Someone please tell the truth: Is this a bear or a Bigfoot?

It's time to stop messing around Bigfooters. Really. Is this photograph taken by a Pennsylvania hunter name Rick Jacobs, a bear or a Bigfoot? The BFRO tells us it's a juvenile Sasquatch, and others say it's a Bigfoot behaving like a bear. So, what is it? Does anyone actually know? A guy at named "bigfoothunter" thinks he knows what it is and he's got one hell of an analysis. Mr. "bigfoothunter" thinks the Jacob's creature is a bear. He states several reasons why he thinks it's a bear:

The image above is of a comparison between a black bear and the Jacobs subject in photo 1. The alike areas of interest are numbered and referenced on each subject in the illustration.

1) The hump of the right shoulder are noticeable on both subjects.

2) The dip in the contour of the back between the rump and the shoulders are similar.

3) The rump similarities are remarkable in that the rump of a bear rounds down the body to a point near the middle of the back leg just behind and above the knee. The Jacob subject does the same.

Click here to read the full analysis at

Is the BFRO Jacobs creature a Bigfoot or a Bear? free polls 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks dude. I feel like a star!

    2. Every time we first, that anonymous old dude who hates firsters dies a little inside.

    3. Kind of like the Portrait of Dorian Gray?

  2. Someone please tell the truth: How much ad-click revenue is this garbage creating each day?

    1. Good question. I've been worried about Shawn. He's been despondent since he found out his grandma still spanks his dad.

    2. Does it matter? Jealous a little bit? Go take a giant leap off a bridge and have someone record it and maybe,just maybe someone will give a damn!

    3. ^ can piss but can't whistle

    4. I don't know. I just check in for more hula hoop girl.

    5. Well, when you click on a seemingly harmless poll and then get locked into an ad-click website that you can't back out of because it puts 8 trillion ad-pages in your page history, it kind of pisses you off.

    6. A good reason to use private browsing.

  3. Question: Does anyone have the entire Patterson footage--like, every piece of video footage that was taken over the entire trip to Bluff creek? Why do we only have still photographs for the casting and display? Where's the big enchilada video?

    1. There are more reels, two extra reels I think, of film, showing parts of the expedition before the subject was filmed.

      Also here comes yet another report where the creature takes a few steps and is "gone", in this case described as "phased away" by a military witness:

      Since this is a recurring characteristic of bigfoot reports, it's a phenomenon worth studying.


    2. The entire first reel is out. The short casting and display clip are assumed to be from the 2nd reel, but it is possible they are shots from the movie Roger showed in theaters. No one knows for certain.
      We will probably never see the second reel(if there even is one) If it helped validate PGF it would be out; if not someone put a match to it...

  4. Hang on- I'm putting in a call to Dr. Matthew A. Johnson, one of the most credible people in the Bigfoot world.

  5. There clearly is no tail on the subject. Bears have a substantial tail. Therefore by the process of elimination, that is an actual Bigfoot in that photograph.

    1. Tail or no tail, a bear it is.

      Yoda Bear

    2. You may be Yoda buddy, but that critter right there in them Jacobs shots is a junvenile squatch without a doubt. Silly of this blog to ask the question again when they know it only brings out the troll, oops, that's mainly themselves. LOL

  6. Bear.
    Anybody who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves. This is a freaking bear. Bears are even in the other shots.


    1. So, based on your sound reasoning, if Jacob's trail camera took a photo of him while he was putting out more bait then that would make him a bear too? Or, maybe the bears are actually feral humans? What about a squirrel? A rabbit? A deer? Are they all bears?

    2. ^^^ THAT is the final word. How likely is it that a juvie squatch was out running with a bunch of bears that night? These single shots and blobsquatches picked out of 10-day old footage are always hiding the rest of the story.

    3. 9:40 you reductio'ed yourself to absurdum.

    4. Wrong. The bears were in earlier photos. The creature was in another photo. I have had bear and coyote standing side by side at a deer feeder. You make things up in an attempt to prove your argument.

    5. Bigfoot.
      Anybody who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves. This is a freaking Bigfoot.
      It's a young one playing with them young bears until mama bear comes home.

