Compelling Evidence: Toe Extension of the Patterson-Gimlin Film Wood Ape

Artwork based on frames from the Patterson-Gimlin Film. I do not know who to credit for this image, other than it was on Dr. Meldrum's current Facebook banner.

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Jay of the Bizarre Zoology blog. For info on weird and amazing facts/theories of zoology, paleontology, and cryptozoology visit Bizarre Zoology blog or follow him on Twitter.

Carl Olinsolet recently posted this intriguing enhancement video on Facebook. The video shows the lower legs and feet of the subject of the Patterson-Gimlin Film, and focuses on the toes of this animal. A feature, which I have noticed, is that the toes lift excessively, possibly due to limitation in dorsiflexion of the ankle joint. Here is Mr. Olinoslet's video, which does a nice job of pointing out this feature in the animal's foot:

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  1. Replies
    1. The artwork makes the bottom of the feet look less like cardboard than the actual PGF.

    2. The ass is greatly improved too. Well, at least they indirectly admit the ass and feet are phoney looking....

    3. It all looks real except to trolling retards.

  2. Rofl at using the term "wood ape"




    Bigfoot isnt out there, so maybe the wood ape is! lol!!!!!

    1. Try to watch biptos "in the valley of the wood apes" presentation without laugh. Believe me its not possible.

    2. HO Ho ho Greeeeeeen Giant

    3. Bigfoots surely are there alright but they're not apes like this Meldrum disciple keeps thinking. Wood ape, my foot. lol No wonder we can't find this thing because we're looking for the entirely wrong thing, d'oh, they don't care that you leave bananas out there for them and they laugh at your naive ideas of setting up traps. My goodness what an imbecilic gullible race we are, that's precisely why docs like Meldrum can do what he does because of this ignorance.


    If you cant see that is a man in a crappy costume please seek medical help and refrain from reproducing.

    1. Maybe the excessive movement in the toes is due to the ill fitting fake feet?

    2. Maybe.

      Truth is you''ll never know.


    3. I'm a skeptic of the PG Film too but if it was due to the ill fitting fake feet why don't they bend when the feet go backwards?

    4. zoomed and "enhanced" frame and 120 feet away, pareidolia reigns. If it were clear, we wouldn't need yellow lines of interpretation, drawn according to ones dreams.

      If it was possible to make a living animal out of pareidolia, we'd have a hundred thousand sasquatches. But it isn't, and oh by the way, we don't. We don't have a single one.

    5. "I'm a skeptic of the PG Film too but if it was due to the ill fitting fake feet why don't they bend when the feet go backwards?"

      Does anyone have an answer for this?

      All I hear is crickets from the skeptards..........

    6. Rebecca,if you can't see the toes flexing you must have a hard time wiping your taterhole.I suggest you hire someone to wipe said taterhole.If you don't,people will be calling you 'Air Pollution Becky'!Remeber,the snack bar is next door to the shit house.

    7. This is a Skeptard Courtesy AlertSaturday, May 11, 2013 at 10:08:00 AM PDT

      Those yellow lines aren't according to someone's dreams; they are simply outlining what is already there.

      You know that in your skeptoidical world you have used lines countless times, to indicate something and make it clear. You are being hypocritical. Skeptards simply love lines and graphs and tables. They use them all the time.

      You object to the yellow lines in this case only because you object to the whole topic of Sasquatch. Your attack is false because it's based on your resentment of the topic, not of the yellow lines.

      You also shouldn't attempt a personal insult as you did by saying "according to ones [sic] dreams."

    8. For fuck's sake geeks only real maniacs and cover-uppers still say Patty's a suit when Munns and other suit computer and anatomy experts have blown that old lie to smithereens. If you believe it's a suit which nobody who's smart does anymore only little housewives do, then you're on some kind of deceiving acid trip.

    9. I guess the skeptards don't have an answer. What a bunch of losers.

  4. Ive yet to hear a footer explain the static diaper butt.

    Patterson pwns the bigfoot community and he didnt even put much effort into doing it.

