Listen to Brian Gosselin's convincing Bigfoot encounter in 1976 as a policeman

Here's David Hall's exclusive video interview with Brian Gosselin. Brian was an officer for the Whitehall Police Department in 1976 when he had his life-changing Bigfoot encounter. It was an encounter that still gives him goosebumps just talking about it -- 37 years later.


  1. Replies
    1. Dedicate this one to our good friends Ken and Rushfer.

      This place just not the same without you guys.


    2. Great find Shawn. Now we need an exclusive interview with the hula hoop girl

      Mmmmm K

  2. Stan Johnson claims to be one such "contactee." Stan says he first met the 7-foot-tall wild man when he was a boy near his home in the Ozarks. Every day after school, Stan says he would meet the Sasquatch in the woods and talk with him. Since then, he's had several other encounters and believes the creature comes from another dimension. Johnson's is a strange, strange story.

  3. Well, That account tha x-policeman had is about all the proof one should need. There is a unknown ape/man like creature that is roaming the USA and its smart and rare.

    If you don't believe this, well you are beyond help.

    1. i grew up not far from this place and remember this sighting reported in our local paper. most people just assumed someone was messing around.

      not shooting the creature was probably the luckiest thing officer gosselin ever did.

    2. It was a real animal called bigfoot!! No body in their right mind would run around in an ape suit at night when hillbillies with gus are out cooning!!

      You Idiot!!

    3. Your right on with that!! You would have to be a complete idiot to go out in the woods and fields dressed like a monster when the white man is out with his guns. White folk shoot first and ask later. Its manifest destiney to them ..all through the USA founding fathers ...shoot and take..shoot and take...pray to god..then shoot and take..

      Most average inteligence folks don't go out and dress as man monkey and get kilt!! Look what happened to that one white boy that did cross the road in a bigfoot suit and got kilt!! He am a rare expectation to the white man.

    4. hell yeah, dubber bob, an' thems been taken my rhubarb too.

  4. In 1921 a Neanderthal skull was discovered 60 feet below ground in Rhodesia that produced a strange mystery. Upon examination it appeared that the skull had been pierced by a high velocity projectile similar to a bullet in the left temple area. Tests have shown that the injury must have indeed occurred at the moment of death and not from a stray bullet years afterwards.

    This means that whoever fired the fatal bullet must have done it thousands of years ago. According to author, Rene Noorbergen: "A German forensic authority from Berlin has positively stated that the cranial damage to Rhodesian man's skull could not have been caused by anything but a bullet." The rounded entry point of the wound also testifies to the great speed at which the projectile would have had to have been traveling.

    1. neanderthal was not in africa and certainly not as far down as present day rhodesia.

    2. Believes the currently accepted scientific paradigm is the correct one. No new discoveries will ever be made because he already knows it all.

    3. a neanderthal skull was never found 60ft. below ground in south central africa. ever. didn't happen. that has nothing to do with scientific paradigms or whether someone knows it all. science is a process not a jules verne novel. apparently there is lots of trouble distinguishing between the two.

    4. Science will continue to ignore out of place artifacts as they don't fit with their preconceived notions, and have no explanations for them.

    5. very true, however that has nothing to do with the wingnut conjecture on this thread.

  5. The serpent mound of Adams County, Ohio, contained the bones of giants over eight feet tall in the early 1800s. Thousands of years ago, the Ohio Valley was inhabited by a race of giants. In 1846, Joseph Henry, first secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, estimated that in Ohio alone, there were over 10,000 burial mounds. Unfortunately, the early pioneers destroyed most of them.

    But at least one burial mound has been reconstructed in Adams County, Ohio. It stretches across the meadow in the form of a serpent ­ perhaps identifying the god of this ancient race of giants. In the nineteenth century, several published accounts of excavations verified that many of the giants were over eight feet and some nine feet tall and each had a double row of teeth.

    In 1883, an article appeared in the journal, Scientific American, in which a reporter asked an aged Indian what his people knew of these ancient graveyards. He answered: "Me know nothing about them. They were here before the red man."

