The Falcon Project: Is $300,000 Worth It?

Is $300,000 asking too much for a Bigfoot research project? Falcon Project founder William Barnes says it's a small price to pay for the discovery of a new species that has the potential to change the world:

Why can't we focus on what we know about these creatures, share facts instead of myths, can you see why the outside world laughs at us, in this field we are all under a microscope, we have to show the people the facts we know about the creatures not what we think they are, because in reality no one here knows what they are, we all have to guess, I have seen one up close myself I still can't tell you what they are, this is why the Falcon Project is so important to me, I want to learn more about them and study them, and in return we can educate the public and you yourself what they are, we do not want to protect land for them, we just want them protected from harm and harassment, I believe they have took care of themselves for all this time on their own, it is better to work with the government in stead of fighting for land, we can all work together to make this possible, and for those people out there that do not think the dual airship design, custom made for this project will not work show me a better way.

And our team consists of some of the best in this field ( the dream team of Sasquatch research) I could not ask for a better panel to see over the project, I know for a fact any evidence, footage, that we show the public it will be 100% real,

And a lot of people out there think 300,000 is high, why so much( technology) in reality this is rock-bottom price, I have been at this for almost 4 years now, the camera system has been priced as high as 250,000 to 500,000, I got it for 60,000, the dual airship custom-made first of its kind, the dual airship can carry a large payload and can fly up to 10,000 foot level, to build a single airship for this payload has been priced between 465,000 up to $1 million, so don't think I have not done my homework on this project, I have no doubt in my mind this will not work, and I guarantee technology will solve this mystery of Sasquatch, and the best thing about this project we don't have to kill one to prove they are real, we know already they are real.


  1. A Kenworth or gun would be cheaper and more effective.

    1. Can't they just use some helium balloons from Chuck E. Cheese and a cheapo video recorder from Wal-Mart? It would cost a lot less than 300 grand.

    2. Will never get off the ground as their pitching for too little money. Everybody knows the golden figure is $100 Million.


    3. How are you going to get protection for an alien species anyway? You can't. That's why they're fine as they are and won't be caught they have their clever ways of eluding us. The caveman is really us, we're not that smart a critter yet. Most advanced technology we have was handed to us or we'd still be on horses for transportation, evidentally our brains didn't follow along, we invented the wheel that's about it.

  2. I'm about to ..... FIRST... up in kill zone.

    1. ^great false first, congrats!!

    2. It takes a real turbo loser to screw up a first.

  3. If it gets that thar wiley stunk ape on film I say get er done!

  4. Sorry I gave all my money to dyer.

    1. I spent all my money on a box of Milwaukee's Beast. Best tree fiddy I ever spent.

  5. I too have no doubt in my mind this will not work.

    1. What downer. Your spouse and friends must really like you (that is if you have a spouse and/or friends with an attitude like that).

    2. Lol...Freudian slip? He should have proof read. It read like a rambling stream of conscience...

    3. Shut up 10:12 jackass. Anyone with half a brain cell can tell that the word "a" should be after the first word what. Grammar Nazi!!

    4. I was the original anon poster, and I was just joking around with what I thought was a pretty funny error on williams part. I actually think a passive observation has more chance of success than going out hooting and hollaring, 5:41 you need to lighten up. 6:58, I don't know what you're taking about.

  6. Yawn. More fairy chasing. Go footTards!

  7. No matter how much money you throw at it bigfoot is still not going to exist

    1. ^
      Settled in for a Saturday night of internet bigfooting ?

    2. ^ know matter how much you troll this site and close your eyes and say " there is no magic monkey, there is no magic monkey...." it's still real Puff n Stuff! You can't troll this much and not think Bigfoot is real you Dink Tip!

    3. True dat true dat.

      Footers think bigfoot is something that will eventually be proven and by putting new technology into it eventually they will be found. They are first making the massive assumption that these things exist.

      This is very very wrong though. Every single time a new piece of technology comes along bigfoot is still no where to be found.

