Tim Fasano: The world of Bigfoot is at a tipping point

Tim Fasano is a very smart man. He can definitely write. Referring to recent hoaxes on the internet, Tim has a new blog post discussing the origin of the expression, "There's a sucker born every minute". Here's the excerpt:

The Cardiff Giant was being displayed by a small circus in New York and Barnum wanted it. He wanted it so bad, he had a sculptor make one that was ten feet tall. They poured acid on it and scared it with flame to make it look old. Crowds lined up to see it...screw the bearded lady.

The Cardiff Giant was one of the most famous hoaxes in United States history. It was a 10-foot (3.0 m) tall purported "petrified man" uncovered on October 16, 1869, by workers digging a well behind the barn of William C. "Stub" Newell in Cardiff, New York. Both it and an unauthorized copy made by P.T. Barnum are still on display.

The spectacle was so successful that a newspaper reporter David Hunnum said "There's a sucker born every minute" a quote now attributed to Barnum.

Check out the entire post at Florida Bigfoot titled, "Bigfoot driving you kooky?" 


  1. Replies
    1. Bobo want to party with Babe Fay and he like?

    2. Spend your whole day waiting to write first. What a bunch of loosers.

    3. 12 year olds with a stupid xbox live headpiece on.

  2. Tim fasano. The epitome of the american dream.

    1. just when I thought we had run out of nothing

    2. The nothing never ends. We are in a black hole of nothingness. And I like it.

  3. Isn't Tim Fasano the retarded Taxi Cab driver guy in Florida that was claiming to have inside knowledge from high level military intelligence acquaintances about Daisy in the Box being released?

    Daisy was a hoax, and He was lying about someone else's lie/hoax, attempting to give himself legitimacy where there is none.

    When will this site stop giving the spotlight over to frauds?

    1. Take away the frauds and you have no bigfoot blog.

    2. It's one thing to spotlight unknown frauds; frauds who've yet to tip their hands, but, giving attention to buffoons, morons, liars, frauds, and the rest of the lot that are known elements it buggery.

    3. I buggered your mom last night. Tally ho-ed the bitch...

    4. His videos about military contacts and daisy in a box were clearly satire, if you watched it and thought it was real you are more clueless than him.

  4. So, Tim Fasano, a fraud, is now writing about frauds?

    I suppose being one qualifies him as an expert on frauds and hoaxes?

    1. Maybe we could have the Bigfoot Ontario guy scream unintelligible gibberish in the woods about the Cardiff Giant?

    2. Anon 1:55-- know that is some pretty funny shit right there. I tip my hat to you.

    3. waiter,
      fruit cup for 1:55.

  5. I like misidentification so much better than fraud

  6. Chris packham pwned mmg and is likely why he is a raging bleever.

    1. ^^^ Masterbates furiously to Packhams pathetic patty suit.

  7. "It's tricky not forming beliefs - the closest I can come to not doing so is to assign odds on the probability that something is true. I can acknowledge that my information is imperfect and that the odds are never 100%, although this brings a level of detachment that probably isn't helpful for becoming more empathic."

  8. Since when is Fasano an expert on audio recordings, vocalizations, and the behavior of paranormal people? Go ahead, thumb through all of his past work. See if you can come up with one iota of evidence that he is an authority on the above listed items. Fasono's experience is at driving taxi cabs. Any moron can make a video of him walking around in the boonies, and stating his rampant speculation of Bigfoot behavior, as fact. Heck, Moneymaker did it. I'll give Tim Fasano 72 hours to prove that he is an expert in audio recordings, vocalizations and the behavior of paranormal people. If at the end of that time period, Tim Fasano has failed to deliver, then I will say, "I TOLD YOU SO!".

    What goes around, comes around, Tim Fasano!

  9. So was the Giant a fraud made up by the circus that Barnum then made a copy of? Or was the Giant an actual find that then got associated with a fraud because of Barnum?


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