M.K. Davis discusses the 1973 film of a Thylacine on the mainland of Australia

The Thylacine was a strange looking marsupial that looked like a dog with tiger stripes.  The species became extinct in 1936 -- just 130 years after its first encounter with European settlers. In this video, M.K. Davis stabilizes an alleged Thylacine footage:


  1. First you squatchy motherfuckers.

    1. True Dat Idiotic Dork of a PersonWednesday, July 10, 2013 at 8:39:00 PM PDT

      True dat true dat, I am an idiot, true dat true dat.

    2. Still first, mucklegrunts.

    3. I was beginning to think shawn went on vacation. Hasnt posted since this morning.

    4. Jonathon, I notice your a fan of the big blue. From where in the Commonwealth do you hail?

    5. Born in Lex. Currently live in Catlanta.

  2. ^^^ pwned like Mulder in the dark woods when Bigfoot touched him. Made Mulder feel uneasy.

  3. M.K. may be on to something with his thylacine stuff.

    1. Maybe-this clip is 40 years old and they may have finally become extinct...Anyway, this animal definitely is what one would call a cryptid. All markers are present: anecdotes, folklore and art, trace evidence like scat and prints(wiki)...
      I hope there are crypto enthusiasts pursuing this thing and they do find it. The subject needs a modern victory....

    2. There's a few things wrong from MK here, the first being that yes Tasmanian wolves are marsupials but their closest relative is the Tasmanian Devil not the kangeroo. The other thing is that this footage has been stabilised and examined before by Chris Packham (yup him again) and the quality isn't good enough to be 100% and they consulted with a fox expert who told them it could be a European fox in moult or (much like the hairless dogs claimed to be Chupacabra) a fox with mange. They also made a cgi Tasmanian wolf who's run was very different to the animal in this video clip, for someone who fills up YouTube with videos MK might do well to watch a few himself or even just read the Wiki page on this animal which is pretty damn good. Go to YouTube and search for X Creatures to find the Thylacine episode and read the Wiki page, there have been many sightings since the '30s but dispite an over one million AUS$ reward for a live animal offered no one has been able to catch one. There is hope for cloning one tho as the mitacondral genome has been mapped so they could be back in our life time, that is if they are really extinct of course...

    3. ^...Thanks for the info...

    4. "Tasmanian wolves are marsupials but their closest relative is the Tasmanian Devil not the kangaroo" Sure but the Tasmanian Tiger (thylacine) is what we're talking about here, right? Not aware of many foxes with an enlarged tail structure at the anterior end looking like the first portion of this clip. Nor do they use that type of stance on their rear legs. Pretty sure the '73 footage is what it purports to be. A thylacine.

  4. somebody beat to it. the bbc reviewed this an it was clear it was a fox with mange. their would have to b a breeding population for it to succeed. thee is no such evidence.
    mk has let himself down badly by claimingthis is a devil. its old news and has been studied by experts. so for him to release it if its some undiscovered gem is a self serving act.
    I guess when he run out of hoaxed bigfoot films he reduced to going through youtube for any film of a cryoto. pathetic effort MK and u should be embarrassed
    its a fox people


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