Preview: Ro Sahebi Is The Bigfoot Expert On Rock My RV [Sunday, 9/8c]

Tonight on the Travel Channel's Rock My RV with Bret Michaels, our friend Ro Sahebi will be the "Bigfoot Expert" on the show and he will advise Bret and his team on how to build the ultimate Bigfoot-mobile. Here's the preview for tonight's show:


  1. Replies
    1. First... The correct way!!!

    2. He is an American hero!!

    3. He is the most credible voice in bigfootery

    4. He wears the finest eye makeup!

    5. Hair metal is not my favorite genre, but Posion has some good songs. Fact is, Michaels was able to write some catchy tunes and that is why he has the big bucks. The ability to write is what separates the few millionaires from the millions of wannabees...
      Guitar gods are a dime a dozen. There were 5 in my graduating class....

    6. And baby, talk dirty to me.

  2. Replies
    1. ^^^ Cock Muncher, obsessed with Brett M. ^^

    2. Travis,he want's to know what you do with Bret after you use him as a dildo?

    3. Is Travis getting pwned? I'm new here and want to fit in.

  3. Hello Ranger Station? I seem to have lost my RV. Well it's painted Digital Camo, Yes... I know stupid idea parking it in the woods..OK, thanks.

    1. Might as well put a 50 cal sniper rifle or at least a turret on the top.....I mean if you want to be a bad ass.....

    2. A couple of fertilizer bombs is not a bad idea. Take one for the team and blow the area to smithereens. We have DNA experts....

  4. Serious question, how does To Sahebi go from unknown film producer to "Bigfoot expert" in such a short period of time? Is the transition THAT easy?

    1. The producers didn't pick his name out of a hat. The kid creates media with bigfoot content and participates in and organizes events. He earned those TV spots...

    2. Your comment has nothing to do with the answer I'm seeking. I don't care about t.v. appearances. I want to know how he goes from an unknown small film producer to "Bigfoot Expert" practically overnight?

      How many expeditions has he went on and more importantly how much evidence has he found and analyzed? Those last 2 things are what is important when throwing around terms such as "Bigfoot Expert".

      I mean come on.....crap like this is what makes this field a giant joke. Jay Cooney is 10 times the "expert" when it comes to Bigfoot knowledge than a small film producer.

    3. It does. The producers probably think bigfoot is a joke and don't care who the community considers an "expert" or a "hunter". A footer need only be on their rolodex when they need someone to fill the role of "expert"....

    4. Of course, I am referring to the programs he is on calling him a hnter or expert. If you are asking why Shawn is calling him an expert, then I misunderstood..sorry...


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