The Legend of Sasquatch.


  1. Replies
    1. ... and then first to go ass to mouth on her ... BOOM! POW! SURPRISE!

    2. Melissa looks likes she could get down and dirty. I bet she's done the Glendale Gravy Train and even the Milky Chicago.

    3. Even the Taterhole Twister.

  2. Replies
    1. No monkeys.... Just giant hairy people.


    2. Any turtles? because i like turtles

    3. There can be as many turtles as you like my friend.


    4. You also can have as many as you like my friend, there's really no limit to the possibilities.


    5. I have four turtles two are over 20 years old 1 is an unknown species and one is a crazy mud turtle that comes when you call him (or her).

    6. Just giant hairy people? Where? Not in the forest in North America, but of course you wouldn't really know much about that would you Joe, since you don't live here and have never seen what our forests are like. You just live and feed on Internet forums, getting all the fodder you need to believe in such an outlandish myth, without ever having first hand experience. Just like most other forum trolls. Belief based solely on Internet garbage. Sad to see such nut job people. Funny as hell, but sad. People as dumb as Joe will continue to claim there are hairy giants in the woods, just like in fairy tales, without ever having a bit of evidence to support it. No wonder hoaxers hoax, for the sheer thrill of seeing the idiots feed on them like starving sharks. Believers will believe anything, which is why people hoax. Duh! Stop acting like mindless believers and hoaxes will stop, law of demand and supply! You want phony evidence, it will appear. The only problem is, that's all there is, phony evidence. Never has there been any real evidence, so do the math. Bigfoot is a modern fairy tale of a giant living in the woods. Occam's razor in a nutshell.

    7. Anon 8:11 Joe is enthusiactic. Not stupid. Maybe after the Sykes DNA study he will be less enthusiastic. But I'm going to hope Sykes brings forth some evidence that bolsters his enthusiasm. J.D.

    8. Sykes study is going to be a marketing ploy. He's teamed up with television, so the formula is already a foregone conclusion. Sykes will have zero evidence of Bigfoot, but to leave the door open for future funding, and to appeal to TV audiences, he will leave it with a mystery. Guaranteed. Zero evidence, yet a compelling mystery. Bigfoot doesn't exist in the real world, but it exists huge in the world of business! And that zero evidence result will be ignored, and the lingering mystery part is all Joe will take to heart. Nothing is new about this. It's how all the TV shows have done it. It's all about making money. Which is a concept you should apply to everyone within the Bigfoot royalty class. They make money, which is why they say they believe.

    9. Anon 8:55...

      ... fast forward to 29mins and suck it.

    10. The difference between you and me is, is that I don't ignore the tens of thousands of eye witness testimony, a lot of which are multiple person, a lot of which a traumatising... You have this preferred version of the Sykes study and you actually have less to go on that theory than I do? Ha!

      I don't live in forums, I frequent this one and I have a far better understanding of this subject than you, regardless of you being able to access the vast wildernesses of the States.

      Phony evidence?

      Explain footprints that are attained 40-50 miles into the interiors of wilderness areas, explain a transcribed dialect, explain 100 years of printed news media, explain ten thousand years of native culture, explain the best forensic artist in the country's enthusiasm, explain a wildlife biologist and former adviser to the UN's enthusiasm (amongst others), explain a costume and special effects expert of 30 years' enthusiasm, explain multiple person eye witnesses, explain sequenced DNA... Explain those things, without just claiming it's not there, you won't... You'll claim all these experts are retired (that is because they would have been ridiculed whilst not) and then you'll compare these experts to mainstream science accumulation (bollocks, mainstream science has censored and ridiculed this subject for too long and our experts a pioneers).

      Phony evidence?

      And to fo with all that... Sykes is coming.

    11. Hey JD..,

      Even if Sykes comes up to me face to face and tells me that in his opinion; Bigfoot does not exist... I'll still be on here plugging away and it'll be for all those people who have been traumatised and ridiculed, for all those heroes that have applied there expertise and that have been bullied by mainstream science, all those that are still plugging away in the field... I'll still be here for them cause that is the reason I have this interest.

      Thank you for putting that person straight pal. This blog has got ten times better since you started getting involved more.

      Peace bro.

    12. Your evidence is easy to "explain" Joe. Hoaxes and misidentifications, simple as that. You put a lot of stock in two things, the only two things you have to promote as evidence. Those are footprints (no feet, unfortunately) and eyewitness accounts. Footprints are remarkably easy to fake, as has been shown over and over and over again. The only footprint evidence known is faked. Most prints have been completely debunked by objective analysts. That the believers cling to the hope they might be real, quite honestly does nothing to change the fact they are fake, nor the fact that no animal has ever been found that could make them, other than human hoaxers.

      Eyewitness accounts fall into two categories, misidentification and flat out liars. Most witnesses are believers who want to believe, want to see a Bigfoot in the woods, and either lie about it, or imagine it and chalk it up to being real. Believers have zero credibility. Like Dr. Johnson, what a complete fake he is, what a joke. And for the misidentification, some of those are bears, but more importantly some of those are innocent people seeing hoaxes! I know a guy who has pulled a few of his own, and people have been the unwitting "eyewitnesses" that you believe saw a real Bigfoot! So your eyewitness evidence is total crap, unreliable, and meaningless.

      You think you know more than me, and as such have more credibility when saying they exist. Well, Joe buddy, I've been studying this subject for 45 years, and have long ago flushed out far more evidence that proves Bigfoot is a folk myth, than you will ever know. Your smugness is a cheap facade, unable to hide the most basic fact of all, that there is zero tangible evidence for the existence of Bigfoot. Not one single cell, not even one strand of DNA! All you have is imagination, fantasy, hopes, and a crudely hewn ability to twist the truth into radically distorted versions that fit your agenda. Why not post Sykes original and likely only quote which explains why he took on this study. He clearly says he is doing it to shut you fanatics up once and for all.

    13. Are you the same idiot that says I just saw a bear? Why can't you ever explain the footprints?

      I saw one, went to where it walked, and found bipedal footprints going up a steep hill with 6 foot steps, something I couldn't come close to matching. So if I saw a bear, how did it make those steps?

    14. Classic footer, Joe. Put Sykes on a pedestal as long as there is hope he will deliver your salvation, but ignore his results if they conflict with your belief. Classic two faced cultist. The more Insee of Bigfoot believers, the more I am convinced there is no Bigfoot. Only mentally ill people obsessed with a fantastic myth that has never been grounded in reality. Not a speck of animal to be found anywhere. Hard to circumvent that ugly fact, but leave it to nut jobs like Joe to bend and twist truth and facts to make them fit, to avoid seeing the unavoidable conclusion for what it is.

