Fringe News: Sasquatch Canyon Bigfoot Tracks, Finding Bigfoot At the Discovery Museum, UFO in Bristol TN

In tonight's news Rev. Jeff manages to scrape out the best content of the day like Kelly Shaws Bigfoot Stick Structure, Scotland's youngest Squatcher, the return of After hours and more. Watch the video for all the details.


  1. Replies
    1. Megadeath and Rush suck.

      Keith Whitley and George Jones any day of the mofuggin' week.

    2. congrats on being the first lady

    3. We call her the first wookie

    4.'re all a bunch of fkn douchbags...

    5. Yes your compliment is appreciated

  2. JP Smith and Freeman Young. I recommend everyone check em' out on YouTube.


    1. Minor threat is for faggots.

    2. Cro-Mags..!! Harley will stab you in the face and you will like it..!

    3. And you know this by first hand?

    4. Minor threat are good but I hate all that straight edge philosophy shit

    5. They only came up with that shit cause they were scared to load up and party... Kicked some arss at shows though; literally.


  3. Breaker one nine, is anybody there? Come on back squatchers and talk to teddy bear.

    1. I'm enroute to scoop Rictor up in a parking lot truck stop. You are all welcome to join us for breakfast..

    2. that's a 10-4 good footy!

  4. Im still waiting for this matilda suit joe. You can't just avoid it. You claim its a hoax. Prove it. Show how it was done.

    1. I think you yanks should have your guns taken away by your Silverback commander in chief.

    2. Anon 4:30, you laughably dim individual... I have never avoided your question and supplied you with the Matilda suit. This leads me to think that someone is trying to get clicks here... Obviously. It's really no sweat, it takes me two seconds to copy and paste for every time you want to repeat your question.

      Anyone with half a brain can see that Matilda is a rubber mask, it's teeth are made of rubber and move and like it was stated previously; the land owners of the Erickson project habituation area had hoaxed Adrian with the footage in an effort to make money, to which had a baring on the real DNA sample story handed to Melba. She would not know any different and red hair is what is commonly attained as Bigfoot hair samples. I can show you a thousand Chewie masks and 70's bath rugs and you cannot bring me a Patty suit...


      ... The six breathes a minute can easily be replicated by a human or can be explained with a foot pump and the way it bloats, would outline this further.

      Here's a link for your bath rugs that you require as replicates for Matilda's red hair. Now, go on Amazon and buy a Chewie mask, save up your semen you protrude for your bookmarks on BBW porn; splash that all over it, hide under it in the woods like a pervert and hey presto; Matilda!

      Your turn with Patty... Got monkey suit?


    3. you are wasting your time with these guys. sadly commonsense doesnt enter their brains,they believe their are thousands of 8/10ft apemen,ambling about North America. The fact there is zero evidence doesnt matter
      eyewitnes acount, footprints and the p/g film is all they need.

      doesnt matter eye winesses are notorious wrong all the time, footprints are easily hoaxed and the p/g film is 50years old and ambiguous at best. where is the other p/g films,all we have is blobsquatch in the era of digital equipment,flir,trail cam etc etc...

      The matilda thing is a huge joke,even by footery standars, where is the promised film of her standing up and growling to camera.
      The munns chewie suit is more likey the film,if it existed, so thats another hoax in the long line of BF hoaxes

      I guess human nature being what it is wants a ystery,something mysterious. What the dont understand is we want bigfoot to be true. there is simply ZERO evidence for its amount of pointig out the obvious will change their minds

      I guess they are doing no harm and its entertaining to watch hoaxed film

    4. Are you impersonating what Justin Smega would say to the bigfoot as he fired bullets at its feet?

    5. Anon 5:06...

      Sorry bro, you have the wrong end of the stick, so to speak. The clown before was implying that if I can't prove Matilda is a suit, then that means Patty is a suit because they can't.

      No Patty suit being successfully made today renders a rookie film maker, without the possibility of getting the materials that were not available, 46 years ago completely credible.

      The reason that the research in all this time has failed to produce a specimen is because people have been looking for a gorilla that isn't there. Now that the perception of this creature is turning towards the realization that it is a highly intelligent hominid; the ball is rolling faster and now we have an acknowledgement in science in Dr Bryan Sykes.