    In 1872, the Historical Collections of Noble County Ohio (p. 350,351), a mound was uncovered, in which were found "the remains of three skeletons whose size would indicate they measured in life at least eight feet in height. The remarkable feature of these remains was they had double teeth in front as well as in back of mouth and in both upper and lower jaws. Upon exposure to the atmosphere the skeletons crumbled back to mother earth."

    1. no "giants" have ever been recovered. what remains that have been recovered of the mound building cultures were within the logical demensions of a homo sapien. these so-called accounts reveal more about the story telling processes of a culture than what the story is actually about. years pass and people just make stuff up and who's to say whether or not its true.

  6. "There were giants in the earth in those days."

    - Genesis 6:4

    And not just in those days:

    In 1884, a skeleton 7 feet 6 inches long was found in a massive stone structure likened to a "temple chamber" in a mound in Kanawha County, West Virginia.

    In 1925, amateurs excavating an Indian mound at Walkerton, Indiana, uncovered the skeletons of eight ancient humans measuring from eight to almost nine feet in height. All eight had been buried in “substantial copper armor.”

    The Lovelock Reviewer-Miner reported in June of 1931 that two large skeletons were found in the Humboldt lake bed near Lovelock, Nevada. The first of these found measured 8 1/2 feet tall and appeared to have been wrapped in a gum-covered fabric similar to "the Egyptian manner."

    The San Diego Union (August 1947) reported that F. Bruce Russell, a retired Ohio physician, had discovered a caves underneath Death Valley containing the mummified remains of men 8-9 feet tall, clothed in gray material "taken from an animal unknown today" accompanied by hieroglyphics and depictions of prehistoric animals.

    1. Do you have any theories about these giants?

    2. Yes, I think they are relics. Some survived the Ice age , crossed the land bridge. The native americas pass down stories of these races that were here first. They are a kind of cave man. These creatures are rare and smart.

      Homo heidelbergensis is still alive. some populations of Heidelbergensis were "giants" routinely over 2.13 m (7 ft) tall.

      A reconstruction of 27 complete human limb bones found in Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) has helped to determine the height of H. heidelbergensis compared to Homo neanderthalensis, the conclusion was that most H. heidelbergensis averaged about 170 cm (5ft 7in) in height and were only slightly taller than neanderthals.

      It is what it is. Fly over the pacific can go over vast areas where no man moder man is living for miles and miles. In these vast remote areas tribes are moving around undiscovered.

    3. I think bigfoots are most likely aliens were they not then we'd had them by now ape or hominin a long time ago.

  7. This story has been on Monster Quest and other documentaries over the years. It is nice to see an indepth interview giving a more accurate description of the events. I have personally for my own benefit interviewed people who have seen one so close that could not be mistaken for anything but a bigfoot and when you detect the tremble and shakiness of the voice, even years later, you know the event is true.

    1. How come there's no pictures of the Bigfoot that was just killed in Ontario Canada I just seen them its amazing nobody now about this

    2. We would like to have someone buy the property that would take care of the 'Big Guys' (we have the little ones around here too) and treat them with respect. Absolutely NO HUNTING will be permitted of them, and this will be reflected in the sales contract!! We do not want these Big Guys harmed in any way - no setting traps, or anything else that would harm them will be permitted either. If you want to set up trail cameras after the purchase of the property - that's fine. They don't like them though, and you may get some bangs on the house because of it - which is what happened when we put them up. If you would like more details or pictures-please email me at:

    3. How come there's no pictures of the Bigfoot that was just killed in Ontario Canada I just seen them its amazing nobody now about this

    4. Hey there, i just seen the same dead Bigfoot on a small Canadian local news show on the Internet, it was crazy, this should blow up the Bigfoot community I can't wait to see more.

    5. Solutreans, Clovis, And Ancient American Giants

      These creatures are still alive. Very large relics in the USA and Canada.

    6. I think this is a different cop and story than the one from the Whitehall "Monsterquest" episode. I recall that officer took a lie detector test and the encounter was more recent....


    8. Haha very funny wiseguy.

    9. There was another Whitehall policeman who, along with his partner, witnessed a creature crossing the road in front of his car in the early 80's. He's the one who took the lie detector test on the Monsterquest episode--he passed it, as did two other Whitehall area civilian witnesses. That makes a total of 7 different police officers from various agencies since 1976. I would say that's pretty credible.

