Scientist: In 100,000 Years, Humans Will Have Bigfoot Vision

Image credit: Nickolay Lamm

The image above is the human face -- 100,000 from now. According to artist and researcher Nickolay Lamm, in the future, many physiological features of human beings will change, most notably what's on our faces. He says our eyes will seem "unnervingly large" compared to today's and it may even adapt to the low-light conditions of the future -- think Bigfoot eye-shine. In addition to our eyes being huge and chicks probably looking hotter, humans will have "larger nostrils for easier breathing in off-planet environments, denser hair to contain heat loss from a larger head."

According to Forbes, in 100,000 years:

The human face is proportioned to the 'golden ratio,' though it features unnervingly large eyes. There is green “eye shine” from the tapetum lucidum, and a more pronounced superciliary arch. A sideways blink of the reintroduced plica semilunaris seen in the light gray areas of the eyes, while miniature bone-conduction devices implanted above the ear work with the communications lenses on the eyes. Image credit: Nickolay Lamm

[via Forbes]


  1. Replies
    1. ...anything but a frist... gatsby rule, not as much as rush though...

    2. Thanks old sport

    3. In 100,000 years, footers will still be searching for their monkey.

    4. Maybe,but what will you do if they find one?

    5. This war is working out worse than Vietnam.


  2. Total Bullshit we will go back to the ocean not evolve into bigfoot

  3. F I R S T the authentic way. Thank you.

  4. In 100,000 years, you will still get nothing and like it.

  5. Are those meth heads in that picture

  6. I always wondered what the doe-eyed kids in those cheesy Keane paintings would look like when they grew up..
    Can't wait to hang these with the others on the panel walls in my trailer.....

  7. Would anyone else bang that chick or am I just weird?

    1. I would totally bang her and yes, you are weird

  8. Tell me how again it is that we know what kind of vision bigfoot has. I think I missed that when they showed us the type specimin in school.

  9. (clive squashy)

    Who the hell is Fritolay Lame ?

  10. Uh . . . this is complete and utter bullshit; as well as the idea that Bigfoot should or even could have eyeshine.

    The tapetum lucidum layer of the eye is not found in ANY primate beyond the very primitive Strepsirrhini sub-species [lemurs].

    I can not stress this enough:

    Every primate past the basel forms found in Lemurs can not and will not have Eyeshine. Ever.

    It is IMPOSSIBLE for a layer of the eye to regrow in a species that hasn't had it for MILLIONS of YEARS!!

    1. Possibly.

      However we need to adapt quickly to get the best out of the new consoles about to hit the market.


    2. Apparently you don't have $30. Dr. Melba Ketchum already proved bigfoots ARE part lemur! IDIOT!

  11. If anything, human eyes may adjust to reading a computer screen. There is no reason to rationalize that human eyes will get larger in order to adjust for low light conditions. Where is the low light going to come from?

  12. Scientist: In 100,000 Years, Humans Will Have Bigfoot Vision? Yeah Right and Alex MW will produce some real evidence!


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