Watch this: Paul "Dizzy Hips" Blair hula hoops 100lb tractor tire

Forget hula hoop girl! I'm now a fan of Paul "Dizzy Hips" Blair who has now broken two hula hoops records. Watch how Paul broke his latest world record by swiveling a 100lb tired around his waist.


  1. Replies
    1. This dude has nothing on Hula Girl.....she has very strong hips....

    2. But her inner her thighs...

    3. I can't even be bother to troll this site anymore. I was both Cyndi and Gman, and occasionally GOD KING and the bitcoin beggar. My favourite was Cyndi by far.

      The purpose of my Cyndi trolling was to show that feminist ideology could be applied to anything, and came prepackaged with its own answers (blame men, especially white hetrosexual men). As absurd as my trolling was, the reality has surpassed my greatest efforts in this regard, just search for e=mc2 is sexist.

      I'm very glad that most people on the site 'got it'. I hope that I have entertained and hopefully exposed this dangerous nonsense for what it is.

      And yes, I am a man.

      Take care all.

    4. You'll get nothing and like it, Cyndi.

    5. Id still do you, cyndi

    6. I don't remember Gman. I am familiar with your work as Cyndi and God King though, and I am a fan. What the hell, while we're at it, I was Pierre McDonald if anybody remembers the Canadian hoser character. Also Salty McTaterskins,lol.

    7. I know last week I made it seem like I wouldn't be commenting anymore, but I reconsidered. I wish I could quit you!

    8. (clive squashy)

      You won't quit commenting ya big ham.

      Excuse me, hamburger.

    9. Shut up Cyndi, ya stupid libtard!

    10. Who was "Taterhole"? Well, when you think about it, we are all Taterhole...

  2. Shawn, what the hell do you mean "forget hula hoop girl"??!!! You need to get your head checked!

  3. Paul "Dizzy Hips" Blair is one of the most credible voices in the bigfoot community.

  4. This video has finally convinced me of the existence of Bigfoot.

    1. Right? I was gonna wait for 3 more stories but now I'm good, Bigfoot is real...

    2. Welcome to the new believers!

  5. Too much Dude, not enough Chick.

  6. Big deal. Most footers carry a 100 pound spare tire around their waist.

    1. That's not bad for a crash-helmet-wearing-fluorescent-pink-jumpsuit-wearing skeptard. Congratulations. We might send you home early today, with a gold star on your coloring book.

  7. Anyone heard any recent news on the Sykes study? Yeah....didn't think so.

  8. Sometimes I'll pull MY Jag over to the curb and throw a couple HUNDRED dollar bills out the window, just to make Myself feel good. These poor street performers don't have any idea what it's like to have the BEST of EVERYTHING. I don't Need those Hundreds anyway. Peanuts.

    Bob Wire

    1. Bob, would you be interested in funding my next campaign? I am very impressed by your comments. Just the type of guy I would like on my side.

  9. Honk if you like eggs.

    Shave it!


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