Breakdown: Bigfoot Spotting In Ohio (Best View)
For this breakdown, Phil writes: "After having this video for while I decided to have a better look since the subject was at a distance away. At a distance it could be argued to be anything bipedal but up close ... well... you decide. I am at a loss as to the location of the original video or the circumstances under which it was recorded."
DeleteGot monkey?
DeleteThat raging footer on the other thread certainly hasn't.
Stop talking about my raging footer so homosexually
DeleteHow Dare You!
DeleteYou're trolling DWA all wrong.
DeleteI posted a workshop on trolling DWA a few months ago.
Look it up.
How DARE You...
How dare YOU!
Delete^^^^^ Don't even start with me you muppet fuck.
DeleteHow dare you think you can muppet fuck Fozzie
DeleteFuck you all.
Delete- Internet tough-guy champion
Dear raging sceptard 5:28,
DeleteYou sure do NOT have the miraculous magical mythical mystical monumental majestic monkey man suit with the mechanical prehensile fingers, spinal erectors, muscle, tendon, bone and mass, required to create a "creature" representing Patty.
Good luck with your NOTHING.
We all here at Bigfoot Evidence Blog surely hope that you are enjoying your delicious helping of nothing which you have brought to the table today.
Oh, the raging sceptard's ignorant, thrashing, gnashing, squirming, pointlessly crying, helpless lot in life. It's sad to watch, sometimes.
Other poster was correct: Reduce your stess in life today by refraining from your moronic broken record dimwitted 'got monkey?' refrain.
Got miraculous magical mythical mystical monumental majestic monkey man suit?
No you don't.
Then . . .
We are all looking forward to you shutting up.
Where's joe been at here lately? Did he finally get tired of being pwned every day? Poor little guy
DeletePatty was a suit worn by Patterson who was five foot three inches tall, while Gimlim manned the camera.
DeleteNo, no that's not going to work. Let's see. We've got those pesky prehensile fingers in frames 61 and 72, and the arms are way too long for those to be human hands, rats.
OK, here:
Patty was a radio controlled robot with electronically operated mechanical fingers. Yeah, that's it!
OK, so, here's how it went down:
Patterson manned the camera, while Gimlin sat on his horse with the radio control, and directed the Patty robot's walk, the arm swing, buttock movement, muscle and mass and tendon movement in right thigh, turning head, stumble, the curling-closing fingers of the right hand.
Well, that should about cover it. Yep, patty was an electric robot, yup. Gimlin ran the controls, while Patterson ran after it filming it.
Damn, that HAS to be it. It simply HAS to be. I'm running out of options here!
If I say Patty was a Gimlin-operated robot, then no one can challenge me about the arms, fingers, muscle, or anything! Yay!
Damn I'm bright!
OK that's it for now. Yup Patty the robot!
Oh wait, I forgot, the robot was packed with 'water filled sacks' which perfectly simulate muscle, tendon, and fleshy mass movement, yeah! Dang, rippling water looks just like a hamstring tendon moving! (Don't criticise me!)
OK I guess we're done here. Patty the Robot. OK I win.
I am bright.
For I am the Highly Sceptardical Cranially Challenged Got Monkey Moron!
Yes it is tragic watching that witless Got monkey moron hanging there helplessly, twisting in the wind, staring blankly as drool oozes from the corner of the mouth. If the moron would shut up like the owned schooled tiny idiot the person is, we might feel compassion for the fool. All that person can do is helplessly regurgitate the same refrain daily, while running away from any challenge placed at that person's door.
DeleteBack where I come from, we call that WEAK.
Oh, cranially challenged got monkey dude, BTW, you have at least one error in your nevertheless tiny comment:
DeleteThe "raging footer" you reference from the last BEB post wasn't a FOOTER, simply a commentator. Not everyone interested in the subject is a footer. Since you are here every day, you are a footer too or what?
Got monkey dude is a footer? A monkeyfooter?