    15. Travis, you may have seen a bear, you may have seen a guy in a monkey suit, or you maybe have made the whole thing up for lack of something better to do with your time. Who knows what afflicted you, but it sure wasn't a Bigfoot. Bigfoot does not exist, so trying to get to the bottom of how you fit in with the cuckoos might take some work. Crazy people say and do crazy things. Even to the extent of claiming they saw imaginary monsters and their imaginary footprints. I'll bet Joe would like to dip further into his delusions so he could see one too! A footers dream come true. Tell Joe how you did it so be can do it too, if it took a lot of beers, some smoke, some prescription mess, sleep deprivation, some prank minded friends who are still laughing behind your back, or something more personal like mental illness.

    16. Nope, I'm gonna stick with what actually happened. Totally sober, and saw it. No history of mental illness, no friends that are 9 feet tall, no friends that can walk up a hill that steep at that speed.

      What delusion do you have that makes you feel like you are qualified to tell people how their own life events happened?

    17. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

      Anon 1:49...

      I didn't think for one second that you would bring anything more than cynicism to confront my sources, you bi-passed nearly all of them to only hand over one of the oldest most child-like responses I have heard a million and one times from you people. You did not and cannot explain prints that are attained in remote areas. You cannot explain them so you label them hoaxed as it is so easy for you to do; it masks the real obstacle you have in trying to explain them. You offer absolutely no explanation other than cynicism and what you fail to see is, you have just as much baring on the truth that way as the people who attain them, so why should anyone believe you over them? Cause you said so?? Because you've been part of a research field that for the last 50 years has been looking for a gorilla that isn't there??? Laughable.

      If you are referring to the technique Sarmiento is referring to; his technique does not account for prints that have been cast over the past few decades and prior to this being aired on a notoriously skeptical Nat Geo documentary. Sarmiento is no longer a skeptic, I wonder why that is? Stamping dermals is cheap and does not account for the same complex pattern that is found consistently in a number of different tracks, attained decades apart from different part of the country. Any one who has spent ten minutes looking at numerous casts can see that there are many, many first time prints that have a similarity in style of dermal ridging in the same way that two sets of finger prints from opposite sides of the country would look similar in style at first, regardless of apparent uniqueness under analysis. These cannot be explained away with desiccation because they have scar tissue and toe bending that many people who have done proper analysis have sited as the creature gripping into earth. There is a clear difference between desiccation marks and complex dermal markings. You can look for yourself on any image search engine and the fact that some have sited some casts that have been made poorly by amateur casters (these are mostly untrained civilian researchers, not perfectionists), as the main source to disprove such is at best desperate and ignorant of the wider picture of the sometimes difficult process it is to extract such prints. What a one in a billion lottery win chance that would be to somehow get the same pattern decades apart from opposite sides of the country?! The pouring of liquid into a cast can make desiccation wrinkles yes, but when done by amateur casters and there is so, so much more casts to counter that argument. Explain casts that are attained 40 miles into the interior of wilderness areas? The hoaxers would have to be either psychic or mind controllers to predict to the exact yard where the researchers are going to be to the exact moment eh?

    18. Anon 1:49...

      How easy is it for you to tar eye witnesses as mentally ill... explain multiple person sightings then pal? Again you duck and swerve and ignore explaining things and just offer what comes so easy to you; cynicism. To go with the ten's of thousands of eye witness testimony, we have thousands of years of Native American culture. Thousands... wall paintings some 8 feet tall true to size and if you know anything about indigenous culture, you would know that ceremonies, dances, utensil designs like baskets, all these things indigenous people do to pass down historical events, identity and culture because, as some may claim; written texts can be manipulated and missinterpreted. There is an easily attainable timeline of Native American culture by the determining the age of settlement sites. Burnt wood and other means have been used to carbon date areas where indigenous peoples who maintain the Bigfoot culture have resided. You are the liar, not the people who claim to have seen these creatures... you are a liar because you cannot admit that you have nothing to counter any of the evidence we have except for your point of view which is nothing in comparison to our expert backed research, so why are we to take your point of view? I have friends that have seen Bigfoot square on for a number of minutes, am I to take your anonymous opinion over there's? I can strongly suggest that you are a scare little narcissist because you keep coming on this blog and voicing your ignorance and offer nothing else expect it to wash. Bring something more to counter our expert backed sources or you are simply as believable as the people who claim to have sightings.

      Zero tangible evidence? I say zero capacity to accept the truth, and a willing to censor it at the same time.

      Anon 2:10...

      ... fast forward to 29mins and suck it. Ha!

    19. Anon 2:10...

      ... fast forward to 29mins and suck it. Ha!

    20. Anon 2:10...

      ... The one that has nothing to bring except wishful thinking and name calling, not to mention an obsession with me and hangs on every ignorant post because he hasn't the intelligence to post anything of any danger to Footers himself... Your the one that is crazy in denial pal. Check out that link and get scared boy! You're gonna need your slime skills to get you out of this one when it drops!

    21. Hey Travis, I was so hung up in schooling these clowns that I didn't acknowledge your posts. I believe you 100% bro... Your story has never changed and have never made any claims other than what you witnessed. Respect bro, these clowns would have never have left the house again.

      Peace bro.

    22. And so the monkey, or big hairy people are where? When someone says where's the monkey, or show me the monkey, you still have nothing to show but talk and more talk. Talk is so cheap these days, especially when it is about bigfoot. Where's the monkey, where's the big hairy people? Surely if they exist, there should be something more than prints and testaments from believers. There ought to be some bodies, bones, hair, poop, something left behind. Far as I can see, there's not a bit of that to be found.

    23. i love how someone tries to tell Travis what HE saw. Classic.

    24. I know right? As if I wasn't sure, and I needed an anonymous douchebag to help me clear it up

    25. So is this the same Travis that went to a bigfoot campout with a bunch of older bigfoot "researchers", along with his buddies Hank and whatever his name is? Perfect. Where else can one expect to have a "spontaneous" bigfoot encounter if it isn't during a bigfoot campout with a load of other bigfoot guys trying to cultivate a few new inductees. That way they have Travis as their patsy, just like Patterson had his Gimlin to act the fool as an innocent witness. Name your bigfoot camp mentors, Travis, and I'll bet that they have other bigfoot encounters attached to their events. Just like I predicted earlier, Travis was hoaxed by some old timers, and bought it hook, line and sinker. Now they have him to carry their torch, while they giggle in anonymity. This is how it's done all the time. Travis is just the latest in a long line of patsies. You fight the fight for the guys that fooled you, good buddy, while they kick back and laugh quietly.

