Here Is Paul Freeman's Lost Bigfoot Footage

The Paul Freeman footage is one of the most compelling pieces of evidence supporting the existence of Sasquatch. Back in 1994, Freeman filmed a group of Bigfoots in the Blue Mountains of Washington. However, did you know there was a second video? It's unclear where Freeman filmed it, but it's possible that he may have filmed it in the same here. The following video by Freeman rarely ever gets shown on TV. It happened to show up on our radar a few days ago (Thanks to Sasquatch Watch Canada). Check it out:

Here's Freeman's other video: Bigfoot Family Filmed In Blue Mountains


  1. June first, 2013. Still no Bigfoot.

  2. Replies
    1. JREF pwns BFE like Lindsay compelled to sign up on the sex offender registry

  3. GOT MONKEY?????????????????????????????

    1. My Bigfoot sighting took place from a small window in my mom's basement.

    2. ^and again

      too easy.

      pwnage delivered

    3. Got Monkey ? Man is Lame.

    4. He certainly is, he seems to think this is a species of monkeys even though monkeys have tails and never grow up to 8-9 feet.


    1. im pretty sure that could be explained by bigfoot not existing

      that would explain a lot of things

  5. Stankape the Hillbilly in breeder. ^^^

  6. He screwed up here and filmed his actor in the open. This one got buried because if its a hoax so is his other clip and probably everything else he submitted.
    Credibility zero....

    1. Yup. His famous clip is a hoax.

    2. Wrong again loser it's the real thing, and so is this in all likelihood you can tell even though it's worse quality than his more famous video. Amazing how the trained bf knowledgeable eye can always tell when a clip is real no matter the quality simply due to the fact these beings' bodies and moves can't be reproduced.

  7. Replies
    1. There were two videos? TWO OF EM? JESUS!

    2. I've been waitin 10 years for this. That's it for sure!

    3. I hear da brush a poppin and stuuuuff......

      Oh, there he go!!!


      Two of em I guess.....

  8. There is another bigfoot news footage video I can remember watching back in the mid 90's. NOT on Youtube. This looks similar to it. The guy who filmed it, did not know it was there at first.

  9. Paul Freeman is a american hero!!

  10. Here i sit on the pooper .
    Giving birth to another state trooper.

  11. Yet another "blobsquatch"! I wouldn't be surprised if a North American ape were discovered, but you really aren't accomplishing anything by posting these "blobsquatches". The only type of person who usually looks to "blobsquatches" as evidence are the "true believers", and they are just as bad to the field as the rampant debunkers.

    The influx of people using the internet over the past decade has really corrupted the phenomenon. If you are a serious researcher, and not the social researcher, please do the field a service, and stop promoting the publication of worthless "evidence". The referring to the investigators of Bigfoot as a community is absurd, but that is exactly what is occurring. Most of the new generation of "researchers" probably are completely ignorant of the scientific method, but they are well versed in the current flavor of the month social media, and that says a lot.

    RIP Bigfoot Research

    1. This video was made before everything your talking about lmao. There were only a few of us on Internet in the early/mid 90's and it was pretty different



    Posted an hour ago!!


  13. Now we know that all of Freeman's clips are 100% BS. People look for decades and never have a sighting. There is no way that someone would get two clips of bigfoot. The existence of a second clip demonstrates that the other clip, the more famous clip, is also BS.

    1. I agree. I don't know why anybody would believe that the Freeman footage (the one everyone knows) is a film of genuine sasquatches. Even with bad resolution you can tell that the fur on the squatch is fake.

    2. Yes. Dahindren called him a "repeat offender". Footprints, handprints, buttprints, poop, sightings and multiple encounters. Oh, and TWO videos. A lot of what is considered evidence from the 80's and early 90's comes from this guy, and its probably all crap....

    3. Several encounters suggest no encounters.

      Hence why the BF contactees on BFF are either lying or trolling.


    4. Agree. The honest researchers, spending hours and hours looking, occasionally report at most anomalous sounds and strange activities. Open to interpretation, but fair enough. They know better than any skeptic that Freeman is a fraud....

    5. 2:18, 2:27, 2:31, 3:54 are all examples of the lying ridicule factor this subject suffers from. Orchestrated trolling, could be the same guy even or a couple but they're the only fake thing here not Freeman's two videos that both clearly are real. Too real obviously so they must be demonized, amazing isn't it how all the best stuff is called fake clearly the MIB office at work again. Some here don't want the truth out about this elusive species stuck here on Earth wherever they're from, their existence denied.

  14. Correct way is pwnage personified

  15. Big Bad Schoolyard Bully sez:Saturday, June 1, 2013 at 3:23:00 PM PDT

    The trolls have to keep telling themselves over and over and over, and over again - on every video or picture posted anywhere that it's a hoax-because they are chickenshit MFers who are afraid that a big monster will show up and get them. It's OK boys, mommy will protect you in the cellar and bring you cookies and milk to calm you down, now stop shaking...