    1. Because there is no 'static diaper butt'.
      You can see the taterhole winking at you.

    2. You haven't watched the most recent bill munns video then. So your own research you lazy ignorant twat

    3. Same old diaper butt idiocy and it's wearing mighty thin it simply lost all its funny shit stain smell years ago, go watch MK Davis' videos and when you losers find the one where he shows her ass moving watch that and stfu from then on.

    4. Nothing from MK Davis is reputable. Why don't you point out in the PGF where the butt moves?

    5. Why don't you find his clip on it and see for yourself?

  5. the static diaper butt is real. Can someone breakdown that part of the video and explain that?? Butt looks like a diaper and no expertvwill address it. Why?? Expert breakdown please explaining how that is not a diaper.

    1. Please watch bill munns video that was just posted. He goes over every detail of the body head to toe and is an expert on costume building and shows you why it's biological in everyway

      We didnt have the technology we have today and it still couldn't be recreated

    2. It's a diaper butt because it's part of Patterson's costume. Patterson was a shady character, and he's still conning people decades after he died.

    3. Buzz off liar, folks should check out M.K. Davis' clips too where he proves it's not fake but clearly moving skin just like the rest of her body this part of the footage is just rarely focused on because only few have done so apparently, it's hereby proven to move so quit the games.

    4. You trust anything that comes from MK Davis?

    5. Yes, thank you for your time.

    6. You must be extremely gullible.

    7. And you must be extremely dense...think about it.

    8. I trust my eyes apparently unlike others here, MK showed her ass moves so what more do you need to know.

  6. It's been addressed. Improve your googling skills.

    1. Bill Munns took naked butt footage for his next nothing, and I will like it.

    2. Of course your pretending mind will, Ro or Mikey or whoever you are.

  7. Diaper butts,ill fitting feet,blah,blah,blah,how come none of you morons never address the fact that patty has a crested skull a feature only seen in male apes. Although she has large pendulous breasts too? Bigfoot is a tranny!

    1. That argument has been killed off a while ago. Sagittal crests are caused by a primate's jaw size, and thus it is not restricted to males only. Also, Paranthropus had sagittal crests in both genders.

    2. And if you're making a costume that is supposed to resemble a huge ape, that's the first thing you want to fake.

    3. Patterson thought these animals were descendants of Homo erectus. I doubt he'd go straight to an ape for reference.

    4. uh huh huh huh huh erectus

    5. Bill munns has proven the shape of the head is impossible to recreate in a mask for a human head. That's a fact jack

    6. It's not gender based. Tendons need a place to attach so that when the muscle contracts, whatever you're trying to move can actually move. The saggital crest serves as an extra surface for jaw muscle attachment in apes with a large jaw. So its jaw size, not gender

    7. I didn't realize Jay already said that

    8. Bill Munns has proven squat (not squatch).

    9. To all but losers like you he did. Jay, Patterson felt these beings were people so for you to insist on some animal explanation shows that's what you want it to be. Sorry but they're not Giganto, Roger came really close to Patty and witnesses like many Indians say the same indeed Ketchum's study scientifically proved it also, but as we know (or some of us know) the press media mainstream science remain under a truth embargo in these matters keeping the facts from becoming official facts. The world view certain people want, that's official.

    10. How do you know they're not Giganto?

    11. Anonymous 2:35, humans ARE animals so of course I'm insisting they're animals. And I haven't been pushing the Gigantopithecus theory, I have an open mind and I actually don't put as much stock in that theory as I did a while ago. Please don't try to put words in my mouth.

    12. Um, guys--there is no such ting as Bigfoot.

    13. Except for the one Travis saw.

    14. And the one that taterholed you but you don't talk about.

    15. I'm putting words into your mouth Jay, because you're evidently too stupid to say it yourself. Cut the animal crap you know exactly what we mean, that Sasquatches are human primates - not non-human apes.

    16. 3:06, because they speak and look human and act determined not by instinct.