    26. Anon 5:32...

      'Leaping Russian Yeti', MK Davis version on YouTube; there's your 'monkey'.

      I know hunters of 30 years that have never come across bear bones. Why should we come across Bigfoot bones? Are bears real because we don't find bones? Secondly, Bigfoot bury their dead; that is why I can call them giant hairy people because that implies culture and a higher intelligence to that of a dumb animal.

      For your information, samples like scat and hair have sequenced as DNA and then people like you have claimed it was a hoax and then you claim it's not there. Ha! Its like the dumb argument where people like you condemn two, three, four, five, TEN eye witnesses after another, and then come out with 'if these things were real we'd see them everywhere'... Only someone as stupid or as desperate to censor information would request it in a debate and then deny it's ever been there without bringing so much as a decent counter argument; that tends to be the way people like you work.

      Anon 12:14...

      Just who the hell do you think you are? Who the hell are you to tell someone what they did & didn't see? Again; you do exactly the same... You claim we should go out and find you a 'monkey', then condemn the people who have come back with information. Wonder why people haven't got time for listening to you? It's the cheapest trick in the book to claim that people who go and to look for this creature, who turn out successful, are then just hoaxed or seeing things. Pathetic and obvious. I can easily say that you are simply scared of the truth... why else would you deny something so desperately without any facts except your version of what happened? Anyone can see what your problem is, you are simply scared and this blog is the best means of getting a little bit of that reassurance you require so badly to explain the unknown. You avoid explaining any of the sources I provide as evidence and resort to bullying and claiming people are being made fools of; you are the fool pal, thinking that for the last ten thousand years people have been part of a secret society dressing in gorilla suits (when these cultures had no idea what monkeys or gorilla's looked like) and jumped out at people and said boo? Ha! I can easily claim you are nuts... Why else would you prioritize your time in such a way with such claims? Nuts with fear... arss-winker.

      Oh and guys... No monkeys, just giant hairy people. Ask the Smithsonian.

    27. Sure, there are hunters that have never come across bear bones, but we have plenty of bears living and dead. Plenty of bear bones found by other hunters. Plenty of bears everywhere, skins, meat, you name it. Nothing in the way of bigfoot remains, living or dead, not one speck.

      You say that samples like scat and hair have sequenced for DNA. DNA from bear, dogs, people, raccoons, but never, ever has there been samples that have come up as unknown primate, bigfoot or anything that would even suggest so. You're dreaming and lying to yourself if you think there has been, because there hasn't. The closet thing so far has been Ketchum's screwed up study, which has never produced viable DNA results of any kind. Her results have been completely unintelligible, in other words, garbage. Nothing suggestive of a bigfoot.

      Fact, Travis went out with a BUNCH of bigfooters, and happens to finds a bigfoot! Surprised? Not at all. Travis was had by his footer friends, simple as that. Played a prank on a young rocker kid, and ended up changing his life. Zowie!

      Ten thousand years. Not even close. Bigfoot is a relatively new myth, with people like you trying to rewrite history, trying to find the bigfoot in totem poles, making a bear into a monster hairy man, and the native americans taking guys like you for a ride, telling you what you want to hear. We don't have ten thousand years of "history" when it comes to bigfoot. No written record, only your interpretation of things to try to make it so.

      If you are so smart, and I am so dumb, then why is it that bigfoot is still considered a folk myth by everyone except for "believers" and cryptozoologists? I would be dumb if I claimed that chimps or bears or goldfish didn't exist, because we have plenty of tangible evidence to support their existence. But an 8 foot tall, 1,000 pound ape that has to number at least in the hundreds, if not in the thousands, there's no way they could still be hiding out undetected. You say they are detected. Well, I disagree. The only people that see them are fringe elements that believe in fantasy creatures. There is no physical evidence to support their existence. No DNA, despite you picking words from the air (point to some specific, verified DNA belonging to bigfoot), no remains of any kind, and no photos other than hoaxes, and all other recorded evidence can pretty easily be chalked up to hoaxes.

      If there were thousands of apes running loose in this country, there'd be plenty of ape evidence on top of those faked prints and faked photos, and delusional observations.

  3. Why does DWA and Mulder hate scientists so much? Its a little ironic, using technology that would not be possible without many generations of scientists to complain about them.

    1. Whats that got to do with "Breaking: Film Director Karl Kozak Wants His Photograph Back From Melissa Hovey"??

    2. ^everything...and yet nothing

    3. Because they are both mentally ill. I think they may act out violently if they ever figure out how Meldrum has been a fraud all along.

      Who am I kidding neither is smart enough to see that.

    4. I've heard Mulder is ill. DWA is just a prick.

    5. Nope, DWA is also mentally ill. He's also fairly literate, in his writing as well as his thinking. He can't even think in clean, educated English. He, like his cronies, thinks that arguing illogical, catch me if you can arguments means he's smarter than skeptics. He's not. He's far more idiotic, and he can't even see it. Like the entire Bigfoot myth, they can't see what a joke it has become. Any chance of serious consideration evaporated decades ago. Now it's just like a funny cartoon watching all the believer jokers go through their comical antics. Seriously funny stuff. Poke them here, poke them in the BFF, and watch them jump around like puppets, while their puppet master hucksters and hoaxers like Moneymaker and Munns surf the mosh pit, rubbing their fat guts in self absorbed ecstasy!

    6. "Illiterate", sorry, PCs suck.

    7. Sharon Shill at 8:21 perhaps?

      Your fear is showing.


    8. Sharon Shill? Is she hot? Hot as Melissa Hovey? Hot as the newly brainwashed Georgina, the newest girl on campus that Joe is completely smitten with? You can tell Joe is hot on Georgina. You can tell that Georgina likes the attention too. She baits Joe, knows he's a believer, and so caters to his ego, stroking it just like she'd, well, I'll leave that to Joe and Georgina's imagination. Georgina, here's a hint. Whether you do it or not, act as if you don't groom yourself. Act like you don't shave or wax. Bigfoot loving guys think the Patterson suit is a very sexy wild woman of the forest, even calling her a BILF, so if you want to make some serious points, drop a few hints about how fuzzy you tend to be! Just me mentioning it ought to get Joe all hot and bothered. Just watch and see!

    9. I god, are you that desperate for attention? Sad.

    10. Me Tarzan, you god? Wow, now I get it, visions of grandeur. You are a bigfoot god.

    11. Poor Joe is all upset, resorting to calling names now. You ought to, what's it called, keep s stiff upper lip? Buck up matey, or Georgina won't find you so devilishly cool and composed.

