The Falcon Project: Has It Been Done Before?

Since unveiling the Falcon Project, founder William Allen Barnes has received every kind of criticism imaginable. Last year, BFRO President Matt Moneymaker poo-pooed the idea, arguing that it has been done before and keeping the blimp stable would be next to impossible, especially in windy places like the Sierras. While criticism from well regarded Bigfoot researchers are few, Facebook remains a constant battle for the founder of the Falcon Project. This latest criticism from Todd Neiss is one of them:

Todd Neiss:

Mr. Barnes...

With all due respect, your assertion that the Falcon Project's approach is "completely new," and that "no other organizations have attempted this type of airborne strategy" is simply not true.

As far back as the 1970s, my friend Professor Grover Krantz proffered the concept of aerial surveillance of Bigfoot utilizing a home-built gyro-copter.

In the 1980's, Ron Morehead and Peter Byrne conducted aerial surveillance flights searching for Bigfoot using Ron's private aircraft. One such flight involved searching for the small 8 - 10 acre basin described by Albert Ostman near the Toba Outlet in British Columbia.

In 1999, the American Primate Foundation (my organization) designed an aerial camera platform based on an airship I dubbed the "NITE O.W.L." project. It utilized a tethered helium blimp which was deigned to support standard, night-vision and thermal camera variants. Originally I considered a powered dirigible (like that of the Falcon Project), but dismissed it as a viable option due to it's insurmountable vulnerability to wind and noise issues. "NITE O.W.L." stood for a nocturnal "Overhead Wildlife Locator."

Later, Autumn Williams utilized a similar blimp strategy when she worked with the Outdoor Channel a few years ago.

Last year, at my annual BEACHFOOT gathering of Bigfoot researchers, I demonstrated a UAV prototype (in the form of an HD camera mounted to an electric airplane) to the guests there. It broadcasts live video to the RC unit's 3" screen as well as recording on-board.

I am also working with quad-copter-based UAVs. This web site has a fairly inexpensive model that will carry a Go-Pro camera >>>

The "Finding Bigfoot" TV show demonstrated a similar drone aircraft platform on the show. See it here >>>

There is also an organization that has been using drones to monitor primates for years. See it here >>>

And this web site also sponsors similar research in the form of "conservation drones” >>>

So while the Falcon Project's dual-cell airship might represent a unique platform, it is a far cry from "a completely new and innovative approach to hominoid research" and hardly the first time any organization has attempted an "airborne strategy."

For the record, I stand by my concerns of the practicability of using any un tethered airship. As an Active Duty Soldier who has personally witnessed drones used in battle and watched their live feed-back in the Tactical Operations Center (TOC) in Iraq, I can attest to the effectiveness of these UAVs for reconnaissance and surveillance. If the RATS, Inc. platform were superior to that of the D.O.D.'s drones, I assure you we would be using them.

My point is that it is disingenuous to suggest that "no other organizations have attempted this type of airborne strategy or that such an approach is "completely new."

Regardless, I know most of your team, hold you in high regard, applaud your endeavor and wish you the best of success.

Beast Regards,

Todd Neiss
Founder - The American Primate Foundation

"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Anyone Who Threatens It"

William Allen Barnes' response (typing from his phone):

we are not into copters,we are not into planes,we are not into single blip or airship, (not good in the wind)we use 40in flat screen, quad-copters low fly time,they called us from Africa to count apes, (Dr.Redman) with the dual airship we have a bigger pay load, at 48 feet on each side = 96 feet, we can fly in high winds , up to 25 miles hr wind, (you can not do that with a single 48 foot blimp,as a public person you can not fly a drone more than 400 feet, FAA rules, and our project is under government stats , fish and game, US forest service, BLM, AND THE UNIVERSITY,AND we can fly up to 10.000 feet and a 10 mile fly zone, we have no props, our camera is one of a kind, custom made for this project, even the government dose not have this,the dual airship will be the first of it's kind, custom made for our project too, the D.O.D wants test our drone, border patrol wants to see it , and the Texas Rangers wants to buy one or more for there border ops, now I have spoke with all these people, NOW I CAN SAY THIS A FIRST, an last of all we can fly an track anything on the ground from a mile away for up to 6hrs. my lens on the camera is almost a foot wide, at 3 1/4 of a mile I can see you an know if you are a man or ape, an this is at night time, now you need to learn what we are doing, not what you think we are doing.


  1. Replies
    1. Rocket fast today chewy

    2. Damn, how does anyone resist a firsting seduction by Chewie? That was hot.

    3. Todd Neiss Was SLAMMED! Booyah! Why does he care? Should be supporting any effort to catch the elusive beast !

    4. The mother ship, which circles the earth every 3 hours at top speed has been used for centuries to find Bigfootsies.
      To date there are 9 million blurry photos of the big squatch thing and 4 hours of grainy out of focus video showing Bigfoot gaily prancing through the daisies and gathering rose buds whilst he may.

    5. Bigfoot, where bigfoot
      Decades waiting, still nothing
      Where is it, sniff sniff

    6. ^Its in the woods not on your F*CKING computer moron !

    7. ^dude, pretty sure your the moron, not him.