      Footers say they want the truth but they dont they only want the truth if its an 8 foot magic monkey. Its the goal they think is coming... at some point.. but its definitely coming.

      Sorry to have to say this but its not coming. The truth is there is no evidence of a monkey only made up stories and misidentifications. All evidence put forwards fails to be verifiable and always leads back to hoaxers.

      Time to get with reality folks.

    4. ^^^ oversimplification, brain can't handle a complex issue

    5. Its very simple travis.

      No evidence of a monkey = no monkey.

    6. As if the most elusive animal in the world won't notice this Falcon blimp approaching and take off.

    7. 5:42- my point exactly.

      So you are either completely ignorant, or you lack the capacity to comprehend the topic. Which is it?

    8. So you are agreeing there is no monkey?

    9. River, shouldn't you be out pretending to be a musician or something ?

    10. Plenty evidence of Bigfoot.

      Suck it up Skep!


    11. IS TRUE DAT DORK GOD question markSaturday, July 6, 2013 at 6:36:00 PM PDT

      True dat dork is God? I didn't know.

      Since you have to be all seeing all knowing in order to know and proclaim a species does not exist, then true dat dork must be God.

      Thank you God for taking the day off in order to tell us, to throw us this morsel from your all seeing all knowing brain.

      But how can you be such a dork?

      Shouldn't God be able to spell proper English? The all seeing all knowing brain would have perfect exacting command of English.

      This is a weird contradiction.

      True, that, quite true.

    12. ^
      This is the mentality of your minions Mr. Randi. I hope you and your boyfriend are proud.

    13. Anon 5:56 keeps trying to find people slipping up. What a Dork!

    14. Who is dead and gay?

      Nice work to control the thoughts of American idiots from beyond the grave though.


    15. Anon 5:33...

      William Jevning, a respectable author with I believe four books published on Bigfoot, stated that in 1995 two of his fellow investigators came across a series of tracks near Mount St Helens in Washington State. In temporarily leaving the tracks in order to fetch Jevning, they came across a forest service supervisor and in their excitement, told the supervisor of these tracks thinking nothing of it. By the time these two gentleman this time accompanied with Jevning got to the site (some four hours later); the tracks had been deliberately destroyed; sprayed with water with the earth re-arranged to look like they had never been there.

      Wildlife consultant john miedzinski when working for the fish and game in the State of Wyoming had his job threatened because of his involvement into an investigation into Bigfoot prints and an encounter. He had to remain silent for 30 years and is now an researcher and adviser to Jeff Meldrum.

      Government officials are the reason you are so ignorant of the facts and you must understand that there is a mountain of evidence that backs up our claims that this species is real. $300.000? Money well spent I think. We have come along way since the 90's and the fact that researchers can put together such a means of investigation is an indicator that the tide is turning. I agree with most that technology is not bearing fruit, but this angle it's definitely worth a try... Game trail cams are not efficient, let's at least try this and see what happens eh?


    16. Money well spent? Are you really that deluded?

      Quit trolling please. There is no way anyone is as dumb as the character you play on here.

    17. The only 'dumb ass character' is you; stupid little redneck. You are so scared, you've got to allocate the time to visit blog sites you know nothing about and try and muster your own reassurance with anonymity and ignorance... sad little nobody and it says a lot about your personal life and how you allocate your time & priorities. Get a life and know that karma doesn't care if you remain anonymous or not... You will not contribute to censoring the truth for long. And this goes out to all you pathetic clowns.

  8. Jesus, that was the longest sentence of all time.

  9. Can this Falcon contraption dart a squatch from the air and take it down with a tranquilizer?

    1. Nope it flies over the forest looks down and sees absolutely nothing but the tops of the trees and then flies back to base reporting nothing found and youll like it.

    2. You will have to recognize Dr Sykes by the end of the year.. and you won't like it and I will very much enjoy it.


    3. You will have to acknowledge that your fantasy is just a myth when sykes delivers the final blow to footery. When he tests all the best samples that footers are SURE came from bigfoot and the results are all known animals are you going to recognise the reality of this phenomenon? Its a psychological and cultural phenomenon.