  4. I am absolutely disgusted with what Melissa Hovey has done. Who the fuck does she think she is? How dare she make a mockery of the Bigfoot community and the judicial system. She is no better than Rick Dyer. An opportunist jerk. I am so glad the truth finally came out. I believed in her just as much as I believed in Dr. Ketchum and her fraud of a paper. This so called First lady of Bigfooting is nothing but the First Lady of Bullshit. Stealing a photo and putting a fraudulent copyright claim is illegal. And then suing Phil Poling? She needs to be publicly shamed. Her character is cut from an immoral cloth and her integrity is corrupt.

    1. And anyone who associates with her need to consider that they are guilty by association and that when you lay down with dogs... you get fleas.

    2. HOW F__IN DARE YOU LIMP DICK!! I happen to be a "PARALEGAL" ,,AND I WILL SUE ANY SMALL PECKER I DEEM FIT !! U DIG?? as always Mellissa H .peace! o shit

    3. her bosom buddies, Tyler Higgins and Bart Cuntino will be running to pet store for flea medication.
      She is such an asshole, talks down to people
      like she is the best thing since sliced bread.
      when doesn't know shit from shampoo
      bottom line, Karma is a Bitch !

    4. "How dare she make a mockery of the Bigfoot community......"

      You guys do that just fine on your own.

    5. Why be disgusted with Melissa? She provided serious food for the believers to feed on for several years. She provided hope in a vast desert of emptiness. She provided an image of something that looked real enough to satisfy believers for a while, to get them by until the hoax was found out and until the next hoax could replace it. That's how it works. You loved her when you thought it was real, now you hate her because it is fake. Now some other hoax will come out, fool everyone for a while, make them happy, then be found out to be as fake as everything else. Then you'll trade your love for that person for a similar hate you have now. Never recognizing that all of these bits and pieces you love always end up as fakes. It'd hurt less if you realized they all are fake, and all the fun isn't in thinking they are real, but recognizing the efforts of your buddies who bend over backwards to keep you hoping, keep you fooled.

  5. I wonder if that Bigfoot suit had a penis and a vagina

    1. That can only be imagined telepathically.(I have both). Dr. Verge

    2. I am so very very sorry for my thoughtless comments here at this bastion of sanity and common sense.Please accept my apologies and I still feel that Melissa Hovey is one of the most credible voices in the BF community.
      Dr. Verge

  6. Melissa Hovey is an American hero!

    1. Actually she is an American Idiot... and Green Day wrote a song about her...

    2. She is one of the most credible voices in the bigfoot community.

    3. She had an appearance on Monsterquest...Only the best and brightest get to be on some

  7. This is BULL! That photo is NOT of the idiotic make-up job from the movie "Clawed." What nonsense. The hoax continues to be that Sasquatch does NOT exist, not that it does.

    1. Actually I thought the photo was from the movie Abominable.
      There were side by side comparison photo's (on this blog, no less) which were an exact match. Was the same costume used for both films?

    2. Could be, but the hair looks different from Abominable. And the Clawed suit has a neck, this one doesn't seem to have one.

    3. Loquat trees don't grow in Washington, they are subtropical.
      Dr. Verge ( One of the most credible voices in the BF community).

  8. The M-Ho photo looks NOTHING like that lame ass suit in "Clawed". Hot Karl is just looking for more publicity for his movie that nobody wants to watch.

  9. Sounds very much like the Patterson Film story where a couple years later a movie director claims it was his costume but he don't got it anymore and the company that made it has gone out of business. Not saying it isn't true but coincidence...

    1. Was waiting for this! The only thing that surprised me was that Joe has not stepped in with his "where's the suit" challenge! Footers will do anything to dismiss the obvious fact that Bigfoot does not exist, and that all evidence is phony. As soon as evidence is debunked, the damage control starts. Melissa Hovey is a phony, has been all along. People have been calling her out for it for years on the BFF and JREF, and she's waved her "integrity" around like a smelly pair of panties. Well, here we see what she is made of; in this case silicone and yak hair! Hovey, like Bigfoot, is phony to the core. How can you tell if evidence is fake? If it has to do with Bigfoot. And the three biggest idiots of all are Joe, Sweaty and Mulder, true tards.

    2. Listen 'numpty'... Most Footers would never have stood by this picture, because common sense and history would suggest that trail cameras have never worked; why now?

      You are obsessed with me cause you can't debate me, and I love that... Love it.

      Pussy, Ha!

    3. Agreed, history has shown that trail cams cannot capture a real Bigfoot, just like history has shown that nothing else can either. In other words, history has shown that Bigfoot does not exist. So there's not much point in trying to debate with you Joe, since you are a certifiable lunatic that believes in fantasy monsters. You can't produce the monkey, can't produce the giant hairy people, you can't produce anything to substantiate this mythological beast. All you got are references to other idiots. You say go read this believer's book, or that believer's article, never realizing that a room full of idiots that believe a monster exists, no matter how vocal they may be about it, will still not make it true. You gotta have the actual monster for it to be real, and there never has been such a beast. Thom Powell has all kinds of samples, right? His Bigfoot poop turns out to be bear. His Bigfoot hair turns out to be dog. It's always like that because there never will be real Bigfoot samples because there are no bigfoots! So why debate with an idiot?

    4. You cannot bring me anything to counter our evidence as opposed to your cynical, child-like opinion about monsters and mythical stories. A very common thing people like you do when all other efforts to use any amount of intellectual debate fall flat. You have nothing... not us. Would Sykes, the person who literally wrote the book on mitochondrial DNA, waste his time on a myth or a monster story? You keep over-looking this don't you?? You are beyond that of any idiot labeling because it is not possible to debate with you... not because you have anything in your vocabulary or understanding to hurt us, but you are unable to view any evidence as anything but nonsense because instead of debating properly, you refer to our field as monster-myth because that's all you can do. Will you still be around come the end of the year? I doubt it... I am taking my winnings from you now though with this comment exchange; this is why I encourage your dribble, because you will be too much of a coward to admit you are wrong come the end of the year and there will be no sign of you... I am here now to tell you I am going to love this DNA study baring fruit and it is you that I will have in mind when that day comes.

      Like I said before... Lucky you'll still be anonymous come the end of the year eh?

