Watch this: What to Do If You Spot a Bear

A Providence, RI reporter decides to go "interactive" to describe what to do if a bear spots you.


  1. Replies
    1. Throw a tomato at it, that's what you do!

    2. Cover yourself with honey and bacon. That will get rid of the bear. Eventually.

    3. She should have just thrown her panties at me. Bears LOVE salmon.

    4. Lol nice, Fozzie. I wanna be you! Its just not fair that I can't!

    5. Jonathon Reynold, u have gay written ALL OVER YOU.......

    6. Forget about Travis and Henry! It was YOU and Travis all along....

    7. I'm sooo insulted! How dare you! Lol!

    8. Way to go Fozzie!! Stop drop and roll is very classy for a first date!!

    9. 10:59, i saw you take those blueberry pancakes!

  2. Take a dump and throw it at the bear.

    1. Stop, drop, and get in the fecal position.

  3. Point behind the bear and holler Bigfoot!

  4. Capture it and put it in the backseat of Joe F's car. Give him something interesting to talk about.

    1. Instead of cheap slander why not attack the subject rather than it's proponents.

      You guys have lost the battle.

      On the verge of losing the war.

      Up your game or GTFO.

      Taking this blog BACK!


    2. In the immortal words of Anon 446:

      I'm sorry I can't be flippant about this anymore you footers are fuckin' mental cases, fuckin' certifiable-there's no hope for you...a suit? there has to be a suit produced to show the PGF is fake!...500 fuckin' years of European habitation in North America not one type specimen not one hide not one fossil nothing but one crummy 16mm film and footprints that are entirely fakeable (I don't care what some attention seeking ass-clown "expert" from podunk Conroe TX has to say about it) and a bunch of damn stories on a fake ass made-up website for "bigfoot research"-that's what you have..let me ask you clowns this- who kept bigfoot a secret before the Smithsonian, before the MIBs, before there even was a US government huh? you could no more keep an eight foot tall 800 hundred pound bipedal primate a secret than a moose or a grizzly all rights those damn things-if they existed-should be walking around knocking people down and taking their damn ice cream cones away when they walk out of the fuckin' Dairy Queen...Jesus! And why would they be scared of people? nobody ever kills one, there has never been a systematic effort made to eradicate them like other large predators-if any thing they should be grateful to humans for getting of all the other predators that could pose a threat to them and their offspring...hell we should be pals...but no they're elusive and do everything they can to avoid people...WHAT FOR? Now I'm sure you'll give me shit about being on a blog for a creature I don't believe in like you always do to anyone who questions you're fantasy so I'll tell you why I'm here...for Mayor McCheese, Poop in a Jar guy, YGNALI guy and everybody else with a sense of humor that makes this sight fun instead of just a sounding board for bigfoot kooks to reinforce each others delusions in an endless positive feedback loop of self-deception...

    3. Sweet Mother of God, anon 5:31/4:46, calm down. Your delusions are getting the better of you.

      Sign up for the human head transplant, complete with brain, and after that surgery, rethink your position. Maybe your delusions will go away with your old head.

      We can only hope.

      Good luck.

    4. Wow just Wow!

      Anon 5:31 is really Retarded! If it bothers you that much do all of us a favor and just leave! You apparently are suffering severe mental problems over this and frankly it's hilarious watching you act like a Moron! Tard on and don't let the door hit u in the ass on the way out! Lol!

    5. 5:31 should up his meds. This bigfoot stuff is rotting his brain.

      "I'll tell you why I'm here...for Mayor McCheese, Poop in a Jar guy,"

      With a quote like that I hope this asshole doesn't have children.

    6. 5:31 is a closet bleever.

    7. I took my kids to see Poop in a Jar Guy last summer..He's really down to earth and even posed for group pictures...The Mayor is X-rated so we skipped that stop...

    8. Anon 5:31...

      Right here to start?

      It's really plain and simple and in your anger you miss the fundamentals of any debate; you claim that Patty is a 'suit'... show us the suit or the creature in all it's detail and for the technological capabilities of the time; is real. If you are angry with that, then just move on to another subject. If something makes you angry then it's good advise to find something else that helps you with your self esteem issues, which is very apparent in your comment.

      Bigfoot basically wasn't a secret before institutions like the Smithsonian made efforts to keep things under wraps, because there was more space for these creatures to hide in, without being pesters by modern civilization. The creature was respected and left alone until then by native cultures who showed compassion, respect and admiration for it, along with thousands of years of understanding that it is equal to us; not a dumb animal. As agriculture and the industrial revolution gained momentum, we stumbled across more and more burial sites that uncovered remains and this is in many libraries up and down the country. The wider knowledge of such would have challenged educational system, religious institutions and the economy; hence the reason to cover it all up.

      The reason you come across moose and grizzly bear so often, is because they have nowhere near the intelligence of a Bigfoot; Bigfoot are not dumb animals and therefore are more calculative in evading us... the have to because we will no doubt shoot them for dumb heads like you that require biological evidence... see? Also, why do you think hunters have to crawl around in the shit all day to grab a glance of a deer? There's tens of thousands of them, numbers a increasing even but they have advanced senses that they depend upon for survival. Pair that with a level of intelligence equal to ours and you have a very elusive creature, who I might add is widely reported as nocturnal.

