Watch this: Clever way to get amazing footage of animals at the Zoo

Can this same method be used on Bigfoot?


  1. Replies
    1. MMC, check out Dream Theaters "The Glass Prison"

    2. Hasnt been the same to me since portnoy. Still good though.

    3. Please don't mention anything from Risk again. Thank you.

    4. Jon, The Glass Prison is Portnoy, but I agree, although Mangini has incredible ambidexterity...
      Fozzie, I won't, respect for that comment...

    5. Explain to me exactly what the glass prison is, I just assumed it was a new dream theater song.

    6. Disregard that. Just had a major brain fart.

    7. Jon, just an epic song.

    8. ^i knew I should've taken ebonics as a second language in college, I'm completely in the dark here, anon 9:35. Do you speak english by any chance??

    9. Anon 9:35 is the ghost of Michael Jackson. Come on Jon, get your head in the game.

    10. What are Megadeth Crutches?

    11. yo jon jon, my daw i speek perfek inlgesh. u got beef daw im funna spar aight. yall ignant as fug u dun no me.

    12. scrait up daw im funna cum ova yo crib n burn yo howz to da grownd

    13. jeesh take it down a notch there psycho anon

    14. I read in Revolver Mag that Portnoy is teaming up with Billy Sheehan and Ritchie Kotzen. Interesting to say the least. I dig power trios.

  2. Pretty cool idea for chimps, most of them probably havent seen a reflection other than in water.

    I have seen Dolphins respond well to mirrors and will play in front of them.

    1. Profound response Anon 9:57, please show us your's too.

    2. yo anon 857

      you ignant daw

    3. I believe that the Dolphins have a lingual capabilities thru clicks and sound. Science thinks now that they have names to call each other thru these sounds..But the only Phins I worry about are the the one's in the NFL. I lose so many bets on them. So never trust a Dolphin.



      Jill is not^

  3. Supposedly chimps along with a few others pass the "mirror" test. They are able to recognize that it is themselves they are looking at (although I am not sure on average how long this takes).

  4. That will work, I know it will. Game cam mounted in a mirror box right next to some gifting bowls

    1. maybe a two way mirror would fool one better. But then you would need to make sure they dont take it and youll never get your camera/tape back to watch. Unless it is wireless with an amazing range and streams to a dvr to watch later.

  5. For some unknown reason, there apparently are rumors spreading around the internet that I have been banned from the bff, and while I do not have a clue as to why such rumors started, I can assure one and all that they are false. I was banned from jref for being an asshole.

    The Bigfoot Forums was my very first introduction to discussion forums, and I remain a protected member and staunch supporter of the forum. I continue to read it every day and interject often when I feel I can contribute nothing to a discussion.

    I have received personal emails from people inquiring as to this rumor, so I thought I may as well issue a direct public statement to dispell the rumors (if that is possible. Rumors have a remarkable lifespan and survival rates, and stopping them is often as fruitless as my research).

    While I'm here, may as well blow my own horn and bring people up to date on my work.

    I've just sent a letter to the Director of Columbia University Press to advise him that his company's new book "Abominable Science" may be a scientific and literary travesty that will humiliate his publishing concern. They are shaking in their boots. I'm sure my integrity and scathing professionalism will stop the presses immediately.

    I am applying for a new research grant for additional PGF analysis work. In other words I'm broke again and would like to paint more boobies in the name of science that really isn't scientific. I just call it science to make my scam sound scientific.

    I an wrapping up a third scientific paper specifically on the analysis and integrity of the PGF film image data as valuable scientific evidence. It's so scientific it will never be peer reviewed or published anywhere. That's how fucking scientific it will be.

    And totally unrelated to the PGF, I haven't worked in Hollywood film since 1985.

    On the documentary I campaigned for on Indiegogo, six letters inquiring about corporate sponsorship have gone out through the transactional lawyer retained with the campaign funding. One company (Kodak) told me to fuck off, but the five others are expected to tell me to fuck off by the end of the month. Good thing I don't have to pay this lawyer outta my own pockets. I don't have anymore blood to sell and the sperm banks won't let me in anymore. Not since 'the incident'.

    And that's the news.



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