    5. So, Joe, what will you say, what will be your next "shell game" move when Sykes' TV show is aired, and he says he has no Bigfoot DNA? What big name will you pimp off of next? You make a big, pompous show of Sykes' interest in Bigfoot DNA. As I recall his interest was framed as a response to the age old challenge to science to look at the evidence, in order to put it to rest once and for all. He did not begin this study because he believes there was anything legitimate about it. Only to answer the believer lament about science not taking it seriously. So he responded and said okay, I'll look at the evidence, see if you dorks have DNA, and then if you don't, then shut the F up. You trying to rewrite history, and frame his interest as something you can use to bolster your own agenda, is very telling. He does not believe in Bigfoot, he is only trying to give your evidence a fair shake. And since if will be the same evidence that Ketchum used, the results will be the same; no Bigfoot DNA, only garbage and scraps of DNA from dogs, bears, raccoons and the human collectors. Junk.

      So Joe, what will be your next tiny thread to cling to once Sykes reveals his findings? Remember Ketchum? She was your savior at one point. Now she's a huge joke and embarrassment. Forget that one so soon? You've got nowhere to run, Joe, there is no valid, viable, legitimate evidence for the existence of Bigfoot. It's all a big fantasy. You've got zero evidence, and zero proof. Yet you think you have something to debate with? Pathetic. Insane. And so amusing to watch and study as you hop around like a little monkey, like a baby squatch!

    6. Hey Joe, you said you'd put your e-mail out there. How about you give out your BFF and JREF handles so we can debate there in a thread. This blog thing is too limited. I can show you the counter evidence you are begging for through those forums, which can't be posted here in a blog. Unless you're too afraid to expose your identities there.

    7. Anon 11:08...

      ... fast forward to 29mins and suck it.

      Anon 11:55...

      You people keep banging on about BFF and JREF like it's some secret weapon or above me; show me the counter evidence on this blog first or put up and shut up. If you could you would. This is the site that every day 'Joe's' come to when they want the latest news so this is where my commitment is to putting people like you straight for those every day Joe's to acknowledge another side to the coin. I have no interest on signing up to anything else... I do this as I'm going about my day and that's suits me just fine. Doesn't have to be good enough for you, stop hiding behind threats and debate here or nowhere.

    8. Reply to "where's the suit"
      I never said produce the suit, I said it was similar to what happened to Patterson.
      You seem 100% sure it doesn't exist.... Then why waste your time on this site!
      I'm not 100% sure of anything except that you want to convince me that its not and call people names?
      Until that time, why not discuss cause I agree it seems unlikely since we haven't found one but it doesn't explain foot prints, some videos and some eyewitness accounts cause my brother an avid hunter doesn't lie....

    9. There is no debate on the Jref forum and all of the 'Got Monkey' morons are banned from the BFF for being moronic...

      Here's a good a place as any to kick the ass of a skeptard.


    10. Maybe they got banned for asking the most relevant questions that can never be answered. Kind of like the answer is the big poop in the punchbowl, and getting rid of the people that ask the hard questions is the easiest way to defend the myth?

    11. Likes to chew on recently used condoms.^^^^^^

    12. but your not asking questions anon 535, your trolling and trying hard to disrupt the peace because your insecure.

    13. Insecure, and very, very afraid that monsters might actually exist. Don't leave that one out, it's lame, but it's still one of the only tactics you have.

      Believers are predictable, and amusing. Same old chants, "skeptics are afraid to believe like us, we're not afraid to believe, so why are you?" Or, "just because most bigfoot sightings have been debunked, that must mean the others are even more real because they haven't been debunked yet."

      Better than watching Jerry Springer, I tell ya.

  10. just another slap in the face... starting to believe there is no such thing as a BF :{

    1. Hang in there... You shouldn't invest so much hope in things like this. A Bigfoot would never just walk in front of a game trail cam anyway. If that was the case; we'd have loads more pictures, wouldn't we?


    2. when pictures/videos are proven to be hoaxes - which doesn't happen all that often, then surely that's a plus for all those items that haven't been proven hoaxes - if they were all so easily discounted, like this one, they would be.

    3. agreed, the evidence is overwhelmingly hoxed. Another way to put it, using the same standards of "evidence" as proposed by footers, the evidence that bigfoot is a hoax outweighs the evidence that he is real. We even have dead bodies, DNA, tissue, video, pictures, eyewitness reports and footprints all tied to one hoax or another.

      The left over evidence is inconclussive at best.

    4. We have had 10+ seasons of monster quest, Destination Truth and now finding bigfoot.


    5. What a lovely point Georgina! Nice to see you post.


    6. It pretty much comes down to what your agenda is prior to looking at the evidence. For example; wildlife biologists conduct much of their research around tracks?


    7. Joe, I think this is the most correct statement ever. "It pretty much comes down to what your agenda is"

      For beleivers, it's all evidence for, for skeptics, it's all evidence against. the result is INCONCLUSSIVE.

      Nothing short of a body will do it for me at this point.

    8. My point was to suggest focus on the the fact that mainstream science dogmatizes it's same methods when applied to this subject. This is what the field is up against... and then people claim we have no 'real' evidence?


    9. Figured it would happen. Georgina drank the Koolaid. Only a true believer would use a hoax exposé as evidence for the existence of Bigfoot! Funny how the believer brain works. The more hoaxes are exposed, the more strongly the freaks hold onto the ones that have not been exposed yet. Desperation, pure, simple, desperation. So I gotta call you out Georgina.

    10. Just another small minded hater. Why are you so bitter and obsessive. What is it about your personality that you have to frequent something that you don't agree with? I tell you why... cause you are a desperate, sad, upset little nobody that required too much reassurance of the boogey man when he was young, and it follows you around in later life in subjects of the unknown and in particular; things that scare you. You are the saddest thing about this subject and I pity you... if you think that a picture like this has any baring on the wider sources of evidence we have, then you a thicker and more easily reassured than I ever thought you were.

    11. Most Footers are as skeptical as possible and most saw through this. Footers will never win because to people like you, we either believe in everything, or when we see through something, we 'use hoax expose'? You are just another scared hater that probably has the social life of a rat. I don't mind saying that to you cause I know who you are... I've put you in your place loads of times. Desperate, nasty little hater; nothing more.

    12. Hi Joe, I was perusing Robert Lindsays site and there was some talk about bigfoot autism by one of the people on the thread. It may be good for a chuckle. But they seemed to be serious about it. J.D.