    1. hahaha what a pwned footer you are that has a life so empty he has to dream of magic monkeys existing

    2. I confess. Paul Freeman is confronting me with my worst fears. I haven't trembled this much since Father McBoylic called me into the principal's office....

    3. HAHAHA Mcboylic..I see what you did there...

  16. I remember Bobo saying that Paul has another good video of a bigfoot charging him. He said it probably won't ever get released because Paul pooped his pants or something.

  17. If so stellar, why didn't his son follow up? Answer: b/c he wanted nothing to do with it.

    Too much mouth-breathing for me.

    Roger on the other hand, was in shape and a good horseman, along with Gimlin.

  18. How has Paul Freeman been able to capture bigfoots on film on multiple occasions but no one else has?

    1. No one else? Not true many have. Lots of fake shit of course except Paul's, Roger's and the marbleMT.

  19. I have this gift of sniffing out bullshit and bullshitters.......and this footage coupled with Freeman himself pegs the bullshit meter wide open.

    He's a crazy man who needed to do something in life, even if it meant conjuring up a bullshit story with bullshit video. Hey, to him it didn't matter if it was just bullshit, he had others thinking that he was actually "somebody" and THAT is what mattered to him.

    1. Yup - he was just havin' little fun...working for the water district. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Gotta spice it up

      These kinds of people are excellent case studies for grad student psychologists.

    2. And the saddest part of all this is that a PHd in Jeff Meldrum was fooled. Fooled by a crazy man who needed to be somebody before he died.

    3. The old Roswell attitude to hide the truth, eh boys ? Not really working in public opinion, is it. Freeman caught the real thing because he knew where to look and probably took great risks getting so close. The fake is Meldrum who's part of mainstream science's co-government cover-up scheme, they need a positive bigfoot guy and he's it.

    4. ^^^^One of the other "crazies" looming large in this colossal field of retards.

      Freeman didn't get anything on film except for his fat son in a suit. Freeman was nuttier than squirrel turds. Ask the people who frequented the coffee shops in his hometown.

  20. Should have said 'I've been waiting 10 years for this and.... Ugh.... Nope, that wasn' t it. Sheeeit

  21. and this is not the full video either. He gets out and chases the bigfoot into the watershed. problem is when he showed the video to vance orchid and wes summerlin and some others they told freeman not to show the part where he chases it into the watershed because they could tell it was fake.

  22. the man is an admitted hoaxer. why would we believe any film he then shows us that shows a bf that isn't hoaxed. what r the chances a known hoaer would go on to take 2 real bf films. utter nonsense.youd have to be an idiot to fall 4 this. bf cant be caught by flir,trail cams,etc etc yet a hoaxer gets him all the time. ye right

  23. "First, first, first, I'm a toddler." Grow the fuck up.

  24. Paul Freeman is 100% BULLSHIT. How come people who dedicate their lives to the search never catch a glimpse of one yet Freeman stepped on the scene in the early 80s with dozens of track finds and not one, but TWO seperate videos? LIES.

    1. maybe he was in the right place right time, how can you say its bullshit can you prove they are fake, try buying yourself a tent and spending few nights camping deep in a forest alone you wouldnt last 1 night

  25. To all you Trolls, that sit at a computer all day Bitching and probably never even camped out in the woods; "You don't know shit"!

    I spend countless hours sitting in "Blinds' with my camera ready on a tripod and i get 'numerous' sightings of Big foots walking by. If i showed them to you, all of you would say HOAX, "Man in a monkey suit" because all your good for is putting people down, that try very hard to get 100% proof they exist.

    I bet any of you, would not last more than a day in the woods, and run home to your MOMMY! Get a life!

  26. the freeman footage is no hoax i have seen bigfoot several times in oregan when staying at my grandpa's ranch. you can tell its no human in the way it walks has its head dips with every step, we dont film them on the ranch because people would flood there trying to capture them, no film will ever be good enough for you idiots that cant see past your nose, so why should we interfere with them, they have as much right to live has we do, in 1 way i wish a body could be found to prove to you ignorant assholes but in another way i think it would cause more people to flood in trying to catch them, it will be proved 1 day and all you doubters commenting saying its fake when you dont have a clue will finally realise you are the fools for thinking its a myth

  27. Freeman said he could shoot one, if so why not dart one with a tranquillizer. Seems more practical than digging a 20 foot deep hole. Have you ever tried to dig a hole in that par t of the country, better have a backhoe. Of course bigfoot love joy riding in heavy equipment perfect way to dupe a bigfoot into capture . Sorry I hope its real. I haven't seen anything better than gimlins or Freeman's but these kooks keep trying. How about trying for a real film career or is this there approach a believable hoax and I'm in, what a joke. I'll check back , in 7years!


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