Breakdown: 4th Of July UFOs Over Portland

This isn't really a breakdown but it's a very interesting capture.


  1. Replies
    1. Ho hum.... Chinese lanterns. Next?

      Salt or Cocaine? Dyer said it was salt but that tweaked out scammer knew all along it was meth. Ricky can't afford no blow, just shake and bake corner candy dealer sold him for a BlowJob.

    2. Dope. There were rail trails...

    3. Heh. Someone who has never done drugs is the same person who thinks only rich white people do coke.

    4. Doesn't look like lanterns to me, how do you get them to go in a triangle ? I thought they moved with wind accordingly not controlled.
      Isn't it funny how some UFOs are triangular as are monuments shaped in Washington and pyramids of course.

  2. Chinese lanterns....get a clue.

  3. Why do you feature this jackhole? That's pretty hard up.

  4. I actually live near Portland and we saw these from our backyard. It was a little disconcerning until we saw a couple of others like it but CLOSER and not in any formation -- they were chinese lanterns. Darnit!!

  5. Get rid of all the bullshit intros and "parabreakdown" graphics... It looks cheesier than the videos. Hard to call yourself an "expert" with a cartoon-like aura.


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