    13. Not a hater, Joe, just a lover! I love watching you monkey lovers do your thing. It's like watching Jerry Springer, but in real life, in real time! A bunch of Walmartians at a Walmart convention. I really, really like footers. They're funny, goofy, sort of dynamic people who really dedicate their lives to something with great vigor. I appreciate that. I just think that the interesting part is that what they invest all their spare time in and bet their integrity on is a complete hoax. And that no matter how many times they get slapped in the face with hoaxes, they never lose faith. True, complete, religious zealots. Psycho for sure, but a lot of fun. Oh hey, Joe, one thing you Brits miss out on too is how horny the Bigfoot conventions get!! These people hate the world that does not agree with them, so they are a very tightly bonded group, and when gathered at a convention they get drunk, commiserate with each other, and then get it on. One more benefit of being a footer, easy booty. It's usually hairy and smelly, since that's the fantasy role they chase, but it's free and easy.

    14. Anon 8:49, Sharon Shill maybe? "Walmartians" has Sharon Shill written all over it. She's often seen at Walmart, too.

      Anyway, 8:49 and 7:54 "exposé", you err in saying there is no such thing/hoax etc., because you would have to be all-knowing to have that information.

      As you are simply a Walmart shopper just like the people you are attacking, you have no such information.

      Skeptards are "true, complete, religious zealouts" you know.

      You will have to get over that most enthusiasts are skeptical and reject much evidence. You'll also have to accept that this film maker coming out only now with this story, after eight years, smells to high heaven of stinky fish, and you lapping it up as gospel like a kitten slurping milk, shows your gullibility and religious zeal.

    15. So what would be more productive? Spending one's spare time on an anthropological question that is now being mirrored by institutions such as the Oxford University? Or someone who spends their spare time anonymously hating something they are too afraid to acknowledge or even have the intellect to understand for that matter? You are a joke... Your lack of bringing any level of decent debate outlines that. That is why you hang on every little comment I make because you can't debate me. You have never debated me... You have an obsession with me because of that. You don't like being put in your place or being wrong because you resort to the most cowardly ways to get back at someone when you have nothing else to bring to the table. You are an obsessive little nobody that has to pick anonymous fights with people because that is your personality, you can't really sugar coat that. It takes a particular type of person to do what you do. You are the one the joke is on and it is you I will have in mind come the end of the year... Will you be around come then? No, so this is why I am going to take every opportunity until then with you, to tell you how much I am going to love it.

      You can scoff and try and define Bigfoot enthusiasts all you want... The joke is mostly on you for thinking we take ourselves too seriously, and like I said... It takes a particular type of personality to do what you do, I don't have to hide behind anything, I'll even put my email up on here. Sykes is coming, get creative (oh no.. you'll just slime away into another hating routine... won't you?)

    16. Zing, I never said I believed this photo is from Clawed, nor that I believe the director. However, I have recognized the photo and the underlying story as a very poor hoax from top to bottom, as well as Hovey's excuses and manipulation of the information. It's always been a clear hoax, I didn't need this breaking news to show me that.

      Joe, you are like a broken record. You keep saying people won't debate you, as if you are some champion heavy weight boxer who can't be beaten. You're a funny guy, for sure, but you are no intellectual, and you are a piss poor debater. You don't even realize when you are in a debate, nor what the score might be! All you do is sit at a computer in England hammering away at the keyboard. Thinking that you are making valid points when you have so very little ammunition to go on. You got nuthin'. All you have is a handful of other brainwashed believers who also have zero evidence.

      You don't have the scientific community starting to come around. You have one guy at I ford trying to make a few extra bucks, or pounds, by selling his time and name to a TV station. Taking a page out of Meldrum's playbook of how to cash in on one's education when the teaching salary doesn't pay enough for the kids' college fund. Get a part time job selling one's professional integrity on TV. Good trade.

      No matter how fast you tap dance, Joe, you still have nothing. So who's the bigger joke? The person who spends his time screaming about fantasy monsters existing, or the person who spends a few moments peeking into the loony cell to watch the patients pluck in is inks spiders from the air? On the one hand you have people who are slightly unhinged, living a fantasy, and on the other you have people (skeptics) who find it so absolutely fascinating observing aberrant human behavior.

      Oh, and yeah, Joe, I am so very afraid of Bigfoot! I'm shaking in my boots all the time, especially while out hiking and camping in the woods you never get to explore.

    17. Firstly, I have never claimed to be a top debater, only that I school people like you regularly. I am a 'piss poor debater'? Bring me something more than your cynical, unqualified opinion then. Don't just dismiss what we have, bring me something to counter the evidence I list as opposed to your scoffing and childish references to monsters. You proved this later on in your comment when you labeled Sykes' research as "... trying to make a few extra bucks, or pounds, by selling his time and name to a TV station"... This is all you appear to ever really bring to the table; cynical, twisted versions of reality and you want to tell me that I don't know how to debate? I don't even need to get into our other sources of evidence, the fact that science is asking the questions and you are in denial about that is evidence to all that read your comments where your agenda swings.

      No, we do have a recognition in science and to deny that would be denying one of the most credible people in science... What are your credentials to do that?? You are just an anonymous poster who assumes this and that; notably that I am in England.

      Tap dancing? I think your lyrical acrobatics to avoid answering any real debatable material is the only metaphoric choreography around here; you keep saying we have nothing when the only ones who have nothing; are people like you... No means of explaining our sources of evidence and if I wasn't so bored of you I'd list them... I've done that before and you just find another angle to try and scoff at everything other than answering with anything other than cynicism which is child-like.

      Aaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh, I forgot! That's why you are in so much denial... You're the arss-winker! HA! I almost forgot about you arss-winker. Listen; what will be the repercussions of this creature being recognized? It would mean you having to get out the gun and start carrying that about with your camping gear... And though I don't want anything bad to come to you, I'm sure that won't happen (you avoid much that challenges you)... But that moment where you have to seek out that gun will be the justice for expressing such a closed, ignorant mind for so long on blogs that don't concern you.

      Peace arss-winker.

    18. This is your best shot? Calling me an arse winker? This is your great debate skill revealing itself? It's kind of funny that you think that I need to come up with some sort of competing counter argument that rises above the invalidation of your so called evidence. You are crying that I don't meet you blow for blow, and complain that all I do is dismiss your evidence. Thing is, Joe, there is no need for a counter argument. No need to prove Bigfoot doesn't exist. Once the evidence presented in favor of existence is debunked, the argument is over. And your evidence has been debunked over and over again. No evidence in favor of Bigfoot existing outside a folk legend perpetuated by cultish zealots means game over. No evidence, no argument, no debate. Why do you want to debate something for which there is no evidence and no proof? That's what's crazy, Joe.

    19. Just because someone claims this is their suit doesn't mean this hoax is busted. Hmm...someone claims a bigfoot suit was theirs...where have I heard this before?