    4. Really? I don't think you know the facts do you?? You can sit there wishful thinking but you are simply ignorant of the facts. Sykes has become a member of one of the biggest Bigfoot research organisations in America and associates of his have confirmed that he himself has had an 'experience' that has confirmed his belief in the species. What will you do when one of the biggest names in modern science endorses this species? You are so dumb, that you can't even see that even in this intermediate stages... science is starting to ask the questions and that sir is a victory for us. Luck for you sir, you will still be anonymous come the end of the year... find something else to do, I think you need to get your life priorities straight and find some friends... there is reassurance in friends, not blogging on things you know nothing about.


    5. I've been waiting for proof of bigfoot since I first got interested in the subject 35 years ago. Today, there is no more proof for the existence of bigfoot than there was 35 years ago.

    6. Isn't there? Isn't science starting to ask questions?? The internet has meant that the Bigfoot culture has sped up considerably over the past few years and this is why we are on the doorstep of legitimate recognition. You need to stop giving up and start defending the hard work and research that people have put into this subject and stop settling for skeptics playing down the accumulation of evidence we have. The reason we have had no fruit to bare is because for all this time the research methods has been wrong; looking for a dumb gorilla that isn't there... why is it that now we are changing our methods over the past few years that we are getting more understanding?

      Check out some Jim Vieria on YouTube and you will understand that there is a massive cover-up of giant skeletons being found everywhere. I am about to paste (for the eighth time) a comment that a very brave gentleman posted a few weeks ago, in response to a blog page regarding giant skeleton cover-ups...

      "... I live in N. Utah, am an equipment operator, and have signed a total of of 5 non-disclosure agreements concerning the large hairy dude. LOL
      Can't say much more than that, until I retire in '18.
      Believe me or don't, I dont care. But mining and oil companies FOR SURE take this stuff seriously.
      Hang in there."

      ... Keep the faith buddy, Sykes will deliver.


    7. Joe, I like most of what you're saying but please don't put your trust in Sykes. He won't prove anything, not that he wouldn't love to but he's simply not allowed to as a member of mainstream academia Ketchum was stopped with smear he'll just be shall we say convinced. It should be obvious to most straight thinkers by now, this species is no ape nor may it even be a hominin after all but something else entirely what that is we don't know yet it's what the clowns here are trying to hide and protect. Who knows, these jokers calling footers names and going hahaha on the subject could really be helping this species survive, knowing our own destructive nature that would actually make sense. Covering it and similar subjects up with ridicule ever since Roswell for sure they are we just don't know what lies behind that wall of secrecy.

    8. You could well be right buddy and that scenario has crossed my mind more than once, but I have to put my faith into there being the right decision made. I think that even if Sykes is told to hush up, it will cause similar research groups to start similar projects off and with time, this thing won't be able to be kept under wraps any longer with the quantity of similar results. Let's have a little faith buddy... the time WILL come when they can't keep the truth from us any longer and even if we don't see this species recognized in our life time, we can safely say our collective persistence has contributed to science beginning to ask the questions... The ball is rolling.

      Peace buddy.

    9. I agree very much Joe. I'm just a tad less optimistic than mere months ago, once I realized how Ketchum's results apparently were too good to be embraced and acknowledged as fact publically and could only be suppressed so by individuals within both science and MSM, that's when it dawned on me whoever's hiding this are powerful enough to keep it that way meaning it'll be quite a while longer than hoped before we'll see proof of Bigfoot. It'll first happen when okayed until then it'll remain the myth it's wrongly claimed to be, especially if they're protecting the species from disclosure because it's more than some earthly primate as indeed much would indicate. Otherwise a capture surely would've happened, say these beings are actually capable of slipping in and out of some other dimension you know we can kiss their discovery goodbye that means not only do authorities not want it known at present, they themselves don't want it out either. Bigfooters therefore can search or bitch and moan about that till Doomsday, that's just the way it is by their own will and decision seemingly. Let's not forget, these big fellas don't really want any contact it's only because of this humanly ill-taken rejection that people keep looking yet we don't understand their motives behind the action. It's clearly a higher intelligence not something we'll ever see in a zoo.