    8. I like the bigfoot haiku. This site needs more bigfoot poetry, more culture.

    9. OMG firsties, sort of.

      Check me out commenting off topic. Now I really feel like I belong.

  2. Replies
    1. Where is my homeboy, Travis?

    2. Scrubbing the sausage pans out in Denny's dish-pit.

    3. He got fired from dennys!!

    4. He had to go back to his "vascular technologist" job. It involves running dirty dishes through a machine.

    5. Travis needs to get a life!

  3. Old Travis Proverb... Give a man an 18 inch brown trout, feed him for a day. Teach a man to harpoon an 18 inch brown trout, you feed him corn for the rest of his life.

    1. Excellent contribution.

    2. Hey, Travis, you left your panties in the back seat of my car! What do you want me to do with them?! They're starting to make my car stink like fish!

  4. They drop that ballon down low enough the big guy is gonna huck a rock at it, bring it down and ah probably howl like a dog. Like I would do

    1. Since Bigfoot can fly by becoming weightless, he could perform a multitude of stunts that could neutralize that toy. Like trash that expensive camera for starters. I wonder how many crashes that camera can withstand? If it is none, then it will be game over the first night out. Since Bigfoot knows what is being written about them on the internet by simply eavesdropping on anyone that is reading this forum article, they already have passed the word around as to this project. They will know where it be next, before William Barnes does, because they also have some ability to either predict or anticipate the future. The Falcon Project team does not have a clue as to what they are up against.

    2. Well I think my rock hucking idea is more realistic

  5. Meekakitty,

    If I told you that you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

    1. Meekakitty,

      Why pay $5.........I'll give you my footlong for free....

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. No, you sick bastard. I never tried that. Did you de-claw the cat first? Mayor, you are one perverted SOB...

    4. What'd The Mayor say?!! I agree, he is one sick, twisted fuck!!!

    5. I didn't know who or what Mekakitty was so I thought my comment might not make sense. I don't even remember what I wrote now haha.

  6. Jealousy Spoiler, then don't contribute to the project, your references to old and failed projects is a give away. Google Earth will do a better job of helping you find that Oatsman Basin than your decade old effort, and spare us your bellyaching.

    1. How dare you mock bellyaching. Just wait until gas hits you next and see how funny it is to be belching and farting at all hours of the day and night.
      With Love, the Oatsman Basin Watchman

  7. Todd Neiss, an American hero.

  8. Does that camera see into the 4th dimension because that is where the Bigfoot spend most of their time, due to the large number of humans in the 3rd dimension, that are looking to hunt them, shoot them or photograph them? Just asking.

    1. The Falcon blimp is equipped with a 4th dimension camera. There is no escaping for a sasquatch this time.

    2. Only when it's cloaking device is enabled......SquatchMaster has tranquilizer turret guns on his battle remote controlled money is on him.....he already has 4th 5th and 9th dimension shots.....

  9. (clive squashy)

    Sasquatch: The final frontier

    These are the voyages of the Falcon Project, blimp
    Its 5 year mission...
    To explore strange new worlds
    To seek out new life and new civilizations

    To boldly hoax where no man has hoaxed before !

    1. Captain....I'm giving her all she's got.....

    2. (clive squashy)

      ...and sulu said you got alot.

    3. I'm a doctor Jim, not a magician.

  10. After all of this time of promoting this project, they still have collected less than $12,000 of the projected $355,000. My guess is that neither William Barnes nor Professor Meldrum have not put their money where their mouths are. If you want pictures of a Bigfoot, why not just peel that one off the back of the door into the office of a certain 5 star Army General in the Pentagon. While you are there, ask him to sign it for you.

    1. To keep the cost down, the project has been scaled back a bit. The Falcon blimp will not use two helium filled balloons that were acquired for 1000 game tickets at Chuck E. Cheese.

    2. That was supposed to be "now use," not "not use."

  11. I still don't understand how they expect to find Bigfoots through all the trees

    that said, if they come back with thousands of photos of bears, moose, elk, deer, wolverines, big horn sheep, cougars, people and zero's gonna reek of nothing.

    1. By using the onboard 4th dimension camera, the trees will not be a problem.

    2. Trees are no obstacle to seeing Bigfeets.
      Bigfeet people can make trees invisible with their super breath that can melt snow and ice and frozen tundras.
      Since Squatches are super human apes they can do anything.
      They is the smarter ape!

  12. Is this like a drone that can take out a squatch from the air? Maybe it can dart a squatch with a tag that can be tracked via satellite.

    1. or via xray glasses like super heroes use.
      Does a squatch use a secret decoder ring too?

  13. As if bigfoot can't hear this thing coming.

    1. It uses an ultrasound thruster engine. The main lift is from the fairy dust.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Todd Neiss got pwned by Barnes. Booya mother fucker!!!!

    Falcon Project pwns!!!!!!!

  16. I read an article that said that this Falcon blimp is capable of shooting a tranquilizer dart at a bigfoot using a high tech computer controlled heat seeking dart. They had to apply for permits to get the veterinary grade tranquilizing drugs.

    1. That's true. I have a friend who has a cousin who is part of the team that is designing the Falcon blimp. During a test run, they inadvertently darted a park ranger. True story.


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