    20. Hey Joe. They called me a brainwashed believer. That hurt my feelings Joe

    21. I had just breezed the comment section to see if Kojak was going to get his suit back from the Dixie Chicks and I read what they said Joe. I guess if they're going to toss me into a discreet and insular minority, brainwashed believer isn't that bad.

    22. Hey Mike!

      Where you been bro? I've been called much worse than brainwashed and you're the man to anyone else with half a brain around here... your wit is missed bro.


      Explain footprints that are attained 40-50 miles into the interiors of wilderness areas, explain a transcribed dialect, explain 100 years of printed news media, explain ten thousand years of native culture, explain the best forensic artist in the country's enthusiasm, explain a wildlife biologist and former adviser to the UN's enthusiasm, explain a costume and special effects expert of 30 years' enthusiasm, explain multiple person eye witnesses, explain sequenced DNA... Explain those things, without just claiming it's not there, AND THEN we have some sort of debate. But let me guess your next move; to claim all these experts are retired (that is because they would have been ridiculed whilst not) and then you'll compare these experts to mainstream science accumulation (bollocks, mainstream science has censored and ridiculed this subject for too long and our experts a pioneers).

      Explain those sources of evidence and your opinion has some worth. Until then, you can preach we haven't got anything until your fingers tire... They stand up until you can challenge them with anything other than your little opinion.

      Sykes is coming.

    23. Jesus Mike! My hair stood on end when I read your email! I'll respond very soon bro.

      Peace bro.

    24. 'perpetuated by cultish zealots'

      Coming from the queen of Jref that has to be the quote of the year.

      Good to see the 'big guns' being wheeled out to try and wrestle this blog back for the skeptards.


    25. looks like these "skeptards" you fear MMG are winning...

    26. Y'know this blog was awash with 'got monkey' and 'ygnali' just a few short months ago.

      Footers were almost afraid to speak up. That fear has gone. Replaced by pseudo debate and good natured banter between those who believe and those who don't.

      Are the skeptics winning? Depends on who you root for I guess.

      Despite things being quiet on the BF front, things have been far from it in the comments section.

      It's been good battling with you guys. Til tomorrow...


    27. Anon 2:55...

      Who's winning exactly, people like you? Vulturous little haters who bring nothing to the table but hang on the word of every numb skull that posts ignorance? Go and have a look higher up this blog and see how I am handling your skeptics...

    28. MMG, you are right that things are slow in the BF research department. No decent finds, no discoveries, not even any decent shows on TV. The Mountain Monster guys are hilarious, a bunch of hillbillies looking for bigfoot, werewolves, all sorts of spooky things. That's the best BF has got these days? The best rackers, the best researchers, the best and most enthusiastic BFers in the world right now can't turn up anything substantial or even very impressive. Sad state for BF. Looks like it will never be found, which isn't too surprising for something that isn't real!

  11. To liven things up in the absense of anything of value pertaining to bigfoot I will attempt to leave you with a snippet of pseudo native American widom. When you are in the woods going poop remember this. The eagle see's your taterhole. The deer hears your taterhole. The bear smells your taterhole. The sasquatch takes your taterhole.

  12. Why are people not even addressing that Hovey lost the suit and was forced to remove her copyright on the photo? It's not about the thing being from a fucking movie! It's about a fucked up lawsuit that she failed to bring to court. A suit against a Youtuber that could have had great effect on everyone who posts there. Who cares about the fucking thing being a suit or not?

    1. You may want to elaborate for those who are not aware of the additional ramifications. They have simply not been discussed much because of the primary emphasis on the suit, copyright, and breaking one's word to a witness.

    2. The bigger point is not about breaking a word to a witness! That witness story was fake all along Hovey knew it was a fake story, she's known it all along! This photo deal was fake from day one. She knew it. She just thought she could convince gullible believers she was telling the truth, and she was right! Dumb believers are still going to believe she was telling the truth, that she has integrity, that it was a real witness and a real Sasquatch! That's the ironic thing. They will never realize that all big name footers are phony, are liars, are drunks, social outcasts, and loony tunes. Bigfoot is a magnet for crazy people.

  13. bunch of looney tune footers! Fighting over a invisible ape's back! They need to be in straight jackets in looney tune land.

    1. Oh look,it's the JREFER whose vibrating butt plug of skepticism quit working.

  14. Can someone who knows the particulars enlighten the newcomers about how the term the "Noll Hole" came to be synonymous with MH.

  15. Ya, that's nothing. Check out Darkwingh losing his shirt - to the tune of almost $1.2 million - for online slander! You have to hunt for the judgement document.

    1. Bullies who think you can hide behind "anonymous" and slander other people - take heed

      Google can be supena-ed (however you spell that word)

  16. Wasn't Melissa Hovey on the monsterquest episode where the all female team went on a bigfoot expedition?

  17. No go after other hoaxers such as Lupe Mendoza and his fake photo.

  18. So what your saying is that Thea Japanese loquat in the background (hardiness to 17 degrees F) is growing in the woods in North Bend Wa that can reach -3 degrees F. Doesn't quite add up does it?

  19. Clearly Melissa believed the source and actd on it, apparently in good faith. That it got to a lawsuit is ridiculous on the part of the party claiming it's theirs -absurd and typical.
    Judge made a good call having them pay their own legal fees, if he/she had really sided with them Melissa would be paying those fees.
    Get up and get out, get your own experiences, then talk about those, or defend. The feeding frenzy of bigfootery is getting boring.

  20. Meanwhile Bill Munns' scientific credentials are being pummeled into the ground over at the other forum like a rutting buck during taterhole season.

  21. Oh cool, who's doing the pummeling? Is Sweaty going to pull Bills arms off ala Celebrity Deathmatch?

    1. No, he's just shooting himself in the foot and exposing himself as the unqualified biased huckster he really is.

    2. I'll check it out. Which thread?

    3. Bill's formal scientific training ended with with a high school science fair which he did not win.

      Since then he's been entirely self taught but has worked with scientists on occasion.

      I have worked with engineers, architects enviornmental scientists throughout the course of my work.

      By Bill's logic, I am now an engineer, an architect, and an environmental scientist.

    4. Yeah, absolutely. Reminds me a bit of L Ron Hubbard, but a lot less successful at developing his own cult following. Munns knows Patty was a suit. He knows where the suit is. The only status he has in the world now comes from picking up the baton from Patterson and promoting that film as the real thing. And what's worse is that he's having to be a parasite making money off Patterson's film, he can't even make his own version of it! If he really was any good, he'd make his own suit, write his own foolproof script, shoot his own film, and make direct income from that. Instead, he sucks off Patterson's long dead tit.

