Watch Joe Rogan Questions Everything - Bigfoot Human Hybrid, 10PM on Syfy

Tonight at 10 p.m., tune into Syfy to watch “Joe Rogan Questions Everything” where he discusses the "Bigfoot Human Hybrid" theory. Rogan has always been huge fan of anything Bigfoot related and it's obvious why he has devoting his premiere episode to it. Here's a snippet from Linda Stasi, a TV critic, via the New York Post:

This despite the DNA-filled animal poop that curious Joe brings scientists to study on the first episode of this new series. What he wants to know is why there is no photographic evidence of the elusive missing link. So do I!

He’s right to ask, but the problem is that Rogan (a funny urban myth investigator) is asking the wrong question.


  1. Replies
    1. you've given ketchum enough of a pwning already

      we get it, the chewie costume

      yes it was HILARIOUS but time to move on I think

  2. lets talk DNA....

    Justins boots came back bear.

    1. Justin's boots were proven to be bear samples before Sykes came along; old news as far as I'm concerned. Justin is credible, he's just a hunter and fisherman and probably has all sorts of contamination on his clothes.

      Oh and 'confidential source'?



    2. seems like another lot of nothing in a long line of nothing..... speaks volumes for what this phenomenon is all about...

    3. If the boots tested for bear before Sykes came along, then why submit them to Sykes at all?

    4. Joe, you have an answer for absolutely everything. Nobody on the planet is right 100% of the time. Do you ever just say "I don't know?"

    5. Joe, I think you are confusing two separate tests. Bart Cutino and Tyler Higgens had some flesh privately tested..This sample was found by Justin on a return trip to the site of the claimed shooting...The sample was from a bear..
      Several months after that, the boots were given to Sykes.....


    7. If the boots tested for bear before Sykes came along, then why submit them to Sykes at all?.....

      Because Dr. Sykes is making a documentary about the insanity that is American bigfooters. This is why he is bringing a BBC crew with him. It is also why he is visiting and interviewing known frauds. Instead of proving samsquch is real he is going to expose you footers for the loons you are.

    8. I am aware of both samples being tested for bear and the reason Smeja submitted the boots to Sykes was because of a very complicated and controversial sequence of events that Smeja ended up in disagreeing with Melba over and therefore wanted a second opinion.

      The bear steak that Cuttino submitted was due to Smeja going back to the kill site several weeks later by which time the snow was several feet thick and the hound he had to locate to flesh was trained to find bears.

      I am not always right, I hold my hands up when wrong which has been a couple of times in my time visiting this blog.

      Furthermore; we shall have to see the results of Sykes' study... The clock is ticking.
      Science is asking the questions at last.


  3. Bill is trying to convince you that a nonexistent animal was captured on film.

    1. He is trying to prove a negative: It cannot be a man in a suit...Hard to do....

    2. 3:40, you're either lying or insane if you say that I know they probably pay you well but isn't it kinda boring too, acting so hallucinating.


  5. His approach is based on a 40+ y/o film full of artifacts, purposely shaky and of low resolution. The proponent's problem once again is to produce the primate and that hasn't happened.

    Excuses, there are plenty.

    1. Exuses like timelines, suits you can't explain, Bob H's contradictive account of involvement, hearsay & rumours... Yeah, excuses there ARE plenty; anything but explain the suit eh? The chip on your shoulder is getting a little bigger I think; and science isn't getting any closer to disproving Bigfoot. Why's that??

      Excuses that include comparing in complete cheap fashion, this creature to Santa Claus; predictable. Yet you will happily invest faith in judicial systems that have based their convictions on eye witness testimony for how long? You have never countered the evidence I have presented you with anything other than your opinion, which is nothing... Nothing compared to the research people ten times your IQ level have invested into this subject.

      Excuses AND avoidance; avoidance that flows out of you in the form of ignorant comments.


  6. Santa Claus is one of the most famous IFOs (identified flying objects) in history. The hirsute gift giver with the levitating reindeer has had more sightings than all UFO, Bigfoot, and Virgin Mary sightings combined. The innocent and pure witnesses to the jolly one decked out in sartorial crimson flailing away at his flying reindeer are legion. Who can mistrust a child, much less billions of children? Surely these witnesses are reliable. There is no proof that they are suffering from any mental derangement. They have no motive for lying. The only plausible explanation for these sightings is that they are genuine. There is no reason to think that all these witnesses are confabulating. If there is nothing to this belief, then why do so many people believe it? There is no way this could be an example of communal reinforcement of a false idea or delusion. This must be a genuine vision.

    1. Are the children too young to confabulate?

    2. Anon 3:19...

      Desperate. I think if some of my friends with 30-40 years wilderness, wildlife, hunting and tracking experience, who have seen Bigfoot read your comment, they would happily show you a thing or two. You can't debate the evidence enthusiasts have so you compare it to Santa; predictable and very desperate.

      Somes up your theory field really eh?


  7. Is this that show where Rogan pwns himself repeatedly and unabashedly?

  8. He's gonna find nothing and everyone's gonna fuckin like it..!.Ouch baby very ouch.

  9. Fat fag fuck ville must have closed their doors early tonight, the JREF got an entire comment section to themselves. How's the inter conversing going for you 3? Hope your having some fun! Loooooooooossseeeeerrrrrrss!

  10. Todd Disotell is fucking awesome! I adore him. And I consider him a friend of mine! - From someone on Bigfoot Bounty!

    1. Part of the cover-up, only wears a funny haircut to diguise that and make you think 'nerds can think'.

  11. As to Joe Rogan and his stupid show last night: One word summed it up for me. It was when he was in the woods with the two guys from Washington State and you see Joe running through the woods yelling "DUUUUUUUUUDDDDEEEEEEE"


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