  10. Bob Wire should fund this.

    1. I was invited to Bob's 'Playboy' mansion last week.

      Disturbed to find that the name'Playboy' was far too literal.

    2. Is his wife named Barb?

    3. Doesn't have a wife. Chicks don't do it for him if you know what I mean.

      'Playboys' was the clue...

  11. I'll bet that they are up to $14,000 by now, especially after the Portland shpeel. Of course that money could have been promised to one of those BE advertised kickstarters about some Bigfoot B movie, that will never see the light of day. So it could be worse. But not much worse.

    1. I wonder what the time frame for building the blimp is after they get funded? If they had the money today it would probably still be quite some time before take-off....

    2. Watch, on its maiden flight the Falcon blimp does a Hindenburg and plummets to the ground in flames.

    3. You mean a $500 Falcon blimp does an "unexpected" Hindenburg, while the remaining $299,500 is pocketed for additional "research."

  12. for you guys out there that do not believe they are not real that's okay I understand,because you have never seen one before, I have seen one up close, I have found the track of one,Been close enough to smell them, and they smell bad,and a lot of you guys are only nocturnal on your computer, so get real do your research, William Barnes

    1. so where is your picture? or hell how about a body? If you can see one up close either is not too much to ask for.

    2. Listen you idiot! I can assure you if you came across one of these things, getting your cell phone out would be the last thing on your mind! Use your imagination for two seconds you numb nut and think how you would feel? You are just an ignorant, poisonous little person who's opinion doesn't matter, no matter how much you voice it on blog subjects you know nothing about... Get a life you sad little person.

      William Barnes! Feel free to elaborate on those experiences pal, I am very much interested. Don't worry about clowns like that... they won't be around for long.


    3. Joe the guy saw a bear like all the other dumb footers

    4. There is a big difference between looking at a bipedal hominid and a bear... This is something skeptics forget. Please do not reflect your inability to realize such things in condemning people's eye witness accounts, because you were not there and are simply ignorant. This gentleman has had the courage to come forward with his name and may have been a little traumatized by his experience... how dare you play it down without knowing the finer details of his experience.

    5. This blog is for people like him and not you sir, I suggest you find something else to do with your day. I mean that respectfully but very sincerely.

    6. Hey Joe, how do you know that his name is actually William Barnes? You don't. There is so much BS in the bigfoot world that the talk of sightings with zero evidence is usually written off as just that, BS.

      Too many people have cried wolf. You have no more reason to believe that "William Barnes" actually saw a bigfoot than anyone else has for believing that he either mistook another animal for a bigfoot or is making the entire thing up.

    7. See... if ignorant, opinionated nobodies like you make people feel like they CAN'T elaborate on statements like that, then we won't ever find out whether they're legitimate or not... will we?! You are nothing but a cowardly bully that has to remain anonymous and that is why I react to clowns like you and that is why I have no problem with insulting you, sir! You need to keep your opinionated crap to yourself!! You are poisonous and the cancer of expression on this site.

    8. You are poisonous and the cancer of expression..I love this statement.When I am not footing,I am writing music.May I use this.I would give all the credit to you friend. If I know anthing,it is that Trolls wouldn't exist without people like me and if Trolls didn't exist,I still would..peace for sure..steve.

    9. Ha! Take it by all means bro! It's the punk rocker in me that comes out sometimes!!
      Peace Steve!

    10. Cool son is wearing my old S.N.F.U. shirt..Music, it's not just an art form,but it's a way to communicate.Kind of like banging on a tree with a stick.!