      Bigfoot are not scared of apex predators, in fact, they are the ultimate apex predator. Imagine an 8-11 foot bipedal giant that can climb, swim, sprint either bipedally or quadrupedally, (they have evolved for every aspect of the wilderness, and have the strenghth to break the neck of an elk with a twist of it's long arms... they don't need to rely on humans to keep bear and cougar numbers down; they probably hate us for shooting them in the first place cause they are their equivalent to our domesticated cats and dogs (I don't know, just applying a little imagination, something you should do to sometimes answer your own kindergarten type rantful questioning).

      If you want toilet humor (and I am not stating that I do not like those sources of humor on this site, quite the opposite), then there are a million and one different places you can find that. Make a list of all the different names for genitalia and just scream them in the mirror. I think this would be more beneficial for your requirement to hear such profanities and the exercise would also serve as a means of venting some of that pent up self esteem issues you have. In all that screaming, you may even enlighten yourself as to how better prioritize your time... you never know.


  5. Replies
    1. Hilarious & Hackham owned by the PGF.

    2. Packham's suit is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence I've seen for Patty being a flesh and blood creature.

      Big BBC budget, skilled suit maker should have at least come close.

      Google his suit folks. It will make your day.

      I'm off to remind Packham about his failure on Twitter. Very amusing!


  6. What to do if you spot a bear: Take a blurry photo, call it a Sasquatch, post it on this site and let the fireworks begin.

    1. Wait for it to drop a load, photograph the turd and post it on the everyone oohhh and

  7. Pretty sure MMG and PJ are the same person created by Shawn to add more spice to this site. Could be wrong, but most people on here are. So, I should fit right in.

    1. Meaning, you are created by Shawn?

    2. No, meaning most people on here are WRONG

    3. Desperate times. That's all you have?

      Sharon Hill will be apoplectic!


    4. I bet you were waiting a long time to throw that word in a sentence

    5. Indeed my friend!

      Hoping to also slip irascible in over the weekend... ;0)


  8. @joe fitz. I just read over your comments in the alabama trail thread. I just want to say two things, firstly I hate this site, nothing but a bunch of assholes with the iq's & attention spans of give yearolds minus the potential t grow and I am fully convinced that this site is disinfo, I would not be surprised to learn that shawn the hack evidence runs this chocolate starfish of a site on behalf of some alphabet agency solely to contribute in the general disorientation and water sullying that surrounds the question of the sasquatch. He has banned me or blocked me fri. Posting here for simply raising that question and drawing general attention to how transparent he and his shit hole deposit really is.
    And the second th ing I wanted to state is how refreshing it is to see someone applying true critical th inking while addressing the mass of retards that stalk this toilet of a site. I have noticed your arguments and how you apply logic, reason and rhetoric to your statements, even providing these dead heads with references to primary documents, and pointing out their logical fallacies. Good work and concrete thought progression. I have been getting a kick out watch these half wits stumble over their own incoherent thought processes in attempts to debate you, but from my vantage point they fail and they fail epically. Thank for your thoughts and opinions man, very concise.
    I would like to refer you to an archive of incredible research that I feel you may really sink your intellect in to on site called tragedy and recommend based on my observance of your grasp on the art of active literacy.
    Peace joe.

    1. You, sir, need a hug....and you will get nothing and like it.

    2. "I hate this site" So, I will log in on another computer so I can tell PJ how much I love him and how smart he is. That's rich, man.

    3. ^ aawe, don't be jealous, I love you too douchetard

    4. You need to show your post to someone who cares about you. I'm serious. What harm can it do? Hopefully, they will encourage you to deal with whatever mental health affliction is causing your mind to concoct absurd and paranoid scenarios....

      Listen: Shawn is not some crypto version of J Gordan Liddy. He is a guy with some tech skills and some kids who runs a blog to make some cash...Yeesh...

    5. And you call that one poster a butthurt footer...this guy has the butthurt of 50 resident footers.

    6. I have the iq and attention span of a give yearold.

    7. Anon 6:58...

      Cheers bro.

      Much respect.


    8. And wow! Thank you for suggesting that site bro! I'll really give that a goog go!

      Respect bro.


    9. Shawn does fabricate stories and publishes misinformation, but I doubt his agenda is anything more sinister than a making a few bucks.

  9. Just Do It or Seal Your LipsFriday, July 12, 2013 at 7:22:00 PM PDT

    PGF hoax claim requires duplication of Patty to hold water.

    BBC failed.

    Bob Hilarious failed.

    Keeping strictly to that topic, if you cry hoax, then prove hoax: duplicate Patty credibly with 1967 tools.

    Without that, you have no argument, no point.

    The credible evidence in the PGF gives lie to your claims and destroys your argument.

    Forty six years so far with only failures isn't exactly helping your hysterical psychotic delusional argument much.

    Forty six years with nothing but failures = FAIL.

    You are done.

    You had your shots with Hilarious & Hackham, and you are done.

    You have no point.

    You have nothing.

    We can only pray that you like it.

    Stick to the point, ladies and gentlemen. The Patty challenge is to reproduce Patty with 1967 tools. It has nothing to do with got monkey? or getting monkey. The topic is PGF. Stay on the topic.

    1. Look we've given you forty-five years. Time's up.

      Ollie Ollie oxen free! C'mon in bigfoot! You win!

    2. Do it with 2013 technology

  10. Cover your taterhole and run like hell.

  11. Dear Joe F.
    I love you.

    Joe F.

  12. (clive squashy)

    This is just the type of article that could capture America's heart !


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