Finding Bigfoot At The Felton Discovery Museum!

Editor’s Note: Nadia Moore After Hours With Rictor Show Live from the Finding Bigfoot Cast Meet & Greet at the Bigfoot Discovery Museum.

The Finding Bigfoot TV Show Meet and Greet at our Museum yesterday was a GREAT SUCCESS! Matt Moneymaker, Renae Holland, Cliff Barackman & James (Bobo) Fay were all here from 4 to almost 7pm and worked non-stop signing autographs and chatting with all their fans! Their line of supporters wound around the Museum the whole time and probably would have gone on all night if we had let it. We sold out of BBQ 2X and everyone in attendance had a great time!

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  1. Replies
    1. hey look everyone, its travis who saw a bear and his imagination got the better of him

    2. Clever! Yet you have no explanation for any part of my encounters besides the visual part of it

    3. Screw them Travis.For they have no idea.

    4. travis is so full of shit!

  2. theres a lot of big talk and big money being made and very little monkey.. infact no monkey what so ever...

    1. I would think they need to spend some of that loot to get the short one a haircut

    2. ^ Dat True Dat True

      the Dat True guy

    3. scrait ignant daw

      the ebonics daw

  3. Damn, Is that show still on??!!

    1. Still on? I think its going to run for 20 years...After another season or two of crapping out, failure will become the selling point: People will tune in just to see if another year can go by with 0 bigfoots...The ten year mark will have more viewers than the last episode of Seinfeld...

    2. Their show loses interest when you realize what this species is and that the team's not really seeking it or going to find Bigfoot (as if it's some beast which they know darn well it's not), not because they don't want to but because they know what it is already and won't be permitted to find anything.
      This is totally ridiculous by now this field is an on-going joke with grown people pretending to be looking for something they know is there but can't, as in not allowed, find.

  4. My taterhole gets more views than finding bigfoot.

    1. ITS CALLED A CORNHOLE YOU WEAK SISSY LIMPWRIST!!! U DIG! P.S. stop deleting my posts shawn ! or else I will sue the hell out of you as i am a paralegel... AS ALWAYS MELLISA. H.

  5. "Finding Suckers" continues it's march into history!


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