      Any one who has spent ten minutes looking at numerous casts can see that there are many, many first time prints that have a similarity in style of dermal ridging in the same way that two sets of finger prints from opposite sides of the country would look similar in style at first, regardless of apparent uniqueness under analysis. These casts cannot be explained away with desiccation because they have scar tissue and toe bending that many people who have done proper analysis have sited as the creature gripping into earth. There is a clear difference between desiccation marks and complex dermal markings. You can look for yourself on any image search engine and the fact that some have sited some casts that have been made poorly by amateur casters (these are mostly untrained civilian researchers, not perfectionists), as the main source to disprove such is at best desperate and ignorant of the wider picture of the sometimes difficult process it is to extract such prints. What a one in a billion lottery win chance that would be to somehow get the same pattern decades apart from opposite sides of the country?! The pouring of liquid into a cast can make desiccation wrinkles yes, but when done by amateur casters and there is so, so much more casts to counter that argument. Explain casts that are attained 40 miles into the interior of wilderness areas? The hoaxers would have to be either psychic or mind controllers to predict to the exact yard where the researchers are going to be to the exact moment eh?

    6. Check this post out from a couple of months ago...

      "Hey Joe, just FYI. I was on an overnight trip last Thursday/Friday with the law and public safety class students I teach. We were in the field as I was teaching night surveillance, etc. I showed the students the difference between Generation 1 plus night vision and Gen 3. We used both to observe/collect data in total darkness. Gen 1 night vision uses the same technology that Infra-red trail cameras use at night to take photos without utilizing the "flash" that the trail camera uses during the day to take pics. (According to the trail cam manufacturers, the game will not spook because of the lack of flash). When using the Gen 3 technology at night it does not omit an infrared beam. The Gen 1 plus uses infrared to enhance its night vision. Although IR is invisible to humans, it is clearly visible to any animal that has nocturnal vision. I proved this to the students by allowing them to observe me using the Gen 1 plus while they viewed me using the Gen 3. The Gen 1 plus omits what looks like a huge flashlight beam when observed through the Gen 3. Although the Gen 1 plus cannot be seen with our naked eye, it is glaringly obvious with the Gen 3. Although I used this training to drive home a point about never using Gen 1 for surveillance (the bad guys may have Gen 3 or better night vision and they will know you are there, etc.) some of the students who are hunters immediately said, "any animal who sees in the dark could see the gen 1 plus."

      For those who are skeptical of this info. test it for yourself.


      ... that was from my friend who is a hunter of many years. And for your information; Sasquatch are largely accepted as nocturnal.

    7. It has been noted that in the PG film that the subject has, for want of a better term, 'swingy' lady bits. That's some major attention to detail right there. I'm not sure a substance could have been manufactured at that time to produce those effects - just for the purposes of a hoax? Especially as no one has produced anything similar since in terms of costumes.

    8. To go with the ten's of thousands of eye witness testimony (a lot of which multiple person), we have thousands of years of Native American culture. Thousands... wall paintings some 8 feet tall true to size and if you know anything about indigenous culture, you would know that ceremonies, dances, utensil designs like baskets, all these things indigenous people do to pass down historical events, identity and culture because, as some may claim; written texts can be manipulated and missinterpreted. There is an easily attainable timeline of Native American culture by the determining the age of settlement sites. Burnt wood and other means have been used to carbon date areas where indigenous peoples who maintain the Bigfoot culture have resided.

    9. Incredible that the scofftics scorn eye witness accounts.

      It's this type of testimony that is the cornerstone of our legal system.

      How much schooling are you guys willing to take on a daily basis?


    10. Oh, and for biological evidence and the reasons behind this being covered up at every opportunity; don't take my word for it, listen to a Jim Vieira presentation on YouTube.

      The confirmation of this species would mean habitat being set aside and the death of much of the logging industry... Something the US's economy can't really afford to happen.



    11. Joe dont sweat them, they are just picking at you because they know youll respond.

      they just cant counter back with an intelligent argument.

    12. Georgina, the better term is "pendulous breasts".

    13. anon 5:06, it seems that you are the one wasting your time and breathe. You are the minority here as a skeptic. The only reason you are here is because you have no life and trolling is the new bullying. It makes you think you feel good for a few minutes but in reality your only hurting yourself tormenting your mind trying to convince others that what you are scared of isnt real. Sorry BIGFOOT IS REAL DEAL WITH IT. /rant

    14. What you got against BBW porn joe, fat chicks need lovin too

  5. Have you guys ever thought that the reason you can't find the monkey is because the monkey does not exist?

    1. That's because there are no monkeys... Just giant hairy people.


    2. never heard anyone say that a bigfoot is a type of monkey, that is a BIT on the retarded side...