    5. Eww, that sounds almost as gross as Mulder and Sweaty Yeti suckling off Bill Munns ample tits.

    6. The Munns haters doth protest too much, baby.

      We've never seen such a bunch of twisted zealots as these skeptardical JREFers.

      The Jolly Rectum Enthusiast's Fellowship needs to settle down and stay in its corner.

    7. I can't wait for Munns to post the response he gets from the publisher.

      It probably begins with 'who the fuck are you' and ends 'go fuck yourself'

    8. All those anti-Munns are all the work of the same guy.

      F*cking Tragic waste of life.

      It's only correct that Bill Munns scared the holy crap out of skeptics. They cannot attack his work so they attack him instead.


    9. Not true theres at at least two of us on here.

      I attack his work too.

      Takes surprisingly little time and still allows me to play tee ball

    10. 147 posts? Shawn is a bigger post whore that Bill Munns.

      Bill Munns, btw, is very well aware of the patty suit in DeAtley's office.

      He seems content to take footery for a ride, even at the expense of being the only former fx to not recognize a simple suit from 1967.

    11. If Bill Munns takes a successful shit in the morning does that qualify him to be a proctologist or a plumber or both?

    12. De Atley is nothing but a punk ass bitch of a liar.He will be the first to admit to being a punk ass bitch of a liar.

  22. Maybe we have a new saying here.."You've been Clawed".!!

  23. Between Hovey's and DW's situations, people really need to think twice about what they do online.

  24. "We got an email saying "Melissa is out of town and we'll get back to you" response from her assistant (supposedly). We never heard back from her."

    This part is very funny. Hoovey so big time she has an assistant to do email. The timing of that email would be interesting if depositions were taken in the failed lawsuit.

    1. And why did Kozak take eight years to spring forth with this claim?

      Is it Bob Hilarious all over again?

  25. So does this conclusively prove that this bigfoot photo is fake (but I repeat myself)? There are still dumbshit bigfooters (but I repeat myself once more) who will still believe it to be "real".

    1. There are also idiots that think it is a suit from "Clawed". Or was it "Abominable"? I think there is a better chance of the photo being real than a suit from those movies.

    2. So you actually believe this is a real photo?????? Ha ha ha.

    3. Very doubtful that this is from the 'Clawed' film.

      No chance this is a picture of a real creature.

      The pic fiasco was not Melissa's finest hour.



    While I am not a fan of Hovey nor am I convinced the photo is real, I do believe in getting both sides to a story.

    1. Yes that was interesting, thanks for the link. It's comical to watch the skeptards seize on any claim hook line and sinker and descend to the bottom and crash like a ton of lead. They keep doing it, they never learn.

      Anyone who has second or third hand info or rumor, as long as it is anti-sasquatch, the skeptards grab it like rabid foaming dogs and consider it gospel. They are rats in a maze, every day doing exactly what they pontificate against, and attack others of doing.

      Self-hating, maybe.

    2. Actually, it's comical to watch the bigfooters fall all over themselves to try to justify something that doesn't exist. They do this all the time, you know (yes--YOU KNOW). Make up shit to prop up their imaginations.

    3. The thing is Hovey claiming she removing all the photos she posted because she didn't want to be caught up in a hoax. But what she failed to mention is she had to by court order.
      I don't know if the photo came from this movie or somewhere else but it is fake and I believe she knew it from the start.

    4. Word is she is spinner. Damage control in full panic mode.

  27. I knew this was a hoax from the start. Bigfoot does exist but so do all the hoaxers

  28. WELL who else will be outed as a Hoax'er!!! Melissa Hovey was so highly thought of, and to find out that her photo was a HOAX!!! Who can be trusted in the BigFoot Community? Right now, Noone!!! Someone will need a video of a Bigfoot living and breathing and then the body to top it all off, otherwise someone will cry hoax! If the ones that are so highly thought of prove that they are not above hoaxing then who, what should we believe. This puts her in the same class as Dyer in my book!

    1. Before you get any crazier, read this:

      Per the poster above.

    2. If Bart Cutino, Moneymaker (BFRO), Derek Randles were EVER proven to be hoaxers, that would be the end of it for me.
      I would lose all hope.

    3. HEY JOE!

      Check out the link that 12:44 left on here! Dear God! IT Changes everything!

    4. That's the same suit that's on Hovey's blog right now. She's trying to pretend its not but it is. She cites the neck not being the same but that's because the head in Hovey's released pic is tilted forward giving the impression that the neck isn't very long. If you look at the back of the right arm in both pics, you can actually see that the crease in the suit between the shoulder muscle and tricep muscle are exactly the same.

      Simply put, its the same suit and Hovey's nothing but a hoaxer like the rest of Bigfooters, all of them.

    5. The last thing that Jrefers & Skeptards know about is suits.

      Believe me they cannot or refuse to tell the difference between flesh & blood and latex.

      Where's Stan Winston when you need him? Lols!


    6. Produce the latex blowup doll for us or you are full of it.

    7. 1250, I don't think any of them would hoax though MM has jumped the gun a bit like Sonoma and Jacobs pics, Randles backed Melba as Bart very publicly took opposite position and called her out prior to her disaster paper.

      Cutino has brought it and backd it and is clean from his thermal video (good job), stance on ketchum's craziness to his transparency, though I don't ever see Randles or Moneyman hoaxing anybody either.

  29. Just another hoax in the long line of hoaxes that has created the legend of sasquatch. Only retarded people believe sasquatch is real. Everything and I do mean every single damn video is a hoax. Morons......

    1. Well maybe but I want my snuff back from Albert Ostman.

  30. On jref a very old thread that I was unaware of got bumped "sweatiyetis martian civilisation evidence thread". I saw that and completely lost my shit, spat my drink out soaking everything and have been in tears laughing ever since. Oh you footers serve up some true gold from time to time!

  31. Nothing is new here. Everything is always the same, day in and day out. Bigfoot enthusiasts, or rather the bigfoot fanatics, are always crying "the end is near", "vindication is just around the corner". Just like the crazy old insane guys who stand on the street corner with a sign that says "The End Is Near", nobody gives them a second look. The end never comes. Vindication never comes. Believers just get old and bitter and more entrenched in their beliefs, too stubborn to let go of a dream that will never be fulfilled. They crawl into their holes, Like Joe, and shout out insults and call people outside their little holes names, like ass-winker, skeptards, skoftics. That's all they have left at the end of the day, or the end of their lives, just name calling and bitterness, because bigfoot doesn't exist and they are just to blind and stubborn to let go of their childish dreams and move on into the real world of real people and real animals. Fantasy dwellers to the very end.


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