    11. What 7:12 wrote is 100% true.

    12. But if we shut people down and stop them giving more details, how would we know? This is a Bigfoot site, not a site to ridicule people, and to establish whether he's hoaxing or not, we need more details... We could have got that and made a better assumption had Anon 7:12 not attacked him... If that's his attitude then there is no place for him here. There are enough intelligent enthusiasts to determine if that Barnes character was legitimate or not... You want to censor things on this site then go find somewhere else.

  13. Remember kids. There are no bigfeets only big idiots.

    1. Remember numb nut trolls... Your stupidity is apparent in blogging on subjects you don't know the first thing about... stick to your BBW porn and skip this blog address next time.


  14. The squatch community needs a big enema. The crap keeps getting thicker.

    1. ^ This site needs a colon cleanse of shit like you!

    2. Anon 7:34!

      The only enema required is for stupid little nobody's like you that are apparently so scared of the truth, they probably still need the light on. You are so scared, you've got to allocate the time to visit blog sites you know nothing about and try and muster your own reassurance with anonymity and ignorance... sad little nobody and it says a lot about your personal life and how you allocate your time & priorities. Get a life and know that karma doesn't care if you remain anonymous or not... You will not contribute to censoring the truth for long. And this goes out to all you pathetic clowns

    3. Lol... bigfoot... whats to be scared of if we are to believe the bleevers? An ape that cant be found and avoids humans at all costs? Scary shit Hahahaha.

    4. You ARE scared sir... scared that your economy would cease to provide for your ways of life if this species were confirmed. Scared because there is something living in the deep wilderness of the States that could twist your head off like a soda bottle. Yes sir... scared is putting it modestly, hence your effort to find reassurance in blogging on something in an attempt to condemn a subject you know nothing about.


    5. 2:36 obviously you're the only ape here.

  15. yes my name is William Barnes, just go to my web site,,,,,,,,,,,,,my phone number email an all info is on there, I do not hide anything from the public, even you trolls lol

    1. Mr Barnes! How could I be so forgetful as to who you are?! What a pleasure it is to see comments from you on this blog! I will very much make bold with those contact details and be in touch very soon. Keep up the good work sir, your work is edging us closer to the truth
      Peace and sincere respect...

    2. Hey joe!Your knowledge and logical thinking is more than welcomed on this investigation I am working on in SRQ,Fla. Here is a link you can contact me. Mr. Brn. can give my contact info thru his site. If you decide,mi casa su casa amigo..stevey.s, thanx joe..

    3. WOW STEVE!! WHY DIDN'T YOU SHOW ME THIS BEFORE??!! Very impressive tracks buddy, and some excellent work!! I'll be in touch real soon through that site my friend. Gonna watch the rest of those parts now!
      Much respect bro!!

    4. Thanx joe.! It means a lot coming from a brilliant man as you. I didn't want to reveal here because of overwhelming ridicule instead of open discussion. It's kinda of like playing chess with a pigeon if you know what I mean? Ha .But you my friend have brought back discussion rather than ridicule and that's what it's all about when searching Earth's mysteries for new discoveries..seriously much respect..stevey

    5. Blogging an opinion on this site is one thing, but people like you who are in field doing the hard research; they're the heroes and why I want to defend work like yours. I'm honored to converse with you, every time.
      Peace bro.

  16. First off they DON'T even have a working model and the picture at the top of the page is NOT REAL !! It is just another Money Scam that involves the Big names in Bigfootery.The Biggest one of them all is none other than Dr Jeffery Meldrum.He makes the most money off Bigfoot than any of the others! He even stooped to appearing in a B Movie titled "Skoockum" which is about a Killer Skunk Ape in Louisiana. He gets 5 grand plus all expences just to come and speak plus is selling his Bigfoot Guide and Books. Wake Up People and Smell the Crap from with in the Bigfoot Community! They will never prove it because if they did their Cash Cow would dry up. It will Never get off the ground because the FAA wont allow it to just fly around.But that won't happen because they DON'T have even a working model! Chumps !!!!


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