I didn't notice that commentator was especially RAGING either.
Got donkey?
I believe you do, for you are a ROYAL ASS.
A footer is anyone who's interested in the subject, for whatever reason, independent of belief...
What's the good word all caps
At first the figure looks baggy. Later it looks kind of giant. At the very end it jumps or leaps. What a shame this wasn't in focus.
ReplyDeleteLook out folks its our good friend that got pwned by patterson. Hes now claiming there could be something to this video. Wow just wow.
DeleteWhat happened to Urthu Ugar the First?
DeleteHelen Keller is the most respected voice in bigfooting today.
DeleteTrue.. I bet she's had a few sightings in her day!
DeleteIts has no back story, chain of custody or provenance. Because the PGF is so precious and the back story sucks, we have to pretend back stories do not matter. The result is an endless stream of crap, like this video..joke..
DeleteSorry but provenance is paramount. If Don Abbot and Grover Krantz shot the PGF we would not be debating it...
Blurry figure that jumps and leaps at the very end is the most credible voice in the Bigfoot Community.
ReplyDeleteThe bar has been set.
DeleteIt smells like boogers in here.
DeleteLook at that (guy in an ape suit)
ReplyDeleteThere it goes (a guy in an ape suit)
^ Look at that (guy with no penis)
DeleteSometimes I get them menstrual cramps real hard.
ReplyDeleteUse this one weird trick to hoax chupacabra in Texas.
ReplyDeleteBomb the NSA.
ReplyDelete^^^^^^ expect a knock on your door soon
DeleteNow you gone and done it. Pissed off the NSA. Shawn will have a coydog because of you. BTW, did you see Patty's lips and nostrils?
ReplyDeleteShawn why did you delete my link to the Mansion in the yakima paper earlier today?
ReplyDeleteDid the Bigfoot Mafia finally get to you Shawn?
Did you wake up next to the head of a dead red skinned horse in your bed?
Lol any underworld connections Bill 'coulda been' Munns has affixed to DeAtley's character should be dismissed by Bill's own words:
Look at the film not at the backstory or character of the persons involved.
Or Bill could get off his fat lazy ass and take a long hard look at his antithesis. It's just sitting in Al's office.
uh huh huh huh you said long uh huh huh huh you said hard
DeleteDon't worry, we know Roger and Al conspired to hoax the PGF. Clearly, a reasonable inference from the available information...Uh oh, now Joe and Skeptard Alert guy are going to yell at
DeleteMK Davis showed us Patty spotting...there's another one now?
ReplyDeleteIt's the Bigfoot Boogie...
ReplyDeleteSpin Matilda round and round
ReplyDeleteGot monkey? idiot owned above. Pwned, owned, schooled, spanked, and sent to bed.
I guess i missed that and why you hiding all the way down here?
Delete^ got monkey guy
DeleteWho's hiding? Look around, pal. Do you read English?
DeleteOMG, hey got monkey guy, quite while yer behind pal, yer face is gettin' all bloody!
Oh God, quit, I meant quit while yer behind.
Deletepretty sure he knew what you meant i think he went back to his favorite Justin Bieber blog so he can comment "Got Justin"
DeleteI can help with the background. This was filmed in late Jan. or early Feb. N.E. Ohio. The kid I'm guessing in early teens heard some noise around house in early morning and grab his camcorder and went out to see. He then saw the creature back at woodline and filmed. What above take out does not show that origional did was the kid lost track of it for a few seconds and then found it again to the right and what appeared to be 100 to 200 yards away in a very short time. That is what impressed me and a few others. I contacted the kid through his youtube site and told him I could drive the 200 miles to research what he had filmed. Also my friend Sam who lives much closer could do the same. In the first frames of the film it is standing between two trees that would be very easy to measure the height. The kid typed back that he would do the measuring himself, however he never did and never followed up on it. This leads me to believe he was either to scared to go to the area or most likely it was all faked.