    3. ^ Dat True Dat True

      the Dat True Guy

  6. and the world of bigfoot has officialy died.

    1. I think Dr Sykes would beg to differ?


    2. Dr Sykes will be the one to put the last nail in the coffin.

    3. I've got news for you... He's isolated Bigfoot DNA already and just requires one more sample. Get your excuses ready and please be as creative as you like.


    4. Sure, joe, sure. Keep telling yourself that. I think you should be the center piece of Sykes moving picture about the hilarity of bigfoot.

    5. Uh uh uuuuhhhh... Like I said; get your head down and start getting creative. Your gonna need every ounce of imagination you can muster.


    6. I'm sure you have your noose ready when Sykes finds nothing.

  7. But we still have the taterhole to discuss. Has any one gotten muddy lately?

  8. Big monkey, that funky monkey.

  9. Georgina, Good point however maybe you can shed some light on how the patty breasts seem to have such a pert uplifted stance on the creature. Surely with no bra support those breasts should be hanging down more flat against the body like women in tribes that wear no tops. J.D.

    1. Ha ha ha ha!! Hey JD! What's happening bro?! Quite a profound email I had the other day man, wow! I'll drop you one back with a response later... Really made me think bro!


    2. unless she was nursing young, then her breats would be hard. It would also make more sense for the actual situation that they say there was more than one and they were tracking it is possible she had young around her somewhere and wanted to get them away from them by leading them off. Would be some strong wild motherly instincts lol

      either way, a nursing breast will not be flabby and floppy it will be firm and big.

    3. If she was nursing then where is the infant? Both of her hands are empty. I see no infant clinging to her. I still think they would be saggy and pendulous as were the breasts of the russian almasti named Zana. J.D.

    4. A big theory in Patty's action in the film is because she is using a diversion method to distract the two swingin' dicks with objects in their hands. People believe there is an infant nearby.

    5. ^^ exactly

      that is a theory that coincides with the nursing breats and the fact that she is OUT IN THE OPEN UNLIKE ALMOST EVERY OTHER SIGHTING!

      The big question is why is she out in the open, looking back as she speed walks away blatantly. She doesnt run, drop to all four either which might suggest that she just recently went through a childbirth which is no joke for any woman.

      There have been many who said there is more than one squatch there but just one in the video and it makes sense.

    6. we dont know how long the species of sasquatch would nurse, they could do it into toddler and young adolescents for all we know. Or the infant could be with the father for protection or a bigger sibling. That explains why patty is out in the open well

    7. I like me some hairy ass titties.

    8. Ass titties is a rare condition found only in skeptards.

      Seriously though,
      I do believe those are breasts fresh for nursing. Anyone who has had a child will probably agree that those are nursing breasts. Big and hard but still got bounce, they are basically like big fake tits right after the baby and during nursing early on.

      And it does totally make sense thats why she is out in the open. Mother insticts to protect her young when being tracked--lead them away from the children. Im sure the squatch kiddies can handle the forest, they would still be bigger than most animals on the ground and can probably climb a tree faster than any in NA.

    9. Infant Squatch aren't "bigger than most animals on the ground," at least by all eyewitness accounts and Justin Smeja putting it in it's place.

      You could have offered the opinion that brother, dad, or any other family member may be nearby but your mind immediately goes to giant hairy bigfoot babies that are bigger than most game at ground level.

      This is why we can't have nice things.

  10. Why was Bill Munns banned from the jref?

    1. people get banned from forums all the time, aint no thang.

  11. Joe one thing that crosses my mind is just how many people would be packing around a few pounds of plaster of paris when they go out hiking? Also you have to pack the water to mix it with. And if you were packing around a bag of plaster of paris were you looking for bigfoot tracks. Given the rarity of finding a bigfoot track by anyone it seems questionable that someone could just go out and happen to find a track intentionally and also have intentionally brought along plaster of paris. It could be done but I would assume it would take a huge investment in time and effort. So I guess my point is I feel a lot of these tracks are faked not all but a lot. Sure some people found the tracks and then left to get plaster of paris and came back to the site. J.D.

    1. Something I posted yesterday...

      William Jevning stated that in 1995 two of his fellow investigators came across a series of tracks near Mount St Helens in Washington State. In temporarily leaving the tracks in order to fetch Jevning and the casting equipment, they came across a forest service supervisor and in their excitement, told the supervisor of these tracks thinking nothing of it. By the time these two gentleman, this time accompanied with Jevning got to the site (some four hours later); the tracks had been deliberately destroyed; sprayed with water with the earth re-arranged to look like they had never been there.