  7. If it was a homeless guy's dog then Rick Dyer would definitely want to kill it.

  8. One thing the Bigfoothunter forgot to take into account was the limb ratios. The front and rear limb ratios on the small cub bear are the same. The Jacobs photo limb ratios are very different. The legs are much longer than the "arms" of the creature. No saying its a bigfoot but it definately doesn't look like a bear. Also, what he calls #2 or "dip in back" is not remotely similar when comparing the photos. A bear usually has this "dip" when stanking on two legs or standing on all fours. Not always, but usually. The Jacobs photos do not display the prevelant "dip" Maybe its a chupacabra.

    1. Or more likely, it's a deformed bear, since it was with a group of other bears.

    2. It scares me when bears stank on two legs.

    3. Or more likely you make things up because the creature was not with the bears. It was in an individual pic. Also, any fool who gets outside knows that the bear cubs had the sow (mother) near by.

  9. I voted "The BFRO got pwned like the FBFB guys in an empty theater" because that rings truest to me.

  10. You can't prove it's not a giant lemur.

  11. That's funny - asking the bigfoot community to tell the truth. It's like asking Rick Dyer to not be an obnoxious hillbilly.

    1. Or asking Rich Dyer to tell the truth!

    2. We've said many times that it's a bear and that's the truth.

    3. Sorry I meant bigfoot of course, damn it. lmao

  12. Maybe it is a gia-normus peter. Cod. Dong. Weiner. Pole. Stick.

  13. In the bigfoot world, credible means you haven't pasted master bigfoot tracker stickers all over your car and you haven't summarily executed a homeless guy's dog. It means you never cavorted in a Ghillie suit with Biscardi and Mike Sells in the Kiamichi wilderness or Powderly TX. It means you never called anything "Squatchy" or held a town hall meeting to show off your "Gone Squatchin" cap.

  14. I think its this

  15. I'm gonna wait for Dr. Mathew A Johnson,one of the most credible people in the bigfoot world, to answer before I cast my vote. I hope we hear from him soon because the pwned vote looks pretty tempting.

  16. in the bigfoot world, credible means you blame something called "Science," yet call yourself a "Galileo".

    you can't make this stuff up.

  17. I voted bfro got pwned. I recall reading somewhere that Jacobs has more pictures proving it was in fact a bear.

    1. Uh-uh bud, he has more pics showing it's a squatch but like all folks with this photographic proof they're in conflict with themselves and fear of ramifications since it's world view changing stuff proving these beings not ape/animal, primate sure but hominin most likely.

  18. I'm sure bigfoot smells like rotten ass, I'm assuming he doesn't wipe? And shit sticking all over his nether regions. Sex between them must have the most revolting smell known to humanity, what with the females stagnant, smelly, thrush infested poenani.... Does bigfoot even go down on his bitch? That would suck for him!

  19. My credible side is leaning to Giant Lemur.
    If by Lemur they mean Sloth. And if by Giant they mean regular sized.

  20. If the "bigfoot community" at large wishes it was a bigfoot then it's a bigfoot. I once saw some eyeshine on a trail camera too. I'll be presenting my extrapolted alien results to the BC at then next Arkansas Scatological Science Foundation Unknown Cryptid Knowledge conference.

  21. Well well well, it looks like Mr. Mangus' was right about it being a bear like a month ago.

  22. Replies
    1. The ranger isn't going to like that Yoga.

  23. What is the date for the ASSFUCK conference? How much do I pay? Do you want money now or later? Do you accept chits?

  24. Replies
    1. Problem with that lie is, it doesn't look like a bear but a bigfoot and when something looks and acts like one thing then that's usually what it is. Maybe you're not capable of telling the difference between a canine and a primate in a zoo but most people can, it's usually no problem either in the wild meaning there's a deliberate cover-up attempt going on from park rangers and other authorities acting on orders.

  25. Based on earlier limb length to torso length ratios, it is a primate. Not a bear.

    1. The best one, at the top of this page, has been matched to a bear in the same pose. If that one is a bear and there are bears in the other photos, then they are all pictures of bears...

    2. It's a not fully grown squatch in those pics with some small bears no doubt as those witnesses among us know the difference.