  8. Reconstruction of Heidelberg Man compared with the so-called "Iceman." The first drawing has the hair combed upwards and held up by a crude dressing, something which was done by primitives more recently.
    If the modern ones we call Bigfoot still do this, that could account for any sort of weird head shape the witnesses might be reporting

  9. American Cromagnons, Archaics and Hopewell Moundbuilders

    fantastic accounts of ancient battles -- between 'white' warriors and 'red' savages --

    Many came to believe that the 'savages' who were then residing in these areas could not have built the mounds. Instead, they were believed to have been the work of a civilised ancient people -- a 'lost race' -- that had been exterminated or had died out sometime during antiquity. This theory had many adherents, and soon a variety of different peoples were claimed to have built the mounds --Egyptians. Phoenicians, Canaanites, Hebrews, Toltecs, Hindus. Vikings, Celts, and Romans among them. Indeed, everyone seemed to have had a hand in mound construction except the Native Americans themselves.
    One of the earliest and most vociferous proponents of the 'lost race' theory was the antiquarian and author Benjamin Smith Barton.

    1. this is a great example of the arrogant euro/white centric disrespect heaped upon the native american. the creators of the mounds and other structures were the ancestors of the people standing right in front of these white "theorists". the europeans couldn't bring themselves to give credit to the indian for past achievements. by keeping them in "savage" status they be able to justify the slaughter and theft that would follow. by the time the euro appeared the mississippian and mound building cultures had already collapsed. large groups of people from sophisticated agricultural societies had reverted to hunter/gathering groups. it was a vagary of timing, not an ultimate definition of the native americans character or ability. the short sighted and myopic european decided that some mystical, missing entity must have been responsible for all the impressive ruins. before you cite these long dead antiquarian theorists remember they were slaves to the europeans self-concept of greatness and not willing to ascribe it to anyone but a race of giants or their own ancestors.

  10. The red man came -
    The roaming hunter tribes, warlike
    and fierce,
    And the mound-builders vanished
    the earth.

  11. the New World was colonized by the descendants of six women who lived 20000 years ago-which presumes them all to have come over the Bering Land Bridge. If those six women are meant to include the mt DNA lineages A and X then the theory already has problems (Some of the other mtDNA lineages are not known to go back as far as 20000 years ago.) in this case it is well to note that the Q line represents one section of related males that intermarried with (here it says) six distinct and diverse female lineages to produce the Native Americans: the same thing is true of the Europeans (Probably to a lesser extent)

  12. The bones belong to the people, the giants. They lived 25,000 years ago in the mountains of the Borjomi. Scientists argue that the growth of human giant could be from 2.5 to 3 meters. Academic Abesalom Vekua believes that the finding could be a sensation, as in the scientific community has long debated topic related to the giants who inhabited certain areas of Eurasia thousands of years ago. Abesalom Vekua, Academician of Georgian Academy of Sciences says: "Pay attention to thigh-bone, it differs from the bones of modern man of his size and thickness. The skull is also much larger. These people have lived and evolved in isolation from the rest of civilization, and therefore different growth. In literature they are referred to as giants, but documentary evidence of this hypothesis did not exist still. Thus, we stand on the threshold of sensation. But this will be preceded by hard work."

  13. Aboriginal Northwest European subraces (The descendants of the first peoples to settle in northwest Europe, who retreated to refuge areas in southern France and northern Spain during the Last Glacial Maximum of 20,000-15,000 years ago [18,000-13,000 B.C.], and then re-expanded northward along the coasts of the Atlantic and the North Sea during the final phase of the Upper Paleolithic period circa 15,000-10,000 years ago [13,000-8,000 B.C.])

  14. My original conjecture was that the giants are European descended from the era of the Bronze Age (2400 BC to 1159BC) when it was possible for tribal groups to ship into the Americas. I also made the conjecture that the the tribe was likely a hybrid species formed from European humanity and the Neanderthals.

  15. The Foawr of Manx tradition, initially a local variant of the Fomorians, are stone-throwing giants. See also Alexander H. Krappe, Balor with the Evil Eye (New York, 1927).

