These Skinned Bear Paws Look So Human

Bear paw or Bigfoot paw? You decide! This was posted on Reddit the other day by a user named weglander. This person's family supposedly collect animal parts for schools and churches. The Reddit user writes:

"My dad just got back from bear hunting and left these out to disgust my mom after he skinned the bear."

High resolution:


  1. Mid Michigan Calling kicking ass once again.


    1. Hey Hoozy its all dumb luck lately being first

      Heading up to look at a piece of property at the south east corner of the Gladwin State forest. Lots of game and maybe more. Very desolate with hard to access areas. Gotta look out for pigs. Yum yum. I figure where they are maybe the big guy is also. I will leave him gifts of chips and beer


    2. Goodluck MMC!! Use some of the new mentally challenged calls we've been hearing!!

    3. Calling like that might bring in the short bus

  2. His dad just got back from bear hunting where he skinned a bunch of backpackers.


  3. Shawn, why did you delete my comments from yesterday dawg? I can't beleive you'd do me like that!

    1. You know what?, I think it was the c@ckpouch. But then again it may have been the references to manual stimulation at the bus depot. From now on though, I vow to only talk about bigfoot and nothing else.

    2. Mayor. I swear it wasn't me. We have a full time moderator now and she's Christian. Lol.

    3. Lmfao are you serious? I thought it was kind of weird because it wasn't THAT bad.

  4. Oh yeah? Schools and churches? What friggin church uses animal parts? Satan's? Did he have a valid hunting license for bear? Or is he just out blasting numerous specimens to fill orders?

    1. Ones with boy scouts. At the least for eating. But I didn't grow up in a mcmansion in an affluent suburb.

      FYI your vegan diet has a higher likelihood of heavy metals concentrations than pretty much everything but fish. Hope you're just spastic and not full of mercury. It's what made the hatters so mad you know....

  5. Animal parts for churches . . . animal parts for churches . . . let me think about that one for a moment, gentlemen. Suddenly, I don't feel so well. I think a cordial will be in order.

  6. I'm gonna send this picture to the state police!


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