  26. My vote is on bear. A bear which looks abnormally slender due to a skin disease.

    1. My goodness your gullibility never ends, does it fanboy.

    2. Jay, you don't get to vote. You still are an apprentice. Apprentices watch, learn and listen. They don't talk, except to ask questions. Questions like "if it is a bear, where is the tail? Bears have signficant tails that form a hump over their butt crack. But there is no hump and no tail. Where is that tail?"

  27. Honestly, I really want a "Gone Squatchin" hat.

  28. If we could just find someone who is 6'9" and fears for his family when bigfoot is tree peeking them with his eyeshine. Or someone who finds them using their cloaking devices to scoot across trails with or without dogman or men watching with ears cocked and nostrils flaring on ambush post. If only.

  29. The first image is without a doubt a bear. The limb stretched out to the left is it's left foreleg, with the two hind legs showing to the right. It's pointing away from the camera, as you can tell by it's feet.

    I think a lot of the confusion in this image was caused by a rock that is on the ground between its legs, that looks like part of the creature. If you look at the other images you'll see this rock sitting in the same spot.

    1. Wrong hoodie it's no bear and you know it.

  30. Ask yourself why the cryptid is called bigfoot.

    Now, look at the feet on the Jacob's Creature. Do they in any way resemble large humanlike feet?

    It's a bear.

    1. Bingo. There's no disputing it.

    2. Nope geeks it's a young sasquatch okay with his feet in the grass, bears don't bend themselves in firm deliberate primate-like positions.

  31. Bear, I agree with hoodiesquatch and anon @4:27

    1. Bigfoot, I don't agree with those trolls.

  32. Bear, now move along, get over it, NOT a Bigfoot, but a skinny BEAR!!

    1. Ha-Ha, a skinny, deformed bear with skin desease.

    2. So you find that condition funny, retard? Bigfoot, now move along, get over it, NOT a bear, but a skinny Bigfoot!!

  33. Not a bear. The proportions are wrong, musculature is wrong and feet are even wrong. The bending over at the waist to smell the ground (there was deer attractant placed there) is recognized ape behavior. I believe the juv sasquatches were following aways behind the bears on the game trail.

    This is one of the of the extremely few pieces of evidence that I feel is genuine, more so than PGF in my book. I'm surprised Jay is voting bear.

    1. Since when does a sasquatch have feet that don't look anything like bigfoot feet?

    2. If you look up young Sasquatch prints,they have a squatter more compact looking feet. You can't see the toes from this angle but I see what appears to be an ankle bone and Achilles' tendon.

      Also, bears don't have broad, v-shaped backs. Bears shoulders all slump considerably both on two legs or four.

    3. Dude, it's a bear. Wake up and smell reality.

    4. I can't discount it being a bear 100% since it's just a photo, but the morphological evidence for it not being a bear appears to be a lot greater.

      It's dimensions have proven different from a chimp in addition to black bear.

      I haven't seen any descriptors at all that scream bear here at all. It's something different from a bear or a chimp. I have a MS in environmental biology, I've studied NA animals and can recognize a black bear pretty naturally. This image doesn't give me any normal sense of recognition. My instinct says unknown animal. Debate me, I haven't seen any conclusive bear evidence.

    5. Dude 4:44, it's a bigfoot. Wake up and smell reality. Young squatch feet are probably more hand-like size at first only growing long as the body grows longer, and this one is extremely young it would appear so it makes perfect sense.

    6. ^^^ What this guy said! Makes sense to me.

  34. I put back light on this picture and I do not think it is a bear. There are other creatures in the dark watching.

  35. Post the picture showing other creatures.

    1. The other creatures captured on the trail camera at this time, THE BEARS!!!!

    2. If you look at the photos on the BFRO, you can see the time stamps on the bottom. The bears came through a half hour before the unknown animals.

      You can see a picture of a bear and the Jacob' creature from in front of a the same tree. The difference is startling. Not a bear.

  36. It's a young Bigfoot nothing bear-like about it, the other snaps we haven't seen show it probably, besides only assholes come to a Bigfoot blog and spout bearshit.

  37. AHHH!!! Some of you people are blind, both physically and metaphorically. It's not a bigfoot. It's a bear.

    1. What's you're convincing arguement that it's a bear? Calling people blind is not a counter argument. It just shows you've got nothing.

  38. It was Bobo, sadly his diet failed :-(


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