  16. Did u see the look on the guy and his wifes face when they came in the garage to see the Bigfoot that was pricless, it looked like the lady was going to fall over in shock

  17. Replies
    1. If thats fake its damn good!! Jeeze!!

    2. what the hell are you talking about?

  18. Neanderthal Skull Reported From Kansas in 1902

    Curator of Kansas City Museum Likens Local Find of a Giant Skull to Neanderthal

    The Long Looked For
    Proof That North America Was Inhabited By Man During the Great Ice
    Period Will Be Furnished It Is Believed, By This Find

    The public museum of
    Kansas City is to be enriched by the addition of the skull and other
    fragmentary bones of a prehistoric men that were found a few days ago
    deep in a hillside of a Kansas farm ar a point about two miles in a
    northeasterly direction from Lansing, says the Kansas City Star. The
    skull and other bones and their geological environment indicate the
    skeleton to have been that of a primitive man of the glacial or great
    ice period centuries ago.

  19. San Antonio Light, September 19, 1932

    Huge Skeletons of Indians Found

    STOCKTON, Calif., Sept 24- Three skeletons, one seven feet long have been uncovered by Harry T. Sanford, college of the Pacific archaeologist, and crew of men engaged in excavating an Indian burial mound near Garwood Ferry bridge. They are believed to be the largest Indian skeletons ever unearthed in California.

  20. Washington Post, Sept. 16, 1944

    Major Finds Grave of Giant Aleutian

    An advanced Aleutian Base (U.P.) Site of a strange burial of a prehistoric giant was discovered on an Aleutian Island recently by Major. E. E. Chittenden, Kearney Neb. The ancient Aleut, who had been at least 7 feet tall, has been buried on a low ridge overlooking the ocean, and in the same shallow grave with him were the skeletons of five women, placed to form a geometrical pattern.

    Major Chittenden found the burial site while excavations for a military installation were being made, and he states the six skeletons had been placed with their heads together, so that trunk and leg bones extended outward like the spokes of a wheel.In the unusual grave were carved ivory ornaments and weapons made of polished slate.

  21. You will find your bigfoot here (need $$$ and lots of time not "finding bigfoot" way with 3 idiots and 1 night with horns and bacon)

    The Pacific temperate rain forests ecoregion of North America is the largest temperate rain forest ecoregion on the planet as defined by the World Wildlife Fund (other definitions exist). The Pacific temperate rain forests lie along the western side of the Pacific Coast Ranges along the Pacific Northwest Coast of North America from the Prince William Sound in Alaska through the British Columbia Coast to Northern California, and are part of the Nearctic ecozone, as also defined by the World Wildlife Fund. The Pacific temperate rain forests are characterized by a high amount of rainfall, in some areas more than 300 cm (120 inches) per year and moderate temperatures in both the summer and winter months (between 10-24°C).

    hundreds of miles of areas where very small groups of roaming bigfoot live.

  22. You'd need at least a dozen or more teams of people placed in The Pacific temperate rain forests. All teams in contact working their way toward areas so as to cover as much ground as possible ..with contact to FLIR aircraft and enough supplies to last a year.

    Stll these creatures might escape and evade.

  23. Remember ! "'Hermit' nabbed after 27 years — and 1,000 burglaries — in woods of Maine "

    That right there shows that a smal tribe of bigfoot hiding from man is real!!

  24. Wow,loved the comments today.I admire the first responders and believe this man and respect the comments of all involved.Some one here knows a lot about large bones and burial places.Hadn't heard about a body of a creature found in Canada A.?

  25. Just read a article in our local town grand Marie MN about the sasqwatch killed north of us I'm driving up this weekend with some friends to see it can't wait the pictures are awsome, we might have to take some time of work

  26. If you have room we were going to do the same thing we live just down the road 2 hours away dulth mn, or while travel with u it's a long drive 9 to 12 hour.

  27. There are no bigfoot in Whitehill NY. There was a lot of bad acid going around the area in 1976 though.

    Brian Gosselin was either tripping balls or he's a lying cunt.

  28. A cop sees a "bigfoot" and doesnt shoot it? BS

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