Another Awesome Bigfoot Nest

This is a pretty cool find by a YouTube user in Vermont. Though not as impressive as Mitch Waite's Bigfoot nest video, it appears to have an entrance.


  1. Replies
    1. ^I have one bitch lips!!

    2. ^^ @ anon 6:13, i think u meant to say, "loser"...

    3. ^^^^ looser is accepted around here. It has a double meaning

  2. That looks like a pile of shit

  3. I would expect much more of a safe haven to be constructed by a highly evolved giant hairy animal person thing. Or, maybe this is just one of the shanty style nests in the ghetto part of Squatchville.

    1. They decorate the outside with old WWW tires

  4. Wow that's a regular SasMansion. I'd love to curl up with patty in that suit nest.

  5. Where there Bigfoot eggs in it ?

  6. The game is up.

    DWA has been outted as a JREFer pretending to be a dumb bleever.

    JREF have been fucking destroying footery lately. Fucking destroying it.

    1. JREF'ers are dumb bleevers. Just ask Kitakaze and Parnassus among a few.

  7. All this proves is the JREFers are trolls who have to lie.

  8. Let me analyze this...Ok...I'm pretty sure a squatch built this but then again it could be man-made. appears an unknown hominid from the Pleistocene epoch could have made this. But then again...It could be a bunch of kids. My final analysis? This appears to be the work of wood hobos.

  9. Enjoy this little footsies, it's as good as the evidence for Bigfoot is ever gonna get.....

  10. Thats where BF lays its eggs. I like eggs.

  11. Boy are you footers getting desperate!. all one has to do is pile up a bunch of Moss or Pine needles than video it and call it a Big foot nest!

    Then you get 2 broken logs (No saw) and form an X or a tepee video it and call it a Big foot territory marker! What a bunch of losers, Americas are dumb, dumb, dumb!


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