Watch: These Warrior Wasps Beat Their Wings In Unison Before Attacking Intruders

There's no audio trickery in this video. These Warrior Wasps species, located in Colombia in the region of Santander, are terrifying when approached. Listen closely and you can hear them make marching sounds. The Warrior Wasp is thought to dine only on other insects but could attack humans if threatened -- leaving a nasty hole in the flesh.


  1. Replies
    1. MMC, at least you didn't claim "first" first because that is lame. It's all about not claiming first, or anti-firsting.

    2. Freedom would not be so difficult to attain were prison not so sweet

    3. Anon 6:21

      You must be a nihilist



    4. Good to see you back on top where you belong. God save The Mayor.

    5. I don't bleev in the Beatles

      I only bleev in me

      John Lennon

    6. I can't believe its not butter

  2. I didn't realize the evidence for Bigfoot was this compelling.

    1. Capitulate skeptics. It's over.

    2. I didn't realize the evidence against bigfoot was this compelling.

      Surely, these wasps prove that there is no bigfoot.

      Your Local Skeptard Supremo Baby.


    3. Plato was discoursing on his theory of ideas and, pointing to the cups on the table before him, said while there are many cups in the world, there is only one `idea' of a cup, and this cupness precedes the existence of all particular cups.

      "I can see the cup on the table," interupted Diogenes, "but I can't see the `cupness'".

      "That's because you have the eyes to see the cup," said Plato, "but", tapping his head with his forefinger, "you don't have the intellect with which to comprehend `cupness'."

      Diogenes walked up to the table, examined a cup and, looking inside, asked, "Is it empty?"

      Plato nodded.

      "Where is the `emptiness' which procedes this empty cup?" asked Diogenes.

      Plato allowed himself a few moments to collect his thoughts, but Diogenes reached over and, tapping Plato's head with his finger, said "I think you will find here is the `emptiness'."

    4. ^^

      Two idiots that don't deserve Western Civilization.

    5. (clive squashy)

      They like turtles.

  3. I can't wait to collect that 10 mill. As soon as I find a way inside your imagination it's mine!

    1. You enter at the taterhole.

    2. I tried going thru RBF's taterhole but i didn't get far. It's a real mess up there. Zagnut wrappers, arcade tokens, plastic army men. This guy must be the life of the expedition.

  4. Does anyone know why Bill Munns was banned from the BFF?

  5. Warrior Wasps are a newly discovered (2011) species only found in Indonesia. These Columbian wasp hoaxers should be hung.

  6. Not Bigfoot related, but funny as shit:

    Eighth grade honor student Trayvon Martin is walking home from church, eager to do his homework.

    Aryan Nation member George Zimmerman is driving around in his pickup truck with Confederate flag license plate, Easy Rider Rifle Rack and decals.

    Zimmerman spots Martin in the dark by the light glowing from the little boy’s halo.

    The Klansman takes chase, hunting Trayvon down like a dog.

    The budding football star nearly outruns the racist, but he stops when he comes to a “Do Not Enter” sign.

    Unwilling to disobey a lawful sign, he turns to face his attacker.

    The child attempts to reason with his attacker, but the illiterate power-mad cop-wannabe is not inclined to listen to reason, or pleas for compassion.

    Despite numerous specific orders from police officers to not leave his vehicle, Zimmerman exits his truck and says, “Any last words, punk?”

    “Praise Jesus. God bless you, Sir,” replies the helpless youngster.

    Zimmerman drags the future Nobel Peace Prize winner on top of him.

    A witness sees the youngster repeatedly swinging his arms, apparently attempting to make the sign of the cross.

    “White-Hispanic Power!” screams Zimmerman, as he empties the high-capacity clip loaded with armor-piercing hollow-point bullets from his semi-automatic assault gun with shoulder thing that goes up into the boy.

    Zimmerman then fiendishly punches himself in the face, breaking his nose, and repeatedly bangs his head on the sidewalk while screaming “Help me! Help me!” which obviously is a secret racist code for “Heil Hitler.”

    When he is finished murdering Martin, Zimmerman gets back into his gas-guzzling, globe-warming pickup truck and makes his escape.

    The last thing poor Trayvon sees before he dies is the “Bush-Cheney 2004” bumper sticker.

    1. Incredible. You find the murder of a human being funny. Absolutely sickening.

  7. You Sir are a fucking idiot. What would compel you to write something like that on this blog?

    "White-Hispanic Power" ?!?!? WTF? Are you retarded???

    Fuck off!!!!


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