      My point is, is that they had to go and collect Jevning with the necessary instruments to attain the track casting. This could be the reason why good prints are so hard to attain and so rare?

      I do agree that some casts are hoaxed.

      Peace JD.

    2. Ever hear of the practice called 'preserving the scene'?

      Rodfather has.

      Did you know the PNW is a dense coniferous jungle that is soaked in water and gorges. Florida is surrounded by the ocean and is littered with natural springs and swamps?

      Rodfather does. Rodfather also knows Ponce went there for a Fountain.

      Did you know most bigfoot sightings occur in the PNW and the swamps of Florida?

      Just sayin'

    3. I take dental cast. It has a faster drying time and I usually get my water from streams,rivers,creeks,ect. The dental cast picks up dermal ridges better if present.Casting any type of print can be fun for the whole family!

    4. I live in the PNW and probably have more woods time than your average person. I guess I just don't see the point of casting common animal tracks as you see them every time you are in the woods Bear cougar deer elk raccoon opossum rabbit hare beaver otter heron muskrat bobcat. Pretty much if you get into the woods much you should be seeing these on a regular basis. Bringing along casting materials for these is understandable as it is not that much extra material. Bigfoot tracks can be huge. Who is packing around that much material, I did say packing as it was mentioned earlier about tracks being found very deep in the woods. And on the skookum meadows laying elk cast, why would they have that much casting material with them? Odd very odd. what cracks me up is the alder lake/ elbe trackway fiasco. They casted all of these tracks Hell they probably needed a cement truck to cast all of those tracks only to find out they were FAKED. I called BS on it as soon as I heard about it because I'm familiar with that area. Everyone was praising how good this trackway was and how it could not have been faked. Well it was. Most bigfoot tracks that have been cast just don't look real to me. the ones that do look real are pretty cool though. My favorite track is the photo of the one taken on Mt everest at the 19,000 ft level by Shipton I believe. Later J.D.

    5. that would suck to think you found the trackway of the century and waste all your time just to find out its fake.

      there are a lot of prints that are fake, but why wouldnt there be? When i was a kid in boyscouts they taugh us how to cast tracks, we casted our own and even made some big silly sasquatch like ones for fun after. We didnt go around hoaxing anyone but it was cool to learn and play with.

      the good tracks are truly something to be taken seriously though. Some of these are incredible, like the Mt everest prints or others seen in mountains or snow areas that are so remote one person would never be alone walking around like that.

    6. Skookum lay was preserved and poured by a full team.

      Like Rodfather said, 'preserve the scene.'

    7. So this team did they intentionally pack that much plaster with them? By the way It looks just like elk lays I have seen. Nothing about it looks like a primate. J.D.

    8. Wow guys, what a thread of comments! Rodfather, you've reminded me how cool you are, Steve; you're the man and JD; as always you are a really down to earth logical thinker.

      Awesome guys, I'm learning a lot.


    9. if your with a big enough group, it would make sense to send some back for extra supplies while the others sit back casting the ones they could and preserving the area in the meantime. Not saying thats what happened but it would make a lot of sense.

  12. Hey Joe,

    I've finally found something interesting in the woods while I was scouting for bear. (Bear hunting starts tomorrow.) I was at a bigfoot sighting hotspot and I found two large douglas fir trees pushed to the south and two douglas fir trees pushed to the west over the other two trees. The trees are around twenty feet tall. There are no rub marks or broken branches on them. There is a dogwood tree ten feet to the SW that has three broken branches eight feet up each facing a different direction. There are no elk or bear sign around. The area is about 100 yards from the road and about 100 yards from the river and there is a marshy area nearby.

    Friendly adversary


    1. No storms around here and only four trees where pushed over.

    2. We call that road hunting.

    3. Large storm? his description is not consistent with storm damage.

      maybe someone was out murdering trees for no reason, or maybe it was a squatch leaving signs for others. any crossed broken trees? that seems to be an intentional thing they do.

    4. 100 yds from a road and river:

      Bored kayakers
      Hippies on drugs
      Drunk rednecks
      Bored rednecks
      Teens smoking pot

      But your mind immediately goes to Squatch. C'mon bobo. This is why people laugh at bigfoot

    5. Hey friendly adversary!

      Forget the previous comment buddy, it really has no baring on how appreciative the majority are of your information.