  8. A better use of the grain and blurriness is to claim her mouth moves or that she is menstruating. I can see a tampon string....

    1. there is a lip reader who has transcribed what she was will be in the next quarterly issue of Ketchums DeNovo), which is due out Monday, unless the editor refuses to print it.

    2. Can't wait. Bet he she is saying "Pwned! I'm a guy in a suit..."

    3. The lawyers are currently deciding whether the next issue is safe to publish. It just may be too mind-blowing to release and Melba may have to take over another magazine and rename it.

      Hilights is currently being considered.

    4. no. Pwned... Get it right

    5. Prawned makes no sense. It's PWNED! Get it right

    6. Just leave me your name, address, phone #, email, social security # ,and 3 major credit card #'s and I'll be glad to explain where PWNED came from

  9. there once was a footer named Mac
    whose cabin was under attack
    he thought it was Patty
    but he really was batty
    it was simply a hoaxer named Jack

    1. roses are red
      violets are blue

    2. There was a bigfoot named Patty
      Who was part of a hoax
      Created by a Charlatan
      It was a money making scheme

    3. What a moving poem. So true. I cried.

    4. No it wasn't, BFE. It was darn poor.

    5. I've always thought of limericks as retarded poetry made up by the simple minded.

    6. Hey 2:54, that doesn't rhyme.

  10. Patty has some serious chicken legs for a beast her size.

    1. P.W.Ned here,please refrain from using my name.

    2. Actually her legs are huge look again you bafoon

    3. Lol..Looks like a pair of pants...

    4. Yea hairy pants with huge calves maybe.

      its hard to tell if you people are genuinely retarded or just trying to poke fun but either way its really sad to be you.

    5. We're genuinely retarded.

    6. Patty's legs are actually quite thick much thicker than our legs. 11:35, it's sad yes but it's just the dimwitted local BFE trolls they run this blog and literally run with it. Most people out there are smarter and moved beyond the contradictory lies that actually underline the organized ridicule factor these morons are orchestrating. I 'll tell you something, bet they're atheists or think they are yet here for some task - organized - on a holy mission just like organized religion. Can't you just almost smell the hypocrisy.

    7. Somebody help me out- this PAWNED/PRAWNED guy just isn't getting it

    8. And a gold medal for spot-on theory.

  11. This is very good evidence!! I'd say that thing is a bigfoot.

    1. I do believe you are right.

    2. If by 'bigfoot' you mean the mythical beast that only exists as a hoax or misidentification, then you are both right!

    3. Thousands of misidentifications for centuries? LOL They'll say the same excuse about UFOs yet they're real too. Same old ridicule factor so here's a good tip; whenever you read that nonsense of hoaxes or misidentification you can pretty much guarantee it's not but powers that be in whitewashing denying action mode.

  12. Compelling Evidence (for a hoax): Diaper Ass

    1. Well, take it off then asshole ! Or better yet, go watch MK's proof showing the diaper's only on your own head.

    2. Oh,you so smart.Me wants to be your bff.

    3. MK Davis is a serial hoaxing jackass. Why do you believe anything that he says regarding bigfoot?

    4. Simply because we can discriminate between his subject matter.

      PGF = Compelling, remarkable footage. Yet to be debunked almost 50 years on.

      Mike Sells VHS = Junk. Nothing more.


    5. Only to assholes like you.

  13. "Yes, thank you for your time." at 3:25:00 is in the lead tonight.
    We might have a winner, friends

  14. I don't know what to make of this latest PG film breakdown. I'm too distracted by the lame idiots tardin up the area with their skep(tit) banter. They don't even make sense. It's obvious to them they don't have to. That's just the ugliness that comes from typing when your brain is melting. Congratulations guys, you made it.

    P.S - Don't worry, they'll be gone sometime in August.

    1. Are you referring to the Sykes study?

      If his study shows no sasquatch whatsoever, are you going to, likewise, give up belief in bigfoot?

    2. Hell no, that just unnderlines even further it's no damn wood ape we're chasing. Are you then giving up?


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