      Some really interesting info there bro, thank you for that! It's down to guys like you who are the experienced outdoors-men to post this stuff as often as possible... It really is such an important insight for people like me who can't access those areas. I've learnt loads today down to people like you, so thank you.

      Have you seen a documentary on YouTube called 'Monsters and Mysteries of Alaska'? In this program, there are upside down inverted trees, some a ton or two, that the local tribes refer to as Bigfoot territory markers? Have a look and let me know what you think. There are more on Google image search.

      Peace bro.

    6. Hey Joe,

      I have seen that episode and I have seen upside down trees. When I saw the upside down trees I never thought much of them until I saw that episode. I don't know what to think of them, because of the ones I saw there were no heavy equipment or anything around to have done it. So it was a head scratcher for sure. It was in 1996 when I saw them and I haven't seen any since.

      Friendly Adversary

      Peace buddy.

    7. Friendly adversary... I don't want to call you that anymore, what's your preference?

      Man, you've got a wealth of knowledge, I'd love to pick your brains, why don't you post more often, it's puzzling to me???

      Peace bro.

    8. Hey Joe,

      How about friend in Oregon.

      I try to spend as much time outdoors as I can. There's no other place I would rather be. I check in once and awhile.

      Peace buddy.

    9. Well 'friend in Oregon' is brilliant by me. This blog NEEDS more people like you sir and I shall look out for you at every opportunity.

      Try and post more often.

      Peace bro.

    10. C'mon man. It's 100 yds from a road and river, some place adult accessible as noted because FiO is obviously there. Had it been 5 miles from any type of civi or easy access, then it would be a little more convincing but it's simply not true.

      I don't know about UK but here we go smoke doobies and drink in the woods, especially by rivers.

      It's people who claim Squatch at every thing in the woods that make it difficult for actual research to be conducted.

      It's something even Meldrum harps about.

    11. I agree with you in many respects and a very many in the UK do exactly the same. However, there is consistency in what my Oregon friend described in accounts from deeper parts of wilderness areas, many miles into the interiors of such. Look bro, nobody outwardly claimed Sasquatch made them, yet it was unique enough for a very experienced and very logical and skeptical thinking outdoors-men to bring it up for discussion's sake?


  13. Joe getting schooled again. Dance monkey, dance!

  14. Has it ever been determined if the myakka skunk ape photos were hoaxed? That always looked pretty realistic to me?

    1. never proven false.

      also more evidence like tracks and fresh kills were found in the same area by stacy brown and his team. they trekked into the woods a some miles and eventually think they may have been close enough to one that they updated with possible interaction with one. they have a handful of videos on youtube, it just gets pretty boring when its guys laying in the grass waiting for a sas to make a noise or something. similar to finding bigfoot type of search but without the theatrics.

      i live in fl and believe the myakka story 100% based on my own experience in the glades etc

    2. Thanks for the reply. Something about that photo just looks like a real animal to me. J.D.

    3. The Myakka areas are still an ongoing investigation. It has a vast source of food and water possibilities. Having lived near Myakka for a half of century, The stories and sightings are compelling to say the least. We have definitely come up with numerous prints, animal carcasses,structures,and a night time encounterment to lend to believe some thing not of the norm is passing through or hosting this area and is worth further investigation on a regular basis.

  15. This is the most enlightening set of posts - lots to look into and ponder - and yes 'pendulous' is most certainly a better word! :)

  16. I bought in to the foam casting out of the can because you can cast dozens of prints with one can and the can doesn't take up much space, up until I had a opportunity to cast a print with it. Don't use foam casting. It makes piss pour casts.
    Now I have made six casting kits our of 5 pounds of dental cast. Each kit would be sufficient for up to two large foot prints. I carry a kit in my back pack and then keep the others in my jeep just in case.
    Hopefully I will have the opportunity to use one of these kits in the future.

    1. Awh Kelly amazing post! Post more often!


    2. I also like the dental cast for impression casts. I like to stay some what near water sources such as creeks , tributaries, rivers, and lakes. This helps also for extra water for casting if needed. I am sure if I was living in the wilderness, I would not want stray from sources of water or at least know where they are. Most mammals can go without food for a good amount of time, but must consume water on a regular basis to survive. And the banks offer all kinds of prints with better clarity. Thanx Mr. Shaw for your insights and greetings Joe for the contributions you provide. We need that intellect and logical thinking that you possess.


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